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.. _ `9ji�.!`t} 1' i 1 ft��,; r r- �_:' �- .1; � �- _ . ' ( itt } y �S' ' � �js.� �1�{}V c�pr,��'��nh <br /> � 'appIlwt�to Jaw Mey eprs�fy ty,�ibidsu/emo t3 bdCorA a e t tTw pt �MR`16�fty, wEF;Ts�TO�a�.Jn�f ` <br /> -NebudtSrinattumCnt.oEjbye,� ot�j�e entenfprcin� ,48epUrt !ns nJ Z�w �nG�tlant�irg►tult�pt�ptkff� �1 •t <br /> n �y �` s� <br /> p}sl;enacr�tt iuma�cfi�ea wq`v1A ue dud;w7tkr a�wn inr6Unlenrdn3}6a Nao W u ,v���..w,,. , � _ <br /> - �t (p3Cwy3tN¢3kfBu1t0tu��y ..C►COvqlMbot .t�PAts��c}DDy�elF�ayen.w�nauh�dlnea�orekl�Ul�S�i'i1RI{� aT�C <br /> _- �u4S�r� Pf;I�{pdipB.�EAOiltmtyeq�o,t+a=o!!iblaS+l 'y! fga:Aqsk (�'ut+cit�ctlonur��,.vmisefu5l� ' _ <br /> ,r uiimtpassuroNatt�aiertotthl�9eLVdqlnswmem��nQsr�Hghta4l�oPh�t�'� r p9or(qw�y obl�galtop�fa�tba s r <br /> c 4L�m3#�qilt4, byth�t Set4dty �nsWmfnt bh�f oWidnue'unshing{d ,Upar rc'intutl�iixnf 4Y.1tir�b Y���u!is �t . <br /> , :�wmepe eng�he opligaiion�accdred he�py�hell ttmatdtWly ctfxttvo ne itho fl��ErAtfon ABq ogCUir HAWE�'ef, 1, _ <br /> i(oietiuteteehtIInotepylyirtihecateoteaeleratto�uqdttpe��aph37. = � � <br /> .14: Sote r11 Nu�ef t;h9Ai0 ot�pph 8wvts�t��_7Tw'rJuro t'b e" P�atfn(eresE 1n 1Aa Nof6 0oge�the►�th t�!geel�tfry <br /> Initrvmenq m5y bo sotd one:or.mdtb iJr6qa.wit�qitiyr�ipt nodeb to�ortower,.A eaTq m�reault in d'chang6�ni6e eoliry -�- , . <br /> (Imowne�tha'1.oanBervt�')tryAt�opeCtsmon@lypaymenyduopndeethoNoteen�}I�sSpctirlty(ttuqU�nent,.7hetoAlqu• . , <br /> may 6a oqe or mora changea o{tAa Leangm c8r u�aelatld!�q s ialo of tha Nn�a If ihmo ttec�ange of�ha[q�u18e�19er, '- • - ' <br /> Bortower wiil bo g(ven ivrttten natico of 1he�ufge 1d�aotdance wlih pareg�ph�14 above end epDllcable tew. 7lphoti6e ' �:,_.', � <br /> w111clate�henamQand�ddrosso[tla4ewLOanBervicer�ndthoeddres�iowhfeApayments�houldbemada ltipnpdceivlq <br /> = eisocoMainany q�herinfoemaponrcqui�edbynppUcablelow.. > _ ---- <br /> 20. HazprdouA Bu6sfantQs. Bormwer etuli�lot uuse or pe�mit the pdeseace.uso,dis�osel,Norega,or rclease pl ei{y . '• ' <br /> Hazardoua bLbsteoaa on or in the P�openy. �ocrower�hell not do,nor aliow anyoae eiee to do,anything eNxting tl�a� <br /> Propeny�hat G In violatlon ot any Bavlronmemd Law. Tha prc«ding nvo sentrnces�hall na appty top e pmOqoe,us0,or <br /> stomge on the PtopeRy o[cmell quendtles of Nexardoua Substenaa that ero gcnerelty rcoognlEed lo be e ro dato a nortnal . <br /> residenHel usw end to m�inimence of the Properry. � <br /> Bortowu�fi�l prompUy give I.ender wrhten notice of any Investigation,cleim,demand,lew+uit or other ectionby any <br /> �, govemmmtal or rcguletory egency or prtvere parry Involving the Property end any Hazardow 8ubstance ot Hnvtronmental __ <br /> Law of whkh Borrower hm actuel knowiedge. If Bortower