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L _� <br /> ) � -�+- r�� � it .>itA - i '( �ri- � -ea��f r ::%.t � :vi . . <br /> , 1 � . . fk � . •� y _�. �f t �, �{ ' p ,� !a�}�!�, J t i ' , <br /> '' 4'O[i � �{}�Y�1 e11 f�im�mvemen�i mw uThe�iF� ' ;.IIw ytop�M1Y.�p�$eikfGehCr� � � <br /> <_ � �n6� . nosY'4tb4rfaQe�?It'Dttl4f11� : Ai1�pJ�qhFl���_�4QU(on�rNtl ilw Decove_Tb4bx I It�� �r _ . <br /> - -•�.. - Tni{iUllltlt�..NR�OltA6fOtE�bTR$litifClf�lO�&!�lH�JASWiI!!!tllS�`�P���1 i r - •���` � c -; <br /> ua <br /> . , �dURR4F�BR0�1�?A4l�'�t1tp{.69�14. . iet�wl'L't'Iyiielaed�tQ�d�ect��OherobYcbnve}�ed dt�isu�4d8EMrW�r�f : - <br /> rn�cal4�y 9�6Yr�peityendl�iqlePropaRY�u�m6etcd:9xcspttuiEncambranciabtre�d.�acuww�is+u�y �, <br /> wtli•¢etead�ene;aiqthi.Udeto�ePrDpe�iy►galnseeildaimeandQemmQ�.su6Jec}eoeoyel�cumbr wfrpCOrd. , %�, . <br /> . �Ifi[3 88CURft'Y IN87AUM$NC iwinbinea u�ifcnn covan�nit{or national usb and non•uNtolm cov(a�uiu w11h , <br /> ,. ,-, ItrnuedvaeLtlonsDyJu�edtstlonwcoasNrow�uNfo�secud�Y�fuumentooveMgrcalproper�y. . . :; <br /> IR�1(FOItMCb�NfB. HortowbrandLeadu2ovenpnteddeyeo'L'�foIIow�: _ ' ' -� " <br /> I.. FwmentofPt clppl�nd[ntere5l�F�'tp�ymentahdl:atBCharga. BoiroWetchaltpron�ptty�pqy x9MM1Euet�e � <br /> prinqip�otmdimeratonthadebtavldpncedDyNeNotaendanyprepnymrntandlatooliarge:dueundutTieNMe - <br /> A Phndafor7qxaaadlasurance.�8ubjesttoappi1caDlelawortoewrlttenwatvcrbyLeqder8orrotyerctullpayto <br /> Lendu on Ae day monthly paymema ere due undu�he Note,until tho Note b p�ld in lulb e eum('�!pd+9 for,(a)yeady '. _ <br /> taxes Nd aucssmenu whlch may ettain prtarlty over Nls Sawdry Inawmrn[aa a den on Ihe Propeny�,(b)yeuiY leauhold: - <br /> - - me�un a growd eenw on Uw Propury,it any; (o) yearly Aazecd or propeny insuran¢e promlums: (d3 Y�1y fluod <br /> nautence pttmiume,if any: (e)ycady mong�go Inaumnce prcmiume,if eny:ind(q any�ume payebto by 9or[ .. - <br /> I.endw,tn�aordanoe with the�roNalona ot para�apb B,In Itw of thepayment of mongago inwrance prcmiums. 'Iheae <br /> '°"° iteme ue called"Sscrow Iteens. I.mdu mey,at any�ime,coAect and hold Ivnd�in an tunount nat to eiccecd iho meaimum • <br /> emount a lrndar[ar a fcderaUy rcLted mongaga loan may ru�ulre Por Bortowerh eccrow axounS vnder the kderai[te81 ' . <br /> Bstete&tdemenGProcedures Act ot 19'74 as emended from time ro Hme,l2 U.S.C.g 2601 rf stQ.('RIfSPAh,unless enothw <br /> law�h�t applla to�he Pund��ete a leaser emount. If m,I.ender may,at eny Nm0.�11eM end hold E4ndf In an emount not to . . <br /> exceed the ksser unounc I.ender may ea�imate �he amount of IauMa due on the basis ot curtent data and naaonabie <br />--- �' eat(metes ofexpenditurea of futum Burow Iiem�or ahenvise In euonOmco wlth oppliwbte la�v. ' <br />-�i:,s`;�.'