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....;, z� . ..... .. : . . .. . _'_t •.. t .iZ . <br /> �.._ "_ _"'___ __.__ '._"�__..—_ �Su` "_� '_'" •—. _ ..- rr <br /> . .. .� . . ,_y , <br /> "_ ' r _ _ <br /> � . . _, ._ . �. _.-•. .. . . . . :. .. .. . . . . .. . _.._ . _, ir r�._. <br /> �-. ��i'Ets�t WffH at! Aw I�tiDrovqmente. now ot hereattcr cruted on the roupen'y.tPl��ienu, dghtr,s . <br /> p�pilrta�a�o�a�_tpt1W,royattiee,minttal,olt`end gas Hghu md proflro.watcr dghta end aixk enC d111xrotts no�vor ficrce4era� <br /> ' `pe�t df ihb piopod`y�hii ispteaeaxnte aW d�d14av efiWi alaa 6o'eavcred Uy m!a iSac+�rlry tnarum�at,.Att ot tha fare�otng te ---- <br /> � refcr�edto,intNdBar�rltylrist�amlotesthe'�?roperty.'• <br /> � BOIIROWBR CaV6NAtyT8lhet Bortowu H IawNlly eolud ot tho a�ate hcreby convoyod and ha9 tAo rigM to grant�nd ` <br /> convey tlie Propeiyr eM tha�JAe Propeny la unencumbered,except for enmmbranaa of nooM. Bortowcr wnrteat�end wfll <br /> detend gensraily tho H�te ro�h0�P�nY�����ctetm�and demenda,eubJat�o nny encum6nnma ot rcmrd. <br /> 1.Paymeut o!Alnclyal,Ialertat and Lote Choige.Bortower ehetl pay when due tho principil o/,and imcrat on,the <br /> debt ovidenad by�ha Note end late charga due undu tha ttote. <br /> 2. Monthty Paytnenta ot Te�cea, intintance and Other Charqes. Bortower ch�l induda lo eech momhiy paymen6 --. <br /> togwher with Ilw prindpal ond Intercst ea cet tonh in�he Naro ond eny laro charges,an instellment of eny(e)texa and speciel <br /> auetsmenn levled or ro be levted agalmt Ihe Propeny. N) leasehold paymcnta or ground rcnts on tho Property, end (c) = -_--__- <br /> prcmlurtu far insurenca required 6Y Paregreph 4. _--- <br /> 8ech monthly Inatdlmcnt tor 6ema(e).@).end(c)shall equel onrtwel(th of the ennuel emoum�,a�aa�onebly utlmattd �— <br /> 6y Lender,plua an emount wtflclent ro maimeln on additfoml balance of not moro�han one-sixih of Ihe eslimated emounts.The °"-�;--- <br /> Potl ennuai amount for taeA item�hall be eocumulated by l.ender wlthin e perlod ending oro month beforc an item xrould ���---•� <br /> 6xoma delinquent. I.ender ihell hold �he emounu collected in �mst ro pay itema (e). (b). end (c) before �huy 6eoome �it�`_'��-_,_. <br /> :,-,�..�.-. <br /> delinquent. -�*�.�.>s..... <br /> ;�L�Cko. <br /> If at an time the �ael ot the a mrnts held b Lender for irems (a), @). end (c), toguher with the Poturc monthl '`��' �� - <br /> �:t�.,�:.-n- <br /> Y P Y Y Y ° ,;,:•::.. <br /> paymenu for wch items payable�o Lender prlor�o tho due date�of such items,exceeda by morc then one-iixih the estimated ��t'f.`�±�.;_j,�- <br /> amount of paymema requind to pry such itenu when due,and(f pxymenu on the Nore ere curten6�hen I.ender ahall either -�5��;3�`..•__.� <br /> roPond the exaas over oncsizth of tha atimated paymenu or credit�he excess over one-s(x�h of�M1e atimeted paymenu ro '�;:a'"�n,;.' <br /> rc_.•.nk.,,.::. <br /> wbsequeat prymenu by Bortower,et the opdon of Borrowu.If tho�otel of thc paymenu mede by Borrower for Irem(a),(bl, � ���G•s�'y � <br /> l R.7.:;.]3�: <br /> or(c) It insufliclent to pay Ihe Item when due, tl�en Dorrower shall pay ro Lender any amount nxessery ro meke up the ;r;elv�:'��;.%�. <br /> ��'.,.,,�;� : <br /> deflclenry on or betott the daro�he Item buomea dua `3�:�,.`$�.,:-� <br /> v�4fir's..,,: <br /> :)}»:'I�?iti'. <br /> Aa uscd in Ni�SeCUrity Instmment, "Secretery" meAns�he Secretary of HouainB�d Urban Development or his or her ��>�-;.,_.�_�� <br /> deafgna. In�ny year in which the Lender must pay a mottgoge insuwnce premium ro�he Seeretary, each mon�hly payment �{? ; t _' <br /> shall dso fnclude either.(1)en insidlmem ot the annual mortgege incurence prcm(um io 6a paid by Lender to Ne Secrcaary,or 1�`y ls ,.