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.L'ut�dj _ _ P .` . - - . i � G � '��� �� - 'to�(� I�Ji ° e.. <br /> � +t <br /> S � �1 i:' _ i � _ r. _ l 11 it- � -- {�i�'•_qy '� � :�Fl��_ � — . <br /> _ " � . . , _ ' .. ' .__. r J� `y ��f•i��3'G�Y- � � � _ __ __ <br /> caf�emNt)onnidHet��Ringqt�nyputofQtePropeitY.or[o�MnvaY+noafqUeuo[opppe�in�lar�Aral�tpebYuitjrpdrrd, h �'`.F. <br /> dA�tlpp pud to 1,eGdt6 t py. �'octtt�s elwlR F a ted te.Aro aem►tecured 6v thls 8eranllv ` "` <br /> . _ Tt��n4 E'ent ot 9,SOial:fCk1�-,of 11�i�rt�', �f s4 PPI ;: - <br /> fiuwihenR�yher oe nol AKq t�ue,whh any.oxpeW�dd lo rtowq. tn the pvent ot p putiaj lckii�Ot Shbp�dy�N <br /> _ v�Ird��etd�.mu4sivd�faofNeP,[oDerryiinittCeiatslYbP�ro�pt�in�ibequultaor tutAanthanmountbtt(ro��! ` �_f.�� <br /> . _._ _. - <br /> edeulred 6y;thfe Sceudry tniaument immediag�y petpte f he t u�n g�m au uopowsr . L e' e� . ae e8�m wn � <br /> th6 eumt rcA by thle.8eeurlry Instrvmenl`hal be eeQaoed Dy.tAo pmount of`hop�e4slhuitlp1 sQ b�Yrqb(plldw�j <br /> hacNOn: a)the rotel unpuM1t qt�ha ewn+tc�vred�mmWi�tety pptore ttp tnking,.dividcd DY @)41e fd�Yn�7cN vaTNe 9jtEo <br /> Ptopeny ImmWlatuty boforo U�p teking. My b¢Teiide�hell be�+elA to BOnowpr. In�het eVent ot e pe�ttel tiklng or 9q <br /> — `-" P�upeny in whlch�he falr mut2{value o!tM Property ImmcAletdy beforo�h¢taking A!ea tAyi thn aqro�fnt ottRO aJtw • - <br /> - eacu�ea immedi�tely bePore�ha t+k�,unleas 8nerower and I.ender atherw�w agrce in w�itfng or�inks�appiicablb lew . . - - <br /> — aherwlso provldea,tho prooeedr sAa116o epplkA to tha�um�eeeurcd by�hla Saudty Wwment vfiethcrbr not�he sqm�ea <br /> �hen duo. � <br /> It the Property b nbendoaed by Bortowa,or it,attcr noHco by Lender ro Bortowu that�ho cbndemnor'ofton td make <br /> an awerd or senle a cWM[or dunaga,Bortower faila to respond to I.ender whhln 30 d+ya efler tho date the noNco b givetl, <br /> LuMer b au�horir,ed ro oolkct and ayply�ho pracecda,at its op�lon,etther to reatoredon or ttpatr ot tde Propbrty or to the <br /> - sumt secored by thb Sccudty tnsdumrn4 whether or mt then duo. — <br /> Un1en LenQu md Bortower othawlse egree in wridng,enyepplieallon ot proaedn to pdnslpai ehall not extend a <br /> postpona the due date ot tho monthly paymenu rotemd to in ph�1 end 1 or change the nmount ot�uch payments. <br /> 11. Borroecr Not ReteaseA; For6earance 8y I.ende�ot � Waiver. Bxiemton of Ne time forpayment or <br /> modlflcallon ot emoaization ot the sum�eetured by thfa Secudry Instrvmrnt grontcd by Lender ro any euxeuor In Interat <br /> — ot Bortower�hall nM opervro ro ralesse tha 1(�bfliry of the odgfnal Bortower or Sortower6 wauson fn inrcrtat.I.endu <br /> ehell not bereq uind to commence proceedinga against eny�uxwor in tntuat or rctusa ro extend tlme for paymcnt or <br /> _ �— othuwise modify emonbation ot�he cum�securcd by ehla Suudty tnswment