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k1.)_ ��. . , ...- . A. . � � { - � i .� � lt�Y 's:. � rt� �+'-' <br /> (� ' <br /> _' • :,_ _ i � -i s.l ta <br /> ._.—. _ . .. .. . �: .._ . . .r �,� i y _ i � _ij .. ._.' . —___, .. <br /> � � • � ! - ' 1 . -_ u{�� '��PM��µ 1:` I . <br /> p�Io6tiliatLenderrequires 76p(�auranoq'e4da�p�p �,tng the�iturerloosl�allOsbhokoby8of(oWEtsub{�to�,epderJi . <br /> , ' approvafcfiicheUailnotbiur�zs3ona6lYVritht�Id,� it�o!idwufatietnmaintalrtooYplo84'deaeribF9a6dr�',d�t�[1+94F� <br /> [.endtlrloptlpn,cptaintoV e,SAyro�(.en4erbtignulniliairo�(nadoct� aswlch��grqy-A7 : ,` ` <br /> -"--- s }111Gi �f$fiC6�501ICItrl�fCliOWl�6h811b6 qIkCy(�ble(oI.�AUCl6�Q 4h911fi1C�Vd8�bldRO�mOitgagdC1811tbi tAC11dEt - -. . <br /> - sA�Itfiqro�iighttaGa(dfiepatioiAendrinawAis. ltt.e�t6sirs�ul�a,8oro�+4ithallpmj�lygivetotAndstellrta!p� '.: <br /> ' otpNd premium�and renowel noNaa. In the evcqt ot lou,HortqwCr►de11$Ive p�ompf notice to tho'Nsurence ea�st end <br /> • I.eMer. Lender m�y mdco praof of Iws ltaot medo ptomytly by Bortowu. <br /> Vniaas LendCr m�d Bortower othernise eg�ee in wddng,tnsurwce proccedi�ha11 be eppited to rontoreHon or icpa(f of <br /> � the Proacnr demeged,ft Uro reatwallon orrcpatr la uonomfaliy fcasible ead Lcndu� secuiity la �o�leaxrrcd It Ap- -� • ., <br /> - - restor��lon ur repau I�not aonpml0etiy feaaibla or Lendarb uCUrlry woold ba lesuned,tho inamaneoptocteG�abell bo' <br /> applied to tlw suma raurcd by�At�Secur(ry[ntbumenG whether a aot then duo,with any exoess palQ to lloROwa. If <br /> Bortower eb�ndona�he Property,or doea mt wwer wtthln 30 dayr e nottce trom Lender t�at tiw insurenco eu[Ier had <br /> oHercd to seule a cleim,then Lendu may coliat tho insurance praaeda. Lender may uu ihe prooeed�lo repatr or«storo <br /> — the Pnpeny or to pay�wne secured by thia Secudry Instrument,whuher or not�hen due. 'ILO 36day pedod will D¢gin when <br /> ---- thenodcoiaaiven. <br /> -°___--� Unlesa Lender rnd Bottowcr o�heiwko ayco In wrhing,eny ap Iicatlon of procesds ro principal shaU not extend or <br /> � __- __--_ _ <br /> poupone the due date ot the mon[hly pnymenu refemA to in pungrep �1 and 2 or change�he amount ot thepaym nu. It <br /> ---- wdu paregmph 21 the Property le acqufred by I.eadu,BortowerY dght eo eny insurence poUciea end proceW� crosuiting <br /> °---"°'- fran demege ro tha Proporty pr�w ro the ecqubidon shell pas+m Le�er to the ex�ent ot tda wma ucured by thla Sewdty <br /> =u:�i� inswmentlmmedletely pdortotheacqulalNon. <br />_'�i;g�y 6. OftIlp84Cp� Prcservadon, Ma�ntmanca end Protation ot the Propertyt Borrower's I.oan Appltcallon� <br />-�;;:F;� I.taseholda, Bortower�hall occupy,atablfah,md usa tAa Propeety s+BortowuL prineipal rcsidence wlihin skty daya efter <br />'�'�;•s..;�:� the exceution ot thl�Secudty imwment and ehall continuo to occupy�he Yroperty aa Borrowerti p�incipal rafdence for et <br /> � .;� leau one year e[ter the daro of acupancy. unlesa I.ender otha�wise egrca fn w�iting, which consent chel! not be ---- <br /> .�,-� � unrcasonably withheld or uniw extenuatNg circumstenus exirt wMeh ere beyond HortoweA wnvol. Bortower ehdl not <br /> + ,t;sL de�voy,damage or impalr the Ptoperry,ellow the Property ro duerioreie,or commit wuto on the Propcny. Bortower�hell <br /> �,:��:�>.