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f t ,�,2"d -_;�. ..--r— _. ; _ ..: . ' ., . _ . i �rd� - --__ �� . <br /> i .. s. <br /> 37 __ '_"' -.. _. . <br /> - : ..-:_ ____'"'_ " __ . . . . .. .,: --� <br /> "' . .. - - �- ._. —_' _. <br /> _.. 93-' �o� . - <br /> roferrcA to lo paragreyfi 2,or ctunge the am;unt 9f auch ptymemi, Any oxcea�pmccode ovcr an amoum requircd to pay el► ' ' <br /> .�yu�anding tndcEtcdaeu udder the Note ecd Ihh Sea�tiry Inptrumem ehell bo pafd to tha entity Iogdly cntlAcd thcrqb. <br /> _ _ 8.Fcp�Lctidm mey colieet taa end eharga eutharized by�he SxrGary. -- <br /> D.(3round�tor Aaelerntion of Oe6t. <br /> '-'"' (o)iktadt. Lender mar,acttpt m Umited by rcgula�loro teaued by �ha 6ecretery (n �he ceae of pnyment defeulro. �°-� - -. ° <br /> roquica immedlxlo payment In NII of ell wm+securcd by tM�Securlty Insuumrnt If: <br /> (p Horcowu defaulte by fatil�to pay In PoIl eny mo�uhiy payment requlred by thie Seadty Instmmrnt pdor to or <br /> - on iha dua dete ohhe next monthly paymcnt,or <br /> pi)Bortowu defnulu by feiling, for e pertod of thirty daya,to perform my Mhcr obligetlons conWned in thi� — <br /> Sau�ity Inswment. - <br /> @)8ate Wfthout Crcdlt Approral. Lendu ahail, if permitted by epplica6lo law end�vith tho pdor approvel of the °..T_—___ <br /> -- Secraary,requlro Immedia�e payment tn tuil of ell sumi Kcumd by�his Saudty Insuument If: �.,------: <br /> -� (f) Ail or part ot the Propeny, or e beneflciel Intereu in a tmst own(ng ell or part of the Property. is aold or �.. � _ <br /> - .- o�hernlse trmsferted(o�her tM1an by doviu or descenq by the Borzower,a�M � � � � <br /> _ (li) The Property 1� not oaupied by �he purchaser or gmntce a+ hla or her pdncipal residenoe, or the �� — <br /> "'� W���or grentte das so aocupy the Propeny but his or her credit hai�rot 6een approved In accordanee wi�h the � <br /> ` -� requiromenn of tho Saretary. �i .-- -- <br /> R�x- uP; � <br /> t ; YF <br /> ,ry „tf• (c)No Waiver.If circumstencea accur that would permit Lender ro requirc inunediate paymmt in full,but I.ender dora �7�1-, , <br /> � —_ <br /> .v r v� IIOI(lq111IC 611CA PAy1112I1if,LCI1GCf AOC.4 IIOI W8IV0 IU fIBM1I3\VIUl(CSpCCI 10 6YbSCQY'MI CVGIIIb. � +�<u <br /> -5jir} �� Y�,{I�r t :� <br /> ��``j6'- (d) Regulatlotu o[FIUD Secrelery. in many circums�erces rogulatlona issved by the Scerctery will Iimit I.ender a a i ;p, ,�r;_— <br /> �tr <,.� <br /> sK�� righu in the cau of payment defeulls to require immediate p�ment in �ull� forcclose if no[ paind.. 7Tia Security <__�.�.h��=,'— <br /> t/ � Ina�mment doa not emhodu accelemtion or foreclosurc if not rmitted b re Iations o(ihe Secreta L <br /> 1 3' i-- it�b"�:,. <br /> y E`�.,�,i. Fx�ili� .� $+ - <br /> N � (e)Mortgage Not Incurcd.Horrower agreef that should�his Security lnstrummt end the Note secured �hercby not be �'���,rt�a����u—� <br /> ':�;�� eligible for Inw�ance under the Neqonal Houaing Act wi0in 60 deya from�he dxte hereof,Lender may,at ita op�fon =-;��5,.;h� •°° <br /> �xj�f-- and nonWthstending enphing in p�ragmph 9, rcquirc immediate qyment in full of all sums secured by this Security 5j -:rti . ;--� <br />:�:�'�<�'�'t{'� hercof,dxlinin�to nsurc this SecuritY In+hiume�nt end�he No c ttcuered�hercb Sslal�l be dcemed mneflushe �roofeof `!r���f!'�'a�;��_:::�� <br /> � <br /> „��I( such ineligibility. Natwfihetending the foregoing,this op�ion m¢y not l+e exerciced by Lender when the unavaila6ility `��r(i�t��z° � --._ <br /> r_fA of insurena ia mlely due to Lender s failurc w remit a nartgege insurance prcmium ro the Secre�xry. f�_..�y` �rt� y-�- <br /> �s p .,, r � , _ <br /> su��'� 10. Reinstetement. Iiorrower has a d ht to be reinstated if Lender hes r mrcd immediatc a ment in full bewuae of �` ��'`'�f�z �� � <br /> ?. 