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'+, ir\.. .-.. _ - i -`Y>':m' ) . s YYt�xlr'� Viii��y � �IG .i�� <br /> - � - v - .- r� 1 c� - ,1. a:f 9 _ 7 3 <br /> 1 , a - r rt � , ;. - � f.. < �` r"�-'�. � -, y '�' �r- >>. , - � � <br /> ('. v . y � . - .I } . _ Y .. - �.. t h , r7fo v�} i al( . �f <br /> -• _ _- t . n .. � 1� � e �j� _ <br /> r - - - _. t j Fi � u ,.��J 71;� �!'� - �/";x>� <br /> ' �ai�tmuna4ionoyrp(-��erEa&tngatMYpar�ofih4FroP�n}';�tn�conwydnce(�ue�orcon�e���o�.ara�e��'��+� ' r <br /> '{�IMV �QED�S+ry'Wf� � } l � .� �.i_ r f�fty. �t� �h � 1i�i 11 : <br /> r��p"eve Pf a�`olei�ekfng of:jfie�ro�rty:l�b th�ll�p�1�y��R a s �tt°Y�uur,s+�r�r:.f+r.a;M� :. <br /> .nt,:tiYh�e�crnutihFnd�letivlfhqnyo�tcei!", toAOn¢wer ,InrAO, venl�}�ap s.l,tl�o -ih��ert�Ig , <br /> :k�pj�ih�feled!(kei"4PtusclthEl�iogCnyUn�ls1e�Tol4�h64e4t trt tyyNftoD►_���hs!+�� n�ar a �x ,, f ' <br /> aecpred�y�hla Sseudq�fns�umen�immWteu fore����� ptAklag�unle� ortaWoreh n qro�ltw� a��`p�n�fu�g� i } <br /> � Uro eume t6cuF�d by►Di?Sa�dry fnbt�m2pt�u11 AeteGUCCd'by the�m�nt bP �{{nuldp i by Aa�o}t�Wtn� ^ , � � <br /> ' ' freaton: te).�he a�Wnoun�at�pd a�Jms 6tc t Iete q�t�ot'e We��ing,d��b �y?i,hb fa�e fn�tke(v yeof� +� , <br /> YropmLy tmmediatoiy beforq ih,ot�g.;p�y Datonse e a1f�a�patd m�or�ower:UY sha a4entar a . , <br /> �openy k�Whic(i tho fpi�q��ce val'y�a ot U�b Qropb�ty mCdie�'s1y beforo O�p"t�king!s 1 9uyr the Amouni.o!�f�rym0 ., ;. <br /> �cuted�inmfdiaiply bpfore.ihe�Ing,w0esi�o�totSU�n¢Lend•.r oifieitv�sd agiee 1��ttng"p fu�led§�+p11C�eb1b��w �- <br /> �nt�vlwprovida;dieproaedatAallboappileQt6tho6tmwaeCUtedbythls8tc�iriqBt�ltumeutwNe�hetorpot.{rypsAmlofe,:i r; <br /> due. , � <br /> ifthaPropetlylanbandonedbyBortower�rlf,eRcriroticepyl.tn4etwt�orro�ycrtha`�heeoAqvmnar.bttFrstamaka ., - <br /> en awerd or ae tqe a otelin tor demages;Bortow fa(la to�enpon�to Lendu wi�h 30 dayi e�eriho Qa`o Iha abticp!a given� ; <br /> knpor fa amhbtizW to wlkct MA rypty the proceedf,at ttp optiun,ef(ha ro reseioietion w mpalro.f iM.Amp.�ry o�ro�ha -- _ <br /> _ �uma saured by tdis 8ecuriry Inapumet�6 whethsiqr not then dua. <br /> : UNtsa I.ender and Bartowu dhe�wiso agreo in wrhing,eny eppflFUUtion pf pro¢eed+to pdnclpat thall qol Ektedd bt <br /> pwtpone tho duo deto ottho monthlY paymer0a referted ro�n�rapha 1 and 2 or change ihe amPpni qltll�hpAymonte_.. <br /> 11. Oorrower Not R¢leassdt Fbr6earence By Lender ot p Wnlsen 8ictenifon of•the timo fp�.p�m enror <br /> madi�IceHon of�monizatta�of the eurtu cecurcd by thia 8ecurtty lns�n�menc ganted by I.ender fo ryny�acg3or�n tn(eru� <br /> of Hotrower ehall not opora�e to rclease the Ilublliry of�he originel Bortower oi Bortowert�ucceason n ii�torci�} LenC <br /> shall not 6e�q ufred lo commonce prooeeding+agefmt eny