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�; 4'� Y - .-i �_- ,•� � �i .t , �.�t.� � n t�t�. t-Y1� i':�/� �T� � ��7 is�1vT5 `�� { <br /> c <br /> ��Dk[i�ai!�1�?d�otm g� fnenk'iwYralr�ei��urta�uanntrye .ca��(�#Mmax� : <br /> � � sqdfix �roadthue�Rerapt?t�f�iePra��rr N1re�lace�enueri4t4autqn � ty46t�eyveK,alr.1�S��i� �?� �t - <br /> r • e��w�.w } nlneMmlfhFAMfntheR�cufi(vl'rift fnthllha"PNel�iv�_ t j -. f T y - <br /> '���bRito���'V. �!�> ?'�J4�M'9maesorrawc�tar'aiwly�sFdot�ieaiaieAei�tiyai�rayed�ir3nu�ne�tco�i f ' _ _ <br /> r,.. � <br /> 4ndponY9y{n4Yrop�e .+a4�ma�cOpeRyli ecumteted exan[i'orenCUmbranofib itWtd $(mm�Wet�'lmnl�.JiA4 _ <br /> � wUldek�MBluorailyUietlt�ot9 b�P�nYaBe(�VudFcl�msen4�41�a�eub�te�yenewni�+i?o�`atse�+r0 t_ � r •;+.' <br /> " "!�II$Sx1,918Tf'►'.��1JM8N!'com6ln y�iforR� cov2natiu �br'aAHqpg� uyo;ucAAOnuplf4iirt�tRY�n�fA',wI$ <br /> :. itqjitedYatluiooaEyjuilsideli0qtoopm�I�ut8d6N�omt�e�tiiryineuu�Eh[�Pr�eingrsA.D�D�dy � .•'.• �:: '�,` ;'�' <br /> , ,=� _. i1N1t�RMCOYBNAT3TB; BorroiverepdLeiiGe�cAY?nM���g[teaitolkwa�-._• .,., .-. , ; <br /> t: ?1�aymenlotPrtdHpdtpdintcialtP p�ym;u�Yddi.dC9Qhp�`aSl.BotroweraMll Inptlyyny whtnlNtrAtE <br /> ptinelpa1 ofanQA�{ereston�iedeDteWGenceEb �eNo�epns(aqyprepaymentendiatochargesduQdundfr9�eNp(d � �: { � � <br /> 7 . dYindsPOi�wtndtM1SUrann..$ubJcc►�9eppl��bteUwdrto awrit�enyvatyprbyl.endsr.$,ortowu�t�ellpaYl4 � , <br /> i.aidu on U�e s�ay mohfhly pdymEnts cra due under the Nbte,Yntil tfio Note te pald ii�Nll:q wm I'Nunda')toh(a)Y. ,� <br /> te�iw md asseasmente whlch inay euai8 pdorlty uver tfila 6aur1ty Idsirument e�e qen dn9�a P(qpeM1yr @)Yuuty i ' 014� <br /> paymenu or grotind renu on the Propeny,!f any; (c)yearty huerd or piopeny (psutanw prP,mluine.(d)yeaf Y•t�ood 'r � <br /> Insurance prtmluitu.if any; (o)Yeaily mortgago fnsuronee premium�,{f any; a�d(Q any sums pay&b(n b�BotroJret lQ; � , .�—_-_--. <br /> l.endu,(n ecoordanoe wl�h�he�rovinfon�ot paregaph 8,In liw of tbepaymait of mortgagednauronee prqmtuma:•'{hese - <br /> Iceme ue called"Hserow Aem�. Lendu may,et eny tlme,wllea end hold ivnd�I.n an emount not ro eicFeed Ihe maximom <br /> � ""' amouqt n Iender tor e ftderally rclated mortgege loan may requiro for BortowuY escrow a000unt unEe�tho fe¢,eiqi Real. ` - <br /> &tate SUilemmt➢rocedurca Act o(1974 ea amended hom time ro time,l2 U.9.G�2601 er ssq.C'RH8FA7,unleas nnot6er <br /> -- taw thdt appliw to�he Ivndf ew e tesseramount. itso,I.endarmay,pt any time,coUect end Aold ii�nds in an unount nm lo " <br /> excad Ne:taur dnamt. Lpidu may estimate the amoun{ot PUnde due an ihe ba�ii of current data end reasona4(e . <br /> - espmatw otmpe�Nnuw of funue Hacrow IIema orahenvlm 1n aaoNance wtth eppticabla la�r. <br /> � � 'If�e tUnd��finl(be hald In en imtitution whose deposiu ero tnsuttd by,a fWerel egeacy,insvumenteliq. or enriry - - <br /> (inciuding Lender,It Lender U:uch nn insdmHon)or In eny Aedenl Home Loan Bank. Landu�he11 appiy the Wnda to p�y <br /> --- tha