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ir : S <br /> :. , <br /> .:s.. .,-: . .:�- ;. . _, �. - _ - ,.� - -- <br /> . .. _•. . � _ - ' '� ' '.g t _ <br /> '��. - _ : . . _ - `. -._. . .. . _ — . _ _ <br /> .. ._. - . .. _ _ .._ _ _ _ . _... ._ <br /> _ .. . � .-, e . <br /> ,.. , ,, . . .- . . • � 93����'� <br /> � ,,, • <br /> cond�mnttlono�aher�atcingofuryponotthoProyeny,prforcnnvaytncpiniteuofcondemga� ta y an0 <br /> shtll De paid tp Lender. . <br /> _ _ _ <br /> iri ttid av[nt oi a to1a1 t�k(ng bf Iha Pm rt ,flw "io6udi eTiu(t bo. �pltec�tQ mu tu��b2ZUtzd`u uii:�wun�r . �—° -- <br /> tnawm6n� wheihc�or not then duo,with any o ar,sa pal�a Bortower. tn Gie ivrnt ot n parliel taking ot�hep�pp�y,ln ` <br /> �ts�Ua Fdr mukbt Y41Ge o/u�e Pro�ny linms4tsuly L�efots the taking Is eq��l to nr' �e�sr�har��6o emount of tfid ewu <br /> cecutld 6y�hU 8aurity Instrument ImmWlataiy beforo tha toking,unlca�Borrowot an�l.endcr oqxrivim dg�ce in wd�ibg, <br /> the�wna eaurcA Dy thii Becudry Inapument ehall bo rcduced 6y the amount of the prooeeda muttlp11a1 by iho,foUo,wing <br /> Gast(on: (e)the tp�el emounl oi�lro sum��eeurod ImmMietetq be[oro ihe leking,dlvlded by(b)IAO(air hwkot va1R8 o11M �' <br /> — Propeny Immediatcly beforo ttw taking. My balance chell bo pdd ro BortO�ver. In the event of a p�llal toking o(lho <br /> _ Propnty in which the felr market veiue ot tha Propeny tmmedietely betoro the taMLig b lese[hm tdo amaunt ot�ia sum� ____ __ _ <br /> «wrcd immedietety beforo the taking,unlau Bo�rowor and Lender oehernlae agreo in writing or unleu applleable taw <br /> — otheiwlse providea,tho praocedf ehall be epplled to the cum�securcd by�hU 8ecudry Inatrument whNher or no�tho suma ero <br /> then due. <br /> — '^�" If the Property la ebandoned by Borrower,or It,afler notice by I.ender to Bortower that ehe condemnor offon to make <br /> ----- en sward or se�tle e cleim for dnmagee,Borto�ver felis ro rcapond to(.endu wkhin 30 daye efter�ho dero the naico la givon. <br />-- - Lander 1+aulhodud to collea md epply�he proacda,nt iu opflon,eftAer ro rutofliion or rcpdr of the Property or W the _ _ _ _ . _ _ <br /> �-�-- �� eums�xurcd by thb Secudty Nspument,whether or not then dua <br /> -e:�cc=rai Unlose Lender end Borrower othenvlae agrce N writtng,eny appllcatlon oP praceede ro pdndpal shell not exrond or <br /> �-{�� postpone tha due da�e of the monthly payments rcferted ro in paragrnphe 1 end 2 or chenge the amount of�uch paymenu. <br /> 11. Bovower Not Aeleaud; ForCwrnnce Br Lender Not a Wa�ver. Bxeeoalon ot�he dme tor payment or <br /> .�� modlflcatlon of amortizatlon of iho wme eecured by th6 Secudty Inatrument granted by Lender to any eucxamr In inrorou <br /> ,��- ot Oorrower ehell not operete�o releese�ha liebllity of�e o�igtnal Bortower or HarrowcrY sucaeaon In Interest.Lender <br /> s^'� �h¢II not bercq uired to commenu proceedinge agdna xny successor fn Nterest ot refuse ro ex�end time for payment or <br /> ��R�r otderwisa modify emorti�arion of the wma securcd 6y thia Secudty Instrument by rcason of any dunand mdo hy the odgtnel ,__...... <br /> f'�457� weiveWOf or prc lude ihe exorc a of any�dgh[or remedy.