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tt �� . : .. . _ ':_ : . . . . ' . ' :'. l <br /> , _ .._ . � - .. . :w - ' ... - �..r . 'vl <br /> ' _ __ _ .,... -- ._ t . - '� f� f"" :_ _ ' , yu{����i. - . <br /> _. .._ . . _ . . . -. ry -� ' n . 5�M$ 1r h��+`�F�"Tf� 4 i�'j .�._.._..,.n...�.-. <br /> � � • p, f[�=�rd oe P�vyeriy inqrnln�e. ehrrot3u ahill kcep cAa�mprot��meois aosV�wA+�to;or hek�Ret EerodaO&h B�i � T� . <br /> ; proyetry l�uprcd ag�►nri los�by,iiro,h�ANe IncludCd withiq the t�tm'cxton0c4 do��'�nSl 4nY WhEe�twJ���AChdln/ ° r. <br /> ' ,tioo0�orftuodl�B�to�qfiich Le�Wer mquttej insud�ioe.7A�a I�+unv�ae eKill(�o oulnt in'the oroouNp AqQ fot(�e perlp�7 <br /> � ttut Lsndor foo¢vtifa'7fio iniari.uc6curtd►pmvt4iag trs taSUr:noa sYsit IIe tirosw,By.BOrroivet tutij�ct fo�,endci'r i�Dto��-:. , _ <br /> --�; whlcfi sAait nai tia unr�asonahiy witi�h�id. !f 8ortowu faila tb m�inuln;ttl6ad ebove:t.en�er mpjl;rt L!!�t o- .--- <br /> .�—' o�tioe,ob:dn wvoezgb ta pratzp fendeFs rlghte In tha Vrop2rry tn acourpenbo wOh qar.gaph 7: . -"' , . . . - _ — <br /> ' All inwroitee poliolea end renowela aAall Ao aoocyteblo to I.ender dnd sA91f incluQe a 6tnnOaM�nottgage claus�i. I.edCet , " <br /> j tholl h�ve pp dght to tioid thepolicla end Lendu rcquliu,Borrowcr�hall prumptiy glv0 to l�nde�@ll,rxei�i�of <br /> ._ „_.., <br /> p�id prcmlum�end«newW noti�ea.In�ho orent ot lose.Borrowu�hall glve piompl aoAcO to tho�nsurdnoe caaler aAd lknder. ;, <br /> LendermeymakeproototlouitnotmadaprompUy by8orrowur. - - ` <br /> --- UNea+Lender end Bomower oU�ecwlu egreo in wriHng,iruurenoo prottede�hd! De epplled a rcstoratlon'or ttp�r otthe <br /> Propeny deomged,it the�escorallon or rcpalr 1�coonomicelly fcaslblo end LendeP�Kcudty la 6ot IessenM.If the resroraNOn6r <br /> repair ia not esonomically taulbte or I.ender'e seartty aoutd be lessened,tha inwrana pr000ed�shal!bo epyAed ro�io curtu <br /> eecurod by tlil�Sauriry'Instwnen6 aheNer or not thcn duo,w11h eny oxces�pe�d ta Bocrower. It Aortowu eba�Monf the <br /> _._ Ptopetty, or das not anawu wlthin 30 day�a noqce from Lcndsr that�he Inaurence cmier hes otfered ro eGtle a clalm,tAen <br /> Lra�der may coliect �he tnawanro proceedt. I.ender may uso the proceeda to rcpair or rearore U�e Ptopeny or to pay wmt - <br /> -- ceared 6y�his 8awtry Lut�umem,avhether or not then due.'ILe 30-day period wfll beg�a whrn No notico ie gtven. <br /> - Unles�Lendu end Borrowu otfwrnlse agtta In wriqng, eny application of prvcxde ro pdncipal ehall not extend or <br />-_— postpone the due dero ot U�e momhly paymenu refemd eo tn pawgreplu 1 and 1 or chenge the amount ot the paymenu.It <br />--- undu paregroPh 2I ehe Propeny 1�aoqulred by I.ender,Bortower'�righc to any Insurence polida and proaeda remlflag from <br /> -- — daznage to the Propaty pdor to�he ecquisiUon eAeli pass to Cendu to the actent ot tha sum+axured by this 8ecurlry Imtrument <br /> tmmedfetaly pdor ro the ecqulslNon. - . -. <br /> ��" 6.Occupancy,Preaervatton,Matntenantt end Protection o!the