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.. . . .. _—_ .''� :.3 � �'�F. - <br /> —_r- . . <br /> ,. . - r. _ ._.. _ - � . <br /> - .._ .�' _'. ♦ ' �/_'_ l�_�1� _�.� .1� '� � i� -.] _ l _ �l r.. <br /> . . _ __ _ . . . - . . A ___ ;} f , M1 r_ ..{ , --7 r:�.t," __.. <br /> /� � j5Y . <br /> .. . _ .i. _ . .- �. - ' .. - . - 1��f - ��T'�V{O) .� . ��_ .. t`'' r�'. <br /> 4. 1� ment (Prip�p t�futei't6tYlid�,tteCfi�rgc Bm(owenhallpaywhendqothepWkip�lol,ehdintero6{oi+, _ ,. 1 " <br /> ttieAce}ev�tecced�yt�eN"oto�ndlata�crgoedue4aCper�lhoNotO - op�a u�p qp� <br /> t8ge�et w1�t�Tie O�D����!���In ihd No1GYiugtaanyB�portCtierBadn fi�ste1lm�ent�t eaY�()f�a�c.��� � <br /> s�W{essassr�va�t�tovl�dorrobalavhdageinst aPtay�tty.(b?teaszhaTdpaymentaarf�aindnnuvnRroPrc�dy:cs0 .- <br /> (o)prcmiums forinaura�co rcquiredpy Pa�s p�A. " <br /> HacD montAly Inai�ilmsut tor ttem( e),(A)end(o)ehatl equal onatwelith oP the annual anounW,u«aionaDly <br /> esdmrtcd by Lendor��pfu�an nmount su clent to mafnwin en�ddt�lonel balenco ot noe moro thu� awslxth of�e <br /> esOmoted emouau. 'llio tul!annual nt Por each Item�hNl De eocumulatcd by LcnAer wiihln a pedad endlng one � -. ---- <br /> monN Deforo an item would 6ccome d�qurnt LlaQer sheil hotd the nmounu coAected In wst to pay ttew(e),(b)�d _ <br /> (o)Oetoro thoy 6aomo delinquent. <br /> It nt ony Ilme the total ot the paynienro held by Lendu for ttem�(a),@)end(o),togethcr w(th tho Poturo monUity <br /> ymenu Por such liema payable lo I�endtt pdor ro the duo da�ea of�uch Items,exaed� by moro then onrsixth 0e <br /> t�iqmated nmount of pa�meme rcquircd to psy:ueh Item�when due,and it pa entr on tho Note qre eu�nh 0ca Lendtt <br /> shall either�efund the exoes+over one•sixth of tha estimatW paymenu or c t the eaaaa ovcr one•aixih ot ILe catim�ud <br /> pnymenu to subsequent paymonti by Bortower,et tho optton of Bortower. It the total ot�he paymenta mede 6y 8oc[ower <br /> for Item(a),(b) or(c)b Insuflicient to pay the Item when due,then Bortowu ihdl pay to Lender any unoun[neaasary to � � <br /> make op the de{ictency on or befom the date the Item beooma due. <br /> A�uxd In 0fa Secu�it�Inswment,"Secretery"meana�he 9eerc�ery otHousing end llrban Development or hla or du <br /> designee, tn any year in ahiah�he Lender mu�tpay e mongage insunaee premtum ro the 3aretary,each momhly payment _R"" <br /> ihall e1m include el�her. (p an inatallment of tho ennual mortgage Nauronoe p2mium �o ba paid by I.ender ro the —_ <br /> Secretery,or pl)a monfhly cherge insteed ot a mortgage insurence prcmium It thla 3ecurtry Ludument ia held by the <br /> 3ecretary. 0ach momhly tnstetlment of the mongege insurence premium ehell ba in an amount wfticient[o eaumvlete the <br /> tull annuel mongege inswmca premlum wlth Lender ona month pdor ro tM date the fuU ennual moRgege inaurenee ___ _ _ <br /> premfum i�due w th¢Secretery;or if�hie Sceudry Whument l�hetd b�the Scerctary,each monthly charge�Aali ba in�n .��_ <br /> emount equel to one-twelflh of one•half percent of the ouutanding princ pel balanco due on the Nota �SY,3�:�- <br /> It Borrowu tendero ro Lender�he full payment of ell wma securcd by thb Saudry Imuumenti BortowuY account —�_,_ <br /> ahall be credi[ed with�ho balenx remeining for ell in:�ellmenu for iiema (e),(b)end(c)end my mongage inaursnce �'�.r::'- <br /> promium installment thet I.ender has not 6ecome obllgued�o pay to�he 3ecrmery,end Lender fiell promptly nPond any �y"-"` <br /> excess fund+ta Bortower. Immedietcly prior ro a toralosurc sale of ihe propeny or Ita ecquisiAon by Lender,HortowerS �h.;GkYt_ <br /> account shell be eRW�ed wi�h any belance rcmeining[m ell insiallmenu Por Itema(a),@)end(c). f��--=� <br /> 3. A Ilcatlon ot Payments. All paymrnu under Peregrephn 1 and 2 ahall be epplied by Lcnder ae tollowr. F ��-- <br /> �ro�he mottgage inaurence rcmmm ro 6e 9d b Lender�o�ho Secrc or�o the monthl ch e b the +' '��i <br /> P P Y �' Y �B Y in.