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. ,... <br /> .. �. <br /> . . �f. , <br /> c�� !' -:_I-r . -_ . _ z - i::l..•�Lur 1- ---.� . -�- - > � 1�-- ���� rt ��S <br /> _ �. ._..u. [ -L . . _ . <br /> _•_ •- t .r ._ _ - ', ti._ i' i_ >_�i T : _� -. <br /> '. _ __ ' .. i -� . .`' . •' -. d1� �Y�S"M�� t. t,�l f. <br /> ' � .. � -� : - .. � fT <br /> , .. perlodatA�t�pdttrdqWrca. 71w(nsunncsa�ttarprovtCUlg�pq dculCec�aenby8 wetwD R6LC�Qat'� ' � : <br /> � �yprov�l.whlchslaflno�pqauue�3oMy1Ywl0he)d ll�arowCtrWtofisMG�Inc4yongo9��aboyo;�nQatth}yr�f ; <br /> f ' Londakopstakobla4�soy�egstoprAtxF�.lndei§dghu4il�?�s Ia�o�WE�h 7, :�— - ��� - <br /> AltlnsWtanoopouFleabnareno�ral�ehaAboa raolew�.cn��aanaahatl. ot��aeie�dua�an�ecla�aa� � <br /> . �6ai11�eVethod�6eroho]dQmpWtofeal�oars�xere�l.indat�'t4u1rw,6ortuWeta VromDIIY vOW nd4r�ll �P! <br /> of pald pseiniai�end rtneyVel poN6eb. In�ho event 4[toi�,8art6wu ena)t givo prort�t natice to the InsutAnte ptqte � <br />- — tender. Lenderrtuyi�lakepioofofloss(tnot�nedopro�Aptiyby Bortower. . �- <br /> Unies�tsndu aad Borrowqr oII�aw�go ngreo tn wtl�nng,Wu�anoe qroaeQi eh�1i De�pplk4 to rebtoMtion w fepoL ot'••' :i; <br /> „ �Le Property dem e�.if�he rcsw7adon or repatr b eoo�ortilcally teas ble md I.enderA secmiry b not lessweC. It lhe . <br /> ._.. <br /> 2atotetion or L mt ecommically faas@to ot Lendet�cxuAty would be leasei�ed,Qa tneuience pidOEtQa;6Atil�0 <br /> dpplied ro tha suma eoeured by W�Sceudq Insuument whether or aot d�sn due,with eny ekoeaa Sotrowe�. It � <br /> BoJrowa abandoro�he Propeny,or does aot answu wfiNn 30 dnyr a nalce from I.ender thet tde insutan¢e umlu has <br /> oftercd to uule e claim,then i.ender mey colleet tho Insuraaco proceede. Lender mty use�ho ptto�aeQ�rottp alt or rcNOra <br /> the Pnpeny or to pay wms securcd by this 8edwity Insuument,whW�er ornot theu due. 1fie 30-0ay pedod wUl Cegfn when <br /> tha notice ia ven. <br /> __. Unless dtt end Bortower mhenvlse agree In wrf4ng,eny�p Uca4on ot pmaeda[o piinctpei ehell aot ex�ebd or <br /> - --- <br /> postpone the due da�e ot the monthty paymmti ttferted to in pangnp 1 end 2 or change the amount of tho pa ema� If <br /> underparagreph 2l the Prope�ty Is acquired 6y I.ender.BortowuY d�t ro any insurence popcioa md p�rcsulting <br /> __ from damaga ro tla Properry prior ro�he ecquisiHon shall pass to I.snder to tho oxtent of�de sum�securcd 6y thb 3ecudry <br /> Inswment Immed(ately pdono�he acqulatflon. <br /> --= 6. Occupnncy, PresemAon, Meintenance end ProteMton of the Proptrtyi Borrower'e Loan Appltcattou� <br /> _ Leaseholds. Borrower shall oocupy,uublfah,end use the Ptopeny as Botrowu6 prNclpal residence wt�hln sixry day�aRer <br /> �'Y ihe execu8on of this Secudty Instrumen�end ihall condnue ro oocupy[he Property u 9orrowul principal resfdence for et <br />_�� kazt ona year after rhe daro of oocupeney, untesa Lendu ahwwlae egreea tn wrttlng, whkh conunt sdall nM be - <br />'.:ai� unreuonably witAheid,or