leama, or ie notitied by any govemmenrol or rcgulatory <br /> authodry,th�c eny mmoral or other remedi�Non of eny Hazardow Substance pftxttng the Property b neaswy.Bortower <br /> =-..TRE�I �hell promptly take aU necasazy remedial eGlom In eaordance wlth Envimnmentel Lew. <br /> _—_--- As used in Wa paragreph 20."Hezerdous Subatenw"are tfioso eubstena�daftned a+toxtc or hmardau�ubslenaa by <br /> " 8nvironmen�al Law and the followiag subs�ences: gaaoiine,kerosene,o�hw llemmable or toxlo petroleum produeW,toxic <br />.:t�:�:h��� peaHelde�end herbiddea,volatfle wlvents,maiedala containing esbeaa�or[ormaldehyde.end ndioactfve metetlala. Aa <br /> usW In tN�paragreph 20."Environmentel Lew'meana ftderai lawi end Iawe of tM Judsdietlon whae Ihe Property Is located <br />-`'�t�;����! �ha[relate m heakh,eekry or environmentel pro�atlon. <br /> � - [�! NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN'fS. Bortowu end Lender Ponber covenen[and agree ea followi: <br /> ��--s'-�'� 21. AcseleraGon{Remedtes. Lender ehail give notice to Oorrower rlor to ecceterotior�tolto�ving BorroweNe <br /> ''tr �'��Af breac6 ot any corenant or egreement In Ihu 8ecur(ty Instrument(but noip rlor to acceieratlon under paragroph 17 <br /> -.,Ci I�,+� unles�appliceble Iaw providea othenvlse). The notice sheil apecify: (e)the default;@)the ecflon required to ture the <br />;''"i` :'-"r^;`-- d e h_u l t;f e)s d a t q n o!l e s s t l u n:0 d s y s h o m t h e d s k t h s i e o tl c e L g i r e n t o D a:r o w e r,b y e h t t k!!te d e t s u U m�K b e -- <br /> � �>>�•.iS curedi and(d)thet failurc ro curc the deteuit on or Defore Ihe dete a ecttied In the notice m reaWt In necetereqon of <br /> S�_• P w' <br />��+'`�,ti='-�}-�;` � Ihe eurtu«cured by th�SecuAty Inatrument and sele of the Nroperty. The naNce aha111Y�rther Inform Boerower oi <br /> �?�-�" the right to relnstate after acceteration end the rt t ro brin a court ection to nssert the noroeslstence ot e detautt or <br /> "� 1�,�?, any other deknae of Dorrower to acntentlon and eale. It the defeult le not cured on or betore the date epeeitied In <br /> � '+� '�v)� the notice,Lender at!G optton mey requtre Immedlate payment(n NII of ali aums seeured by IhB Secur(q Insirument — <br /> r� �d�,�. e',—.. <br /> 75.r'� cvlthout Nrlher demand and mey invoke Ihe poner of aele and any oiher remedles permitted by applicable IaN — _ _ <br />�-"'.:�^`'���:-.+1 Lender shall be entltled to wllecl ail expenun (ncurred In purau(ng the remedlea provtded In thls paragraph 21, �c;�;�-.�. <br /> -r;3�l' lt�� � Inciudtng,but not Iimited to,reusonable etrorneys'fxa end cmts of Iftle evidenca �y�,.__ <br /> y�t� � If the po�ver of sale ta Invoked.7Yustee chell record a nolice of defeult In eaeh eounty In vh(ch any part of the �-, ;; <br /> +�'�+^"' � Property B lacated and ahall mafl mptes of such notia fn the manner preacrfbed by ap�Iitable law to Qorrorver nnd to r�,, <br /> -1,?