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Hnuedpw Bubsfances. Borrower e�not ce.pee br pe�mit 016 prpaepgb'us4 dlbposAt smri�Q,ot tedsy bt�t, � t s�: <br /> tretaraaui&utistw�oea qn'or tn'u�e rroperiy. 9ortbrver shali nUt dg'nor aAoW an on0 4t1ap tb db,any�hltt��1(C��Ii�tha � <br /> --. Proye�Ty_�hetialnvlolaqonotenYIInrLpj�MCiltnlLRw: 71�ep�kCdin8��6nt��nAllnot plytotHepmSw�Oq,iuO,o� ', <br /> — dtowgaonlhePropenyofemeUqwntitieaotHezaMoiwSutistanceathetazegenetdl►Y:eco tobeapproprlaWtonomlel ;�,. <br /> residcnHal uses and ro m�(n�enanco ottha Propecty. " <br /> Borrowcr shtll promptly give Lendu written nalce ot eny tnvestlgadon,ciefm,demanQ lewautt or other ecUOU by any, <br /> Bovemmental or regulntory igency or pdvue pury involving Iho Propaty end�Hemrdqu�8ubslaneo or&lylronrl�enlrl ' <br /> - Law of w1i1cA Bortoww Au epud knowledga !f Hmrowa learm,or(a not fled by any govemmenW or roguluory <br /> euthodry,th��uny rcmovul or other rcmeAlallon ot eny Hazardou�6ub�tenco,efkMtng U�o Property le Aeauuy�Bdrtower <br />----- �hail promp�l teke atl neceuery rane4ial ae�iom in eocoMwwe wlth Bnvlronmentet l.ew. ° <br /> _-�� Aa u�ln thl�puegmph 20,'Haznrdoui 8ubstona�'oro those�u6smnae daflncd e!roxio or hereMow�ub�tuna§D� <br /> Bnvironmcmel Law end�ho foliowlng subHenscs: siaoiino,kerosena,o�her flemmoblo or�oalo petroleum D����e,to:tlo <br /> pesticidc�end Acrbicidei, rolatlto wivenu,molcrinl�contalning mhatas or fortnaldehydo,ond ro0lactive mnterlW� h! <br />`-`� uecd in�hit paragreph Z0,'6nvironmcmal Law"mcan+hdcml law�ond lowe of�he JudzdlcNon whoro tho Ptopony 1�IaatW — <br /> .�;,�� �ha�rctato to hvalth,�okty w environmcntel pro�ectlon. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVBNANf9. �ortowcr und Lcnder Nrthercovenant and ogrco a�folloxn� <br /> :;;;,�� 31. Acceleratlant Remedle� LenEer e�all yve notica to Borrower prior ro acceleraHon folloxing Boreowerl� <br /> .{;. braeh ot ony mvmant or agreement In�hb SecuAty Inatrument(but not prior to acceieratlon under puurap6 l7 <br /> un►en npplleablo I��Drovldea olherwlse). TAa notice chall�pain� (e)th�detauitt(b)the action reQulred to cur�the <br />��f:n?i,'� defeuitt(c)a date,rtot leaf than�0 dr.yr hom the dnte ehe nottc�b given ro Borrower,by whlcA the detault must be <br />�-:-�n.v� cureA�enU(4)that�allure ro wro�ho dereuli on or 6efore tho d�ti:picitiid la tAe nottca ni5 rutt tn x�lt�ltat a� - <br />�<•i��vi� Ma sumv secured by 161s 8auriry[nstrument end�ele of the Property. The notice shail Nrther Intorm Borrower of <br />�'"�^�;�` the right to retnatate aRer aceeieratlon end the right to bring a wurt actlon ro essert the non•exlstence of a default or <br />:_�?;=s�� any other defenae ot Uorrower ro aaeteretlon end eele. [t the defeutt b not cured on or bePore the date speclQed In <br /> `- the notta,I.ender et lu opllon may requtre Immediafe payment In NII ot aIl sums suured by tAlv 8ecuflty Iattrument <br />�'�"��M� �+ithout Nrther demand end may Invoke Ihe poner of sete and eny other remcdie� permlited by appliablo law. <br />��`�".`:�' Lender shall be ent(tled ro wllal etl e:pensen incurred In pursuing tha nmedia provided In thla peragrapd 21, <br /> �_;;:1 Ineludtng,but not IImItM to,reasoneble atrorneye'kea end rnsta of Iitle evtdence. - <br /> .4.i_. It the power of wie�tnvoked,7Yurtee ahall rccord a notitt of deteui[In eseh county in whlch any part of IEe <br /> ,� . Property Is locattd end shdl moil mpiee ot such notice in the manner preacribed br eppllcable la�v to Oorrover end to <br /> � + ;; the other penone pracribed by applicable law. ARer the t(me requlred by applieeble le�v,'fYvxtee eM1all give publlc <br />.,,,1%:- notice of eole to ihe persom and fn the manner preacrfbed by eppliceble la�r. 7tustce,wlihout demand on Borrower, <br /> ---- shell aell the Property at pubtic euMlon to Ihe hlghnt bldder nt tAe tfine and platt end under the termv deslgnated In <br /> S��: the noqce of sate In one or mon percela und In any arder 7Yustee deferm(nes 7Yustee may pasipone sele otell or any <br /> 4 v � parcel of the Property by public announcement et�he time xnd place of pny prevlously uheduled ie1e. Lender or IU <br /> �r�> designee may purchose the Property at any sele. - <br /> . ._a? Upon recelpt of payment ot Ihe prlee bid.7Fusix ahall delirer to the purchaser 7Fustce'a deed wnreying Ihe :•' <br /> �- --� Property. The raitab In Ihe 1}ustee'x dced ahall 6e pHma fecte eddence of Ihe fruth ot Ihe ataeemenfs made thereln, �'_ <br /> :;;:�,;. 7}ustee shall apply Ihe prxceda of the sale in lhe Pollmring order: (nl to ail casts and expensee of exerc0ing Ihe po�rer R r. <br /> �_: <br /> _ )i;`,.^,� ���. <br /> •:.C: <br /> :3'Z.:;r ;- <br /> ,:l:_�i: �:_'. <br />:,>'If�� l:f. <br /> �r. <br /> - FurmJ07s 9/90 �ry�rt../ry�yS�sl ' <br /> ;:�'�% h;:��: <br />,5:`i,:.,_y . p <br /> 1 �':: <br /> ��_ <br /> }`.�: <br /> k� y:*�,i._.T•,��?r•?;--' c...P^'.— ._ �. . _' . ._ __ ' . . -� . . .. .L:>...-4" v`i'!R-� - +i,,- T '-�� v "• rn•-- <br /> s� 1. <br /> f _ � , <br /> r � <br /> ' -- - - <br /> __ ,. - - - '-- . <br /> , - - .-_ <br /> <,:,;>:::-. r . � . . <br /> :'.,� ', • <br />-: ;,'=`r`` � <br /> ;:,t,, . . <br /> ,`.'.` .. . . <br /> :�:s; ,- <br /> s_+.;r-�:_ <br /> \} _ ` . <br /> 4 - . .�n... _ <br /> ��I . _ - . . _ ` . ...i.. <br /> . .. .. - . . . _ , - _ _ <br /> 4 . . � . . � . .. : �' � `..�r • <br /> � <br /> -. - . . 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