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y . _ _ _ _ <br /> '_ <br /> . .. . , __ <br /> � �' '.".. . - ' -:y'^ i � <br /> �.. <br /> - _� - -_ �L._.� ... ........ .. . —"c `_ _ _ _�' _" " . --.L .._ .:�_..J. . I .__' <br /> < < . -- '. - ' ����:'������ �� �' �4; `- , .- .. <br /> r <br /> '.:� - - ., „ � - � <br /> 7ppB'f1TIBRYY�1tlelffhatatiprovemehunoworhereaRereleusdon 9propEctyteaddteasement�,,e.pputtendncs. °.' � <br /> ufb flxJ�d�1 no9�orNCrqRer e put of tlw pmpeqy,• All rcplue�nents and a�i�lone ahdl 4ao Do�oyeml tiy thls 3ec��diy :� <br /> :Tnsirvmem. Ailpiitw[cls8ot�gisiefaratwtnWaSecudqrNstniinedtasiha'flbpcAy,• _ , <br /> ---- ---- <br /> 80lUfORBR(J�V8NAN1'��hat Eortower i�IawWtly�Cised of tbo eriate herctiy convoyed end hm d�o dght a'�ent- ' <br /> , .end wov a�yii,-a�y- d�Cnt tt�3 P..�ity Is aner�cumt�d.sxcs�x fos encum6ranca of reenrd. �amwer wmm�u and <br /> wlllQefendgeneralty @e qQe to the Pmperry egainst Nl cldme and dsmande.su0ka to eny encmNxance�otnxord. <br /> 7tll$86CURiPY 1N9TRUM8BTP combina unifonn covcnont�tor na�ional uto and non•unlfom� Wvenanro �vith <br /> Itm[tedveriadona Dy judadletlon to constitmo e untto�m uwdry Inawment wvering real properry. <br /> (1[�II�pRMOfN6NANT9. BortowuandLenducorenantm0agrcaa+tollowe: "' ' ` <br /> 1. Paymeat ot tMnclpal and Interesi;Prepaymeat nnd Late Cd�rgee. Borrower�hetl prompUypey wnen dua 0e <br /> princlpU otend intues[on tha debt evidenoed by tha Noto u�d any prepayment and tate chargea due underthe Noto. <br /> A 6Wnda for 7ksea and Insuranca SubJccl to epylicable Iaw or lo a wrluen walver by Lender,Bortowu ehill pay to <br /> /.ender on Ne dny monlhly payments are duo under the Note,umil the Note te paid in tu11,a sum("I4+nda")tor:(e)ywly <br /> taxos end asseasmenta�vAtch mey anein pdortty over thi�Securiry Instmmont a�a lten on tho PropeRy:@)YeedY�easehold <br /> paymenu or grouad mnu on tha Pcopeny. it any: (c) ywdY haaurd or propeny inaurenco prcmtuma: (�yearly flood <br /> Insurvnce prcmtum�, U eny; (e)yaady mortg�ge inswence psmium�,if any; end(q eny sum� paynble by Bo�mwu to � - -- ---�� <br /> LenQer,In eaordance wtm the provlsionf of paragreph B,tn Ileu oi�hepayment of mortgege insuronw promtum�. 7Uae _ <br /> itema ere ce11W'Hserow Itema: Lendu may,nt my time,collect and hold F§�nd+In an emount not eo exceed Ihe muimum — <br /> emount s lender tor a federaily rolxted mortg�ge loan mey requfrc for Borrowerh eu[ow aocount undu U�e federct Real <br /> Hstato Senlemene Praadurcs Aa ot 1974 a�emended trom dmo�o dme.12 U.S.G 4�Ol ct srq.('RHSPA�,ualas�motAa <br /> law th�t epplies lo the Nnda teti e laur emount I[so,l.ender may,nt eny time,wllcet md hold Pund�in en amount not�o <br /> eaceed Uw lesser amount. I.ender may esHmere �ho amount of[Lnde due on iho basia of curtent data and rcasonabla ___ <br /> esdmates of axp�ditures of Poture Estto�v Item+or othuwl:e In eccordnnce with appllcable law. --_..__.._.----..._. <br /> 7Le EUnda ehall be held in m ins�im�ton whose deposiu ere iround by a fedeml agency, inswmemelity,or entity �..