Property�Ooreoaer'e Loon Applicatioa=I.eaaeholds. <br /> Bortower sM1dl axupy,stebllsh,end use tM Propmty a�Bortowu'n pdncipal«aidence althin eixty daye aRu tha exautlon of <br /> ',�fie,;�� thie Saurity Guwment and�hell eontinue ro oxupy�he Propeny es Borto�ver'�princip�l realdw¢e tor at leut one yter dter <br />-,T�=r,;;�- �ha date of aapancy,unlua Lender otherwiu egroes in wrlting,which consent shell not 6e unrcasonnbly withheld,or udeas <br /> =�=;'a�r�'::+; ex�enw8ng circumttenoes exlst wAlch erc beyond Borto�ver's control. Borro�ver shdl not dptroy. demage or impalr Ihe —. <br />-._.,,:,•,r;.. <br />�...�,3�__.;,:, properry, ellow the Propeny to daedorete, or commit wuta on tha Property. Bortowt+�hall 6e In deteult it nny forfelmre <br />--�„�i;t.,;;;;, ealon or prooading,wheaher civil or crimtnil,i�begun tAat in Under•a good tdtA judament tould rpult In fodelturo of the <br /> "�+��'�'? Pro or otderniae matedell im eir the Iien crcated b thla Secudt Instrument or I.ender's eauri interest.Bortower <br /> - ::. ,.�.• P�nY Y P Y Y �Y �Y <br /> ;��:�:�w`��. arc such a dehult md rctnstete,a+pmvided in paregreph 18,by cauain;tha acdon or proatding to be dismissed with a rvling <br />�-��"i����f` thet, in Lender'e good telth dUemilnetfon, precludea fodelture of the Borrowu'� tntaeat in Ne Property or other maitilal <br /> ` - "�_ impnirm�nt of Ne Iirn crcated bv thia Securiro Imtrununt or Lender'i cecuritv interest.Bortowu shall elso be in defadl If <br /> __- <br /> Sr� �[ - . . . -°-°`----..... <br />-..�.,_F�y ; Hortower,dudng Ne loan application proces+,gevo metedelty telm or inaaurate informulon or netementi ro Lendu(or fdlW —_. -- <br /> �, ^�% ro provida Lender wi�h ony m�ted�l Informatlon)in connation with the lo9n evideneed by fie No�e.Including,but not Iimited �"' � " <br /> '� t i'.' to,rcpresemedoro conttming Horrower n oavpaney of the Propeny aa a principal residrna.It thia Saurity Insuument B on a "` - <br /> , p � leauhold, Borrower shall com 1 with ell the rovisions of the leau. If Borrower uires fce title m �e Pro n the E '� <br /> . y rFfiq � PY P �9 P� Y. r�:;j . <br /> rs � , . leuehold and the fa title shall not merge unless Lender agras to the merger in wriiing. �-� �> � <br /> - t't,§.�ij. 7.Protectlon ot Lender'o Rlghta In the Property.If Borrower faile a pcAo�m the avenants and egramenu contalned in .,,ZS'{,,,.,n�:_-�. <br /> 'r f-.�;}t thla Security Instrument,or tAero is e legal proceeding�hat may significently attat Lender's righ�s In�he Property(wch a�a u,�'!r� <br /> ' ` "�'�` roaed{n in bankru u robate,for rnndemnetfon or Podeiturc or to enforce laws or uletlons),�hen I.ender ma do�nd -riN�JO ' <br /> ���?�21 P 8 P Y.P rc8 Y , s _g JP �. <br /> �' -1 t`.t� pay for whakver la neasaary to protecl �he velue of tht Property and Lender s dghta In the Propeny. Lender's eNiom may �`��c :; � ---�- <br /> S �}- -, include paying eny aums securcd by e lien �vhieh hes priority over this Security Imlmmrnt, eppearing In mun, prying �F�;i,j�'�,j`:� <br /> > *„`��4 reasomble attomeya'(ecs and entering on the Property ro make rcpairs.Aithough Lender may take eaion under�hie paragnph ��.F'����i �� <br /> ,,� --i,� 7,Lender das not have to do so. ��Yq;ss�,� yt Z'.