�tl°rE?'.�.'-. <br /> Secrct instead of the monthly mortgagc in+urena prcmium: i,�;_""; <br /> �o eny�exp,speciel essessmenta,Icasehold paymenu or ground rcnta,md flrc,flood end othtt husrd _„ <br /> nsurence prcmium+,e�rcq uircd: _ ,�'� •'- <br /> tointertatdueunderiheNo�r, F+ � r�:-. <br /> jl'$'(jj.�o amoriimtiun uhRd��iiai ni of thc i.otv: ���' ---..-- <br /> P p r,;'d-7';-.. <br /> �,to I��e charge:due under ihe Noce. ;��a p.+�i:-__.:__ <br /> 4. I+fre,Flaod and Ofher Hazerd Insurance. Bortower shell insurc dl improvemenu on�he Property,whNher now -.,-+l�;;F��..,,_. <br /> in exisience or mbaequently erated,agetnst eny herard�,casualtles,und rnntingendea.including fire,for wM1ich I.ender -t"�'-`=����•- <br /> ufrca Inxurena. Thi�insurana ahell 6e maimained in the emounu tnd for the pertods thet Lender rcqulrca. Hortowcr y���ti;Yt��%�"= <br /> � p �t:`jnY1':2,�°-�- <br /> lo t'he extem rcquircd�by�he Secrc enr y�he�opeurence shall be cartied with compan�eep proved by Lenders�7Le bnysureike '�G�k`.�it"',:':--- <br /> policiu end eny renewals ahall 6e held by Lender and shall include loss payable clauses in favw of, end in e form ";+?��l`s���"-:^�_-.--: <br /> aceeptable to.Lender. �'�'%;1j723�rv'"�..-.: <br /> In�he event of loss,6ortowcr sholl give Lender immedintc noticc by maii. Lender may make proot of losa it not �y1,•f � <br /> made promp�ly by Bo�rower. Fach In:urence compamy m�ttmed is hercby outhodud nnd direned ro make payment for SY�''��„� <br /> wch loss d�rccdy ro Lender,instead of to Oortower end to Lender jointly. All or any put of the in+uranee praads mey be r" t <br /> applied by i�s option,ei�her(a)ro the rcduction ot ihe indcbtedness under�he Note and ihia Secunty Insuument. -i t{f ��_.__�. <br /> first ro any delinquent emounta applied in thc order in Avagmph 3,and then �o prcpaymcnt of principa�,or(b) ro�he 'fe; �:,.__•: ._. <br /> reatontion or repur of ihe damnged propeny. Any epplication of ihe proceeds to�he principal shall no�extend or postpone � `f"-��°�%'��"� <br /> .:,�,,-,;•.s'.�;,_,.. <br /> the due da�e of�he momhly paymems which ere mfemd�o in Pomgmph 2,or chunge the amoum of such pay�nems. Any i";;-�f�,;,;,;-- <br /> excess insurxna proceeds over an amoum rcquircd to pay oll amstending indebicdncs+under the Noie end�his Security :�:-:;J'.-..�J_5��y. <br /> Ins[mment shell be paid w the cntitp Icgnlly emi�led thcrcw. ;?Y,'f;°;.-`=:--. <br /> In thc event of forcclosurc o(this Stturity Instrumcnt ur o�her�r�n+fcr o(titic to thc Propeny ihet ex�inguishes ihe �;[Y`(';�n*��`<:'>,:i'� <br /> indebudness,all righ�,title and imerext o(8ortower in:md m in.urance policies in force shali past io�he purchaur. :;F;;�t;,.=;'�"< <br /> S. Occupancy. Preservatian, Mnintenence und Pratecllon of the Property: Barrmrer'a Loen Applicatlon; t„_'`�t ,. '�' <br /> IRnseholds. 6ortower shall accup ,eslnAlish,and use Ihr Propehy s� dartawer's principal rcxidence wilhin sixly d�ys ��� :.J�, :-•-, <br /> y .:_.�.�>,}` <br /> aRer the execution of�hes Securiry Insuument and.hall cnminne tn Mcupy dw Propeny a. Bnrro�vers principal rcsidena ' ���-ZE;,,_,,.