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JPlris .�Ili ' _� . .- . . 1 }' ..' + Yr1 ' ._h '�^��£� _ yt lf .._.. , �,. . . . <br /> d��Iti,�(.aad�Ad QJ�E►�r�l Cq�un4oe botibwe�abatl insure e)11mproYrrn�n(e���9�mpeny�wNS� e,a6w t�, r ,,, � <br /> '�kistcr�araupu4uenttysteaed.a�aln.tanyAatatd+.veivalti�endeoni{�,4e�tea,lhsti�dirtg'8ro,, or�vhis�lr,R�9fn4dt� . - - <br /> �ns0�8�MO:'11it:;insurante�q�� 1 do 1nNntdiqsd ln't4o amoumspnJ tot tho periods that tendct«qulKg'8ortoweP eha1�yTed�.� ' :� <br /> lirucc`AAfmpmrenKM3an;heP�o�iiy;Mlefheeiatwlnexlsttaitt�aeud+e9'�P�IIy_crCac9+.�8$1�tn�sby.fl�aod�tni6�e}tew� � - —_ <br /> �'cdyircd by pio Safetdry;All insurenco�pa1f be'�rtled wlth oompants�.aPP�occd bx �er:71ib fnsucqnce pupela enA�nY . <br /> ' ��Sneweta sna(f be 1iu¢tiy I,endu w#she�►I�ciudo Iou pay8D7o clauaq In tavo�ot,enA in►formeeceptebio to,tenEev '' <br /> . . ` _. <br /> I" In @0 9ve�it ot tosa,BottpWU�MU give LenQer Immedlero no�ieo by uWl.l.�mdecm�mpko pmof ot ioa�i(not t�9- � <br /> �comp0y�by BottoWer. Baeh Intu'rAOCa dompany eonamed'le hereby authodud aM dircaM_ta mare pqyiixnt for cueh losa ', <br /> dir�alylo F.enAer,instead of to Borrowu end to t.endu Jofnqy. All or eny part ot tho Insurenoe proceed5'mqr bo opplleE Oy � <br /> I.cnder,dt ite bp�lon,ellhei(a)to tho tqdudlon of�ho indtbtcdnata under the Nota and this Sead�y lnstcument, ff�st�o uly . <br /> delluqueni einpunu appUed fn�ho oMer in pa�greph 3.and then to prcpaymeat ot pdndpal,or(b)�o the restoiaqon or reQait <br /> ot the Cameged Property. Any eppllcatlon of tha prooeoda to the pdnetpal ch�11 not extend or postpone the duo date o(the <br /> monthlY p�ymenu xfiich ere rote�red to trt puegwph Y,or change the emount ot wch payaien[e.Any ezoeaa inspiane0 Prooroda . <br /> over en emount ttqufred to pay etl outstending Inde6tednass undar the Noro and�his 3ewdty Inslrument shail 6e pald tb tha <br /> enNry Iegelly enHiled�hereto. <br /> In tM even[ ot foreclosnro ot tN�Sewrity Inttrument or otha transfer of tiqa�o [he Property Iha[ exdngutahea tha <br /> indeb�edneaa,all right,dtie end interat otHortower In and ro insuwnce pollcies In forca�hall pass ro the purcAaser. <br /> d. Occupsncy, Presenatton, Malntenence end Protudon of the Properqq Dorrower'o Loen Appllatlon; <br /> I.ensehotd�. Borrower shell aapy,estebtiah,md use the Propeny es Borrower'e prindpal restduroe within dxty day+�Rer <br /> �ha executlon ot thle Seadty Instrument and shall cominua to ompy tho Property av Bortower'a p�ineipal residence for et least -�-� <br /> one ytar atter th¢data ot occupanoy,unlw the 3ecrcaary deteeminea thie rcqulrcment will cauu undue hudehip for Hortower, <br /> or unlae extenuadng clrcumatanow exist whlch aro beyond Bortower'e control. Borrowor shell notify I.endere ot eny _— <br /> extenwting clrcumatsnoea.Botro�ver ehell nol commit matte or deatroy,demege or cubsuntlally change�tw Property or dlow - - <br /> the Property to duedorote, reasoneble wear end tear exapted.Lender may insput tho Property if the Propeny i�vecant or --`- <br /> abandoned or the Ionn ia in defeult. Lender mry teke reasonabla actlon to protcet and presorve wch vacant or ebandoned -- <br /> Property.Borcower shell dso be in defeult If Horcower,during the loan epplicntion praass,gave materfalty felx or inexmate <br /> info�mation or�tatemem��o I.ender(or feiled�o provide Lender�vith eny materlel Informetion) im m�ncedon with tAe loaa <br /> evldenced bv �he Note;�ncluding, but not Iimited to, rcpresentatloro conaming Borrower's occupancy ot�he Properry es a <br /> principal resldena. If lhis Security Insnument is on e Ieasehold, Borrower ahall comply witA the provialon+of the leue. If ��;R� <br /> Hortower acqulma fee Atb�o the Propeny.