eucaamr in ia�eroat or rePow to extend pmq fot payillent ot ' <br /> otherwlce maalTy amonlzaUon ot[he eumi cecurcd by�hle Secudry Insmiment by muon of any demend medo by O�e oAglnel <br /> Borrowu or Bortowerl eueaseon In InureaG My for6earance 6y Lender in fxercising eny dght or rcmaly�hall notbe a <br /> wa[ver otor pruluda�he exercise of my dght or rc <br /> lE Bucoessoro end Asslgne Bound�Jolnt end ereral l,lability�Caalgnen. The avenenn and egreemente ot thla <br /> Setudty Insbument thall b(nd end benaflt the wccesan end asalgro of Lender and Sortower,subJcet ro the provlalona ot <br /> puagreph 17. Bomowert wvenanu end egreemrnta�Aall ba Jolnt md sevenl. My Bortower who co-signa Ihie 3audty <br /> Inat�ument but das not axecute ihe Noew (e)ia oo-aignIng thi�Secudry Inahument rnly to mongege,gr�nt and convey Na� <br /> Rortowub intereat in�he Property under�he�ertna otthla Secudty Insaumem; @)ie noi perconelly oblfgeted to pay the ams <br /> seeuced by�hia Secudry Wtmmen4 end(e)egrees�hat Under end eny other Borrower may�grce ro extend,modity,forbear <br /> or meke eny acoommodettona whh rcgerd to the teima of thia Sceuriry Instmment or�ha Noro without thnt Bornwerh <br /> conaenc <br /> 13. Loan Charg�e. If[he loan cecurcA by �his Security Insw�smnt ie subJxt to a law whieh au maximum loan <br /> e6arne+,end lhet law I�finnlly inle�preted m that tho interest or other loen chu¢ea collected or to he colle�aed Im m�nvtlon <br /> with the loen axaed Ne pemiltted Iimlte,then: (e)any such loan cherge ahell 6¢«dueed by the emount necessary to rcduce <br /> �ha cherge ro tlie pertn(tted IImiC and(b)eny:um�already collected hom Hortowar which exeeededpermined Ilmite will be <br /> roPonded�o Bortower. Lender mey choose to meke�hi�rcfund by rcduefng the principal owed under tha Noto or by making e <br /> direct peyment to Bortower. If e rcfund rcdueen principal,�he rcAuc�ion wiil be tree�ed as e peMnl prepayment without any <br /> prcpayment cherge under the Note. <br /> 10. Nottcea. Any nocice to Bonower providcd tor in this Saurity Insuumcnt shell be given 6y deiivedng [t or by <br /> mailing it by firat elesa mail unless npplirnble law rcquircs use of eno�her me�had.The nmitt ahall be dirated to�ha Propeny <br /> Addrcu or any o�htr addrcss Bo�rower designa�et by no�ice to Lender. Any mUce to Lender ahall be given by flrst ekas <br /> meil ro Lender�cddres�steted herein or nny other eddrcs+Le�er designatea by no�itt to Bortower. My noqtt provtded for <br /> in thia Securi�y Instrument :hell 6e deemed to huvc been given to Borroxer or Lendcr when given u provided in thia <br /> paragreph. _ <br /> IS. Governing La�r; Severabllity. This Security Insuument shall be 6ovemed by iWefal law md tht lew of Ihe <br /> juriadlction in which the Propeny ia lowted. ln�he event thet any provision arcleuu of this Security InsiNment or�he Note _ <br /> canFlicu with appitcable lew,such rnnflict shull not a(fat other provisions of ihis Stturiry Inswmrnt or ihe No�e�vhlcA cen -� <br /> be given etfect whhout the contticiing provision. 