�___�� 1Le ILnda chall 6e hcid in en Insti[ution whose deposite ero insuced by e fWercl agency.Iqawmentdlty,or pnt(ry <br />•_�n$y..�� pnctuding Lender,it L.ender B weh an InatiNdon)or in eny Federel Home I.oan Bnnk. Lendor�hall apply�hz(O�nda ro pay <br /> � � �he 8serow Irem�. Lenda may not charge Borro�ver for hold(ng and applying tho Ponda,annunlly enalyzing ih6 etcrow <br /> L���'" eaoun4 or vedtying tlxi Hacrow Ite�m, unless Lender pay� Bortower interest on �he Nlmd� end applicable law pnmin <br /> „p �:� Lender ro moke�ueh e cM1arge. However. Lender meyrequlro Boaowu to pay a onaUme cherge for en independent teel <br /> fLU. estete wu repordng arvice used by Lender in conncedon wieh�his toan,onlesa appllceble law providea o�henvisa Untess en <br /> �"""E�. egreemen[is mede or eppIleablo law rcquirea incereat to be paid,Lender�haU not Cc ruryired ro pay Bortower any Intereat or <br />.��::�j�;:,, wnin6i on tAe Fvnds. Bortower end Lender may agree in wr(tlng,howaver,�hat imereat shell be Deld on the Punda. Lender <br /> r <br />"-':�:7,;; ihall give ro Borrower,withou[ehvga an ennual accounting ot�e I1mdn,showing crediro tnd debp�ro tM P�nd�end the <br /> �"'y:i� purpose for whlch cach debit ro the Nmds wss made. 7Te Phnd+ero pledged a+eddi�Ional secudry for all cuma secured br <br />.-.`:,�`i�.: thb3ecur[rylnatrvmpnt. <br /> ",��;a: <br /> If�ha timd+hetd by Lender oxcccd the emow�a pertnhted to be held by appliceble law,Lende►�hell eocowt ro <br />����"���-s�E i Botrower tor�he cxceaa PUnds(n ottoNana with the requirements o(eppiicabla lew. Ii[ho amouni of�he Funda naid`oy - <br />��r-;t��.�+ Lcnder at eny dme ie not sufticient ro pay�he Escrow Itcm�when due,Lendcr may w notity Oortower in w�ltlng,md,in <br />-�;;,,;';: � �uch asa OoROwu ehall pay to Lender tho emount necec�a�y ro nuke up �he deNciency. Bortower nhall mako up the <br /> -:��;,?; � deBciency in no more th�n�weivo momhly peymenro,n Lenderh�olo Oiscrcdon. <br /> "�'�� U n ymmt in full of all ium�cecurcd by ihis Sxurity Inst�umem,Lender�hell promptly rcNnd ro Uortower eny <br />�..�:t�;;c�d-' C gre <br />"-'i;•�i-� �e f�l e hopenyc abdl epply iny WnA�held by Lc der etihon[ime ot acqulsiPon orLe�ilecai e�er�ed�it�ageln�ii i�e�um� _.. <br />'�'t y'.:'!.y: ucurtd by�hla Saurity Imrtumcnt. _. <br /> . ,.<.. <br />__;;�;,r�� J. ApDlleatlon ot Paymenu. Unlcn epplicnblc Inw providci othcrwise, all paymenta rcccived by n er un u _ <br /> -�.��y paregapha I and 2 ihull be applied:6nt,to eny�rcpaymem chugee due undcr thc Note;second,lo xmounn p�yabla undu = <br /> -,':�:d+±-,; pa�agreph x third,�o inurcs[due;tounh,ro princ pal due;nnd lut,to eny Iete chvges duo under the Note. _ <br /> -'�'.=,t�:i� 1. Chergei; Liem. Bortower ahall pay ell la�cen, esuumenn.cherge■, flnes and ImposiHoro atWbuteble fo the -. <br />--•;'i+'-';•.',i propeny wAich mey ettein pflority over ehis Securiry Instmmen4 end leasehold paymenu or ground rents,if eny. Bortower F'-- <br /> "��ti?