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r_ "�...ta� � i _ -I !�t -s .t 7 �a.5 -i �' �t - t C4. Yf���t1 �.-4�, ��1��'i'�-�i �}� t� veS va t �-}Y)rr- <br /> � t��-.1 r (�:f_ �°Si F' - -� _ 1� i � y � � !_` "' �-_�it� �m !�f --i� r 9).��{' i`n ti�-at i <br /> ! T { t . <br /> . . �_ r y� _ - �� -_ f L� j , ..r�(! x ! t � <br /> 3� <br /> � ` x,'.�7Y�Ianot�Ft�tcin;ottnyDtu►ofthBAtqpRrt�I,o��ofa�YaY�1Pui�ot�yn4C��t4��o�id ��K ��� <br /> :fhgllSx�P���`��t'Sf.B,+t�� � � �'r�.?L� �� 'd�_��S:�C�.��:� ��f.�n,M►��6r}�hJii�w3�efoeYt3 � �r� � <br /> ; � ��'S� �4Lj�"r�1d�AYi:, � <br /> - -�A�t(iN�n �+a1#�f318rAdudrwl�f8�lyexQCSS.pd [o9ortoWN, I�th9ov,,�i7�tp .j�iNCL7�.vr.r..s. e�r� - � <br /> '-.:wl�sa!!�?f�(�SCgatiie'alth6'PropeRy�m6iCdtet4lybsPgteq�otikin�Ufg�(`�ttdore�tee _ _th9�W�tali�i0}utn� ' , ; <br /> . �u,ut�4ytMaNpCur1ry insfru�r�ed't(mpiedt4tety 6eidrdino(¢kinSr less Qrro ot`onA� r9� rn�so■y�o�� m�, <br /> qa q� 0 <br /> q eums cceured byfila�pcndry JnstNmep�sb�l 4's+tclu4ed by thb am� t ot��op�mujifpItW D,the,toll ivtng <br /> � uttau (o)"piat to(�e�um3ccecprcqiMmedf�fet Aoforothet�Ag,E{viCeaby+ )thefaTt /y�fot�ile ' <br /> �tp�e��t�oun e <br /> P�JwnY Immed!¢tQly befota the takfrig..AdY bati�ice�hgt�.�e_peid q gorrow d �LI�p�e�l�.0f A pdr1 PI teyin�`�2t{�g _ „ . <br /> F{ppQ In whitb thq tatr msikei vA]up ot�e Nppe�y immsdleto►y�fom iho�ik[n8(s JeseQ�n�hd�ntOuptai�ne suos; , <br /> �qitinc�lately.De(oie�ie t�g,unJess Boriown and 4en&r Wry��tvis6�egtf4ln vA�t l�s ot unitSa.a p ylls�bte 4� ,.-r , <br /> Wienvlmprovide�,theptp¢eeGashellboeppAedto�hotiimsee6urcdDythliSecGdtylnswmedtivhftl�erartwftCro4�ei�• : <br /> Ihendua . , • , _ ,:: �,. <br /> (ttDe PtopoJ�y 1�@Darldoned 6y BortoHer,or IP,e Ru�o tlee by I.e n det to Bortower t ha t y h e C p n d e m n o r,o�e�a W m q t�b ; <br /> eq award or euAe e claim iot demaga,BoROwu fails ro rcspond ro►.enddr wflh(n 30 dayl ette►rhe d a tp pip npd`ee fe$iv�ri, '. <br /> Lender k eu�hodud to cclicet end.eppiy We pcbcuds,et Ite ppHon,etthu a rcatoration oi ieyd4 of U�e Prope�[y o�ta d�p - . <br /> wMsseauepbytiUsBecuAtyInaWment,wpelduornotthendua _ .. ... .. . . - -..�. . . . <br /> Unless Lendcr end Bo�rower othenvlse agree in wdHng,eny n plication o!prooceda�o pHnctpal4hell�not e�teqd qt:, . - <br /> pmtpone�he due deto of tho monJ�lypaymenw roferred io in puegrepR�I end 2 orchRnge t1ro emouotof such pAymenq; '_'•. <br /> mad�1. Rorrower Not Reltasedt Forbee�ance IIy 4endu Not a Wpiver. Bxteniton of the.tlm0 foi yayment_8r <br /> cetion ot emonizadon ot�he�um�saured by thh 8eewiry instNment grantW bp Lender to any wxeusqt it�Intsreat " <br /> ot Bottower ihn11 pot opemte ro�olease the llebiliry of�he odglnel8ortowu or Bomowerb aucaesson in interosf.LendCr <br /> ehult not be uUed to commence proceedingi egainat eny mcceawr In lntercac or rcfusa to extend time tor payment or <br /> ahernlse mod�amortba8on ottlw eume secured by thii Securtty Inshumen[by meson of eny demend made by tho priBihal <br /> Bo[rower or Hortower§wcceawn in imereat. Any fo[6earence by l.ender in exercfiing eny rtght or remedy iTiall not be e <br /> wdverofrnprccludetheexerciseofenydghtorremedy. <br /> 12. Successore and Asslgaa Boundt Jotnt end Sereral Uabllityi Co•s�gnero. 