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`- , . < ; ": .:�,r�" , , , ; S `'? ', !�.'.;* r �;:r rh, . <br /> .�. t�_ f` .f . 5 _ ) _It 4 _ _-= f .:� � 1 (. .. 'i_ .. <br /> . -� � : - � '.- ` r (fi` . c _ ^ e� " ,.x'iSrl� Lrt' i , <br /> 3 y/���y�n' s t � � <br /> . i --- �� a - :� t_:� � . -:t' ,. � rt� �.. " ���'�1713M7�V'Si/���)� }�� s:� ' . <br /> � C�flodithi Lenderrcqult�, 7lwjaunfuew,i�rprov�dt1y�� `wuMike�h�Ilbe�id�nby6ofro�ye�wbJeefakenpef�i,`` `�,�. <br /> �ptQvi��ISh�M11tWt0eYrlte�rtotubly I {A tR�W (plu m�IN�►n$6vFrp�QdoOet}pedapove,t.q�delqti�y,r� t F <br /> �Lm�7ce�6�toife4bf�{i�,-- i$jriut2C1 Y; (�'-� �A�W��l��7i ' � j r � _ <br /> ' �tAlf�iSyr�pollotae fltwwpl3ital��at�1Te o tq.�iv.� &ic , ,a'�' ' r��•: -°�+z <br /> - ��!h�1�9v211tQ.i1^�litd ..,.�u._ a,�,.,. .a_'u'' .,��y..7 -rh"i �i..wiw`. -.� � .-_. <br /> qtpaibpremiumsd�p�e��alnoHko�r�.�[ntheevento fosk$oirowe'r'sha1g�ve `,pT"m�1�podce�ot6q�isw�nEeqtrtctwiW `.;�' <br /> unddr. i�e�ermaymakeproototios�Itno�me4AD�mp1Ybp BorroWOe ,� ; , , . <br /> ��UN2uke uuWHotrowaromerwlul�peinxi(Ang,Ns�nintep sh�6e�yp1lWiq' lestuntlqiamptlrpt - � � <br /> thd Vrd ny E� tUo rc�taWon,or rtD�lr!e eronomtullY kltt6l�d Lendrt§-aaulry 1�not IessCeed. Tf lAe - <br /> rut05a on or ftpltr ta-nol tconomlq-ily.feaslDle or ttrtQEti ckGFfry;WOUtd qp_(eb3inW,thb:GtyTi '6}T�i�q0- r: -- <br /> a�ypll to the sutpe acweA Dy'tAls 8ee6rtfy tnstNm�t:whGdsr oe dot tdeq,due,wtfh my ozt+�ae�ap to 6orro(v�r ft �, <br /> Borrowu abandone tre PropeRy.or dow not anewer wlddn 96 d►ys i nasice fmm Lender�at tl�6 in�uranca'cpRlef h�u <br /> oftered ta sspfe e efalm,then Lender m�y coUect�he insurence proa�ds, knder in�y use�he oroaed+ro itpslr pi restorq <br /> thePnperryorropayium�eaured6yWi8eewityLubument,whuhuorno�thsndue. T1a3PdaypedodwlA6egintvhen ., ' <br /> �he nbttca iep�ven. <br /> Unle�a 1.endu end Borrower ahefwise egree!n w�tWg,eny spplication ot prooeed�to pdnslpai shatl aot axtend Gf . ' <br /> poupona[he due&ro af�he monthly psymenW mfund toln paregtapha 1 end 2 ot eheage We emoum ot tAC. _ �q, tj_ <br /> undet paregrnph 41 the Propmty i�ecqufred by Lender,HotmwetY riaht�o my insoranca pollclea and pr �stesult(ng . <br /> from damega to�fie Propeny prtot ro the earylatHon�hall pas��o Lender to�ha exteut of tiw sums seaued0y thi�Secu�ity _ <br /> Instrumentimmedfe�ely priortotheaequIdtloa <br /> 6. Occupenc�, Pncerrattoo, Malntenence end Protectlon of the Property; BQr oeer'e Loan ApyOc¢Roaj ' <br /> Lsasehoida. Hortower atull acupy,esteblkh,ead use�Ae Properry es HocrowerY princtpal rcs�dEaae with8l sixty deys aRu <br /> the execuqon ot thle Secudty Inam�ment end�hal]oonHnue to ocwpy�he Property u Hotrowub princlpel yYsldeapp;or�f. <br /> Ipst ona year attcr tho d�ta of acupancy, unloss Lcador othmviso egrccs ln wddng, which conaent sh�lf riot bq <br /> unreASOnably withheld,ar unleaa extenua�ing drcumntencea axi�t wNch are beyond Bortower�wntrol. Boripwer shall tlpt -� <br /> destroy,damage or impair tha Propeny,allow tAe Properry fo detedorero,or commit wasro on tha Prope�ty Bwroner thall . <br /> Ix in default tt eny forfeimro�ctlon or proceeding,whether civll or cdminel.Ie 6egun thet fn Lenderb goad tafth Judgment <br /> could resuic in [odeituro of the Properry or othmvise mared�tly impaG the Iien crcated by chia Sau�iry InsWmont oi <br /> LenderY secudry intereat. Bortower may curo such a default end relnstete,ea provided(n p��greph I8,by ceuaing ihe actlon <br /> or proaeding ro be dismissed wlth�euling thet,in Lenderb gaod fetth detem�inetlon,precNdoa PorfelNro of tha BortoweA <br /> inrereat tn the Property or o�her muedel impairtnent of�he Ilen eraated by thb Sauflty Instrument or Lenderl eecurlry <br /> in�erut. Borrower chall dw ba in defaul[ It Hortower, dudng the Ioen appllcWon yroau, gavo muerlally false or <br /> inaecureto Info�me�ion or cte�emenu�o Lender(or feiled io provide Lender wiih eny ma�adel lnformedon)in connarlon wtth <br /> tho Ioan evidenad by the Note, including, but not IlmitW