�t`- shnll pay thae obligations in thc manncr providcd in parag'aph 2,or if not paid in�hat manner,Dorrower sh�ll pay�hem on Q•: <br /> �-:.;d;s•� ae. <br /> :_,.�, ,} �Ime dircctly to�he person owed payment. �ortower shall promp�ly fumisl�ro Lender all notices o(amounts lo be peid under - <br /> y,-.. �his paragreph. It Bortower makes these payments dircctly.Bo�rower shall promptly fumiah to Lender receip�s evidencing <br /> t��.�g� the ptymenu. <br /> ;.?;t;,;, � Uorrower shall promptly dixharge any liea which has priority over ihis Securiry Instmment unlw Bortower.(a)agrees = <br /> •[;ti$,r'� in wriiing io ihe payment ot�he obligetion securcd by the lien in e mmcer accepteble w Lender,@)rnntests in good teith the = <br /> �^-"'� Ilen 6y,or detends against en(orcement of thc licn in.Icgai proceedings which in ihe I.endert opinion operate to prevent the - <br />-"'�'�,"' enfofcemeN ot 1he lien:or(c)securcs fmm the holder ot the lien an agrcement satisfactory�o Lender suboMinating�he lien '-'- <br />_�:r::..�.'.1 <br />_,.ra.,.a, to this Securiry Inswmem. If Lender determines�hm eny part o(the Ropeny is subjat to a lien whicl�may attain priori�y t.��•. <br /> _ over�his Securi�y Imtrument,l.ender may gire Borto�ver a noiice idemifying the lien. �ortower shall cntisfy�he lien or teke <br /> �`�� one or morc of the nctions ut forth aborc wi�hin 10 days o(�hc giving af notia. <br /> � S. Haterd or Property Inaurance. �orrowcr shall keep the improvemems now existing or hercafler erecred on Ne <br /> .'.?:�s Property insurcd egainst loss by fire,hazards included within�he temi"exiended caverage"and any o�her harards,includin; - <br /> ..,;� floods or 1looding,for which Lender rcyuira imu�ance. This inxurance shall be maintained in Ihe amoums and for �he __ <br /> ':`:n <br /> .'`�Si�_:::;; _ <br /> • T�t.-. : lblmJOls 9I90 INR�2n/�NR��I -.. <br /> ��:: - <br /> _ �t � - <br />. _ <br /> _ i . <br /> -ft. 'S-II-'a---' .-:�s.-. '_ . . . - . . . ' _ . _�s. _.,s _'-"I.l ... .,.:� .'.:�� . <br /> ':i " <br /> ..`ft . ,��,. ,_ _ . <br /> ' '.i.-". ' ' _ _ . . <br /> :.. ....,:- _,;- ' _ .. . <br />..�;:_�...:_i.`�." '...--:.-':.:_-_. . .._ :_'_ _ ' ' __—' ' <br /> }'tt` ;,i " ' . _ ._ <br />.' ..�.-. . . <br /> '�.�iEf: .. <br /> [', " .-' :l`. <br /> _ i:f*i� --_ -_, . . <br /> _ ��, _ <br /> _�;�yr';4 . <br /> 1 Ift_ ' . . . . . <br />�-f'V.}-.l) � � . ' . - . . ., <br /> f � <br /> .,i t4 , ,.._. <br /> ;, , <br /> L � -- ' -" � - . <br /> � S t.; r ' _ � - _ _ <br /> . :� '-• f �' . . _. <br /> � - x�" t 4„_. >; KS - � -�,-. . , . . <br /> .. . -. °._�:.; � . <br /> ` _ " _ _ .., - ,-. -: . . . . . . . . _, . _. . . . . .i . . . -. _ _. - _.. <br />