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� .�§' . :; . . ... o.- i .- • � . . , �• � y t7 . .� �.. <br /> � '-` — - .�. Al— - _s::- . ..- --� - - <br /> -_ I yy-�C.. J I � . ...—. <br /> ..._ ` �� - . '. �_ . � �.~ 4 `� I '` . - 1.'. ! ...1 . - �W <br /> I , - - n . ' . � '. � _ � . _ ( �� ' i���n' / (1. <br /> appticaEIe lOw may�yalfy Por r{Ina}p�ementj befar0 eatd ot Properlyr punuan�(o enp ppwet ot��Ydlot�Qin thft ,v <br /> �. �- 8ccu1rlty7ntwmenporN).tanyotA3uE�ent�fa[cN$�1t�e�tltY1�flNme�U�1Aos�cmQi(t4n9A3at�A�$QR_o�'oT; (M) , - <br /> �lyi I.cnQa UI�udu�fi]ch inen wbuld Le Que un0et th�s 8aw1ty(nsitumero m6 tne No{o e�u nu ecceten��ort nn� '� ? — <br /> qp�rtyQ;@)cW��anydefaultotpnyq0�crobVcnantsot ents,(q)pay�allexptnac��nw�A sqfo�clAgBJs9au <br /> �-- iriskumEfi,inctudyng,bui nyt tfinitcS[ir�icsain�sGiv'ati �y3'f�3:Nnt tdJ�'.''+es scch tttsY �Y - <br /> � tcqutdi to easut0�hat ih01fW�ot Ihte SeCUrlty in;Wmwit.l.enderti dght�1D Ihe Vtopdtly and BortowEt oDlfgaUon to qy�he � ' <br /> tum� dtaur6d by Ihb Suudry inslnmien nhgll comtnuo unc6anged. Upon rcinstacemsnE by Aorrowcr, thib��ity , <br /> Tnswment lnd Ihe obilgedoniseeurCQ Aero�y ehett rbmeln Polty efiwllve es itno aealefetton had occwYtd. H6weved thf�,_'� <br /> - •�--�• ' tlgAttonlnsletoehaiinata ylntlwsesooCecalere�ionunderparngraphl7. � <br /> p� . ,,. : <br /> -- l9. B�k oi Nd� G6i0�OT Iq�O�!►YItFR 7M Naa or ipartIai tntercst io Q�e Note(toge�her wUA tUts Security. . <br /> Iniwmen�)ma�y b7 co�d one or moro�Imea wilhout dor nodco to Bortower. A�e1e mey result In a change In f�o endey <br /> (known e�the Loen 8ervlc8t�that eollau monU�ly�ieymeme due under tha Note end thl�3eeudry Inswment. Therd etw <br /> may 6e one or more eAangei ot tha Loan Scrviar unceieted to a eata ottha Noca Itthero b a chuigo ot�ho Lou�Setvlcer, <br /> Oorrower Mll be given wrtnen noNce ot the change in aaordence wllh pa�roy b IA nbova end eppUcabla tnw. 7fie notica <br /> will�taro�Ae name and addrcu of tha new I.oan Serviar end the addrea�t which paymenu�hould be mada 7LO notice wpl <br /> �- atso contein aqy othu NfoimaHon requircd by eedlcnbie Uw. _ .._. ...-_ _.. <br /> __ 20. Haiardoua Su6sfances. Bo�rower�fiall not cauao or peimtt�de praence,uu,dlapwal,�tomgo,or ieleese ot eny <br />'"°°�' Ha:ardou�Subsuncra on or in tha Property. Boerower chall na do,nor ailow anyoae elsa to do,anylhing efhcdng the <br /> °= -' Properry th�[ia N vtoletion ot any Enviroamentel I.ew. 'Ria preading two untencee�hell not appty ro tM presenca use,or <br /> °°�'�i ntorege on tha Propeny of small quanNUa of HemMoun Substencaa�het ue genereliy rccogniud ro bo approprlate ro no�mei <br /> �.,.�� rcsidentiel uu�aqd to maimenence ot the P[operty. . <br /> ,��; Borrowu stull promptly give Lender wrltten nolico ot eny investigetlon,elalm,demend law+ult or other ectlon by any <br /> govemmentel or rcguletory agmcy or pdw�e party involving the Property md any Hazardow Substence or Hnvironmental <br /> t f�ft�" Law of which Hortower lw ectual knowiedge. if Hortower leems, or is notlfled by eny govemmenial or ngulatory --- <br /> _,F.,�,�,�•, amhoriry,tM1at nny removal w other remediation of eny Hazerdous SuWtena afkcting�he Propeny fa necesaery,Bortower <br /> ,...F;y�_l��y. chail promqly teke ali neceuary remediel ectioro in aceordance wid�Hnvironmentel Law. <br />��'�}����k�;' Environmrnral Lew u�id B oPfollowi g�M�iancea�gowline,�ke ouno.bother Ilammabla or�zic pet�olWm p6rodu u,�ioxic <br /> �;:,e:,.-�t: <br />-._`-;�: �:,,,,, pesticidea end herbicidea,volalile solvenu,matedala conteining aa6eatos or Portnaldehyde,end redioauivo matulal�. Ai <br />���'��;:;x; used in�hta peragreph 20,"Fnvirommemel Law"mean+hdewl lawa end lew�of the Judsdictlon whero�he Property ia located <br /> -�;_��{y�E:S thet relarc ro health,adety orenvironmentel pro�cetion. <br />�•:{;r,�:y���� NON•tJNIFORM COVIiNANTS. Oortower and Lender Ponher covenent and agree a+follows: <br />�-:iy�w�rk;,{:; 31. Acceleratlont Remedies. Lender ehell give notice to Rorrower prlor to acceleration foltowing Borrower'� <br /> ��- -:�`.