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,--_____ _ _ _. _ . <br /> :,., : : <br /> . . . . , . . .. <br /> . .. _ _ <br /> �. ___ . _ �_._ ._ - -� -- - -/�-A4 -�`( - <br /> 5 . . ... . _ _ .. _... . ._ .. . �''� � 'l_ r... <br /> . � - ITfV� T�/���+11Y � ..__. �._.-- _.. <br /> '� � � 1�. Qaaascts end Asig�Banadt dofN ead Bweral Uabllityi Co�3i�ere. 7ho aovenante eed agrcemenie ot t6fu" ^ . <br /> • ` BEadty tt(sdiimcnt ehall bind and 6bne8� the waeasoro and aulgns of Lendu nnd�onoweR�ubJat to tho provlelonf ot <br /> --par:,�h'4,ti.Bbrto�ver'e cora�,ti aidl an�esnxma shatl ta)otm and uverot. Acry Borro�.�er who co-nlgro iA10- BeNdry- -�- � - <br /> gut(iiment 6ut daes not exuuto�he Notr.(a)la canlgaing thla Suudty Inatmment only to moegege,g�ant end convey that <br /> 8urrowcr n tnterost In iha Fr�pt�Y mt4cr the turm of this Seariry Instnunem:@)la not personeily obtigeted m qy�ha ama � <br /> melce any eocommodatiom with iega�to�e �fla['Eeiid6r��ry InstNmBno the N te8wl laut th�t Borto�'�come tr <br /> �'b#`�if'a.$_'. <br /> 1�.NoHces.Any naica to Hocro�ver provided tor in this 8xudry Insaumeat�hal!be given by ddicering it or by mailing �__ <br /> It by flrct olau mail unlw eppllteble law requira usa of another methal.The notica nhdl 6e dircaed to tho Propaty Addreas <br /> or any o�her�ddraw Hoirower dealgaatea by noHce to Lendu. Any noqce to Lender ahall be glven by first ciau mdl to <br /> LenderY addrcaf stated hueln or eny addrus I.endu desfgnatea by notla to Bortower. Any notice pmvided for in lhis 3eadty -- <br /> Inttrument shdl be deemed to Mve been glven to goctower or Lender when¢ven u providalln thie paregraph. __.,- <br /> c�r-. <br /> 14. (iovuotng Isw� SeverablHty. 1TIs Sceudty (nswment ahdl be govemed by ftderal Iflw end thc law of the <br /> Jurisdlction In whtch the Prope�ty ie located. [n the event U�at ony provision or clause ot thla Secudty Imtrument or the Note =�_ <br /> conNd�wfth opplieeble law.sucA conflia ahali not affat other provialom of this Security instrument or the Note�vhich can ba �;,_-.,_: <br /> given etRet whhout the confliUing provisfon.Yo�Aia end the provisfons of this Secudry[ns�mment and�he Note aze declared �,.;..'. <br /> to be wvewble. - ".;"�. <br /> '�'?5c:_: <br /> 1S.Borro�rer'e Copy.Borrower sha116e given one confomxd copy of this Secudry Instmment. ` ' ' <br /> �f.; <br /> ol"t <br /> 16. Aasl@�ment of Renta.Borrower umm�di6onally aasigns and transfen�o Lender ell the rcnu enA rcvcnues of the ._� <br /> Propeny.Bortower nwhodzes Lender or Lender s ugenta to collcet Ihe«n�s and rcvenues and herc6y direMa eech tenant of the a.;,.;-�: <br /> Propeny to pay the rcnu a Lender or L'a�der's agenta.How¢vu,pdor ro Lender'n notia to Borrower of Bortower's brcach of �Sz;';�;-_ <br /> any covenant or egreement in the Securiry Insnument,Borrower ehall collat end reccive all rcnu and rcvenuu of the Propeny y,;j,-__, <br /> s� muue for the benelt� of Lender and Bonower. 7'his essipnment of rcnta anst(wtea en n6soWte ass(gnment and not an �"";,'-��- <br /> auignment for eddiHond eecudry only. '"-"•- <br /> ;�''�`:`c <br /> .f.T__ <br /> If Lender givea notice of brcach ro Bortower.(a)all rcnu received 6y Borrower shell be held by Borrower u tnisiee for ` -- <br /> benefit of I.ender only.,ro be epplied to the sums secured by the Secud�y Inatrununr. (b)I.ender shall 6e emftled to milm end <br /> rtccirc di uf G�c ici�ia o(tYc PIU i[': u�iu' (i3 wch izrare af th. P f'° :h911 �!! rcnta dee s:�un °Id !o LEtx�^..r M t-'���� <br /> � 7 �v Wi F �)`:�'�_.: <br /> I.endu e agent on I.ender a wriuen demand ro the tenant. - -.. <br /> f,�.l.