7Le covenanw and egmementa otthia <br /> - 3ecudry Ins�mment ehalt bind end benafi[ehe wccesson and eseigni of Lendu and Bortower,wbJect ro Ihe proviatotu ot <br /> paregreph 17.Bortowerti mvenente end egrcememe ehetl he jofnt ond sevcrel.My Bortowu who co-algne thl�8xurtty <br /> � Instntment but dow not oxecute�he Noto: (e)i�co�signing lhb Secudty Inswment only to mortgege,grant and eonvey Ihat <br /> Ho[rowuY intercat in the Propeny under Ne terma otthi�Secudty InstNmem; (b)te no[personally obllgated to pay the�mtu <br /> cceuttd by thb Secudry Inswment;ond(e)egrcc�thet Lendor end my othu Bortower may egree to oxtenQ modify,forbeet <br /> or meke eny accommodeNom whh rcgerd ro iho tcrm�of�h4 Saudty InswmeN or tho Note wtthout that Borrowert <br /> consenc <br /> 13. Laan Chq�gea. It�he loan secured by�hi�SecuAty Inarvmene I� subject ro a la�v�vhich wu maximum loan <br /> chergw,end thnt law 1�finaily InroRrcted so�hat�ho intercat or other loan cherges collaYed or ro be colluled In connallon <br /> wilii iiro loan a«<ctllnc pirtnilti3 Lni{la�Iheir. (nl ei�y wcFi t'vui�chu3a:h�ll�r..du«I by thL 01110Uni lW.CL:!'1!y f0 f!d'!C9 <br /> the charae to ihe pemilucd IImU;end(b)any�um�alrcady collected fmm Borrower which oxaededpermttted Ilmlte wlll be <br /> rcfundedto Bortower. Lender mey choose to makc thi�rcPond by reducing the princlpal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> direct payment to Borrower. If a rcfund reduces pdncip�l,the reduction�vill be trcated ea a partial prcpayment without eny <br /> prcpayment ehorge under�he Note. <br /> 10. Noticea. Any notice to Borrower provided tor in �his Saurity Insuument�hall bo given by dellvedng It or by <br /> malUng it by flnt eleu meil unlw epplicable Inw rcquircs use of anather muhod.The noAtt shall be directW to Ihe Propeny <br /> Addrcsa or eny other eddress Oorrower designaus by natice lo Lendec Any no�ice io Lender�hell be given by first eleas <br /> mell to LenderY addmss stnted herein or nny o�er addms.+Lender deaigneics by notitt to Bortower. Any no�ice provldW tor <br /> in �hia Saurity Instrument sbnll be deemed to havc been giren �o BoROwcr or Lader whcn given ai provided in ihia <br /> paragreph. <br /> 15. Governing Lnw;Severeblltty. This Sceumy Instmmem shell be govemed by (ederal Inw end �he lew of Ihe <br /> Judsdictlon in which ihe Property is laceted. In the evem�hai ony provision or cl¢use of ihis Securiry Inswment or Ne Note <br /> conflici:wf�h appiicable luw,such canflict ahall nat affttt other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Noie whieh can <br /> be given effat without the conflicting proviaion. To�his end the provisians of�his Securiry Inswmem end�he Nole ere _ <br /> dalarW�o be severeble. -. <br /> 16. 6orro�ver'e Copy. 6ortowcr shnll be givcn one mn(onned mpy o(ihc Note md ot�hia Securiry Instrument _ <br /> 17. 7Fenshr of the Property or a Deneficlal Intaest In Dorro�rer. If nll or nny pan of the Propercy or any interest in , <br /> it is sold or tmnskrnd(or if n Mncficiai inrercu in 8ofmwer iti.old or tmns(errcd md �ortower ia not a newml persoN <br /> without Lenderk prior wriuen conscnt,Lcndcr mry,at iu option,rcyuirc immedinte paymem in(ull of alI sums securcd by _ <br /> tAis Securiry Inswment. Ho�vever,�his option shall noi be exereiud by Lender itexcaiu ix pmhibited by fede�al law a+of , <br /> �he dn�e of this Security Instrumem. _ <br /> If Lender exercises�his opiion,Lender.Iwll give Rorcunrr nu�ice of accelem�ion The natice xhall provide a period of <br />