-- <br /> (fnclud(ng Lender.If Lender Is auch en fnstltudon)or(n my Fede�al Home Loan Bunk. Lender shall apply�ha Aund�to pay <br /> the Escrow Items. i.ender may not charge Bo�rower for holding and eppiying the Punde,annualiy analyzing the ascrow ^"'-"-'-? <br /> eocount,or vedrying the&ttow I�eme,uNw Lendar pay� Horrower intercst on the Mnds and epptiuble law permiro ='��'�''- <br /> I.ender to make cuch e eherga However.Lender may require Bortower�o pay�one•dme charge for an independent real —=���,,,z_. <br /> estete cez 2poning suvice useA by Lender in conncelian mth thia loan,untua epplicable Iew provides othernise. Unlesa nn ;.•,; <br /> a ment i�meda or a Iiceble law uircs intercat ro be aid,Lender shell not he uired ro Bortovrcr en Imcra[or ���"�" ��- <br /> 8ree PP rc9 P re9 PaY Y .,tq'yY�;:.. <br /> eatningi on the fi�nde. Bormwer and Lender mey agrce in w�i�ing,hoxrevu,thet intercst aheil be aid on 1he I§�nda. I.ender �'N,•�:.�-�='- <br /> ;,3..— <br /> ehall give ro Bortower,witlwut cherge,en annusl aaountlng of the fLnd+,showfng credits and ebiu�o the Punds end�he �'yh,Y:sj;�. — <br />- purpose for whlch each debit to�he Punds wns made. 7Le Pundn ere pledged ea addi�ionel aecurity tor ell auma saurcA by h..?;�,>j.;;�:�� <br />� �hl�Secu�iry InswmeN. f ti;(sr�;<�_ --. <br />- If Ihe Punde hetd 6 Lender exceed the amounta pe�m(tted �o be held by epplicabie law. Lender ahell aaount lo ;�n:;7�'•:= <br /> Nortower ior�he exceu r'�unda in accordnnca wi�h ihe�eyuimmrnta u[npyliuiGle{aw. If ihe am:.ur:of th;.Pun�IGId b; ---.3_;�P"� �_- <br />-- Lender at any time(a not sutftcient co pay tha Eserow Itema when due.Lender may m notify Bortower in wrfting,end,in } ` j� �.����.±;. <br /> sueh cese Bortower shell a to Lender the amount necesan to make u the deticienc . Bortower sAeil make u tAe # ';�+'�+x`""�` <br /> P Y �Y P Y P 2'��n';_ c.i'�tf?�::i� <br />- deflctency In no more Ihan twelve monthly paymenta,et Lenderk wle discrctlon. 'r�"�����;,:��;;�;.� <br />- Upon paymrnt In full of ell sums secvrcd by thn Securiry Inswment,L,ender ahell pmmptly rcfund to Doirower any ": i.���±.i`.,;;`�,�� <br />- Funda held by Lender. If,under paregnph 21.Lender:hall acqu(rc or xll the Propeny,Le�der,pdor ro�he ecquisition or ,;i, ' ,,.�',a•��%:-'�- <br /> sele of Ihe Propeny,ahdl apply any Wnda held 6y Lender at�he time of acquisition or sale es a crcAit e ainst ihe sunu �-�`��""���?L.'=��:- <br /> 8 `,S`.-:`��'�ae:;Y;;[�� <br /> setured by this Securiry Insuument. �,�?�;�.z�z<<,;.{v?.._=_, <br />- 3. ADD��ceuon ot PaymeMa. Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all paymenes rcceived by Lender under ,�y�� ,:___ <br />�- paregrephs 1 end 2 shell bt epplied:fint,to eny prepayment cherges due under�he Note;aemnd,to emounts payable undcr �;Si��S;"=?".�t�Y z�;�� <br />_ paragreph 2:third,to intercst dur,founh,to principal due:and eny late chvges due under Ihe Nore. � %."�� n r"- <br /> 0. Chargea; Liene. Bortower shall pay ell texcs, esscumcnU,charga,flna end impositions anrihutabk w �he �t�"�a`'�#�.;f:�`�`' <br /> Propeny which may anein pdodty over ihis Security InsuumenL and Ieasehold paymenu or ground renu,if tny. 6ortower f;j;�Fi,��:3,t>•�fq._;: <br /> shell pay theae obligetions in the menner provided in pawgraph 2,or if not puid in tha�manncr,Borrower shnll pay�hem on .; ��t y , q"--: <br /> Ame dirte�ly ro�he person owed paymen�. Borto�ver shall promptly fumish m Lender all notice:ot nmouma to 6e paid under - �j1`k. p��?'a..