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v, ' � . . r , l t .t,` i Y� i.(i �ji�. <br /> - .. -�r..S 5- - . - _ _ � <br /> . ._ <br /> :-r:..�y. _ _ ��. _ _ " _ ' _ _...f..n .r -3 a..;. . s f` 2 2 1-1 Jt Y__ <br /> -__ . � F� _ '. ? -'YS' , "Jf�. <br /> .___ _— a . �' a . i . �.,?. - .r'� �s i�l`: i.. � <br /> •-..- . .. . .i - -. ' .. .�' - .�� . :� . , • ��� 1 . _ 9[; . <br /> ''_ . . ._ , . . . : � �., ! ". : <br /> _ _ . ... . � . U. � ty 1 : Y .f.. <br /> .�}ymtsiu, icb ue rctcrtcd 10 in£v»gnoh 2�.a+c�nn�to�he emou�t ot sudipy �so p��p ovy►irt - <br /> -- �. unow�tr�roppy:Jlauyte�dmgindeMWdcafu d�+ureNnsaon�Waacahi ��Sp)iQif�4touy�lt{� ., : <br /> �- legally.en t! thenta r, <br /> - . B,:FeEt. l,e-necr macyo4li Rtaandcturga�uthotludbyttb8ecrolnry. " <br /> v. arouaa forAcaknt�onoflkDl� � `, . - <br /> (�D?fA�it. I.ender may,ozant a+I�fied Dy rcgulnqons I�sued Dq tfio�u?uary Ip tho case oi'paymem deteuit0. <br /> rtqu1RJmmedl�te sn�inNllotdldiun��6yWla8ayptYtnsWmentlji <br /> p),�io�rowu q euUe 0y fWling�o ppy In fu11 any mon�iy payment roqulrcd oy�hb 8ccuilty Institimenl pda . � •' <br /> ' tumontfwduedatoo(thonoxtmonthtypaymem or � <br /> - - Ot)Hortower dehulle by fa111ng,for e pedod ot tl�iny day�,to perform eny oNsr obllgotlaw conlalned In INt �� , <br /> 8ecuriry InsWmenc <br /> @)8ate R7tAout CreGlt Appro at+ianE h 1,Itpeanined by applieablo law a��d wl�h�he pdonpprovel of the <br /> $ccrctery Rquim ImRiediato� tlt�i(,[u.��J� tl�e�um+�awrcA by thla Savriry InstNment tC <br /> p)A�I or pazt of the Prbp ( ,brNOC�tI�ficJ�interost In e uua owning all or pan otthe sold or <br /> o�nerv+ue awte�(6th6F, e1Pb9 p�dY15a OrAescenq Dy Ne IIortower,and <br /> . (U)71w Property s not oaupied by tho puretuser or grantee ati Ab or her pririctpnl raWexe.or�ha purcheser <br /> or g�entee doea �o oxupy �la Property but hli or hu cttd(t has not been epproved in aocordaace <br /> -- wtth�he rcqulnmente of the Secrctary. <br /> - -'�;�iil (c)No Watver. It circumstencee aar thet would pertnit Leader ro requiro Immediste payment in PoII.Isut l.endu <br /> `'�� daa notrcquiro wchpaymenu,Lender daes not waive tp dghn wtth respect ro�ubsequent wenu. <br />-=^.+�� (d)Regulattom of HUD 8ecretery in mmy circumatencea rogulatlorolasued by the 3ecretery willlimtt I.endub <br /> '�``�`y1° dghu, (d�he eau of payment defeuita, �o ulro Immediata paymene in tull md torectose it no�patd. 7LIo • <br /> :- -s»� Secudty lnstrument doa not euthodu aaele�at on or toRClosuro it not permPoed by rcgulaHoro otthe Secretery. <br />�.:�:��r+"_�f:-•n=;-�' (e)Mortgega Not Inaured. Bortower agrw that chould thia Sceurity(nsaumrnt and the noro secured�hercby not - <br /> `='��k�.�it^Y 6e eliglblefor insurenceunder �heNational HowingActwlt6in 90 D8yg fromNe <br /> "`°'?:r,''.`;� data Aercoi,Lender may,at iu option and nawiths�ending any�Afng In Paragroph 9,ttqutro immWi�te payment In <br /> �%`��''y���� full of alI suma mured by this Saudty Inswment. A written uaremmt of any emhorized egent of tha Secretary <br />-;:;�;;'�4-�.�': dnted:ubsequent to 90 Daye from Ne date hercof,dulining to insure thls Secudty <br /> -';:<';�#+)"\ Inshument and Ne note eecured�hercby,shall be deemed conelusive proof of such IneligibiUty. Noewittutending <br /> `':-t:ri��1_, <br />_;. „,. ,,,-, �he foregotng,tht�optlon may not be exe�cised by Lender whrn the unavailabiliry ot insuronw B wlely due to <br /> ,��5�`�a'�it 4 I.ender§feiluro ro rcmit a mongage imurenee promtum�o the Sec2�uy. <br /> +y�N 10. Relnatfltemmt. Bortower hea a dght ro 6e mNsteted if Lender hes required immediate payment!n PoU becausa <br /> ��t����.y of BorrowerY failutc to pay en arnount due under the�Note or�his Sceuriry Inatrumrnt. 