Hscrow Itema. I.ender may not cherga Qortower tor holding end epplyfng�ha EUnda,annueUy anatyztnb the escrow . <br /> -- ---- axount,or vedfyNg the&crow hema, unlesa Lender paye Bortowar interest on �he Ponda end appflcabte law permfts _ <br /> Lendu to meke euch e cherga Howevu,Lender mayreq ulro Boaowu ro pay�onaHme chuge tor m iadependent rsal .. <br /> ---= eatate tex reponing eervlce used by Lendu in connecdon wiN thh loan,unlese appItcebte law provldea olhenvlsa lJnles�u1 <br /> —�� egramene is made or appltcable law requlra imerest to be paid Lender shail not be pay Bortower wy lnterestor <br /> -_ - eemin$e on�he Pundi. Bo¢owcr end I.cnder may agree in writing,however.�hat Intereat ehall 6e paid on tha Fmda. I.ender - <br /> _.;?�-� thell g�ve ro Bortowcr,whhout chargo,en ennual eccounting of the fUnde.�howlng crcAtu and deblla lo iha Wnda and A�e <br />�._-�.-�.�;� pmpae for which each debit to tha Wnds wns made. 7�e Rmd�are pledged ea eddltlonal eecurlry tor eil aumf cecwed by <br /> vnn:a Ill�f$CClll�lY tI151NR1lPt. <br /> ti v.� i[the ivnda hald by Luider excad the amounu pertnitted to b¢held by appllcable lew, Lender ehdl account ro <br />.,_,�,,;�° Baraxu for the aa�Wnd:in xcocda�ce wGh�lm requiremeete�f appltcebk law. If�he emomt of tfie[4nds held br _ ._ <br /> -j� I.ender et uny ttme ie not wffielent to pay�he Esccow Itema when due,Lender mey m notify Bortower In wAting,en41n -� -- - <br /> u-�� cuch case Botrower shell pay ro Lender�he emount neassary ro make up the deficiency. Hortower shall meka up 0e <br /> deflciency in no more than twelve momhly payments,et LenderY wla discreUon. <br /> �i�_;;�� Upon payment in PoIl of elI suma ucured by thia Secudty Inatrumen4 Lender shall promptly rcPond to BoROwer�ny — <br /> ,*� E§�nd+held by Lender. it,under qregreph 21.Lender shall ecquirc or sell�he Propeny.Lender,pdor ro die ecqWaiNon or <br /> ����� eele of Ihe Propeety,shell apply eny Punds heid by Lender at the time of acquisiqon or cele m a crcdit egainst [he sums <br /> �t�{ securcA by�his Secudty Instrument. .. <br /> �� 3. Applicatton ot Peyments. Unlus appilcable law provida aherwlse,all payments cxc(ved by Lender under ,_ <br /> � pangmpha 1 and 2 ahdl be appl(eA:tint,ro any prepayment cherges due under the Note;aecond,to omounts p�yable under �` -,�,_. <br /> `t�r� pamgraph 2:Nird,ro intenst dur,founh,to pdncipai due;and last,to eny late charges due under�he Nota r � i, �._ <br /> 4. Chargea; Llens Bortower shall pay all uxu, esseuments,charga,tinee end Impositlon� attributeble ro the t �, e r�_ <br /> ,�� -�'� propeny whtch mey attafn priodry over�his Securiry In:tmmem,end leesehold paymenu or ground rcnu,if any. Bortower [ ��tt?-�. <br /> � h ahdl pay these obligetions in the manner provided in paregmph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bortower shall pay Nem on f�}1 :,. -,� <br /> ,-,,9 tlme directly to�he person owed payment. Bortower ahall promptty fumish to Lender all noNcu ot emounn to M paid uMer -�s }y�,-_,.