by reaam of any demend made by Ihe orlgI�d <br />�--:?3� Hortower or Bortower!suae�wn in Interest. Any Porhearenca by LeiMer in exercising any dght or remedy thall notbe� <br /> -- - weiverof or preciude the exercl�e of eny dght or rcmedy. <br />�j,:;;`+;���, 12. Suooessoro end AsUgns Dound�Jolnt and Sevual Lfabtlity;Co•signerw 7Lo covenanu and egramen�e ot ihl� <br /> ' ��"�I Security In:pument shall bind md benefit tha cucce+wn end exsigm of L.ender and Dormwer,subJeet to�he provialom of <br />_.a,._° <br />=:�:�;-' par�greph 17. Bomower6 covenmta�nd agrcemenu�hell 6e Jolnt md sevenl.Any�onowu who co-stg�u thia Secudty <br />�-�'c±i;.i5�_ lnstrument but doea not execute the kotr. (a)is co•signing�hii Sauriry Instrument only ro mongaga g'ant md eonvey�hat <br /> _ �- BortowuL intereat In the Propeny under�he�erms o(�Ala Secudty Inswment; @)Ia na personally obligeted ro poy�ho tums <br />�� �'i�?';:�`- ceeurcd by thie Secudry Ins�nrment:xnd(c)egrcea thet Lender end my other Bortower may agrce ro extend,modtfy,fot6eu <br />--="'�1;1: - or maka any aaommodetlona wf�h rcgard �o the urms ot�his Secudry Imtrumrnt or U�e Note without �hat Boirower� <br />�� '::�'%. wnunt. <br /> ';'i:`: <br /> .;.Z,,�T: 13. Loan Chargea. If�he loan securcd by thie Security Instrument is aubJect�o a law which uu maximum loan <br /> �.:__, chergea.end that lew ia finally interprcted ao that Ihe in[ercst or other loen chargei collened or ro be collected in connec�Ion <br /> _..-,--, with the!wn e:ccd Ux�roiG�ltmftx.�lsere (�)sn;euch le�n c!�srge shall M rcd1!w!b;tM�em�!nt n��.ry!n rrduee --- --- .-.--, <br />--`;.u:;�t, , tM cherge to the pe�mined Iimir,and(b)my:uma alrcady collceted from Bolrower wNcA exaeded pemilued lim(ts wili bo -- <br /> -j��: rcfunded to Bortower. Lender may choou to moke�his rePond 6y reducing the princip�l owed under the Note or by making� _ <br /> F ; dircc[payment to Bortower. If e rcNnd rcduces principal,the rcduction will 6e treated u a pattial prcpayment whhou[�ny <br />,�,,-,�;�i prepaymentchargeunderO�eNota F;.,;-__�_-.. <br /> �� ^_ 14. Noticea. My no�ice to Borrowcr pmvided for in this Securiry Inswment�hall be given by delivering It or by �-._ <br /> �.J�r;�: malUng it by firct class mnfl unleu applicable law mquircs ux of eno�her method.The ndice shell be directed ro�he Propeny r "" -': <br />".�y,�. . Addreas or eny o�hcr address Bortowcr designaies by mtice ro Lcnder. Any notice m Lcnder shall be given by ftrst elw ���'�_�;:�';�,:. <br /> mail to Lenderk eddtesx s�med hercin or any o�her addrcss Lender dafgnetes by noiice�o Dortower. Any notice providW for ri�r'-".: <br /> ti�a�� in ihis Saurity Insuumrnt shall 6e deemcd �o hnve been given ro Bovower or Lcndcr when given es provided in �his t�i���$t;,;�. <br /> .� _ -`i parogreph. F ?