�N be in default if eny fodeituro�c8on or procuAing,whether civil or cdminel,is begm that In I.ender�good feith Judgment <br /> ���?%''�,.i cwld ranit in forhinue of tAa Property or othenviu metedilty impeir the lien crcated by tht�Secudty Instrument or <br />�`';x�r'`` Lender6 cecudt intercet. Bortower ma cure weh a default and reins�ue,as rovided in regra h 18,b eausin �he ectfon <br /> ��+ _,,,., Y Y P Pe P Y 8 -_-_. <br />���`f;:C`:;, orproaeding to be dkmissed whh a�ul(ng the6 In Lender§good feith detertnina�ion,precluda foReiture of the Borrower§ _ <br /> F"�''° imercat in �he Propary or o�her matedal impairtnent ot the Iien crated by �hia Secudty Instrument or ianderb secudry <br />:.,rl'(�SAS, _--- <br />"'--'?+.����; inmrcat. Bortower ch�ll etm be in default if Hortower, dudng �he loan epplicatlon praea, gave merode0y falu or <br /> �s;:�u-�Y"_ imceurete informedon or netemenu to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with my metedal infortnetion)in wnnecdon with - <br /> - ��°fY=`� the loan evidenad by�he Nae, including, but not Ifmtled ta rcpresentatiaro wneeming Bortowerk occupancy o[�he <br />°-`�r?i`�5;��%. Pm n a+e dnct I rcaidena. If thi�Saud Inst�ument i�on a leauhold,Boirower ahall rnm � witA oll tAe rovisiont <br /> t + P� Y P W. �Y PY P <br /> - - --� of the le3�. If B�rmwu acGuittn fa titSe ro ttw_Pr_�perty.the lei.�e6e41 end Ihe f.l ti�k:hnll not meme unleu[1ndU aarces .-- _ .—---..--_. <br /> ;IfE1� ta�he mergerin writing. <br /> t,���� 7. Protection of Lender'e Righte In the Property. If Bortower feils to pedom� ihe wvenenu and agrcements -= - - <br /> i ti�i�-�+? cm�ained in Ihis Sauriry Insuument,or therc ia a legal pr«ceding thet mey aignificentty atta� Lender§ righ�s in�he y,y .� - ; <br /> 2 rr3 -- Property(such es a praading in bankruptey,probata for condemnation or fodeiture or w enPofa lawa or rcgulatlons).tAen �rt-�y*,y •; <br /> s c- >. I.ender may do end pry for whetever ia necessary to pmtect the vnlue of the Rapeny ond Lenderi righu in the Propeny. �u(F;�'�� � � <br /> 'v �' l.rnderh ec�iona mx mclude m m sum+ucured b a licn which has norit over thla Securit Inswment,e n >t"t n �,:�- <br /> �. ,�'�r Y PaY 8 Y Y P � Y � PP� @ „zt�„ � - ' - <br /> � p {� � In murt,paying rcason�ble attomeya'kca end encering on Ihe Propeny to meke repain Allhough nder may[ekc attion �L y„F i . <br /> -"� s.`t' .Zz� u�x�.�._ <br /> . ! :�y,,� I under this paagraph 1.Lender dces wt have to do xo. ,�t�':t„�� j,,.,_.�.;, <br /> • l� t; Any amounts dicbursed by Lender under�hia paogrepM1 7 shall become eddltional debt of Borroxxr securcd by thie '�'yh� .�..;�a,.,_.. <br /> ;;'}f t�F' Seeuriry Instmment. Unless Bortowcr end Lender ngrce�o ahenerma of payment,theu emounu shall beu intcreat from the F��'.�f;;<br#N� � - <br /> ..,,�,:,... _ --s�,..!^t .ir},� <br /> �� �.. dam of disbursement oi tlie Noie ra�e and ahall be paynble,wi�h imercst,upon notice from Lendcr�o Bortower requating {����� c��t, - <br /> iA ' r, � Pnyment. rt .C,�' �a�� <br /> r� • 8. Mortgege lnsurance. If Lender rcquircd mongage insumnce as m m�dition of mokinR�he loan saurcd by�hta i -"y;��,��an �;-- <br /> �.'t*F�=' Securiry Instrunxnt,Bortower shall pry the prcmiums rcqwred to maintain the mortgage insurenee in efkct If, for any .