�. <br />` > � thia paregraph. If Uortower mekea[hese paymen�s directly,�orrower shall promptly fumish to Lender rcce(pu evidenefng <br /> ��,I �hep�ymenu. f4 a� t�_ - <br /> ��� � Bortower shell promptly diuharge any lien which has priorrty orer this Secmiry Instmment unless Borrower.(a)agttea '�k -� _ <br /> `' �� in wtiiing ro�he paymmt of the obligation cecured by the lien in a menner accepteble�o Lender,(b)mnta�s in good telth�he jr�� � �:_- <br /> j -n='J lien by,or defendn ageinst rntorcement of the lien in,legal procecdings which in ihe Lenderh opinion operate to prevtnt�he � v_�c: _ -. <br /> ,i�i;; enforcemrnt of[he Iien;or(c)secures from Ne holder of che lien en ogrcement sa�isfac�ory to Lender subordin�ting ihe lien �,�, ,.! <br /> , u �o this Seeurity Inatrument. If Lender decertnines ihat any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may meln pdoriry .��r y ,e s: <br /> "`'��"rb over�hla Securit Inswmen6 Lender ma ive Bortower a notice identif n �he lien. Borto�ver shall se�isf the lien or uke .�•- �•�°-=•- <br />`{�;sy�l Y YB Y� S Y _�.ux.+�a .. <br /> �' one or morc of�he ec�iona set fonh nbovc wi�hin 10 days of the giving of no�ice. z� r"`; <br /> '`?-`� S. Harerd or Property Insuranee. Borto�vcr shall kecp�he improvcmcnu now existing or hereaRer erccred on�hc �y i�.� ' <br /> 'i�.,;�•� Propeny insured against loss by firc,hazards included within the�erm"eztended mverrge"and eny other hazo�ds,inNnding � ^�,�-r <br /> l�.Y 1Pji•i•:: <br /> 3 *"` floods or tloodin for which Lender rc uires insnrence. This insuranm shail M maimained in �he amoums and tor�he - t - <br /> � _ ; 8. 9 tisi- i�_'� <br /> __ 3_.J}y.,_' '. <br /> '] �l 1 j !>�__.. <br /> ..y,� FbrmJ01! 9190 lMR�1.�JnpaNSl t:: -.. <br /> i{l-.}riti. N:4.', - <br /> "'i�i;� , +��� �. <br /> ..C�: <br /> __ ,:{, <br /> s <br /> ` �-_��y_' �i�_ �::i) .:j:-_a _t'�'�ti . .t�.i:. r i. � - �i_..� �- �=�-T' _{t `.;ir - T;+� s <br /> i ti� ' _s i:- - � - . . . i _ . <br /> i(' fJ L�� µ- 4- t . . ' . . ` . ' _ <br /> < <� _ � -r ;7 ' - - - . . " - -� - - - . - .. <br /> .. ' - . . _ _ ._'__- -___- . _ �. — -- _ _ <br /> . -c _,�-:, :.`. _ _ _,._ _ ,- _ .. . _ _,___ _ , '.�— . _ . . _ <br /> � - � � -- -- - . . <br /> _ �1� -n -', ._ <br /> 1 • <br /> � ` �t � . • 'i . <br /> Y�1 i ./ i �`t' 3�� •< . - . . ' ' . . - <br /> ! l . I -. i $� - , ._ <br /> ! � 1 fj�1 t l.f ). ) <br /> f f f -� ' ; -1^; � .l �' _ - . - . . . <br /> l l .j�,t t� � :)_ �. Fl f � ' . .. . � <br /> ' rt��_1'♦ 'y =,, l , � t � r - - �:� , 1� . . ,-_ . . . - � ._ <br /> r <br /> tti� ,�. r ? .i � , , . ti <br /> }� � � �: .a )> f � � � � � !i - t J � r�� - < <br /> Y r�' ' l} y l r i ` f(;. 1( � _ "- ? (( '� - ' ` t "c � ' ; V . ae � <br /> , �F - �-, � - ti . � . .r . <br /> � � y � <br /> f t •- _' _�^..�I� �r ` 'y r . � t . t t- t .i <br /> . ' <br /> .. �if]�,Y . . 'dA{ . [_y�. ...Y, a�e: _i ..:t:' �I v J.f . ..� -.�- ,. . .-1 r.�-. - .e .. Y. . _ t..�II � . d � .. -. <br />