unlev extenuatfng clrcumstencra exlst which ero beyand Bortowerti control. Borsower ahall not <br /> ';" dwtroy,demege or Impair�he Property,ellow the Property to detedorete,or wmmit waate on tM Propeny. Bomowu shaU <br />-�k��z 6e in de(ault if eny fodeinue ecflon or proceeding,whether civtl or cdminal,ia begun thet(n Lendw�goad tafth judgment <br /> could resuit in forkimrc o{the Propaty or otherw(sa mate�telly impalr�he Oen ercated by thia Suwfry Inswment or <br /> a <br />_.._%?f Lenderh eecudty incercst. Bortower may cme such a default end rcinstnta,e�providW tn paregraph 18,by causing the aGlon <br /> =;�a or praeeeding to be dismi�sed wlth e iuling tLat,in Lender§good feith detertninatton,preclude�todeituro of Ne Borrowerb <br /> interut in the Propmty or other metedal impalrtnent of�he Ilen crated by thte Securiry Instrument or Lenderb ecewiry <br />�--,_� incercst. Hortower ahall aIm he in dafault if Bomower, during the loan epplla�Ion procese, gave metedeUy felse or _. <br /> � ineaurero(nformadon or natementa ro Lender(or feiled ro provide Lender wllh eny mateAel infortnatlon)in conneaton with <br />-:;��A �he loan evidenced by the Note, Ineluding, but not limited ro, rcp rcsematioro conceming Roirowerl awpancy ot tha <br /> _.�� Propeny ea a pdncipal residena. If thia Securiry[nswment la on a Ieasehold,Uo�rower shell rnmply with all ttw provfaion+ — <br />. of Ne Iease. It Bortower acquirea fa tltle ro the Propeny,�he Iwsehold and tAe ke�i�le�hell not merge unlw Londer egrea — <br />��.t,v:�, ro�he merger in writing. _-�-T_--� <br /> -� 7. Protectlon of LendePe Righta tn Ihe Property. If Bortower feila ro pedortn the covenanp end e enu <br />„�+;�, rnn�ainW in �his Secudty Inswmen4 or therc ia e Icgel prottedins Na[may slgniflcanqy affec[Lender6 ri te N �he r�?t'^— <br />_;��fy� Propeny(auch a•e proceedina in bankmptcy,probate,for condemnation or fodehun or ro enfora lawi or reguletiona),then e;;�_.�..--- <br /> _ Lender may do end pay for wMtever U nececury ro protect�e value of the Propeny nnd Lenderh nghu in�he Property. s`�v�;_�. <br />�'�"� LenderY ectiona me include a in en auma ceeurcd b a I(en which 6ai dorit over ihis Sauri Inswment,a n �y�i`'�`•% <br /> ,.� Y P Y 8 Y Y P Y � PP� 8 ,� <br /> r;,� in wun,paying rcawnable auomeya'feea end entering on thc Propeny to make rcpairs.Although nder may Idce eetion � ,1 _ <br /> �, under this pamgreph 7,Lender daa not have Io do so. ' `'? �� <br /> +V� Any emounu diabursed by Lender under�hia paragmph 7 shall become additlonel debt of Bortower aecurcd by U�G a�� r <br /> Security Inswment. Unlexs 6ortower end Lender agrce to o�her�emu of peymem.