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_ —_.- _ , <br /> <br /> -_ rQ�{a �4.-i�'� r._ _ -= <br /> TOOB17t�R WP141 dl the improremcnte now or h¢reafter arocicd on�e prope t�; dl nu,tppurtewbea,ond <br /> ftxNrcs mw or hereaRa n part oY the propeny. All repleamenu ond eddtdoro ihell elso bo covered by �6b Becuriry <br /> Instrument.All of tho forcgoing le roferrcd to in thie&curity Instrument ae�w'Propeny.' <br /> - BQ2tROWEEi COVSNAN7'9 thst Rorrowu 4 lawtully tel:ed o!tho es�aro hereby cnnvryed end he��ho dgUt m grent end <br /> - mnvoy the Propeny and that�ho Propcny Is unencumborcd, except for enambranaa of rerord. Bortower warranro end wlll <br /> - defmd gercraliy tho Ude to�he Property agalnst oll claims and dcmm�d�.aubJcct to eay encumbrencea of raord. �. <br /> TH19 8liCllRPfY iNS7'RUMSNT combine�rnlform covenwu for netlonal uu end non-unifortn covenanu wlth Ifmitcd —_ _ <br /> vulatloru Dy Jurladiqlon to cons�itute e uniform caudty Insnumom cover►ng rsat propeny. <br /> UNIFONM COVBNANT9.Rorcmver ond Lender mvenant and egrce m tollovn: _._____ <br /> 1. Payment ot Principql end Interest4 �peYmept and Iwle Clurges. Borrower shell promplY paY when duc �ha °' . • -r-- . ° <br /> __ pdnolpul of and interat on the dcbt ovidenad 6y�ho Noto end eny prepayment und lete charge.+duo under the Note. . <br /> _ 1. Puad�for Teze+md insurana.3ubJect ro�pplicablc law or ro�writren waiver by Lsnder, Borrower atull �o `-``- --- <br /> Lender an Iho dey monthly paymenta aro due under tho Note,umil tAe Note 6 pald in full,a cum('Funda')tor. (a)ycarly te�cw -�-�s — __ <br /> — end assenmeni�whlch may muin priority ovcr thia Searity Inshument es e Ilen on tha Propeny;@)yeedy Itascho�d paymeata ,�'-..-'.-F��_.� <br /> — or ground rcnu on the Properly,If eny:(e)yearly harard or propeny insure�xe prcmluma;(d)yearly Ilood inarana prcmiuma, �i s?�X���.,;_. <br />� - If eny;(e)yearly mortgege Insurena rcmlums, if en ; and(�an �ums ablo b Borrower to Lender, in accordanco with �`�°"°°-"�`"E��" <br /> P Y Y PU' Y it W-r�aJ,�r . <br /> �e provisiom of pangreph 6,in Iitu ot�ha payment of mortgaga Insurence premiunu.7fieso Item�ue celled'Hscrow Itertu.' ,�.,., � <br /> . Lender mry, et eny qmo, collcet end hold Funda In en amount not ro exceed the maxlmum amount a Icnder for a tederelly �� �-3�n,.::y,�1_--. <br />--- rclated mong�e loan may rcquiro for Bortowerl escrow�ocount under tAe federal Real &tete Se�tlement Procedurcs Att of ,°.;;./?_.��,j,,.y y„_.-%•: <br /> - 1914 ati omendtd fmm tlmo to qme. 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 2601 e�ssq.('RERPA'). anless onother law that appllea�o the Funda "�4 �,} - � E^ �-;- <br /> a sus e lesur emoum. Tf so. Lender mny,et any dme,mllcet and twld FunW in en emount not ro erzcad �he Icsser emount. ;�ir;_R,�?'