�. <br /> a• Ar.,:. <br /> (Iq e monthly charge instead of o mongage insurentt prcmfum if�his Secvriry Instmment u held by U�e Secretary. Each '5�,�.;�,-,;:,,. <br /> monthl instellment of the mon e e insuronce rcmlum shall be in en emount:ufficient�o accumulete�he NII annual mort a e �%;�:�;�:_• <br /> Y B B P 8 8 k;�-7. r�. <br /> insurentt premium wt[h Lender one manth prior m�he d,ie ihe full ennuel monaage i�umnce prcmium is due ro the Secrciary. -�"�`���;"-: <br /> or if lhia Seeuriry Instmment ia held by the Secrcmry, each monthly charge shall be in an�mount equel to one-�xmlRh of ;���si;'�`�:.` <br /> ..r.,�,.�nt-._.. <br /> one-half perant of the auutending principal balanm due on�he Note. ,�;;;:s�.ar,,:- <br /> ,?..y.:�Ir,:;?: <br /> it Bortower tenders ro Lender the PoII payment ot all sums secured by�his Secudry InstmmenL�orro�vcYs eccaunt shall _jif�r=,;:t;;�-� <br /> be eredited �viih �he balenee rcmaining for all inctallmtms for items(a6 (b),and (c)end any mongage insurance premium .,sS;��'��'�Y,� <br /> inslallment Ihet Lender ha+not become oblige�ed�o pay�o the Secrctery.and Lender shall promptly «fund nny exmcc Ponds to 5,L`;�:x�•i-=�..: <br /> _;.}•;,.,.,c;,., <br /> Borcowee Immediately prior to a foreclosure sule of the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender. Botrower's acrnunt shall 6e zr,i-;..,?::.... <br /> crcdited�vith eny belence rcmeining for all instullmcnts for itenu(a).(b),and(H. ;.."',':�';;.'•',._-;: <br /> 'if?:c.-�-px�.- <br /> �51fgS•i.5i:,- <br /> 3.Appliexflon of Pnymente.All payments undcr parng�aphs I anJ 2 shail M applicd by Lender a(ollows: ���g�i;,'';,'-::% <br /> �.fa,-t�;. <br /> �4-��.'i:..v-�: <br /> First, ro the mongage iiuurnnce prcmium to be paid by Lender�o the Secrcinry nr to�he mont6ly charge by the Secmary �"�<�;;%':���-�" <br /> �:=��±-�—,..;_.-, <br /> instcad of�hc monthly nwrtgagc insurance pmmium: .�:,•.n(:4i.� ' <br /> Second,ro any texes,special acussments,Ieacehold {uymems or gmwd rents, and firc. O�wd and other haiard insmana �(•dt;>Y:��'-"=' <br /> prcmiunu,as«quired: •'�--��',���"`�= <br /> _,�:,;,�•,��.: <br /> Third,to interest due under thc No�c: ":-,i�(:.-,��'�r= <br /> Fourth,m amorti-retion nf thc princip�l of thc Nn�c: �-�'';�z3"- <br /> Fiflh,to late ch.irges due undtt tlic Nrne. `��i:"..:,r`;,; , <br /> .•.:,�.:�.•_': <br /> �-0BINEI o�v.r.•n _°�•��' �xY-�.. <br /> � �:ii�'�r�3,:__-, <br /> . ' �`)!:.j_,-.f;. <br /> -�.;_- z 7t� -.��rA.`. ti �Z.:: -..^.i'�-�^ry��'�_�y_•__`z _�'.'�- �7.-. _ � " -- <br /> �. - - - . „ _ _- : ' <br /> . . --F --i - i._ - s • -`_ � <br /> - z i. !.1. � - � iW: � .4� _ <br /> " " <br /> �, .. � .. i <br /> _�.(. C i �l � - <br /> �t _-(�.J �l.-ti — 3— . [ . . <br /> 4 [Y f l. ( <br /> �jy � �ltt "�. t 1 .. 1 . r.J I.. . <br /> � ��11t. i- r S ft � • �Ie. 1 /e ,. . <br /> a �.� . - " . ' _ <br /> . .j .�. - . . ��. '' <br /> .11 -:.' _ f�1 _ - $._ _ ' ` .-. - <br /> t � T` ' a- L-- X'r . .> '} - { :i � 'f° ' . <br /> - . �-. -. ,sY �.. _ . ` - . <br /> 4 3 ' S � Fy9i`f se t1 '< ' ! 4 _ + `.l < s - . . <br /> �t rr .y� � 6. �< �- r - + � . � , F � i�•1 s <br /> � .i : �� . ti 11 � - -i��y �4 L ` L� �i � '•1 a11�- : � . <br /> t- � � _ _ � Y 4. � c}- �i ti a- i.- <br /> y � - aAf � M1 - - �s ����ti 4 i �_ � F .` j . f� � � � ' ��'_ <br /> � i . ��ia' � i - r, �r --� t y . r � ; �'n � ry -. t +�( _ - � <br /> � � � i �-F}. --5 7 f % t �� . . y' � -�` : f� <br /> } 1 S� _i.! ;1 2 .i S i � � � } i.: j �3 f ._ft \ � •,. rl � .. <br /> S r J4y_R{ .� {� 5 � ' )t t . 5 , .� � ; s r7 l i y , . <br /> �tvz. . . '.:t4a. . _.. .-11 ^'.: ._-. tl. ... . ...� . , . . . . .. . �_ .� ...41�:.i .. i:: .f � ., � <br />