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YV..,�-�r�+ ca�:iR � - - ?i � ':' — <br /> 1�t9ffN�SfO��p� OfiutAl� �t�Ill}�OftbNlY It�1�0!�y�iff ��116Vl6pitty_OtA�l111NCit�F1t , .. <br /> � l��o]Qoritu�fcr+tQtorl}��Clalntti2attn�trqwerUw:4orttar�ferteduid�Orra�r�i�no4�n9tu.[�I��imon s � <br /> ^ l,epd t'a 9�or vrticten obns�at, �e'r mey et'iW optlon�aqoIro ImuxdNte knt Irt J�II o£df sirmp b ,� <br /> BsWty bastn� t.Howevfr,thi6opNoheh4flnotNboxerc�6eQDyt.enQe�itexe�ieproND(t�dby[�deriiJ�WkblQ�o r .: <br /> - oi�e`&w�i�itii�itnt �erAC+J1 8�IveQorroweriioticeotoaelueN6n.7haouticaihallppoVidea'ped`adotrat <br /> 1tiRnCo exercluaNl�opUon, <br /> tas�twn-90�iiys from�e due the notise te delivered or m�iled Wlthln Whicfi Bonower mu�stp�y au suw ex�rep DY�+ <br /> 8au�fly Inserumcnt.ltBertower feil�to �we Nm+tlflQ�to e o�pIn�ion otwe perlod,Lender ma�inmko aqy iimqd�s� <br /> p�imitf�d by.thfe Buvdty[nstN�uu wl Out�N e[notfiOQF Qp q bn Bprrower� . - <br /> 1R. Barrowepe RI�hf to Retast�te. lP.BorioWer'�q e�NE7i! qondtttons, BOrsower ahail tuve the dght tb luve' <br /> . enforament ot th�a&arTry Tnstrumsnt dlsoonllnued"es eny' tleie pd��o�e to�ho carliee oti (e)!daya(or such other pedad 3t „ _ <br /> epp1'4caDle lew m4y eptclry tor relnstetemnry befoie eile of�ie Plopeny pbrnunt to enypower of salo oontaltlt4ln.�Ne <br /> Sewdry Luhumsnts or(�)entry ot e Jud�nent enforctng lhla Sapitlty ItutNment.lLose coad(Nonf am Urat Bortowu�(�)p�yb <br /> Lendu eIl'auma wlilch then woutd be due under thie Soauiry IrutNment end�e Nota ea It ao eaeleretton Md'oavrtedi @) <br /> ara eny dpfault ot eny othtr eovenent�or egteemenp; (c) �d)CxpC6tC3 iMVrted ltl plfORlag UI(! &NHty I(WN�Ie � <br /> Inoludin8,bm aot t1m1[ed ro,reesoneble e�tomere'fe�a;end(d ukea suc6 nction ea I.ender may reasonably tequir910 wsurs <br /> that tdee Ilen of thb&airlty Instrumcnt,l.cnda�Nghte In tde perty eM Borrowu'e obligaUon to pay the�uau eavttd 6y <br /> Ihie &wriry [natrvment shell conNnue�uncfiangsd. Upon relnuateaexnt By Bortower. �hie Secudry Inswment Ind O�e <br /> obitgadons uwred dereby chaU remeln fu11y etfative a+tt no ecaleration Aed oowrnd.Kowevu,thi�rlght to rolnstets ehJ! <br /> not apply in the case otacaleredon under paregmph i7. <br /> 19. Sale ot Nww Change ot Loan sentcer. 'fie Noea or a parUal tntercat in tM Noro(together wlth thl�&cudry <br /> Inspument)may 6o sold one or moro Iime�without prlor notice to Bortower.A�cle may result in�changa in tAe enqry(lu�own <br /> a+Ihe'Loan 3ervicer')tl�ac allecte monthly paymenro due under tAe Noro end this Secu�try Instrvment.Therc elao may ba ona <br /> `� or moro cdenges of the Loen 3e�vlar unrclated ro s sale of the Note.If�hero Is a cAanBe ot thn Loan 8ervlcxr,Bonowu wUl bo <br /> gh�en wAtten notice ot the chenge In eocordence wtth paragreph 14 above end applicab7e law.'the notice wlll pnro the aame end � <br /> ---� adc..