���bY knder in exercis(ng any right or remedy shall not ba a <br /> ._� r'� s• 12. Successor�and Assigna Uoundt Jolnt and Severe161ebililyi�sl�ere. "[tia eovenama and agreemrn�a of thl� Q„_;..__ <br /> -"`�`:�t�'�' Secudry Insuument shell bind md 6enefit thu mcceawrs nnd avigns of Lender end 9ortower.sub Ject to Ihe proviaiona of __- <br /> w ;.,k:- paregraph l7. Sorrower6 covename and egrecmenu fiell be joim end�everel.Any Bortower who co-siana thli Securlry _ <br /> �y�il;�� Trmtwuent but does not execule the Note. (e)is co•cigning�hie Sceurity Insttument only to mongege,grent end convey Ihat �^' �`._ <br /> x�, :,�• Oorrowerti interest in the Propeny mider�e m`ms of ihta Secudty Inswmenr. @)ia no[personally obUgeied m pay the sums A_ <br /> a , ��` securcd by�his Saudty Imtrumem;and(c)agrcea�at Lender and any other Bortawer may eg[ee ro exlend modtty,for6eer �t+' �_^'- <br />'���=;f�T= '; or meke un eccommodations�vi�h rc erd to the terms of this Securit Instrument or the Noie without thet Eorrowerh t.4.,-,- <br /> ,,�..;J,. c Y 8 Y ��,_-_ <br /> - i,r ��-; conunt. � �- . <br /> y?Farn�ln;; 13. Loen Cherges. If ihe loan securcd hy this Secudty In:trumen[ ia :ubJat ro a law which Ku mulmum loan =, <br /> °:�'�.�.,_; cherge�,md�he�Inw ta 6nally inurprcted xo thet the inlercxt or other loan ehargex collected or ro be colla�ed in cronneetlon �--- :_,� <br /> ��yl- y- with the ioen exceea the pemimed umn�,iiien: eo�xny such lom charge.haif be�aiucul Gy the an:.unt r�..—ssuy ro r.�u�, ..�� ------- <br /> �. ,z�:,; Iho chargc ro the permh�ed IImiC end(b)eny:um�almady collated from Borrower which exceededpe mdned Ilmha will bo �,- <br /> �:''�:�`�`�;,'%.; rcNnded�o Bortowec Lender may choou ro meke thix mfund by rcducing the pdncfpal o�ved under�he No�e or by meking a 4�+:�•�=':- <br /> �;:-,:��.;�i�!��. dtrcc�payment�o Bortowcc If u refimd rcduaa principal.thc rcduciion will Ix uw�cd a u partial prcpaymrnt whhout any ; ';.r�_�� <br /> ��n �y ?i prcpuyment charge under ihe Note. '�i�1 <br /> '� l4. Noticee. Any noiitt�a Rnrtmrer provfACd far in�his Securi�y Inatrumem ahnll be given by delivedng it or by �ti'�"i _..__ <br /> ?"=`;� mailin ii b flrt clar■nmil unlcu o I�cable lu�v rc mrcs u.e of unother method.'Ihe no�ice:hnll be dirceud to�he Propeny �_ ; <br /> u . 8 Y PP. 4 . t ,�' e . <br /> - � -�'• Addrets or uny o�her nddrcsa fiortuwer desigmue+by nalice tu Lender. Any�wlice to Lender xhail be given by Ont claxe � �;4tF*, '+ <br /> -4.' r,'-;;. ma11 to LcndcrY nddrcs+nmced hercin or any o�hcr uddms+Lcndcr dcsibnma by no�ia�a 0ortowcr. Any nmicc provlded for , �;k•��rr_,v '.`':- <br /> 4 -�-��; In ihis Securily inamimem xhdl IH:deemed �u huve becn given to 6artower or Lender when given m provided In thia .?'z,�''� .