�,_.. <br /> for nt least one year after�he da�e o(�xcupancy.unie+.ti�e Saretary Je�emiine+Ihi.rcyuircment�vill cause undue h¢rdship �i-.lb_- '� - <br /> for portower, or unletc exienunting circum.�an�r, exi+i which are beyond Bnno�rer: comrnl. Bovower shall noiity ;c',��u�;�,�. <br /> Lenders o(any ex[enualing circumsiences. Qomiwer shall nnt commit wule or de+troy.damage or subs[anlially chmge �� � •S•�'�•• <br /> Ihe Property or allow the Propetty lo deteriurrle,rea+anable xcar and Icar excepled. Lender may inspecl the Properly it ihe �'������'����� ' <br /> Proqaty is vacani or ahandoned or Ihe laan i�in JeLmlt. I.ender mav uAe rca+onaM1le aclion In pmlect and prcurve.uch . <br /> wcanl or aAandoned Proprny. Dorto��rr.h�ll aho dcfauh it�Rnrro�rcr.Jnrin} tBc I�un applicalion procc�s. garc - <br /> malerially fal.0 nr inaccurale infomialian nr alaicmem. In Lendcr (nr faikd lo provide Lender with any material "' _ <br /> informatian) im m�nMion wi�h Ihe lam eridemcA h)�Ihe No1c,induJing,hul nol limi�.d to.repre+enlalions conceming .. . <br /> Borto�veri oceupancy of Ihe Ropeny at:i principal re•idruar. I(�hi.Securilr Imuumem i.on a ieacehnid.Borm���er.Iwll �. . .. <br /> comply wilh Ihe provi+ion.of Ihe Ieau. If Rnrtaa�er acquim.Ice ti�le m�h¢Rnpenc.�he Iea.ehold and fee�ille rhall nni � . <br /> bc merged unit��Lender agrces Io Ihe mcrger in i�nting. F <br /> 6. Charga m 6orroner and Protectian uf Lender'+Riphts In ihe Propat}�. Onrtoucr.hall paq:JI poremmemal j <br /> ur municipal charge..Gne�anJ impo.itionn thal are nol mcluJed in P.rtagr�ph 2. Hnrtm�er.M1all pa��Ihe.c o6ligatinro nn ' <br /> Iime direaly to�hc enlily whiah i.oacJ thc payman. If failurr m pa�� ..nuld aJ�cnclv affcal LcnJcr:mierc.e in ihc <br /> Propeny.upun Lendcri reyuc.l Bnrtnncr.i�:Jl pnnnpllr fumi.h�a LenJcr rcaciph c��iJCnang the.c pacmcni.. <br /> 1(Bortou�e� (nls lo makc ILcu pa�meuh nr lhe�uymem. �rywrcd hr P�ragraph ',nr lafh �n pedotm any o�her <br /> co�enama and agreement.mnlaincJ in Ihi.Secunq•imwmen6 or Iherc h a Icgal pr.xreJing�hal ma��ignificantl��afkay <br /> Lenderi righ��in Ihe Propen)�l.uch a.a prt+ceeJin�in banArupt.y.fnr c�,ndemna�inn nr�o enforce I.n«ar mgula�ion.�. <br /> lllen LCnUet may Uo mti�a) unaicrc�i.nttc.vry io Fn.ncu inc.uiuc a.i inc iiaq.ii�: uTi�:.iiiuCP'.Pitni:in'v:::.'.:�.:qj. <br /> ineiuding paymcnl uf laxn.haiarJ mwr�ncc:md nlhcr i�em.mcnunncd in Pamgraph 2. <br /> Any amouN.disM1uned hy Lender under thi.Patagraph.hall I+ecnme an addiunnal JeM of 6ornmer and M1e.ermeJ <br /> by this Secvrity Instrmncm. Thac umount..hall l+car imcrc�t Gom ihc dalc.+f di.huncmcnt,al lhc Nolc ra1c,anJ al Ihc <br /> opiion of Lender,xhall bc immcdialcly Jue and payahlc. <br /> 7. Condemnatlon. lhe pmeteds of an��a��ard ur claim for damage..Jirec�nr rnn.eyuemfal,in cnnncaion with any <br /> condemnaiion oroiher laking uf any pan o(the Pmpeny,nr fnr.onre�vnn in pian of.ondemnalion,are heteM�:n.ignrd <br /> end shall be paid�o Lender�o�he c<tent of ihe full amaum of�he indch�cdnn.�ha�nmaim m�paid undcr�hc Nu�c anJ ihn <br /> Securily Inslrument. Lender+hall upplr wch prtxecda In thc rcductinn of ihe inJeFtedne+.imder Ihe Knlc anJ Ihi..l'ecuu�v <br /> InsWmcm. firot lo uny dciinyuem amuunls applicd in �he orcler pmviJeJ in Paragraph 7. anJ th.n In p`cp.ipnrn�nf <br /> principal. Any application of the proceeds lo Ihe principal .hall nnl extenJ nr p+.iryme the Jue d:n¢ nf Iht momhly <br /> � . fNA���'�(VCf\1 � . .. <br />