-cas ot.'+o ncw Wm Scrvfccr and th¢addreas to wdich psymenu sdould 6e roada.7he notke will also antein any other _ <br />-`.+.� infomwAon requlrcd by applicabla law. � <br /> -- 20.Aazardom Bubslances. Horrower shall not ceuu or pumit �he pmsence. uae. dispos�l. �oraga or release of my : <br />_�::� Hezaz�dou� Substenas on or In the Property. Horrowcr shell not do, nor allow enyone else ro do, any�hing affealag �he -� <br />_: Propeny�het li in vlotation of any BnvlronmenW Iaw.7fie prooedtng two sentences ehall notepply eo the prcsena.usa�or i <br />� -�`�y stotege on the Prope�ty of amall qumtiHe�+of Harardoua 55ibatenaa tAat are generelly recognized to be appropriare ro notmal <br />�";�9 residential usa end�o malntenana of the Property. <br />�-'_�;.r� Bortower sMll promptly give Lender written nodce of eny invesNgetioa, eletm, demand, kwsuit or dher aaion by eny . <br />�> � govemmen�el or rcgulazoryegency or pdvatepeny Involving the Property end any Hazardous Substena or&rvlronmeNel Iaw <br /> s�;{,? of which Bortower ha+aGUel knowledge. If Bortower leama, or ie n�otified by e�ry govemmentel or roguletory fluthodly, �lut ; <br />-;-��i.}� eny removal or ot�er remedintion of my Hezardou�Stibatence atfating the Propeny Is neassery,tiorrower ehill promqly 4ke <br />�:J'H:t� eil nececsery rcmedid�cdon�in e000rdanca whh Environnxntal Lew. <br /> Ai used in�his peregreph 20, 'Harardoua Subatona�'are those eubsiences defined en toxic or hezordau subs�anoee by <br /> ,,:� IIrn�r7rartal Iax an1 the to:lowing wbsnnxs: gs:olir, ker�;ax. other Ilemm_bla er!or.L petroleum prcd��; ��ic <br /> ; pesHclda and hubfcidp,vole�ile solvents,mateda�a mnteining ns6earos or Pomuldehyde,end redioaaive maiedals.A�uaed in -- <br /> _�;-� thla ng�aph 20, 'Environmentel Lew' mearo federel lawa nnd Iaws ot�he Jud:dlalon wherc the Propeny ia loaied tMt —__� <br /> � a; relate to hwlth,wiery or environmemel protection. �` _ <br /> -t NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.Bortower and Lender Nnher covenmt end agree u followr. �' ,� • �� <br /> �� 21.Acceleratlon;Remedtea.Lender ahell give notice to Borrower pdor ro ecceluatlon Polloxfng DoirovvuY breee6 : <br /> '� of eny mvenent or agreement In tbfa Secmity Instrument (but not prior to acceleretlon undu pangrapfi 17 unlesv ,,•'q �- <br /> ��:. eppllcabie law provldes othenvtse).The notice shall cpecfty: (e)the dePoulh @) the aUlon required to ture the defadit � � ' <br /> U4� (c)a date,not lea+then 30 daya from Ihe date ihe nodce Ia given to 6ortoner,by whlch the default must be curedt end ry; <br /> , t� (d) that tellurc to curc the defeult on o�betore the date speeHied In tAe nopce may reault In acedentlon of the suma !�, r7 <br /> - secured by this Security 6utrummt and aale ot the Properly.The notla shall furiher Intorm Dorro�rtr oP the dght ro �.