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• l. r . • .. _._._ . . . .. 5 � 1 �:f ' <br /> _f.l + : . .°.., � <br /> � .� <br />--___. _ . . _: _ _ . . - _ . ------------ ,. -_ <br /> - - - -, - - <br /> - ., r� . <br /> -- . ' .. . .. . . . ' `$�"' �.Q�►'� ,r : <br /> pedode�Aat 9.endo►rcqulra, 71io inmmncewrter provld�p the Wpronoe�6a116e cnos2n b�yBarowerwbled to t,s�We►! : <br /> _ . —� e�ppruval tvT�icA�hoU not Do unreaaonabty wlthAeld, ItHOtt6wa:fait�to mAinlain ooverY¢e dda'cAbed�66ve,Leadsi_mey.St, :! _,_ _ <br /> lknd¢rbop�lon,ob�alncovenBetoprouctiLenaeridgl�teln0eprooeRylnd�rQancewlf�pptograyh7 �, <br /> A111nautance polloloa andronoweL�hdl De�aeptaDlo tb LeMar und ehal Inctude n ntmQerd mongega Cleuee( L6nde� . <br /> ---`� � fiatt hsro iho dgLt to hold 0e potkfe�end Rnewat�, If L.ciidvr iarybo6,Bor�oWir ihetlyromyt(j givo to LonJsi u1F�wc�yii <br /> -- oP pald prcmluro�end rcnowal noHaa. In Ao event ot tos�,�ortower nh+1i gfvo promp ni otieo to tho Insurence nrtle�and <br /> Lmdcr. Londumaymakeproofdtlaultnotmadeprompflyby RortOwxr. ' .. <br /> � Unleas Leader end Oortoaer othernlu agrce in writing,Insumico prxeeda�hei1 bo apptled to rutom+lon or rcpalr of <br /> �� � tM ny domegcG,If ttw rcntomUon or repalr li econantcally tcast6la end Lenderb ucwfty !i not lessened. It lha •-- -- <br /> � rcerorat on or mpalr b no[eoonomieeily feuibio or LenduY seariry xroutd bo IaseneA,tho laawenoe prooeeds she11 be <br /> app1IeQ lo tne�um��ecurcd by thf�Security Inatrumont,whether or no�then duo,with my oxaes pald to Bortuwu. tf <br /> Sor7ower abandom Ihe Property.or doe� mt eiuwer wt�hin 30 days e noUce from Lender that tAa Insurenoe carrler hs� <br /> oftercd�o eettle a clalm,then Lender may copa[�he inauranco pmoeeda. Lendu may uu�he proccedi to repetr or rattoro <br /> —� �he Pro�rty or ro pay wme eecureA by thfs Secudty laawmmt,wheiher or not then duo. 7Le 30�day perlod wll begin when <br />-- `—° �he not co le ven. <br /> _ -- <br /> "`v-- Unteu der nnd Bortower oqwhviee agrce in wddng, any ep 1lcetlon ot procced�ro princlpnl chall nat eatend or - <br /> - - <br /> ___ __ postpone the due daro ot the monehly paymenu rcterted ro In pxngrep e 1 and 2 or change the emount of the ps enta. lf <br />-=-� under paregwph 21 the Pcopmty ia ucquired by Lender.BortowuY dtsht to any irmurence policies end p�rcaulting <br />"-'__y from damage ro the Property pdor ro�he acquuiHon shall pus to Lender io the extent ot�he wma secured by thle Sceurtry <br />:,..zf;� Insaument immedietely prior�o the ncqulatdoa <br />�_"�i'�� 6. Occupancy, Preservatton, Malntenena end Protection ot tha Properiyt Borrowu4 Loan AppUcaflon� <br />:=h;��r7� t.easeholda. Bortower�hell occupy,estebA�h,and use the Propeny ei Bortowub prUwipul rssidence whhin elxry daya eftu <br /> .�.,,,4;�� the axecuHon of thla Secu�ity inebument end�hell contlnue io oaupy the Ptoperty aa Hortowerti pdneipal reaidenca tor at _ _ _ <br />;�_`;,.