�r5jy f�2,{f� - - <br /> 4� �`�t, rczson, the mortgnge insurance covenge required by Lender lepxs or ceazes �o he in efka. Bortower ahnll puy �he {� �;,�;� t f YF >?�-. <br /> . y �� t � prcmiums rcquired ro obtnin mvernge substantially equivalmt to the mongage insumnce prcviously in eRec4 nt n mst }�.-�y-.'-_r,��{�'1�?`�� <br /> - -it � suhstantially eyuivnlem to �he cost ta�ofrower of the mottgege insumnce prcviously in effec4 Gom nn ahemate mortgege Y � ,,,,.�� �- <br /> «-._;. inwrer appmred by Lender. If suhsmmially equivalent mortgage insunnce corernge is not available,Bortower shall pay to };.y ur {r yy+�t>{:;-, <br /> �s Lender each momh a sum eyual ro ono-iwelRh of the yearly mongnge insurnnce prcmium bcing paid by 6orrower�vhen the }s- �:� +5�;�a`_..'ii <br />-:� inwmnce corernge Iapsed or ceased to be in ef(ece. Lender will ucept.uu and m�ain these paymems ns u lass¢serve in liw r --.'� ;> ��r�,=: <br /> >„�� of inongxge insumnce. Lolt reserve payments mny no lunger M rcyuired. at�he uption of Lender,if mortgage insurance ut�f ,�" i�r-':r�-- <br /> r h. � �� crnmrage(in thc amount and for thc perial that Lendcr rcyuircsl prov�ded by m insurcr appmved by Lender agein becomes -�`x`;; ,,H}�,., ;;�' <br /> „� . awilable and is ubmined.Barto�ver shall pay�he pmmium�rcyuircd m mainmin mortgagc rosumnce m effat,or ro provide a S ' =� i) �\a j:, [. <br /> r �,'� los rcserve,until�he rcquircment for mortgage inwrance ends in•rccordance wi�h an�•�vrinen agreement between Bortoxxr �- � } { -` <br /> srs s . and Lendcr or applicablc Ixw. ,� .;_ y� z-�.S!': <br /> i k- -� 9• Inspectlon. Lcndcr ar its agent may make rca.onable cmric.upon and m.pec�ion+of chc Pmpcny. Lcndcr Shail 1- t%' - -.,`.;� <br /> !' give 6ormwer no[ice at Ihe time of or prior�a an iropection specifying reaconahle cauu for the inspecliun. <br /> --��T�"`�'' 10. Condemnatlon. 7Le pnx�ceds of any a�r.vd or cluim fnr nr connection with any :'t-' '-`-:-���'%:�"-. <br /> Y'dY':�`'� <br /> - :f .:.'. .- <br /> :._..: 5,�_. .. " .�'. <br />� ...':^Y':� tim kFannl imnie\1aNF7addlr\I�cCSIFOR�11VbTRf\7F.]T-PmfimmCa.enam. 9N0 � �<r!,. h ... -�•-"':..•.� . <br /> F Y-- P 1 NR/» � ' <br /> 4•,•1:: Ga Wn Fevaf Yaw.lIX 0 <br /> `�,�:t.�: I I�n6tuYldpDSpUfJOlAt616b1-Iql • .•��-•�'.. . <br /> g�� -S. 1 <br /> yh"�, <br /> l J'� <br /> . <br /> r f "'.�-.".S"[t�i-�i_':�� ,r_. .,�r:.�.. �......,r. ,.. ,-:..r... ,: . .r_.�. ..; ,. ., -•;iir�:^:r.:xc r......�ra-s.•mri.::r--.a: ,.::.} <br /> .(l,:!- � . " - . . <br /> 9 i� � <br /> y- :y - - . . . . <br /> _...i:, - . � : . . . _ <br /> Y j •• _ _ , _ " _ " _''_ - . . _ <br />. ,:t...�.'�i i '1� .. .. . . <br /> '�r. � �i��! � . <br /> :.>�- ?:�..;•'' ' . , . <br /> �T " <br /> .i. �'• <br /> la- <br /> :;i.`.�d.i.';-{ '.i - . - . - . . . . <br /> _ ."M:7..; �.. _ . -i ' . . . .. . . <br /> � : <br /> h� � <br /> � 4�t - .. . .,: _ <br /> l�� fJ , - ' � � ' � . <br /> 1 lZ . 1:� v <br /> � 5 �� } f 1 _ U . . 1' <br /> n <br /> � � � � <br /> ,�� S` � � : ` � .� 1 .�: . _. . . �. <br /> �. . .. � � • ._ . <br /> s >:. ..F... . (. ..> it - .._ . . . . . -. .. . . `h4 .,J � . <br />