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. .: <br /> _.r;x . _� ' ' , � �� f `: - <br /> , , . : ti . <br /> =—< -�- --- �—= —" ° -- -• = - . _,. � . -_ ... . _. ... _ e�-�_ _:1 s°s��.: <br /> ; .-,. _ � �� "�°�`�� `_ <br /> e�pllgpble 1iw puy tptcUY for roinstetemfp})betoro s�te ot the Propercy.puntient to wa o ��ie Conta�neA ti!ihls <br /> g�wity ivanumem�or(b)entri of a Judgment entorcin8 ehl!Sxud�Y inaaum�t:7't�oso condidone are d�qt Qartnw�; (a) <br /> - -. fieji��l,tvtde�ptl eums ahkh tden�rould bo due undtr tl�b 5ccu�ltY Insttumeqt end the Noto N if no bCalereHCn Aid <br /> i <br /> eopurW;@)cur�uty defeutt ot auY other ctivsnaete or pgectnenU:(c)Psy�all cxpenu�ineartcdio edforcing iNi t3ecuri�f <br /> Gif4Whb��lno�udNg,,but not 11mt�cd ta«asanebla a�lomeya'tSS�;md(��aka sueh ecNon ss Lender mey cea6o»aD4 <br /> - �utre to msusa�hit me Gen of tlile 8eci�riry iiisuumen�;LEiiJu:tfytt:L�O�a s5o�rty and Bomr�er'�obllgestoq to�ay ttM <br /> aum� cectlred b�ythia Securlty Inswment ehall conqnuo unchengW. Upon relnsutemenr by Boirower, thif Secpdty <br /> [nsuument end tt�e oblig�tloria secuccA hercby�hatt rcmain taity efiaaive u it no�caleraUon hed occurted. Howeve�,thl� <br /> rigAtrott(natataahU4P91epP)y,I1�tA4¢eseofiocelaetionundaparegrephl7. <br /> " 14. 8ate ot Ho��oge of Loau BeMar. 7Le Noro or a�uHat interes�In�ha Nae 0ogetha wfW�Ab 9ceudiy • <br /> Inswment)ma�r 6e.s"old oae dr dioro dmes wlthout pdor no�ice to llamwea A�ala may resuie In a�hange in�he enUtY — <br /> -- (known m the Lwn Servke+'.')�tnt collectf montNy payments duo undor Ne Note and thts Secwity Inswment 7Tiero alw <br /> may be one or moro changa ot No Loan Servlcer unreteted to a mle ot the Nota tf tAue i�a chw�e o(tho Loan 8ervlar. <br /> Bortpwer wlll ba glven ertilten aotke of 1he dwnge in eocordance whA Par+�aph 10.above and epp Icxble Iaw. 7La nodce <br /> �—� will stnte Ihe name md eddross ot�lw naw Loan Suvicer end the eddras to wNch paymente�hould ba mide. 7Te noHce will <br /> also c0atain any other infoRnatton required by�pplleable Iew. <br /> -- � 20. Aaterdow BuUslanaws. Bo�rower�hell noe uuse or permit the prtxaa,use.Nsposel.ctorega,or releaso of ury - -� -� � <br /> � Hvardou�Subste�wa�on or in the Propttty. Bortowtt ehell not do,nor allow anyone elaa w do.anyihtng attecdng tha <br /> � Propeny�dal is in vio�etloa ot any Onvlronmentel Lew. 'ihe preceding two cencencea ahall not apply ro the prcaence,uaa or <br /> --� etorega on�he Propeny ot�mell quwitlei ot Hezerdom Subs�ancw edae em Benerelly rccogniud to ba eppropde�e eo normil <br /> --- residentiel uKS end to maiMenence ot U�a Propaty. <br /> � Bortower sdYl p:omp�ly give Lendu wrftten naica of eny inves�igedon,claim,demend,laww{t or aher aclbn by eny <br /> �...