��.z.;�� leaat one year after �he d�ro of occupancy, unlw L.ender mhenWse egreen in wrlting, whtoh conunt thall not 6e `-- <br /> _;�;k��l,: unreasonably wi�hheld,or unles+extenua�in6 circums�encea exiet which ue 6eyond Borrowuk conaopl.e Bortowm�hall no[ <br />�� ;��'''�'�'i be in det ult if an�fodeirture aet oPn or'�roaedine,whPether eiv 1 or eriminal,cta bet un thet in �LendPerl o�od feith udr mant <br /> e <br /> ==-':�'j�,. could «sutt in fodaiturc of�ho Aroperty or oth8ervrise mater[ally impatr the lien created by�hie Seeudty irowment ar <br />��''Sn�.syi Lenderl securiry inroreac Bo�rower ma eum wch e d¢favit md rcins�ate,as provlded in paragreph I6,by causing tlw action <br />:.E1':xr ., <br /> .��_�i��:,. or proceeding�o be dismiased whh a m ing�hat,in Lenderk good fei�h daertninatlon,prccludea forfeitum ot�he Hortower§ - <br />�.�i,gy�;?# inrerost in 1he Propeny or o�er meterial impairmrnt of�he Ilen created by thi�Securiry(nsaument or i.enderY security --� <br />;�,}..lx;�„ intercst. Bortower shnll e4so be in de[flult if Bofrowea dudng the loan eppliution proew, geve meteAdly false or <br /> -'��'�t�:�., inaccum�e info�metion or sta�emenu ro Lender(or feiled to provide Lender wi[h eny metedellntortneNon)in connec�lon with -- <br />�j;?�'�;iil� Iha loan evidenced by the No�e, ineluding, but not Iimited ta,�epresentetlona conaming Dorrowerl occuPancy ot tho _ <br /> ,��41;g; Property a+a principat rcaidena. If this Savdry Inswment is on a Icesehold,Hortower ahall comply with ail the provtalona ��_ <br /> - ef th!lti�t. if M[p±wet erq�!I�a f��I�le�n�he p�npe�y,the lees�eld and�he fes Nde xhnll not marae wleas Lendu evtees �_ _ <br /> �,s -�,- �o the merger in wdqng. - - <br /> "�. : 7. Protedlon of I.endePe RIghW in the Property. If Borrower faile to pedorm �he covenenu and agreemente <br /> � �'r contained in �his Saudry Inswment, or therc is �legel procceding [h�� may signi0wntty affect LenderY right� in tho �� rvr�� <br />- _�y}lr�,± Propeny(auch aa e procceding in benkruptcy,pro6�ie,for condemnoNon or fodefturc or�o enPorce Inw�or rcguleNona).�hen ! ,'?'�l"'� <br /> .-','-,. Lender may do md pay for�vhatever ix neceasnry ro protect the vdue of the Propany and Lenderk dghia in ihe Property. "�'>'-: <br /> ,���� Lenderl actions mny include paying xny sums securcd by a Iicn which hm pdoriry over thia Securily Imtrument,appeaing .w;;u °�.r- <br />.,;:r-_=�:,,; in wun,paying rcamnnble mwmeye'fcex ond entedng on ihe Propeny to mnke rcpain.Al�hou;h Lender mny wke aciion .°'-:;il.,.:•`;��- <br />•!u����--.. underthlxp�mgreph7.Lendcrdaeenothnve�odow. ?i'}=:,,?':f{;:- <br /> < {:�r . <br /> - � Any umount.dixhunced by Lcndcr undcr�hi�pnmgraph 7 shull bccomc edditlonal dcbt nf[iortower seeurcd by ihla '� -•;� ;; <br /> � �° Sccuriry Iastrument. Untese Uortowcr und Lendcr agrce to o�hcr m�m.of paymmt.thcu nmuunu shnll bear intcrcn�from the �; 4 <br />-:�xy,:r;:. ..,r{.y�'y_;;-:E�: <br /> : _./ da�c of disbursemcnt nt ihc Notc mte and ahall be paynble.�vith in�emst,upon noticc from Lender ro Bortowcr rcquca�fng -_ , , <br /> -:,`i.:fi� Paymenc �:5���+;�^tc}g.