�-;; breach ot eny covenmt or egreement in Ihu Saurlty Instrument(6ut not prior to ecceierollon under pam�aph l7 <br />'���`��rt;%i:ti;� unlas eppliceble lew providta otherwtse). The notice�hall epecity: (e)Ihe detaulq(b)Ihe actlon required to cura the <br />'::`��?.; � detaults(c)u duta riot les+Ihan 30 deye hom tha dato the notice la given ro Borrower,by whlch the default must ba <br /> �*- �� turedt and(d)thet fallurc tocure th�Eefeuil on or before I�e Uate�pecinM In 1��notia may reauiNn ecaieneion of °°""�-- --- --�----- <br /> '}" �'^�� Ihe eums secured by Ihlx Saurity Instrument und sute ot Ihe Properly. The notice shnil Nrlher Inform BorroNer of <br /><'>yb,Li�i"s.��i Ihe riglu ro rein�tate nRer ecceleration end Ihe right la bring a wurl actlon to asserl lhe nomexlctence ot e deteu8 or ---� <br /> ' -'+j!;' eny other dehnae of Bo�m�rer m¢cceleratlon end aale. If Ihe defeull ie not cured an or before the date cpecilied In =___ <br /> .r��'t?-�• lhe notice,l.ender nt Ib optlan mey require Immediete puymmt In NII of all suma securcd by ihla Security Instrument �"' <br /> ._,,� „ '' �vlihaut Nrther demand and may Inruke the poirer of sele end enp other remedle�permltted by applicnble lea. �.'.�-�� --_ <br /> , £° --:; Lender shell be eN�fltd to mliect eIl expense� Incurred In pursuing Ihe remedles prov�ded in thb paregreph 21, -y�rt.t --- - <br /> < ^iM-�f Including,butnotilmitedto,reasonableatlorneyn'heaandcostsat11t1eevidence. `_ E":� ' -- <br />--'�'�"�"-y` tt the o�rer of mle l+Invoked,7}u+tee shall rxord e notice of defeult in eech couM fn ahich an art of the r;,: r <br /> 2;r�� -" Property Ia localed end a6all mall mpiea of such notice In the manner preacribed by appitceble ta�r to Borro y{er and to f���� '�`3. <br /> s� +t _� the other persons preacribed by appliceble le�v. ARer the tlme requlred 6y eppticeble law,7Yustee aM1all glre publle t, -,�.�,, i, ,._ <br /> fe.� .� hell sell he Prapertyeat publi aiuclioo o the hlghest bidderymthe t�ime and p ace end uoder the erm+dealgnaed In `'� y�bx�`�t ='�. <br /> ' �t- ��:� the notice of sole in one or more arcds nnd In en order Trustee determinea. 7Yustee ma ne seie of ell or an >ui y - <br /> � <br /> �?t's�'Y�,` partel n!Ihe Properly by publfc nnnouncement nt Ihe time end plece oixny prevlously�hedu e�d sele. Lender or Il.ri ��;;?�k�,�' - <br /> ;! ....,;' designee may purchsse 16e Properfr et any wle. 5 t{s`.� ��'rr��yn.... <br /> :���,`- 1{ Property.�The rcetials in he 7Yu feeesPdeed shxll be prime Sac e evidence of Ihe Iruth af he sleteme U mede Iherefne 'G'i7;+-,.�tE`,� ^;. <br /> `-�q��� 'l}ustee shall apply Ihe proceedx of the wle In the fnllmrinR urder: fa)to ulI cuats end ezpenses of exeretsing the power - }�;�ay���F,f ftr��-_ <br /> . 4 [ J: u � ',� Y'' � <br /> rt 1 �i � <br /> d,� i �.i�l+'. y��r •. <br /> � `�� �\7- <br /> t.--, -i;. f.<� � �Yd ,. <br /> ...:i:,:°ec[ - ,;. -:`i1`"�:3`'.- <br /> 1 ' 4�c t <br /> ( S Vt >�' Z�'. <br /> .V� i'. <br /> -� i:1-.'.5.. - <br /> [ _�li�.�o:. <br /> lY L 1�t{�l 1 <br /> Fbrm W211 v.90 �p�u:.qnNe�o <br /> _'(�,� ��'i�" ',.��>.'�r <br /> `�'� '4;- <br /> _ ��i' � . <br /> � ' ' . <br /> .�� . . --._.�.�_�_._T.�.... .___" "_. _ "" ." .. .- .- .�--::,..r�cnq_mrac—ea--..--a_�..-....;-.-a��.�v:r�o.• . " _ <br /> .F�� <br /> �:fr <br /> i%l•j.�-�.�_i ' ... .. . . . <br /> _ `; . <br /> __ ��.4:' - " _ . <br />. '��'1:'.'_ � � .. ' <br /> `___ i- . <br /> !.�+:`;a,t.'i;' • • ' <br /> .y.�..._ (''_.,..' , . <br /> �:..i:�:i:;.-- _ . . . <br /> t�Y �.ji� i - -- .. . - <br /> � ' <br /> t ' <br /> � r` <br /> yt // . ♦.� <br /> S f�C �?�� t . . � .. <br /> , <br /> � ) � � <br /> ' � . ' . -. . . . . <br /> 1� 'f� ,. ' - . <br /> ,�. , <br /> , .,� , <br /> � , . : . <br /> - ,� .: <br />