�i1'4 : <br /> 'icy.: perugreph. � �� <br /> - -i r r� s,- IS. Governing Lew: Severablifty. This Sccurity laitrumem +hnll bc govemed by fede�el I¢w md �he lew of�he ,�a.i `� - <br /> -. ?� �� juriadicHon in which the Propeny is lacuicd. h�the event�hnt uny provisiun or clnuse nf this Securny Ins�mment or tht Norc - � ,: <br /> -. conFlicta wi�h applicuble low,such conllic�+M1ull no�afkct o�her pruvi.ions o(�hi.S�eurity Insuument or�he Note svhicl�can �f -.U rt ' <br /> -b Y be given efket�viihout the rnnllicting pruvisinn. Tii thi.end�he pruvisiun.uf t6i.Secumy Imwment and�he Nate nrc }- yq�. � �-_ <br /> � t- '� dceleredlobcsevcmble. �' i;j� ¢�cr� -. <br /> � : i 16. Borraaer'a Cupy. 6o�rower�hall 6e giren une cunfunned cupy u(�he No�c anJ ot ihi.Sewrity Instmment. _ -�.� s � <br /> ,� �.�i- �y 17. '1}anafer of the Property or e Benel7ciei Inlerext In Oorm�ver. If:di ur any pan n(�he Propeny nr my interes[in - ��.� a ,+: �: <br /> t-+��_ �? it is mld or trensferted(ar if a Mneficial imere�t in Ilormx�cr ia wld nr tnn+(crteJ and 6arto�rer is no1 a naWrel penon) �`r,�i�,s'j��x{ r:. <br /> - ' wiihoue LCndera prior�vrinen cnnsenl.I.ender it�nplinn,rcyuirc�mmeJiale paymeni in PoII u(all sams ucured by t;»f �€�CKjr-: <br /> - �' this Security lnstrument. Ho�Nevee this nption�hall w�he ezercixd by LenJer it exercne i.pmhibi�ed M1y federal law as o( ,�'E,�s��{4v�Ya -; <br />.�;.}�+�,�;?�' �he datc of this Security Inctrummt. t��'-•+ � "�"� <br /> r �- -�. It Lendcr excrcises�his op�ion.LenJcr�6all give 13ommcr noiicc o!aacicra�ion. The no�icc+hall pmvidc n periad of {�1,;, � 'Y�� -. <br /> _�t�,,r?__`. not less Ihan 30 days from Ihe dale Ihe nmitt i.dclirereJ ar mailed e�i�6in�vhir6 f3arro�cer mu.l ry�y:dl,ums securcd by Ihis �J"'.:,,..`_!..�t,..,.' <br />_ ,�.r �.'.:, Security Insirumem. 1(Dortoxcr (ails In pa)����„��., �i�<<.��r:�ri��, af t6i. peri�d. Lcndcr may invoke nnY :;�t�: � r " ' . <br /> - remedies pcmiiticd 6y Ihi�Scturily Irolrumcm�ri16an1 funhcr nolim.rt demand nn 17ortm�cr. -.a.'.• ;r;-;s�,`,��-�'. <br />� �;';;"; 18. Uorra�rer'.s Right la Reinstnfe. II" Ilorta��rr mee�.crnain candi�ian.. Bornmer .hall 6are Ihe righl In hrve ;.i•.-_.�,.. �•..:�,._ <br /> . ��� enfonromem o(�hia Securi�y Lnuumem dixominucJ.n any �im.prior m�h.iJfllii oi. ..0%tIJ)�b!-.uu�OIM1C� Ftiri..3 a.. t`- .:. . <br /> t . . ` . <br /> p � tiinFlrBmJ�- Yonnlr\1ur'ReEditllaal VFUN\IIN7NCNF:\f�-1 mlmm('a�mam. 9.10 trynvJ.ynry�n _ .. <br /> ' ' { <br /> _ � <br /> .. .... :,_'. <br />:. ; . .. .. <br /> .. . ...r. . ✓.-'7-�-ciL'd�- r':.' _ • _ <br /> _._..,.. ... . � _ .. .. _. . _ . '. . . �_ ... ..� . . . . _ _ . <br /> _ 'f:� -' . .. <br /> '=`J": :;`:, _ ',..:- - - <br /> :=ti� � <br /> 1 �. ,�t _ . . _ . _ � <br /> ._n._:�_�.� <br /> = i;i:=;��: „ � .. . - <br /> '"'i'�f.:;L.t(iJ:2-� " <br />_".:'iiS-..:'.: t : � . <br /> ' :�}•,irt:;!, � . - - � <br /> .� <br /> rp <br />.,c. '.?,�!:.`"• _ _ • o , _ _ . . <br /> 5� r _ s - . {. -. - . - . <br /> � , t + <br /> t � y <br /> -. -, .... „ -.- <br /> �t �.,, i� � ._._�! . . . , 1` . -. . - . - , . .. .,= . <br />