�� �. <br /> relnstete aRer etcelwadon und the right to brtng a muK actlon to esserl the non-exlstena of e del�uit or eny ot6er � <br /> %_� detense of Borro�rer to ecceieretlon end sale. If the defeult B not curcd on or beforc Ihe date fpeclllM in the notla, �if r ' <br /> ,:� I.endw,ot its option,may uirc Immedlate puyment In full of aIl auma seeured by thl�Secudty I�utrument wlthout i{�+ i- <br /> =� further demend end may Invo e the power of aalc end any otAer rcmedim permlded by eppIicable lair.I.ender chall be j{` {` ' <br /> _,�;� entftled to collect ell expenses incurred In pursuing tlm rcmedla provided(n this paregraph 21,Includine,6ut not Iimlted r' ,� <br /> ,� to,reasonable attomeys•hes end eosb of qtle evidence. j ar �i-� <br /> If thepo�rer ot sele b inroked,Trusice shail mrord e notice of defeui� In wch mum7 In�rhtch any pert of ihe T'`, <br /> Property 1�Iceated end shell mail mples of wch notice in the menner prescdbed by epplicable law to Borro�rer end to >�""� <br /> '�'-� the other perso�u preuribed by applicable le�v.After the tfine rcquired Ay eppllcable Imr,Trusteeshnll give puAlk notice rr 4i ,�_: <br /> - of aele to the person+end In the mnnner prescd6ed by epplicable lo�r.Trusea, w(thout demend on Borco�veq shell cdl <br /> ��� the Ptnptrty et public auMfon ta Ihe highat 6fdder et the lime end plece and under the terms deaignaled In the notitt oP ? � , . <br /> . ,��Y eale�n one or more perceta end In eny arder Trustce deremilna.Tnutce may paripone sele of ell or eny parcel of the f r <br /> Properly by publlc ennouncemeN xt Ihe ilme end place of any prevlousl��seheduled sele. I.ender or Itc deslgnte may ���;Z``,'_`_. <br /> '?�"' purchau the Property at any seie. j�`i;i;:?,_ <br />_'ir�T c�:: ��- <br />. :,j. ._{;_x- <br /> ::.;',.z: <br /> 1:. - <br />: .,_ <br />.-;�� Fam 3028 8:80 - _- <br /> Vryh 6 0�6 <br /> i:1 ' <br />.�'',' t�_ . <br /> • . <br />� �f ,�"Z} �a.�—� .t - .. ,�, r - (. ".. �.�f...� .. � _ . . - T ° 'Cti.. _ .� ... . . '{..�q_-. <br /> 1.. <br /> t ��r <br /> . . <br /> ' <br /> r.-. -�(, :. �: .. - ' . . _ . _ . . � , <br /> ... ..� ...q._.;L.•." '-. . _. . - �.:.(: . .:.-- . . . <br /> _�.• " __ ___ ' _ _— _ ' _' _ <br /> i �lll� -i,� _ _ ._ " - - _' __- ._ - - : -. <br /> [ .. <br /> - _ F l,; � . _ . . . _ <br /> 3F ri; � -- ; . � . <br /> � <br /> t{ L _ _ . . _ - . . - . <br /> �}ti-� -d;'� ' ' . . <br /> s .a3 =. ( � . . _ _ . _ . . <br /> -t ir� .. .-- . . . . . . . <br /> � �`/ i�.�,t � ,i , .. . . . - . <br /> � Y ��1 .) � �YI � __ ' " ' <br /> }/ -. �. •1 . . .. f- . <br /> . 1 J 1 � -1 . ..• �' f '1 - ' <br /> n <br /> L �.- 'S t� ,l �-• 1 � -- 1 � { " <br /> 1 � � q <br /> j i { <br /> .. . .\-t. S . __ . . . _ ,r . _ . .•Y� . . . . . _ .., . � . . � -.'i._ - 1.. f .. . . .... ��.- . <br />