-_ <br /> - ` �:: B. Mortgage Insurentt. If Lender aqufred mongnge insur�nce u u conditinn of mnking the loan aecurcA by ihis "'�jD' � <br /> 'ts.�' Securit Inswmen4 Bortower shnll u ihe emlums mrcd io mnimain the mon a e insumnce In effect. If,for en -�r<'t'�s �����- <br /> Y P Y a� rcv � s s Y 1, - <br /> ' ��� rceson, the mongage insufanm covemge myuired by Lender I��ex or ceuses to 6e in effecL Borrower shall pay the �� • "- <br /> .�_,;�;;i premiums myuired w obtain covemge subs�amially cyuivnirnt io�he mortgage insurnnce prcvioualy in effat, at a cort ,_ti�;;':.<<. :' <br /> , "t subs�amially equivulen�ro�he cos�ro Borrower o(�he mortFage insurnnce prcviously in eRect.(rom m alrcmete mortgege 1 ?,,{ - : <br /> - insurcr approved by Lender. I(subsiontially eyuivalent mongage insurnnce covemge is not avaiiable.Bortower shall pay ro �..':��;;�r;� <br /> �.. .. <br />�-�, <�f,_�;;: Lender each momh n smn eyuai to one•twelhh ot the yendy mongage inwrence prcmium being paid by Bortorver when ihe -.�fil;;,g±-� <br /> t-._� insurana rnvemge lupsed or cea+ed to be in efkct. Lender o�ill acap6 ute:md rc�ain thexe paymem�az a loss rcxrve in iieu �♦j <br /> .w_ ,�,,�; n(mongage insurance. Lou rcserve paymenls nuy na lonFcr be rcyuircd,at thc oplion of Lender,if mortgage ifuurentt ?� > ���� <br /> - � >�� coverage(in the nmount and for the periai�Iwt Lender requires)provided by un imurcr appmvcA 6y Lender again becoms x �-'--�< <;��--: <br /> "����q�; nvailahle nnd is obmincd.Borrower shall p:ry�hc prcm:am�rcyuired�o maimain mongage insurance in e(kct,or to pmvide a ==�;�'t:� .��� <br />�`-'9'�-��' los.rcttrvc,umil the rcyuirement(or mongagc inwmncc cnd+ in umrdanm�eith any wrinen agrcement betneen 8orto�vcr - ` '= <br /> �'°:1.�' :i andLenderora licablelaw. -~ �-���.r ,�:�`:- <br /> - 9. Inspetlion. Lendcr or it.agcm may makc rca.anahlc emric.u�xm anJ Ihe Propcny. Lender shall •�,'��� � ���'�� <br /> �:'� ..,: . ���.n: . <br /> �. .t.� give Rormwer nmice al ihe iime n(ar prinr In an imprclion y+rcf(��ing rcev+nahle a:mv for Ihr in.peclinn. � - <br /> _ 10. Condemnnlion. "Ihe pmceed:otany a��ard or daim (or Jamagn.Jincl nr mn.eyucniiul,im m�neclion wilh any . <br /> �-;�„�+�.�,. timgkFamdy"'Fannkf6NRtEdleNocCNIF(18\II\\7NC)4:Si-lm1.�m�C.nrnam. b90 'ryi�r!.yn�u�ni 'r.,. •'. <br /> �'--'•. ,nal LYn Mbm ta�Ix ■ ' <br /> `�•.5:;_:i A.�FYr411�i6]YIIIII . ._ <br /> -_."--- <br /> t <br /> :. . : <br /> . . �_ . ,c-+�.c_�-v—_...-�_�-..� __ _ . _ " _ _ <br /> , �+ya . ...... .. . . _._ .._...1f:'-'�u.._=.. ... <br /> _'_L�f_ ._ . <br /> �-..!(�_:.�• . . .. <br /> :-'�;! �,i . . - . <br /> _.����. <br /> � 11f��• ./..� " . <br /> _ .'Y*l.'� • <br /> �'�tyi.i?F{'-r . <br /> .f_..��.:+:.t..,•_� , - <br /> :.3v:':' <br /> > � �? <br /> �} ;{ . . <br /> ,��� aq( . _ <br /> 1F 25. .. . - .. �.. -. . � . <br /> ' <br /> `_ . <br /> -� � . '. '_ . . - <br /> . .-. . . , t .- . . . . <br /> . .�.5 . - _ _ . �_.�. .. � -e. . .. .. . . _ . . . .. . <br />