to, rcprexnn�(ons conttmiog 6ortowerY oocupancy ot Iho <br /> Propeny a�a principal msidence. If ihU Secu�ity In:ttumcnt ie on a leaiehold,bortower eh�l comply wltA dl the provialon� <br /> of Ne Ieaso. if Bo�rowor ocquirca fee Atle ro ihe Propnty,tho leauhold end�he feo tltle shall noe mcrga unleu Lcndcr agrcea <br /> co iho morger in�vriting. <br /> 7. Protcetlon ot Lender's RIghW In the Property. If Oortower fdls to pedorm�ho tovenmu mdegeemenro <br /> rnmnincd In �hia SauAty Inswment, or�hero i� a Iegal protteding ihot may eigaiflcxntly affat Lendert dght+ In �ha <br /> Property(mch e+a proceeding In bankruptoy,proba�e,tor mndemnetfon or fo�teituro or to entorce lew�or rcgulations),�hen <br /> Lcndcr mey do end pay tor whatover(s naes�ary�o proiat�ha valuo of�he Ptopeny and Lenderti rlghp in the Propaty. <br /> Lenderh ec�ion�may Include pay(ng my sum�aecurcd by a Ilen which ha+pdority mer this 3ecud�y Insaument,eppeadng <br /> in murt,paying rawneble�uomcy�'feen end entedng on�he Propeny to make rcp�hs. Although Lcnder may uke aqion <br /> under thia paregreph 7.Lcnderdoes not heve to do:o. <br /> Any emoume diabursed by Lender under thia paregmph 7 shell become eddttfonal debt of Bortower«curcd by thla <br /> Sauriry Instrument. Unlen Bortower end Lender agree ro oqter umu of paymcnt.�hesc amounts ahall Ixar fntercstGom the — <br /> da�e of disbursement et�he Note rate end ahall be payeble,wiih intems4 upon notitt from I.endcr to Bortower rcquesting =- <br /> paymem. - <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurann. If Lender rcquircd mortgege insmance ai a condi�ion of ineking the Iwn aecurcd by thia -_ <br /> Securi�y Insuumen6 Borrower shnli pay the prcmiums rcquired to maint¢in�he mongage insurence in efkct. If,for eny = <br /> rcason, the martgege inaunnce wrerege mquired by Lender lapses or cnsea to be in e(fect, Bonower shall pay the �'` <br /> prcmiums rcquircd ro obtein covemge subs�amially equivalem �o ihe mortgage insumnce previoualy in effec�,et e cost "" <br /> subs�ontially eyuivelem to�he cost w Borrower o(the mongxge insurance previously in et(ect,trom an alttmntt mortgege d`,`._ <br /> insurcr eppmvW by Lender. If subs�amiully equivalent mortguge insuance coverege is not available,Bortower sh�ll pay ro Fy, <br /> I.ender eech month a sum eyual to oce•twelRh of the yeady mongage insurnnce prcmium being paid by Borrower when the F'-� <br /> incurance coverege IapseA ar ceatied�o be in ettea. Lender will accep6 use end retain�hese paymeme as e Ima reserve i�lieu '^�.� <br /> of mongagc insumnce. Lnss reserve payments may no longcr 6e mquired,et the oqion of Lender, if mongage irmurance �:r� <br /> covernge(in the amount end(or the period�hat Lender rcquires)provided by an insurcr npproved by Lender ngain hecomea �%- <br /> availeblc und is o6tained.Bortower shall pay the premiurtu rcyuimd to maintain mong�ge insumnce in effea,or ro provide a �`-- <br /> losc rescrve,nntil the rcyuirement for mongage insumnce ends in actordance with any wriurn agrcemem benveen Oorrower �'�� <br /> and Lendcr or applicablc law. "'" <br /> 9. Inspetlion. Lender or itc agent may makc reasonabie entrics upon anJ impectium of�he Propcny. Lender shall �`` <br /> Five BoROWCr nolice al lhe lime of arprior ta:In inaPCCtian+PCti(ying reaSOnable caus!(or IM1e inSPeclion. �_-'- <br /> 10. Condemnallon. The pnxecJa of any u�vard nr daim(or Jamage..Jirecl orcon+cyucntial.m mnnectfon wnh any - <br /> i <br /> SinpBF'.umy-.Fmnie}LHFreldkNuCLVFORNISITRC}fl�T-CnJrvmcmemnh 9�40 �ryi��lqn�p�a1 <br /> mwwutoa�a�ammc■ [. , <br /> Torttrt4pltWSDOUOIAtNL)YI.11]t [. .. <br /> E. . <br /> F. <br /> V'. <br /> _,.. _ .. .. . :- .- .. � .,-� <br /> r <br /> -��r7.. 7 . . . . . .,�F" �'�["vey. -,��:z�.s':.- -....i_. <br /> y` . ._ _ • . ... ' _ • . •. <br />�.�:-' :i. - _ . <br /> t <br />�'�.'�.:�,..__ . _ ' " _ . <br />.F7;�}:� � - - . � - . - . _ . . ,. . . ,._ <br /> r <br /> r ; <br /> ... . r.. t_ .. _ _ , , _ � .. . . . . .. . . . . . .,..�r: .... . . . . . _ _, <br />