_� '" <br /> - Lender mey estimate�he emount of Punda duc on�hc basu ot curnnt data md reawneble a[imeta of expendituro of future � ��p -��_;. <br /> '� Surow Itema or athernix In accordance with applicable law. t j n - �� <br /> The Pund� ahell be hetd in en (nstltudon whose deposila erc insured by a fedcrel agency, inswmentatiry, or entlty �-- -- <br /> t� �'6 <br /> (including LeMer,ii Lender is cueh an InsUmtion)or in any Federal Home Lwn Bank. Lender shall epply the Funds m pny the 34�{� t�"4{t;y�... <br /> - 8uro�v Imme.Lcnder me no�cha e Borrower for holdin and a i in tAc Punds,ennuetl enal n �he eurow axount.or ,.ry;z>'�F�-p�,.5,�_ <br />."_.� Y �8 E PPY 8 Y Y� S .,tsj:=`�,�.j�. <br />-:�-a vedfying ihe Pscrow Itema,unlw Lender paya Borroxer intemst on ihe Pund+nnd applicable Iaw pennits Lender ro make such ,:;5��'�?1'R�;�;—�. <br /> :�, n cherge.Howevcr,I.ender may rcquire Bortowcr ro pay aonrtimc eharge for en independent real cstete tex reponing servia `��j-��,y�� t�_ : <br /> _,�� uud by Lender In connecNan with �his loan, unless applicable lew provida o�herniu. Unless an egreement is mude or -sjr ` �i+k�t_- � <br /> ._��- epplicable law rcquira interest co bc paid,Lender ahail not bc rcquircd ro pay Borrowcr any intereat or amings on tAe Funda. ',�t,�.��;��Y;;�.. <br /> Y <br /> -- Borrowermd Lender may agrec in wdUng, however,�he[intcrcst shell be paid on the Fundn. Lender shall give ro Oorrower, �� , ' ' �',`,:; '�� <br />'_� wiihout cherge,en annyal eceounting of the Funda, ahowing crediu end debits m the Fund�and the puryose Por which each {}lJ 1�r��� _- <br />- `� debit ro Ihe Funds wa�fiade.The Funds are pledged at additiorel ucurity forall sums secured 6y�his Security Insuument. ,��v�. tiy,� ? �-�� <br /> -J If the Fund+held by Lender ezceed the emoums permitted to be held by applicable lew.Lender ahall eccoum ro tlorrower ,(rs fsr'i <br /> ,�; for the excess Funds in accordence wi�h the requircments of nppliceble lew.If�he amount of the Funds hcld by Lender at eny ' � g�'Z,4}u+,r., •: <br /> _� [ime ia not sumcient ro pay�he Pscrow I�ems when dua Lender may sa notify Borrower in writing,ond,in such cese Borrower �yR ¢�;dfA.(,��., -_ <br /> -�. :hall pay to[cnder ihe emount necessery ro make up the deficiency. Borrower shall nmke up�he deficicncy in no more than �5���, �4�+t,}� . <br /> ,'Z� twelve monthly pnynunta,et Lendcr'a sale dfuraian. y�a-�is;��l��i,.�: � <br /> Upon pryment In full of ell sunu secured by �his Security Instrumem. C.ender shell promptly rcPond to Bortower any i -� -�, - <br />_,r� Fundc held by Lcrsdcr.lf,undcr pamgraph 21.Lcndcr shnll acquirc or sell tM1e Propeny. Lendcr,prior to the uyuisiiion or sale � t„ r��d��;�y,'g`'t'=�' <br />.�.j of ihe Pmpeny,shall apply any FunM held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sele as a credit ogninst�he sums saured by -'� ' �t��.;t Yir-- <br />[_.ij thisSecuri�ylmWment. ;t�:"=..?."�;6'?�;:`�=;:' <br /> i 3. A Iltatlon otPa u lirnblc lum mvides mherniu,all ments rcccivcd b Lcnder under am ra h+ `°-�'�f'}L-%'''i-Fa:St <br /> ;y PP Y PP P PeY Y P 8 P , !r _�y :4r � -; <br /> I.•,- 1 and 2 siull be applled: firs�,to uny prcpayment charges due unJer�hc Nac: omoumx paynblc under pafagraph 2: fJ i�-.