8 e9 � P Y _;i, � r - - -- <br />�;='.,�'pk Borrower's failurc to p�y an emant due under thc Note or this Saurity huwment. 7'his right epplies even eRer foreclosurc „r;`,•l:��,'a�,•.�'`a*'`�: <br /> 1 <br /> �'����5� ptaceedings orc Instltuttd. To reinsta�e �he Securiry Insuument, Oormwcr shall tendcr in a lump sum all emounts required to r-_-gt%F,,�{��� ��- <br /> . ..r;:r�;-, bdng Borrosverc nccount cuvem including, a the cxtcnt they are obligatians af Bormwer undcr ehis Security Instrument, .:;-r�x.ryf.x.pq,;g,- <br />'_Vr'``r.r�;. :.'.a J�iL�h'1S,�C,i. <br /> ,,Ey foreclowrc costs xnd nuwnable and customary euomcys' ka and ezpenscs propedy acwciated with �he (oreclosurc s ,� � i i - <br /> r;-�t!, procading. Upon rcinsutement by Uorrower, this Securiry Instrument and the nbligu�ions thnt it securcs ahull rctn�in in e(fett i {o>�`-.� ;� ` a �� <br /> ��Y��s k4_..:. <br /> j i 53_ es if I.ender hed not requircd immodinte paymen�in full. Howevcr.Lendcr ix nut required to pennit reinstatement ii:(i)Lender -{=j ����y ,; <br /> �f���i has aeeepted rcinstutement efter tM1e comnkneenxnt of fomclosurc practtdings within �wo ywn immedie�ely preceding the � -:;• k T,;,;,'''`r.� <br /> :?,i9:";- mmn�enttnxnt of e curtent foreclosure pruceeding, (ii) reinxtxiement wiil precluJC (orcckxure an dif(erent grounds in the �s - 'k;'.�,j,{.�>s.t;: <br /> {gt'''�� Pomrc,or(iii)rcinstatement will odrersely aftect the prioriry n(the lien creaieJ by�hi+Security Inammrnt. �''�" n t � ---- <br /> _E �':'.'4ii•r.��r J�:� �,�; <br /> . �-.:�:� � �- <br /> .i!� 11.Bormwer Not Relenced;Forbearnnee Ry I.ender Not a Khfver.E•xcemion o!�hc time o(paymcnt or modifiwiion of ;.s;, ti}+y -��: <br /> �.r#� amortiu�ion o(the sunu ucurcd by this Security Inswnunt gr�nted by Lender en any waeswr in imerext o(Borrower shall - �'�a�� };s - �� <br />_,,�;��F:n� not operete to rclease the liability of the nriginal&xro�:cr or &�rm�rer's succesanr in intere.t. Lender sh�ll wt be rcquircd m �.y�.�i;r,=�,�,�syf�;'��: <br /> ,�7�__ mmnxn�r pra�eedings agnintl nny successor in intcrcst or rc(uu ro extend�imc(ar pa��nunl nr oihcrn�ise mndify amoni�ation -. -.�. +` ��k� g;?' <br /> i�.5,. of the sunu secured b�� this Secvrity Imuument by rcaam o!any Jemand muJc h�• �he nrigircal Borrnwer or Ikirmwer's .}i+ ri�. << c- <br />- '-�"'� succeuors in intercsl. Any torhp�ance by LenJer in exerci.inF any righ� nr rcmeJy.hall not I+e a wairer of nr prcclude the z�r -.;�;�r.�;;j;� <br /> `���i--:'�� exerciu of my right or rcmedy. .,"... , <br /> i,.' �ifllNEl r.y� mc � , � <br /> b <br /> W <br /> __, ` : :... .. <br /> 4 <br /> �(xJ�ICC������.n� _ �±+.�r i- .�'_.'T:���:..': _ ..� _ ._ ...C.(.'_' 1 _ <br /> _- �. <br /> �>�.. _ �-... �rr..-�. � <br /> .-.�-. . ..-.: <br /> ' . . <br /> � � ^ •° f - - - . --: ' ' �� - <br /> I'. <br /> M1 . t . 4 �. <br /> .4- y .'_i. _ � - , . _ <br /> _ _ -. <br /> 2 t•. � .' _ . . _ . . <br /> F :r i .,.�. . +� .. . �_ :. _ <br /> �'' ��� ...�;�:-. ��. `-_ .-:-: �._ _._'__'_ : . .." -'_ _ .-" _ - _ _ '_ '" — . _ '""' —'___. _. . <br /> a . <br /> . dC`' 7 �. . - _ . . - . . <br /> -� _: i°y> s .!i < 1 � 4 � � . _ ' . " - _ . : � . . - . <br /> ,tx _� .r . , ::. .fr - . - - - - ' . <br /> r3 ; : ��. <br /> , , a v <br /> , t ,1 „` yt" __ � ` <br /> 1, > <br /> , <br /> , '��s� � � �- ;. <br /> ,� }U t'r'n ] i..,•' -1 t-., -. .._ . . -�.. i-c : . . <br /> r r't '_ ' 'Y . ., <br /> � �� . � {.- z - - i . � ' ' 7 ., - <br /> lob s . - . ;t J .�. .� . <br /> .-� t'te -i -: j. _ y. i _ ,_� � +; i� ' <br /> � �F 5 t x � . i � l � >.! � .! � \ 't `�� - r v yi . ._. <br /> e ���t -i_�s��r y ` s r 'ui. y 2� .y:ix'- � -_.-- �� i -� t t � / � �` }- t 4(/ - <br /> a : t.f_ " rtl � . i ,i�� n._ .' � . .i..,�5. �. ,. . t�.. . � . 14_ ttr #..�..� _ � � �Li� _ . . _ <br />