� govemmenut or rcgulerory�gency or pr[rate party Involving the Property end any Hezardous SuWtana or Endronmenid <br /> _�,n„� Law of whlch Hortower has nctml knowledge. if Bortower leoms, or i+ noti0ed by eny govemmentd or rcgularory �._ ___ <br />-::_�,,,.,.� au�hoflty,�h�t ony removel or other rcmediallon of any Hazardaua Substana affaHng�he Propaty ta nxeasery,Bortower ���y_ <br /> nhall promptly take ell necesssry remedlal ections in aecordana with Fnv(ronmentel Lew. <br /> i�, .� Ae uud in thie pangreph 20,"Hazerdom SuMtancea"m�hosa�ubslenas de(ned aa roxfc or hazerdous aubslantts by =r . <br /> Env(ronmrn�al Law end ihe following suWtanxr. gasoline,kerosene,other flammaMe or toxle petrolwm producu, roxie �tut "- <br /> ;i„ pestiddes and herblcide�.volatile aolvenu,mntedaB comeining eshatoa or formaldehydo,and adtoadive melufais. /u _, <br />��-���•:�`..� used in this paragnph 20,'Environmental Law"means tWeral Inws end lawa ot chejurisdiaion whero the Roperty is loceied t r} ,- <br /> ' -`� thatrelnteroheal�h,iaferyorenvtronmemelprotecdon. �_`' ,�: <br />.,,^x�Fw;q NON•UNIFORMCOVBNANTS. BortowerandLenderfurthereovenantend�grceasfollow�: ,,�,-_ <br /> y��- 21. Accetentlon;Remediea Lender chall g�ve notice to Borroaer prlor to acaleratlon tollo�ving 6orrower•e , ��� ; <br /> 5 � ,. Dreech of eny arorenent or agreement In th�8aurfty Instrument @ut not pdor to acceientlon under peragraph l7 <br /> ��#;� unlas applicable Iaw provides otherntu). The nottce ehall specity: (a)the deteult;(b)tAe atGon requlred ro cure ihe <br /> -- ' deteult�(c)a date,not Iw then 30 day�hom fAe date ihe notice b givm to Oorro�vep by x�hich Ihe default musl 6e ,.y,u,.,.�: <br /> ' � wr e dt nn d(d y i fi.t t a l t u�z to curz i h e d c t a u l t o n o r�t o rc t h e d a t e:p�t t i e d t n t h e n n l l ce m s r r�u l t I n e c ce l t re t l e e o� �''� '• <br /> 't the sums eecured by thb Secur(ty instrument and aele ot Ihe Property. The nottce ahall fLrther Ntorm Dorrower of ', - <br /> t .. <br /> , E,� the rlgAt lo refnatate after acceleretlon end the dght to bring a murt aetbn to assert Ihe non•eactatmce of e defaul[or �,' �r �.�. <br /> u r_y��(�,7 any other defenae of Borrower to aceeteretion end sale. lf Ihe det¢uit L+not tured on or before the date tpecifled In '`rrr j� c.._ <br /> '1 tAe notice,Lender at t4+opilon mey requtre immedlale payment in full of all suma acurcd by thts Saurlty Nsirument � ��N- <br /> �rk ';a� vlfhout Nriher demend and ma7 invoke the power of aale and eny other remedtea permitted by apptiee6le law. r`��y i�� <br /> _ ...y .