�� Fti� � <br /> yj third,ro imereu due:fourth,io principal due:ond nny lote ch�rges due under�he Nnte. �� `��,,'j� i-1 xi���. <br /> -_:a 4. Chnrga: Uen+. Ilortower sholl poy all mxcs.acsesxmenu,chnrges,fines nnJ impositians a�tribumble ro the Property , -,;, i�,.4M, ;: <br />-��7 which mry atuin pdority ovcr this Securiry Instrumm6 und IenxholJ puyments or ground rcms, if uny. Bormwer shull pay ra:'.,j,,y.`;�;1fi�l•��:,,!: <br /> _� tixse obligetions in thc menncr provided in pamgmph 2,or if not p�id in�hai manncr.Dorrnwcr shull pxy them on timc direcUy ` ''1 < ,,??�5:^` � � <br /> _ ro the person owed payment.Bormwer sh�ll promptly farnish tn Lender nll nntices of umoums to M paid under this pamgmph. 'it���p�? Fy'i�� <br /> -�� It Borro��xr m�kes�huc paynkms dircaly.Borm�vcr shall promptly fumixh ia l.endcr rcccipu eridencing�hc pnymems. �� � _ r>���i� S�-: <br /> 'i Bnrrowershall pmmplly dixc6arge any licn�vhich has priority nver IhisSecuri�y In�trumem unless Borro�ver.(a)agrees in � r�S t . <br /> �� writing ro�he paynMnt of the nbligation ucurcd by the lien in u manner accepiable to Lender,eb)rnmexts in gaod fuiih the lien ' ���r -.- <br /> ,_;:+ by, or defends against enfnrmment of�he lien in. Iegal praceedingx which in the Lender's npininn npente tn prcvent the �f, . .- y U..�t_•-; <br /> . enforcement n(the liCn:ar(c)xturcs frnm Ihe holJer nf Ihc licn an agrcement.ali.faclnry In Lender wix+rdinating ihe lien m AS� _ -- �•. ..: <br /> �Y+ Ihis Sccuri�y Inctrumcn4 If l.cndcr de�cnnincx�ha�any pan o(�he Pmpcny i+.uM1j�tit�.�a lien which mar anain prinrity aver • �.- . :-)�. �kyr �,�,- <br /> �:� this Securny lrnwmem. Lender may gice&+rrmcer.�nwi.e WcnufrinF Ihc licn. Ihc licn nr tal.c nne nr ,} ?�?.;.�•.. <br />-�+ more of Ihe eciiona sa forth nhove wiihin 10 ihc f�nmg�d nrni.e. K �, , �� _.. <br />-,-�3' Form 3028 8180 `'<•y9'.' . '.': • - <br /> r.avo�n : y��. <br /> �. , <br />: 'i <br />.;'� �.- .. <br />,i� . .. <br /> .�;y...`� nt. . --r . ,�:--- .r �Z- r,i.. <br /> . � ,�[5� " "_ . .,.. . �. n. .. : .x . . . _ - - .. _ _ . . <br /> f` , .' ' . _I_, " - _ . _. <br /> ��S}_ ' " ' .._ - . . ' ' . . . . . � . <br /> ' ' _ ' ' _'" _ __- <br /> __—' __'— T -.- '_ '__ _ _ <br /> �:`t F •r:y " _'_ __ . _ .- ' _ _ <br /> �i r -_;� s d - . - <br /> .. <br /> y :.� : ...� - : • . .. � ' . - <br /> L. . . . . " . . . _ r . . - . <br /> � _ V1� -.f i .. s -. ._ . _ ' . . - <br /> � _ ; �- _ . t ,� -t2r_ ' .. . .. <br /> � .�i• _P` 5 . �. _ <br /> � ' f- t -. I . . . . - ' -.. <br /> 7 �� e i ` � - -- - - � -- - <br /> �_.q. � �� :.� .c . ._ . �..'. ' n _ _ <br /> n� ' � �� <br /> r�. � ,�' -.� i t :, x. .. -'} �- . - . <br /> fr E . ' . . � - : _ _ <br /> zt _j � i - -` .. ; � .1` ' ' .t sc ��- ` � <br /> 7(� J �' _ .� � t' - i i t- -- . :� . � s . . . <br /> ��ii 1.�. 1 � . i 4 . ' t :s � �v� �� f .� � �'��M1r - ' � } .- . <br /> �'1 ! i- �r x .R. �. > �,. _ <br /> .I . �'.S . , _ ... . ...��i�, 1. . . 9 -?i . ,_ ., t _:� � ! .._. .,.. _. . . . _� a,.,..c. .. .. ..•�-.- _ ' "' <br />