�he Isasehold and fee tltle ahall not be merged unlw Lender egreea to the merger ln =�'�;�.;_ <br /> wrlflng. ,;'�=`�= <br /> iti�',�.Srj}:5.--� <br /> --r,;::::��:—. <br /> 6.Cherga to Bortower end Protectlon ot I.ender'e Righte in the Property. Bonower ahell pey all govemmentel or zi�o-�p;,�_; <br /> municipal ehargea, finu and Impositiona�hat ero not inctuded in paragraph 2. Dorro��sr ahall pay Ihesc obligations on time ''�F:.�{�;';,i,�;, <br /> dirMly ro the emiry whieh Is owed the payment.If feflurc to pay would adverscly attxt I.ender a intcrcst in�hc Propeny,upon '�^��'��«���- <br /> t;.r,S�:p.......::.:... <br /> I.endcr'a rcqueat Bomower ahell pmmptly tumish[o Lender receipts evidencing�hesc paymenu. 4.�;;r��<*,,�`,�.�_.. <br /> ai:�:fk?`t i 'i <br /> If Bortower feila to ma���h�<e�ymenta or thc peymems rcquired by pamgreph 2,ar feils to perPorm any othcr mvenanta `�'�� �1.yr��� --� <br /> and agreemenu comained In this Savrity Instmment,or�herc is a Icgal procceding[hat may significently affcet Lender s rights •��,�.1�:c� ,�r:"'-� <br /> In the Pro rt (such ea a roccedin m bankru te ,for condemnation or to enforce laws ar rc ulations),then Lender me do t4':=,��'�'��'`�=l."�:- <br /> P� Y P S� P Y � Y �,.i��.��{r..St3Ya;:,�_:. <br /> end pay whocever is necasery ro protat�he mlue of the Property and Lender s rights in the Property,induding payment of .��, � �� _ <br /> �exa,hvard insurance and other icenu mentioned in pafsgraph 2. �'.Y"S.'`1�� �°� -: <br /> ,';,r4� y��s �.. <br /> Any omouma dishursed by Lendcr undcr this paregmph shell bcmme on addition�l debt of Borrower end be securcd by ��;fk� � .: <br /> �his Secudt Inswmcnt.These emounu shxll bcnr imerW trom the date of dis6ursement,at the No�e rate,end at tht o tion of ,�,� h:n�' <br /> y P _�-.,.,_ ._,.� <br /> Lender,shall be Immedietcly due and payable. --'--� r�+ <br /> ,,.�,`, �t ���`. <br /> �_' ,_F�_..�:�s;__:. <br /> 7. Condemnet[on.The proceeds of any awerd or cleim for damages, dirat or mnsequential, im m�nection with any �.;�`^;�s Y;,��":���� <br /> mndemnation or o�her mking of any pan of�hc Propeny,or for mnreyance in place of mndemnation,ere hereby assigned end ?;:��.��t ij,�j:;.:-:_ <br /> siiall be �d to Lender ro�he extcnt of Ihe full amoune ohhe indebtcdncss Ihat rcmaim un aiJ under the Note and this Savrit �'v�ht..: %;}?'_.: <br /> pa' P Y .n.-�.�......:��-., <br /> Instmment. Lender shell apply such proceeds to the rcduction o(the indeb�edness under the Note and this Securiry Ins�rvment, ^%i�;_�_}�.�:��''� � <br /> first to eny delinquem emoums applicd in the nrder provideJ in paragraph l. and ihen to prcpayment o(principal. Any `=-:e:�`_`�%'�,°�:.�'--� <br /> ep lica�ion of�he proceeds �o �he principal shalt nm extend or pns�paic �he due dnte n(the monthly paynxnts, which are `' n <br /> (�<ntxe� >,,.�e�a �; �'1 <br /> o .;;i,.r�-,. �.,, ' <br /> ,,�'. <br /> . ''..��F, - <br /> - .- - r'--t-,. Js__sf � �}r ---�' --s .� �-•---r-.�•. _ .*--�-crFT•�---r r—zr' �r.i T_]-. . <br /> z , _ - � F .r _,_. � � <br /> } �' _ f � ,� J . . ._ <br /> ;f . � t`c J - c < _ .�` '� i Y i-y +c t :, i - <br /> �r ' 1-'- ' ��. -� <br /> : �a v- - -�, � � .-.. t:� _ -- � -r— �S � <br /> y-! : SL 4 i�._' y _ -t Y r .f � 1(t�J 1.�..� . . <br /> �� . �{J I��.' -.' st C_. ` , e :+ y � . <br /> 1 --1 �� z r. e a � � � . _• _ . <br /> ..� 1- ; L- �7 . U 1 - � �t . i <br /> .z .Y. �-- -,. �. - - r - � :-� . <br /> �ff i; i'S 5� 1 . �' ' f -J " " �. F ) )- <br /> � r__e ' S 4 �a .'�} t . ra� t .t � ! i�:.� . i � � tYer -s__+/ 4 > <br /> I t , - ..1 .. 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