� <br /> �r Lender shall be mtltied ro m1ia1 all apensn Incurred In purauing �he remedies provided in �hb paragreph 2l, s r -_ <br /> ��,��� tneluding,but not Iimited to,reasanabie attorneye'hea end msp ottitle evidence. J�k�`'� <br /> `� If Ihe power of eale h Invoked.1Yusta ahall record e notice of defeult tn each county In which any part of the �T t� ,- <br /> t j �t Propvty u loceted end ahell meil mpiw of such nottce In the menner prescribed br applicabte la�r to Borroxer and to � � ` ' '� <br /> �ps- tM1e other pereoro pracribed by appllcable Iuw. ARer the time requtred by applicabte law,7FUStee ahail gfve publk � � , : <br /> notice of�ele to Ihe persone and In the menner preacrlbed by applicaAle lew. 7Yustee.althout demand on Oorrover, r s�r�� <br /> y.�,;�f� shall stll the Properly et public eucHon lo Ihe higheat bidder et the lfine end plan and under the terms designated In 9?, <br /> --'� 2•,;i� the notltt of sele fn one or more porceis and in any order 7Fustee determfnes.7Yustee may postponc sete of all or eny �.'.i,s!�"-. <br /> 3{ 7: pucel of the Property by publk onnouncemeN at the time and plece of eny prevfousiy acheduled sela Lender or ita ,,, n -. <br /> +- l�� datgnee may purchase Ihe Property at any aale. Y " <br /> ,�r y:4. Upon receipl of payment of Ihe pdce bld,7}ustee ahall dellver ta the purehnxer 7�uslce'e deed conveying Ihe (� . <br /> .����;o Property. The reeital�In lhe 7Yuafee's deed shall 6e prima fncie eridence of Ihe Iruth of thestatemeMs made thereln. ,_ <br /> `ts"�<<_ 7Yustce shall apply l6e proceeds otlhe sele in Ihe tollo�ring order: (e)ro all coris and expensea of ezercfsing Ihe pon�er �+i4';,[�•.•� <br /> ;:i.:. -`?:::;.' <br /> i 1` V ' <br /> i £: 1��..._ <br />�;;i.t'.!,, o,....�' <br /> =`�"'fj'r >�::. - <br />`;;�;i';,� ?;`" . <br /> \ 'n <br /> / � <br /> 4 ';4 . <br /> ,• ;y.�7. <br /> -:h�i:N <br />.:A:'_�. a:. <br />- c.1;.' <br /> ,'ltiFS��,�. FbrmJOlA 9.90 �rya�.qnryc.•i y�`5:. <br /> �, <�� _ . � <br /> x{� E <br /> t�� - .f: :^'!�'° . � . 't:f__ '.i_r.�•--r.�±C�-F . . _.,r-c-..-._.-.._.—.-...-.-.1� ' . <br /> �Si ' ..r.$'x::L " i . _ . . _ `•l.,e - .. _ _ " <br /> 1 _ <br /> '` J .. ' , � -- .t:.� <br /> _ -`C y 1" y) _• -' _ _ ' . _ . _ _ _ ' <br /> - . -_ .� .._ . . . . . _ ._ . <br /> Y_._ '_ ; . ..._. ___ _ _ _ _ _ ._ "_ T^ . . _ _ . . <br /> 'S 14 . �. � . . . . . . . <br /> r .i..�• 91 � i- :�t _ . . . - . - . <br /> 5_S � ' i <br /> I l - � � J .�.t nl _ _ _ . <br /> ti 1 .. 7 ' 4 -Jl .�. � . .. � . . .. _ <br /> ly , -. i t . - f; 1 - _ ' _ . . . . <br /> j�1 S . � ( <br /> ( µ Jl ' <br /> f ! l af <br /> �-- � �i� - � - l ` ;! . l� .. <br /> � Z �'� 4 �r.t i` r `�° } . <br /> ' - �tY.i - - • � <br /> 'x' �tf- 1'' .i. ;�� - �- � , ! � - <br /> � � <br /> �`�x _ � . _ . t < __ 1 �s � . . . . <br /> - f' .� ' �t � ' � - ' . . <br /> ir vr }r--. . `r l�} t �. ,.rh <br /> �y - � 1i:_ � l� � r1 �l t y ��. ' k �t <br /> l t 2 1 T _ (w " . i <br /> i -K l 1 .-y4 1 � ' S _. a■ <br /> ' t S �. � <br /> i. . a� , i .Y...� . . ._ ' J. . .. �r. �t. ,.e )� 1 _. .... � � . c��.� . .le�. Ue •.. ....R � -.. � . <br />