�- <br /> �hie paregmph. If Bortower makes�hese paymenu direcUy,Bortower shall promptty Pomish ro Lender rcceipts evidencing �,�r��"�p�>;��,;.,_;:,,;: <br /> the paymenu. -.r " p �� <br /> -- i: ut51��F -7,. <br /> Borrower shall prompdy diuharge any lien which has prioriry over�his Saurity Inswment unless Bofrower.(e)agrees ry -_u � y; ,��-.._, <br />- in wdting ro�he p�ymem of the obliga�ion sewmd by�he licn in a manner ucceptable ro Lender.(b)rnnrests in good felth�he �;E;:}�St{'!„5�7;ati.,_=_: <br /> Ilen b ,or defends a ain:t enforcemem of�he lien in,Ie el roceedin s which in ihe l.ender S a inion o mte�o rcrent�he '`i�z;;°.';:�� '. "'-� <br /> Y 8 6 P 8 P P� P ��..?,�:�. <br />- enfotcement ot the Ilen;or(c)securcs(rom tAe holder of the lien nn agreement setisfeaory ro Lender subordinating�he lien �%?:1zz°_�;�`,��?`�.;ti^���� <br /> to this Saudty Inswmcnt. If Lcndcr detertnincs iha�any part of ihe Propeny is subjtt�ro a lien which may at[ain prioriry `;:�:t;3�E-?.f:�"!.- <br />� over ihia Suurity Instrumcnt.Lender may give Borrowcr a noticc identifying the licn. Bortower shell satisfy�he lien or�ake �'"'b::�?;5���;����•>-s:- <br /> �r:s�:,-:. <br />�- one or morc of the ections set fonM1 abovc within 10 days of�hc giving o(notice. �d�'�:.`•`�:'ac•�.+�-� <br /> S. Hazerd or Property Insurunce. Bo�rowcr shall kecp�he improvemems no�v aisting or herea4er erec�ed on the ;¢;'��<<'����;lf.c,�4- <br />- '.. L.�. er..,w--- <br />° Property insurcd against loss by fire,he�ards included within the te`m'extended mve�age'nnd any other haiards,including -���=� �� -,.;;„ , . <br /> sr_�:,,•.� . <br /> floods or tlooding, for which Lender requircs insurance. "fhis insuwnce xhall be maimained in the nmoums nnd for�he �-,<.Yi�;-::; <br /> '�titi.r'. <br />�- Porm301f 9W0 r RrSnn i`� ::--i=';i.'_'.- <br /> N 1 In.nn i"�..:"•�-• <br />.- :i:---:,:{;.�":'-�': <br /> _ ._..«._.-.-.� —,r-rx�— rr'Si{:-T"c^f"ir"- c — —. . . . . <br /> s , kC -- �J ` 1 }r �,5�.> . , t�� e ir -� e. Y _'{�. , ' . <br /> F -r .� _ (t� - _ - � � . ' <br /> � . - . . . - �y_� - . <br /> x . . - __j� � ` �_ ,; , ,�. � � - ... �.: _ '_" -rs ; - t - - <br /> li] - �� _ ,. .... ...- ._ .._ . . _ . , .: -ye . .i.` � . .- .. . <br /> - _ :- . �. - . . . _ _ _. <br /> .f �. i_. ° l! � . _- -_—_ , - - — — _ - "_ _ ,_ _ _ '_ <br /> j � -• -.5 � z < 4.�� � .1 - n . <br /> ! l .i/1'! S ,i. y -s - . _� . .._3 _ . . . . ... <br /> ; ,r - _-�., __ . -. - . . - . . . <br /> * �S-.. -.1.. _ - -. .. . - . - ' . . . <br /> Y .�f ' r, - .t :l'�." ) - � _ _ . <br /> { . <br /> Z I�_a. i s f . e t S - � t! - .e__ 1p - l - . � . <br /> i . r i- <br /> CL .tiV / . 1-� / - " t ' � 1-`' - . <br /> A _ -),� . }}, _ C" . _ � _ -� . <br /> } � i .-. i :�-.v r - - � -i �t �` " y � - ..d "r � . <br /> . �� t � .� ' � . ' . <br /> } �j� � t s. v�_'ys! ���•� ��. ' F � '�--:4 � R�!. : <br /> t\ _ ' <_-.$ _ti. f _ � a Y � _S _ y . <br /> )y .l_�. , t ..., f. . ._ .. _ '_,_ . . . � � . � . .� ,. . .�+� . .. . . ..,��. _ . _ <br /> �I : }S � , n Sl �'! ' d �.� , ` a . '� . - 1. . .. - <br />