7Lb dght appliea even afler <br /> �l� ,�a foreclosuR ptaceedingi era Insiimied. 7b reinstett �ha Sauriry inawmen6 Borrower shall tender tn e lump sum dl <br />���,,.�p.Mf?.�=.. emounta requlred ro;6dng Bortowerl account wmnt Including,�o�he extent th¢y erc obligations of Bortower under tht� <br />�';,_eSv�����; tieeurity inswmen6 ioreciosurc cosu md reasonable and cusromary atromcyi fea and expenses pmperiy associafed with -- <br />,:r;?�,_f��,�: �he Poreclosuro proceeding. Upon rcinatatement by Bortower,ihia Security Inanument end the obligatioro that it eceurca <br /> �;�:,a�;�;!:_i f sAall remdn in efkct ss(f Lender had notrcq uircd immeAiae payment in full. However,Lendcr ia not requircd ropermit <br />"�<�'�:r}� rcinstatement if: (p Lender ha�aaepted rcinata�ement etler the cammenament ot Poreclosure proeeedinga within two <br />�..?'.i'�;;�j,{"�?i'� yean immedietely preceding the commencemen[of a curtent foreclmurc proceeding, (ip reins�atement will preclude <br /> '"=�`�';' '�i foreclosuro on diRerent ground+in�he futurc,or(iii)rcinstetement will edvercely affect�ho prioriry of the Ifen created by = <br /> ` '�'�� '?; tAts Security Inswmem. <br /> `n-'-�'J f 11. Uorroeer Not Released; For6earance by Lender Not e Weiver. Extension ot�he time of payment or —' <br />��-j,�ie ��.� modiftcation of amoniuHon of�he■ums securcd by�hia Security Instrument gronted by Lenda io any suecessor In inrercat o;-- <br /> -�•�s�r,,�:-- of Borrower chall not opemte ro rclease�he Ilabllity of the original Bortower or Bortow¢rk successor in intercst. Lender <br />'�•:;,;�'='S'-�l� shell not 6e rcquircd w mmmena pracadinga agafast any auccessor in inlercst or rcPose ro ex�end time tor payment or �- <br />"-;�„l.i`.,T•��d£ aherniu modify amonlzetion of the sunu sewrcd by th�s Securiry laswmem bx rcason of eny dcmend mede by thc ."` <br /> t `� _S- original Bortower or Bortowerk succexson in intercst. Any forlxuana by l.ender m exercising any right or remedy ahell ;,- <br /> ��� ^ •,t not be a waiver af or prtclude�he exercixe of eny riaht or rcmedy. •-� <br /> �- '�'��;��• 12. Suceesmn and Aasigm Qound;Joint ond Severel I.lablliq:Co•Signers 'Ihe covenuma and agrcemema of e��- <br /> >`4'�'���� thi�Secwity Inswment shnll bind and benefit�he succexmR und ucsigna of Lendu nnJ 6ortower,subject to�he provisions <br /> 5_t,-�` ti} of Pemgnph 9.6. Borrower�rnvcnenta and ogrcemems shall bc joint md xvcml. Any Oortower who easign+ tAfe �1 <br /> � t;s -_"• Security InaUUment but does not ezecute[he No�e: lo)is w-signing this Securi�y Insuument only ro mongnge,grant ond e :� <br /> °''H�''%it'-"-'- mnmy tlut Bortowerk intercst in ihe Propeny under�hc iams of�his Saurny Insuumcm;(b)is nat personally abligaced to i-::�- <br />__:�'rr:.��r�.%.... �..,. <br /> -�;.n>.-1..