�; <br /> Bortower hes not uecuted any pdor twignment of the rems and has not e�W will not perfomi any ect thet wouid prcrent i�.`'S`s�- <br /> Lsnder from exercisin its d hta under�his ara m h 16. !'_'_= <br /> 8 B P S P i"yt�:,,. <br /> *,,,,.�, <br /> Lendcr shall not be required to enter upon,tekc mntml of or maintein�he Property 6etore or aRer giving notia of brcach ��r`:' <br /> to Bofmwer. Nowever,Lender or n judfcially nppointed receiver may do so at any tlme therc fs e brcach. Any applicntion of �<�,e- <br /> rcnis shall na arc or waive any defuult or invalidete any othcr right or remcdy of Lendcr. 7'his nasignment of rcnis o(�he f"i?�"'- <br /> Propeny shall mrminete when�he debt secured by�he Security Instrument is poid in ful I. 2!{����::. <br /> ,y__. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borro�verand Lcnder funhcrmvcnent md asrccat follows: 4�;;�;-•. <br /> 17.Forectosure Praedure.If Lender rcqulrm fmmedinte peyment in iLll under paragreph 9,Lender mey Invoke lhc '-<'x <br /> po�rer of sale and any other remedia permittcd by applleeble le�v. I.ender shall be entlllevl la mllcct all expences ��=�}'`i`�� <br /> Incurrcd In ursuin the remediea under thts ra ro h 17,Includln ,6ut not Iimtted ta, reamnable etmrne s'feea end �''��� <br /> P 6 Pe 8 P 8 ) �iri�. <br /> costa of tftie eridcnce. .''`�i°-• <br /> irr.'. <br />- [f Ihe power of snle Ix Invoked,Trusice shell ranrd a imUce ot defaull In mnc �oun�y fn ehich nny pert of Ilte "��-?��-- <br /> Properly Is lornted nnd:ltall mall cop�a uf such notlm h� t6e menner pmerihed by upplicable Ian�to Barrmeer nnd to �:t"� <br /> the other peraons prescrlbed by applienble le�r.ARer 16c tlme requlicd by appllca6te la�v.Trustee ahell give public nolice ���`:';�- <br />� of sele b the perso�u and In ihe iummer prescrihed by appllcablc Ix�r.Trusice, �vlthout demand un Ummoer,shell m0 ��?''"�-� <br /> fhe Pro rt al ublic xuctlon la ihe Id hctii hidder ut t6e llme und law and m�der ihe[crnu dcsl nated fn the noNm of �'�>�-�- <br /> Pe Y P R N F :.i. :.. <br />_ sn(e In ane or more parcels and In unp order Truatm detenn0ics.Trustce mer pnslpnnc wle of xll or nny purcel af lhe e.`,1��- <br /> Roperq� by public nnnouncemmt at lAr thne and pince nf nn�� prtrinusl�scheduled wle. I.ender or(ts dcdgnee may <br />�= purchaze the Property et any sxle. <br /> ��IBINEI �.w s e.e 4?s'�r. <br />: o �f', <br />. F?.'�_::: <br /> - _y..:} r.:� :.��n,� - :- � ..t1ri - - s_^"'_`_.`:"_-Zoi"_ ."tr .i,,.: -. .. <br /> v �t �. J.�� - t. ! . <br /> .J .4`_ <br /> �` t . � :.S � . . <br /> s • •- ` <br /> '�.. . � �..� - � . . . - . <br /> .i.. , -.:.. .- _. . � . .: .. -. '.i . � ..� <br /> . _ ...- <br /> . , � <br /> y "._: -... -. - - `_____ "� _ 1_ T <br /> (� . _- ... . " . . -� <br /> I .:.. .� -Y . . .r _ .. . 1 . -. . . [_ 1 _ <br /> .s a"-� --r�' � - � � I ° .- . , ' <br /> � r . . � , .- � � _. <br /> y '�� - � y L' � � ' 4 _ _ . �t� . . <br /> l <br /> �7�> . t f 7 __, _ . <br /> v- <br /> � •1 f i <br /> 1' �_i/J N t �_�:� � �' t -.�- , l_ x. _ . - .. <br /> , L,S� . t t : _ ' ' � . " <br /> V L <br /> � ,�, _ ] ` , S �. . _ <br /> � }1 iY � l. �f :�� +1 ' r . <br /> ( f. . L .. f - _ . <br /> l > I .y µ _ t _ ]� .. ; - 1} � � . <br /> ) ) <br /> t k - � ' � - f � r i\J / ) 5 - 1 r � <br /> � �� �a - � - (t � -" ! � �% ( 1 � � � � �. <br /> 1 I ' C I '� [ I` 5�. 1. � f Y ,i l 1. 4 f �-Q J{ . <br /> Y I <br /> i �1l . 1: R < - �F � ( 1 ) (I .� . � 1 . <br /> i . � .. u , r r r ,. � 3 <br /> ),. [ �� � r�_ _}.� .i�' 1 .�i t _ s.t ;y - � _ r.�.3 � 3 � ` Cs'. . <br /> .. . . . . , .. � , ., t.t .,. . , . , ..i . L? . .. . � . , . . y- <br />