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: :.. <br /> • -_.�}} ._N_i. -;,!� �r.- i�. ..k�.. ,, f F h-. o.�R->. F r.., . ._'> 1� ��.{�'1�/�N..A{�J�`tf �r . { � -�e._ <br /> . _.._ . .3.- 5 � t !J. ro._r. -.: <br /> __^r: ' . . r f : . . _ .e ,.j - . �'r° _-. -.' �r i4 _f', n�� N�thvE,�Y'4(°4 ��' �b i � � <br /> p�i'mrn�sm "huion¢er�rlt�ul ,�►eabpapno( �limo n�nucemven�a(t�,Jse �'�oj�'�,�i° - <br /> � u a��ono�ee�nu) , • <br /> , tM.d��i�a)q(bvjeea;b}�y�ts�,+u�e�tpprav�'t;�skds��avat�hk�n01•p�ti;i �ip {j',,K <br /> � ;h°prual�...tiquIrai4��4rdnpww�rotwAln�,o tOb�e�iid�Ikndr�btbf�Lw�l��t��� : '`'_ <br /> , i��^coid� l�J�TttaY z . �_. ` ., ; <br /> i�T�Ii�sc<COn.k�_6r!}p tgtnt mgy�n�Ce�nsble entrTe�y�ch�nd7asyooiTuW otl{�e Fi6p�rtY �+Mk��l.�lrb ,; � . <br /> fforro,�ayotic6uuieunieototprlortoioUG�ilon4yxiqridg�unoblewue�fol�e7nspaxtLa:` � � , i • <br /> ;0.G�oadlmwfion.9fie�tOGDCQ4 OI 8q}�BWLfi�0�2I8T�1 t0T d101MgW�4lsoqt or po�enu�i;iq co od7�th Fny " � '= <br /> . pcp�emnu�otl oR other wicing n uiy�az!ot�hb Dlbpprq+,of tor opn��yrinoa lp�ley 6�.a�nQemnntlont ary 6er'�AS�l�ned wd � ' <br /> etulibopetaroesnarr f . . . .: �; � - „ <br /> -«In�+a evmt ot atotel e�dng o1�he PryponY.�hopJdoxd+shn116eappit�d taUw samasaarcd by NIi Sswil�y tas�timunF, <br /> whtahe�otnot�en Que.wieti any w��si pa7d ro Boaower Jn�o ovent ota paniei�rtklag oi Wo 4mperry lri aiildr(hP f� <br /> owikct veluo ot the Prcpony tmmWlately 6etoro tho ialdng ie equat to or gteater then thtl emount ot tNe aumi eeCpted bg tNY "' <br /> 8ea�itry Tnauument immedte�ely beforo eM takiag.unteas Oorcower azM I.eMu othmwlao agna la ivrliing �de euau icfuted,bY � •-`;-'' <br /> tdif&cudry Luuument shdl ba rcduad 6y the amount ot t1w procada multlplicd Dy the foUowing�netlom. (a)tha'tdil .� �- <br /> amouat ot the�ums awrod lmmcdiaroty beforo the Wdng,dlHdod by(b)tlw fatr market v�uo ot Poo PrOpeESy�tumeG4tylY.. _ <br /> 6afo�s tho taking. Any 6ala�we ifi�li be pald to Hortowu. in�he event ot a panlal Wdng ot the Ptoperiy tn aAlc7i ttie faU <br /> mar�u value ot ihe Propecty ImmMlately betoro the taking le ksi then Ne wouht ot the ewd sxueed iAvnediatety.bntote the <br /> Wdng,unles+Bonrower end I.ender otAernlse egree ia wrlUng or untw eppllubla law othenvlao proviCe�,tde proceMa s1(all . <br /> 6e epPlipd to tlw auau cecuad by�hb&wdry fnsieument whethu or not tAe Nmi aro�Gea due. <br /> It the PropeRy L ebandoned by Borrower,or if,eRer notico by Lendcr a IIortower that the condemnor oNECe to me�ce ep <br /> awazd or eettle a cidm tor dunegea, Bortower falle to reapond to Lender xithia 3D daye aftu the daro tAe qoNee la givea. <br /> I.ender b authorized to roUea end epply 1he procaede,et 11e opNon,eithu ro ttstor9tlon or ropelr otlde Proputy 6r ro the suw <br /> saureJ by W�8ecu�iry Inawmen6 whetAer or not then due. <br /> Unlesa Lender�nd Hortowu otherwi�e agrw In wrlHng, eny applicatlon of p�ooetda to peincipel �hell not mtend or <br /> postpone�he due dafe of the montNy paymenu re@rted to in paregrephs I end 2 or c6enge the emount of such peyment�. <br /> il.Borrowu I1o1 Rdeaud�Forbearance By Lendu Not a Watver.&tension of tqe tima for payment or modiflcauon <br /> otemoniraUon of the am�Kcurod by ehii Suvdty inswmeo�pmnted by lendu[o eny�ucoasor in lutuea[otBorrower sheU <br /> not operaro ro release�he Ilabllity of�he odginal Borrowu or Bortower's woousore In Interest.Lender nhall not be rcqulred to <br /> wuwence proceedtnga sgainst eny matasor In intereat or refuse to extend tlme for paymcnt or othuwtse madify emoRiredon <br /> ot the sum+ �ecured by Nfi &adty Inu�umme by rcason of arry demud made by �he odginal Bortower or Bortowu'e <br /> wooeasoro In intereat.Any forlxamnce by I.ender in exeretatng eny dght or remedy�hall nM be a waivu of or preclude tfie <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Buccesson