- <br /> ��� Any amounta disbursed 6y Lendcr undcr this }uragraph 7 shell 6ccomc additioml debt of Borrower xecured by thin � ,- r"� <br />_,,��,i�F 1: Secudty Instrununt.Unlea+Bortowcr and Lendcr ngree ro other tcmu of payment,thae emounu shall beer intera[from Ihc ky�hh��:?c'!'t�',.:'-` <br /> J Y,z}_ date of disbursemcnt at the Note rete and ahall be payabla wi�h intcrcst. upon notia from Lcnder to Bortower rcquating ��,'�s5,�s *�a _- <br /> i�`�- ": Payment. �t�;;,a�3L -:. <br /> +')` ' 8.Morlgege Insurnnce.If Lender required mongugc insumnm as u rnnclition of making thc loan secured by this Saurity � �",�'' � u�;'.. <br /> � '+'��n8 Instrument. Borrower shall a the remiumt re uired to maintain �he mart a e insu�antt in efkct. If, for an rceson.�he "-ti;;"' --� <br /> {n� ,-, P Y P 9 S B Y , �',� _V, <br /> --�'+ �- mongege insufance mverege rcquircd by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec�.Burrower xhnll pay the premiuns rcquircd to � ,i � . <br /> ` ;, ay_�_ obtain mverege subs�entially equivalent to the mongage inmmnce previously in e(fat,at a mst wbstentielly equivalent ro the �� �� "' <br /> - 3 :'� cost ro 13orroxxr of the mortgage innimnce prcviously in e(kct, (rom an eitema�e mangage insurcr approved by Lender. If :��„ �p-j_- <br />-�-t���h'��;; substantially equivalcnt mortgagc insurancc mvcngc is nm availablc. &�rroa•er shall pay�o Lendcr cach month a sum equai to `�•. �:.-'�'..�..� <br /> oneawelflh of the yeariy mnngage insumnce premium M1eing paid hy[inrnmrr�.�hen the incuranae coverage Iap.eJ nr ceaaed to ';'i'�`� '';{�%.�.:�-- <br /> 4° -'= he in eftcet.Lender will accept,uce afxl retain thcse pa��ments as a lo.. re.en�e in licu af mortgage IR5Ufe11CC. LO55 reserve - <br /> � .f <br /> � � �� Fa�m 3028 B180 -��'� � <br /> ��q -: r.u.�a�s f . . . <br /> ;�11:; tf� <br /> c�.;,'-i�_' L., . <br /> ' F. <br /> -� ,.?�=r`�c/s^& ,c7 _ _.. ...._ .. ... . . . -� . �_;.,: ,. .. . •rn•. -, _ __., . . . <br /> � t. -., �'. '"�. _ <br /> '�!•iJl�1:::��• '.!a' �l,� -.. ' . - <br /> • .f :��1.. • ir I"l <br /> _:it_..iL:�.'�I'/�,'.� .. �`�I _ , . ._ _ . - <br />. �.p <br /> ]g <br /> '. ' .' <br /> . �' � .. .. ..._.- : . <br /> . V :F`._._i_ .. ).... � . ' . _. <br /> f� �- i - . � � - --- ---- . <br /> _ .`�r; - . . . <br /> ��"� -- - - � - <br /> �±].. ":.t. 4';::. + - . . <br /> r�i��:-."':'r`'t_� - - - . � . <br /> i i •.b-,` - t_i . _ . _ . - . .. _ _ <br /> 1. xi _gc �r . .. . ' _ .. . . � _ . " <br /> � �:. •: . - . � , - . . - . . <br /> i ± � a1. � <br /> , _ �:. .}', .'a . . . '. .. ` � � ' . . ' <br /> i`- I .'-N: ,`. _ . - - - ' t . .. � . . <br /> � ' , <br /> u-. jt s � ; e .- . _ i� _ . . <br /> l { t (� <br /> f. } u -)" - .f-.1, ._.. , � �v:i <br /> a -...1 ... � �a .r . t. .. � •._ . i .... . •. - . .. _'_L .,-. . .. ._. . . .r� - _. .. ._ .. <br />