� _' ;: <br /> -�=? l3. Governing Lew;Sererabllity. This Sewrity Inswmem sh�ll be govemed by fedeml Inw and thc law of the >>>- - - - <br /> ' Y �: ud+diction in which�he Rro rt �s locnted. In the event tho�nn rovuion or clause of this Securit Instrument or the Nole �"` �"-�'.� <br /> -� N" conflicu wi�h a hcabie law�uch canilia shall not ufkct oiher yrovisionx of�hi.Securit Insuument or�he No�e which cen l��s� �-` -- <br /> �a,j PP� P Y ,�.�.. - <br /> -:c;;?�?�� be given effat�vithout the conllicting provisian. To ihis end�he provisions of�his Securiiy Instrument end ihe Note orc ..dt,j_,,,;;'-:-. <br /> - declercd�o be severnble. r���''-�% ' <br /> 1�t i:� r�E '4.'"i <br /> 16. 6orrower's Copy. 6ortower shnll bc given one confomud copy ot ihe Note vM of�his Secumy Inswment. ���� a, <br /> tii 17. 7Fansfer of ihe Property or n 6ene0cial IMereat In 6urroaer. If all or nnypan ot�hc Propeny or uny imercst in ' 1 Wr{}r?::- <br /> n"�'�� i�ia sold or trnnsfemd (or if n beneficinl imerest in Bortuwer is sold ur truneferted and Bortower is not a natuml person) �RI ��2; - <br /> wi�hout Lendcrl prior wrincm m�.cnt,Lendcr m�y,m i�s op�ion.rcyuire immediatc pa�ment in(ull of ull mms xcurcd by � ��::?�=j-'- <br /> � ----;- Ihia Security Insuumrnt. Howcveq this opiion s6a11 nut hc exenixcd by LcnJer i(excni.e is prohibi�ed by federAt law na a( ,�y t:�. y: <br /> +- '- thedareo(�hisSecuritylnsuumem. � `�[i i``- <br /> n t'r .jr: <br /> r�r -!; If Lender excrcices this oplion,Lcndcr+hall gire Dorro�rcr naticc of acccicration.The nolice shall provide a period a( h��S �•��� <br /> > -' no�less�hmi 30 dnys from�he date the no�ice iz Jclivercd or ma�leJ u ithin which Bnrmxcr mm�pa��all sums ucured by ihis �� S�t ; '- <br /> ` iJ. , Security Instmment. I(Bartoxxr fails ro pay�hc�c+um. ptior In Ihe czpirauon of Ihia periaf. Lender may invoke any '��� �r' ; <br /> _, remedies permived by�6is Security Inammem ai�hom(unher nouce nrJem;mJ nn Bortmrer. 4� :_ � <br /> - - 16. Borro�rer's Right fo Relnstete. It Rorm�rcr nuch cenam tanJiiian.. Bomiwrr.hall harc �hc righl 10 havc <br /> ='`=fr4` enforcemrnl o(16i+Securitr Indrumem dixominncJ a�am Iimc�nnt In Ihe eadiet nC' I:U 5�lar�Im wth olhe�pe�iod a. _ . . <br /> � tiin4leFamdY°FennkAl�e�FrMOk\1uCVIFOR]II\17'Itl\IF.V--Innnm�6nenann 9.90 qwf�lolnNxr�� ••i''� . <br /> ,:}.a _ <br /> •,.is,`_. .. . <br /> dr : <br />. _ ��i <br /> Y-.- "'��'c- �-� . • . � _.. . ._ _ _ _ , � '__' t -,_:�: �.-.�.— .-„ _ <br /> _ ' .,4_:,.. - . - <br /> _'tilib;r�., 1.-_ _ • _ _ <br /> __i � ,v. : _ . <br /> -_ _' ' _ <br /> _ .` �-,_ - .. <br />_`:t::{} i��1.i.• '�-f . <br /> ?9�Y��J' � . . <br /> � ' _ . _ _ <br /> ' _ <br /> .L�l ��{. 4 . . . . . . <br /> fi _t `.. . . . _ ' . . . . <br /> 1 <br /> t 1�> tS <br /> � 1. e � ..{ - . • . . . . ..... .. .. <br /> r � y <br /> } :r�g + � .,i �t . • . � <br /> . . _.�_ .:l' �.,_ _ . �? , .. . l- . . � - .._ . _ . . , _ - • . _ . _.. . ��:`- .. , .. _. � �'�. _ . <br />