�� ' the other persom prescrfbed by epplicable la�r. ARer the tlmc rcqulred by epplieable law,7Fustee ehail give public ' <br />--�ir���.i::>r,:� i notice of aate to the eraana end In the manner reacdbed b e Iiceble la�v. 7}uetee,�rithoul demand on Borrower, "jy?;:�_. <br />-.;: t�;•:s;r,:;. P P Y PP <br />-��c�.��• ` � ahail sell ihe Pro ert �l ublic auetton to the hl hest bidder at the Ilme and lace end under the term�desl nated In ��'�-�'� <br /> -__ .,rt:i � P Y P S P 8 �;;::,3;�. <br /> Y � y�,.- . the notice otaele In one or mare parceie end in eny order 7Yustce determinea. TYustee moy postpone sele of all or eny ,���-� <br /> ��� �`� ' percel of tAe Property by publtc ennounnmmt at lhe time end plece of eny prevlously aheduied aele. Lender or 14+ ��,, '� -` <br /> ar };�,-� , t�: . <br /> , -, designee may puahese Ihe Properly nt eny enle. �_ r,�; <br /> ',��j;���:�{ Upon rcceipt of payment of the prtce btd.7Yustee ahall detiver to the purehacer 7Yua�ee•a deed mnveying ihe � - _ <br />��-.�;�f��z�;;,�`. TYuaPlee ahall apply the prohceeds of the xeleln Ihe follotdng ordere(x)to ell cwts'and expenses ot xercCs ng Ihe pow�er �?�'r-_: <br /> ��•`� �--i",�-. <br /> lt � • . <br /> _ . i��pJ�x'`: i�iL x,' <br /> � r;, •: <br /> y . ,J2 .i <br /> ���_� ... . <br /> 1 `'. 5.:. <br />...t,�,�,_::+,-" 2:._r.' <br /> r:.T.:�:. '��...,� <br /> "!A; �a 'F-�s. <br /> � )t�i� ,� . <br /> ..hi : <br /> -`\�,d�t�; tbrm,lU18 9/90 �ryrr3..lnryr�'�� _' <br /> fGD_;' ' <br /> '�t.�h�CS� . . . C_!�;•-'. <br />..,�i�{ti Y'i>: <br /> 'rd,5�14 -. <br /> -� { ,���..-�. ....�'_. . r,. <br /> �h ... 1f�'"'^.'?'-.-'."�. -i i . : f—....: �. r�7:.- . ---.• ._ %*Fry'f •---•�.n..�....�.. _ �..�._._F - . <br /> r i� • . ; . . _ � _ .. . <br /> 4 �) <br /> � \ '�I_. ' • _ __ <br /> '. . . . .. _'_ _ " _ _ _ _.. ._ _— —_ ___ '_. __ _" _ _ _ <br /> c MX�1 • _ _. . . . _ _ - — ' _ " . _ <br /> p Y\ � / <br /> t`-„. �l -..i\ e -<f - - . - ._ _ . . _ . . <br /> ).-.f .. R - y � -Y�' , -.. - ' , - . . . . <br /> y- Y - - 4 - " -- - . - ' � _ <br /> -y F� �. . . . . . _ <br /> �4 1�4--�a Y r Y- � - .. , - _ - ' . <br /> /P�-,t + i- - _r T - _ ' '�' .. � . . <br /> -4 � ;f� Y } . <br /> i� � �- 3 -;� i <br /> / � > > � � i r t - - <br /> yyrfJ� t �' 1 � - C 1 z ` v c � ' . _ _ <br /> i/y ,�u t �it -, 't e 1 -. t. t i � r - . <br /> t r ;. ` � S y, y s , , , y r -} <br /> t�Xls � i t� MlJ-_ � - I k : � t � �i - � . . <br /> i s �'i�t _. -- � - � � '%1 +� i <br /> � - � '� i . .� ' :� � � �- i .y.i"• � 'n� � ' ;. t e . , {. � <br /> . _.'-`1�. ... . t'„ ., ..._.,. . ,� . _:_ >:Ar. _ _.-. r. ., . �5 . . - . �. . , . ,r ,._ vrY:�.,i. . . .cr. ._ . . . <br />