�hesc amounu shell bear intercst from tha = <br /> r dete of disburscmm�t et�he Note rate and shall be payable,wiih iNercs6 upon no�itt from Lendcr to 6orro�ver requudng �5� �'f�' - <br /> pxyment. ,�ir �` <br /> -,-�� 8. Mortgege Insurance. If Lender rcquircd mottgege insumnce as a condi�ion of making the loan cceurcd by thia Z�7''`5�. _- <br /> Securiry InsWment.Bortowa ahall pay the pmmiums rcquircd ta maimain �he mangage insumnce in effect. If, for eny ti "- <br /> � mnsan, ihe mortgage insu�ence covernge requircd by Le�er lepxs or ceuses to be m e(&a, Bortower:hall pay the J i <br /> --�'� premiums requircd ro obtein mrersge substantielly equivelent to thc mortgnge insu�ana prcviousiy in eRec6 at a rnst 0��� {�j4 '- <br /> fr� subsmntielly equivulrnt to the mst to 6orro�ver of ihe mortgnge insumnce prcv�ously in etfect,from en altemote mongage a4.1 t 3 ' <br /> -;-� iaaurcr appmved by Lender. If substnmially equivalent mottgege insurnnce coverage is not avaiiable.Uortower shall pay to � <br /> y Lender each momh e wm equal to ane•twelflh ot the yearly mottgage insunnce prcmium being paid by Oorrower when�he y>�.,,y. _ <br /> �`� insu�ancr mvemge lepxd or ceased to 6e in effa�. Lender will accep�.use ond rc�uin Ihexe paymems as a loss¢serve in lieu �i .�. <br /> _�� of mongage insu�ance. Loss reserve paymems may no longer 6e requircd m the optian of Lender,if mongage insurance .t'jy��� -_ <br /> , rnverage(in the omount end(or ihe period that Lender rcyuircs)pror�ded by nn insurcr approved by Lender again becomes ��-s�7 <br /> ' availabic and ix o6tained.Borto�ver shall pay�he premiums reyuircd�o muimain mongage insurance in et(cet,or ro provide n � S `= <br /> ,;�� loss rcserve.until�he rcyuircment for mongage insumnce ends in ncrnrdance�vith any wrinen agrcemem between Bormwer ,i. _.. - <br /> mJLendcrorapplicablclaw. S;[;;C`-:�•'•��. <br />�:;���=_ 9. Inspcetlon. Lendcr or iis agem may make rcasonablc emricx upon and iropectiam of the Ropcny. Lcndcr shall �''-�;�'�-" <br /> give 6ormwer nnlice at Ihe time of or prior Io:m inspeciion speti(ying rcammble cau.c for Ihe inspection. �+?1!'"+��-�� <br /> (0. Candnnnalim�. 7Le nnted+uf an JW:IN Of CIi110�Of S]010'�� Jircct ur cunv Ill'111�iI.1�l9OOCC�l011 W�III dll ':������ � � <br /> :i P S" b'• 4 7 _;_-�_::��_;-,-,-.. <br />.::.t;l Sinfkfamdp-FannkNaeRTedAIeN�<CUfON\IIRXTRC\4:VT-l'm4m�Cm��um. 1A0 �rye�t../hry<n; " - <br />-.::;' <br /> a i rasWnkrau�iaulr ■ . <br /> LUifrtfY IEODSpAHIO�Al61�if1-11)1 <br />. _ � •� <br /> - � <br /> Zc-+... ,_-,.--•;�--�-��—, -.:.;,__. �-..-.�„-.. . .. - . �� lT - - .... s- . <br /> .. ..�.. .. -v_ <br /> _., <br /> .u.i .f:� . . . ... . . ... ... .... ..t._ _ . . <br /> . . v . .:� ......... <br />--�. -:..-._.., � - <br />. ..,:'.:, ... ...:e.. ::- -- . ._ _ <br /> =y_• . � ' - _ . <br /> ':J. <br />" ''i"i..;',�'-,"� . . . <br /> . 'C �) <br /> � :i.:;i''- . � ` <br /> - _ _ . '11: ' . . <br /> '���.� '_ . . . <br />;:F,'r-t ..�>`d,:,•:1..-: � - . . . - <br /> .,"�•. ii.,.' . _ . . - . . . . . . <br /> �. <br /> fS - : _ ' ' - . " ' - <br /> ..y " . � . '_ ` _ . <br /> .:V ..n - - , . _ .. _ . ,_ . .. ,. <br /> � <br /> r <br /> ` � r,5 � } _' ` , - . - - <br /> . . . ... ... . .�.r'�.. . . _ ,i , �l- . �r _ . . - ,}� _ . , .. . . ...'�.� � - .�.. . _ ���"..-. . - <br />