�;1� pay�he mms sccurcd by ihic Sccurity Insvument;ond(c)ugrea�ha� Lcndcr and�ny athcr Bormwer mey egree�o ex�end, . <br /> -.,,.,,n, modify,forbenr or moke eny accommodmions wi�h rcgnrd�o�he��hi,Securi�y Incvument or the No�e wiihom thae r='- <br /> .. �•� 6ortower�coasem. [ -: <br /> "'•+t'>"=%"< 13. Notfcea. Any noticc�0 8ortowcr providcd for in thi.Snuri�y Imuumcnt.hall bc given bp dclivcring it or by Ei,� <br />-�`�ar2�-;;�,';, mailing it by firs[class mail unless npplicubic Inw myuiret a,c of ano�her me�hud. 77u notice+hail be dirccted m �he j:�� <br /> Property Addrcss or any olhcr addrees Uurruwer dcsign:nc+hy nolicc lo Lendcr. Anv nWicc lo Lcndcr shall be giren by E..; <br /> �i�� - firsi elxss mail to Lender's aJdrem stated hercin addrc.. LenJer dnip,�wle� M� nnliar lo Bnrto�rec Any nolice �=" <br />--`_:-:C,`?;!::=t� Prorided for in lhis Security Imwmcnl+h:Jl M dcemed In harr hecn given m 6��rcower ar LenJCr�rhen given�rc prnvidrd '�;�,_' <br /> j m this p�egraph. <br /> __ 14. Gave�nfnR I.nw;tierrmbilft,v. Thi. Securil��In.Immeni .hall h gnrrmeJ hr Fcdcnl law anJ ihc law of Ihe <br /> ^':%t �„- Jurisdiciion in w6ich Ihc Prupcny i.4w:ncJ. In thc crcnl Iha1 a�q pro��i�ion nr clau.�nf thi.Sccurily In.lrumcnt or Ihc C�,� <br /> _ - No�c con0ic�i wi�h ap licablc lae�.wch cnn0ia�hali n�rt a(kc�n:hcr prm�i.inn+nt�hi�Sc�vri�y Imtrumcm or lhe Noic � <br /> -� ; which can bc gircn c�ci�ci�hnm�hc coniLcung pra�uion. Ti��hi.cnd�hc prucn�on+nf thi.S.YUri�r In.wmcm and thc �� <br /> - Nole am declarcd m be�evcrahic. �� - <br /> ;:$5�,�,�..� IS. Borrower'sCOpr. Oortonxr�hallhg�rcn�mcaonfominlcopc..l�hi.Scaunninarumem. ` <br /> �6. ASSIRnment of RenLC Rnrtourr unanndiu�mallc a.•ign.,nJ van.fer•b.I¢ndcnJl ihr rrm.anJ Ihc �. <br /> < t.. Ropert)�. Bormwaaulhoriie.LenJcrorL.nJcr.agcnnioaalltt�tlicnm..nWrc�¢nuc.:mdherchrdircanca.hlcnamof F: <br /> ' �+,:�}:' �he Propeny Io pay thc mm.In LenJer�+r I.cnder:ap.nn. Hnar�.r.ptinr in L.ndcr:noua.m[3om+ecr n(Rartm�er: <br /> ..;e��"F:,-: brcxh of any eurenant nr.�grecmem m Ihr Seaun�c In.�nnuem.N��rto��cr.h.dl a.dka�anJ reacne all rtnl.anJ recenu.�„f � <br /> �he Noperty a+Iru+�ee tnr�he hnefi�of L.nJrr.mJ Ifortawer. Thi.a..i�nmcm�.f rrnn ah.olute a�.fgmnem �. <br /> -�'.'�•'':�>-`, andnotana++ignmcnt(araddivanal.tturilr�ml�. <br /> s:. ��'�- � <br /> c�C���=:�1 If Lcndcr�icc ot hma.h lo Harrm�¢r. �a�ail rcm.nv.�vcJ h� N�mow¢r�h:Jl Ix hclJ hy 8�.rta��cr ati uu��rc <br /> - .. ` lof OCflclii PI LtnUCr anly.In M appire�In Iltc wm��caUfc�l hc IOC \tCUnl� ImlfUmcnC (bl I.Cn�ct+6all R•Cn1i11cJ In �. <br /> � B h.`l� collwt and rcceive all of Ihe the Propen?:anJ tc�emh�enant nl ihe 1'rn�ny.h,ll pa�all rcnn Jue anJ un�:uJ u, �. <br /> � Lender or Lender:agcm an Lender i u riucn JcmanJ�n�he�cnam. 1 <br /> h �urtou�er hai ncrt e�ecuteJ any prinr a..�gmmem of�he nm..�nd�and oiil nnt pednnn am a.t Ihat uuuld F <br />....��_.,.,:, ,: Fm��ent Lender(rom n.righl.undcr�hi.P�ra}raph i(.. [ <br /> ' :�:�;.,!� Lender.hall nnl M rcyuircJ ta emer urym,ia6c anutrul af or mam�am�he Ru�m h.f.m o� afi.� gning nauce nf <br />:•?'. breach to 6ortuwer. Hux�e�•er.Lend.r or a judinaiiv ap�x�m�eJ rccener ma� Jn.o m am mn.Ih�•rt f�n hrta.h. Anr <br /> t,,. <br /> ):.i��;":.- application o(mnt.+hall nu1 wre ar��airc any Jcfauli ar imaliJa�c am o�hcr ngh�or nm�th af Lndcr. lln.awignment . <br /> :�.-k%`:;,;. of rtnis o(lhc Pmperty.hall Ic(minal<whcn�hc dcM.ccurcd ht Ihc Sccurin Imwmcm n p:ud m full. ' <br /> :/�.t.�s__` <br /> `i�Y' ::"y y � <br /> .::�i:{af"!r" � <br /> :,�::;���i �• �ryrcNn/�NCr.� � <br /> ..;^�:';���r <br /> . <br /> ,_-:�:5 c«,� r <br /> `.�i.���}�tFi — <br />