'Ib�his end�he pmvisions of this Security Instrument md the Note arc =� <br /> declercd to be aeveroble. <br /> 16. Dorro�rer'e Copy. Borrower shall be given one confortneA mpy o(�he Note nnd of thia Securtty Instrument. _. <br /> l7. 7Yensfer of the Properry ar e Beneflciel Interest In Borra�ver. If all or xny pun of the Propeny or eny interat in - <br /> it is sold or transkrned(or if n bcncficial interest in Qortower is sold or�mnsfcrted and Bortoaer is not o netunl penoN ° <br /> without Lenderk prior wrinen consem, Lendcr may,at i�.op�ion,rcyuirc imnedinte payment in PoII of ell sums securcd by -- <br /> thia Security InswmrnL However,this oplion shall nut 6c ezcmiud by Lendcr it exercisc is prohibi�ed by tederel Ixw ae of =. <br /> �he dattot�hia Saurity Insuumem. <br /> If Lender exereixs�his option.Lender tihali give 6nrtower notia of accelera�ion. 77ie nntice.heli pmvide a period of <br /> ' na�les+than 30 days(rom ihc datc thc no�im is Jclircrcd ur mailed wi�hin whi��h Bonuwer muu pay al I sums secured by this - <br /> Security Insuument. If Dortower fail. io pay the.e wm. prior to �he expirmion af�his periad, Lender may invoke my ' <br /> rcmedia permitted by�hiz Securi�y Imtrument witham(unher nn�ice rndemnnd on Dotrowec = <br /> " 18. Dorro�rer'a R�ght ta Reinstnte. If Bovower mec�t cenain cnndi�ion>. 6ortau�er .hnil have �he right to have - <br /> enfufcenleN uf Ihi+SeNrily IroWnuni dixuminacJ at any limc prior lu Ihe fadicr o(: Ia1$Jay.lnr wCh alher p�riad ns <br /> SmFleFmny-Fmnie]f�e/Freddie\IaeCUFOR\11\STRC\IF.\T�-t'niF�nnCo.enmu 9D0 ry.u%r!jnrvx�i+ - <br /> _� _ . 1el ".�1 - �r.�_e' ... .,'� �-' __._��T`r.�'r"7_T <br /> .d . <br /> _ _ . .. . . _ _ _ . t -� .- -t � .. <br /> __. .c... ._ . _ . _ _ .. . " _ ' � <br /> _ . . . -. . . . _ . ' :;- , � . - - - <br /> i _ : . . _ . ., . ' . �." _. <br /> . l _ _ <br /> ? . ,..[.r __ . ._ -_._-.-.__ _— _ —n�-.. — .--- __ . . _ .__ -_ -_ <br /> �:t.- � . _ _ _ .. r . <br /> � ... . .. . , .. _. .. <br /> �1[.. <br /> ..J.. ,�},? �t<.. - . . . <br /> , � <br /> =� � : '"' ' ' . <br /> __{ -. _ .- . _ <br /> :.f./:.�: � . . � - ..� <br /> �'i.�;,� . - - . - � - ' <br /> < ,�-- - . . � _ ' � . ' . . . ' _ <br /> �_ ! - . ' ' .. � � " t . <br /> r.'� 1." . - � _ ' . - <br /> lt' .- _4f , " . _ _ _ `_,`.' . , i ... <br /> � � � t 1 ..� 1 _ _ . - . ... - <br /> r �� � % - - . � . <br /> : - <br /> . r ..� <br /> f J. :.. : -�_'� hn..:.!Y . -r� _ - : : . - ' <br /> .. . �. - c .- .. .�. - ; - .. . ,. . � '. ` .. .I.: ... <br />