end Atsigne Hound�Jolnt end Several Ua6llllyi Co-signen. ltia covenante and agramente ot tfiie <br /> Seadty Inatmment �hdl bind and beMfit the wxeswn and astgro of lenAer enG Bo[rower, aubjcct ro�he provisiom of <br /> pazag�aph 17. Borrower•s covenenu and agreemenu �hall be Jolot end «retal. Any Borrower who co-signa thii Searity - <br /> Guaument but doa not execute�he Note: (e) Ia co-signing this Secudty Inummen[ody to mongage, grent end convey that — <br /> Borrower'e Interest in the Propeny under the temu of thls Secudry Instmmenr,(b)b not pecconally oblig�ted to pay�he eums _ <br /> securod by Ihia Saudry InstNment;�nd<c)egrcp�hat I.ender and eny other Bortower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or -�. <br /> malce any eocommadations with rcgud to the temu of thia Secudty Insuument or the Note wi�hout thet Hortowu'a conunt. ��� <br /> 13.Loen CAwigea. If tM1e loan securcd by this Secudry Inanument is�ubject to a law which sW meximum loan eherga, - <br /> end�het law b finally interymted w that ehe intercst or other lozn chergu collected or to be collected fn annectlon wiN the -" <br /> Iwn eacoad�he pemilned Iimits,thrn: (e)any such loan charge ahall be reduad by�he amount neeeasery lo rcdua IAe cAuge � <br /> ro Ihe pumitted Iimit;md @)any sumt elrpdy mllectod trom Borrower which exaeded permitted Ilmiea will be rcNnded to <br /> Horrower. Lender mny choow ro make ihia rePond by reducing tha prindp�l owed under�he Note or by making a diroct = <br /> peyment ro Bortower. If a ttPond reduces principal, ihe rcduction will be treatcd at e partiol prcpayment witAOUt any - <br /> prepayment chttge under the Nole. ='-� <br /> 14.Notlms.Any notitt to Bortower provided tor in this Security Inatrvment slull be giren by delivedng II or by mafling !"-� <br /> it by flnt class mail unless�pplieeblt law requircs use of another me�hod.The notice ahall be dirccted ro the Propetty Addrw <br /> or any other address Uorrower daigneta by natice to Letdec Any notim�o Lender shell 6e given by first cleu mall to <br /> Lender a addrcss stated hercin or any other eddrcss Lender duignats by notice to Dorrower. Any notice provided for in this t�z <br /> Savriry Tnstrument shall be dcemed to harc been givcn to Borrowcr or Lendcr when given ac provided in this pawgrcph. <br /> IS.Governtng Iaw; Severebll(ty. This Security Insirument shail be govemcd by federel law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is locu�ed. In�he evrnt that any provision or clnuse ot this Security Instrument or the No[e - <br /> conflicts wi�h app!icable la�v.such mnflia s6ail noi alfar other pmvisions of�his Security Ins�mment or the Note�vhich can be �,-- <br /> given ef(at without the conliicting provision.To this cnd the provixionx uf this Scarity Insuument end the Note arc dcclnred :�� <br /> to be seveabla F�-� <br /> 16.Uorto�ver'e Copy.Bortoxror shaii Ac given one mn(onneJ a�py af�he Note anJ of this Sccurity lrtumment. - <br /> Po�m 3028 9180 �- <br /> �q1M6 Y. <br /> .yq�.e.�^ri J ��.f � .��t. .. . . .. . . . � !. . . . ��•Tf • . �� __ '.7':': <br /> v. '�: . . . . _ . t . . <br /> -� �r,i' �_1 . .' _ " _. ._ . . . . . __ ' _ <br /> ' '__ .___ ' ' "__ _'_— _' _ _,_ <br /> cs . ... " _ ' ._ '__ .' '_ . _ - .. <br /> :ti" i:� ':'. _ . • . - <br /> .:c.- IF(r.S::`:�� - , - - . . - - . . <br /> "' 9; <br /> �. � _� . ,�_'. _ . . ' - . _ _ . <br /> s 5- s -_i• - . ' . . . _ <br /> r',- . ,.:". � .- - . _ _ <br /> fn J. 'LJ_. " . . . _ <br /> t'� r .. ., - � _ . <br /> _t _ .� _ .. . . ... <br /> L+ l..- V1- J , ,� � . . . I .t`` __`. <br /> p- , � p J 1 t <br /> � S.J _ t. . _ � _ <br /> � � s � t <br /> ,�. i� ,t L ��� t�. + r i i.� t C - �q S - 4 " <br /> at ... .i. .. if.-. . .. _ .� �. � S . . r . �- � .i!! . . . . . .. -t . .�` .o �. �-i. '.F,-. <br />