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Upon payment of A �umsse�rcd by�hlt 5ecurlty Inst�vmen� �der ehaU iequeat . fee ro <br /> reconvpy Ae Anperty and ehaf)wrtender 1hi��ccu�i�y(ruwment end a11 nora evldencia�g deEt secgrcA by thlf�eadty <br /> Inspument to 71ustee. 7�y�a shall raonve �Property wI out rvamnt md wlaput crargo to tl�e p��son 0�pCnotu .. <br /> legelt enttU�ro It Soch penon or percors ihail pay my cao�aUon cmte.y <br /> �9 8u Itute 7Yost�. I.endu.�t ts option,may ftom�Ime ro Hme rcmo e'Ow�e and��poInt a sACCCSSOr ws�tey <br /> to any'I�uitW aDpointed�ereundu by m tmaument ruocdM in Ne wunty(n w�lch tl�la Secwlry Inspumeat la raOtOM: <br /> --- {Ylthput comeyanca o[tAa Prope�ty,the wcoeuor lrvstc0 ihilt suaecd to all tha tltla puwer end dutiea confetitQ upon _ <br /> 7iusteeheroinendby epnllcpblelsw. <br /> addreiaa IR h ii Uie PmtVpr y Addro a�wer rcquesta thet wpies of�he notiaa ot defwit and ale be eent b Bartoweh <br /> RPowe to ihts 8ecurlry Instrument. I(one or morc ddero are executed by 8ortower and raorded tagether wl[h Nb : <br /> . °==� Secudty Inanument,the wvenante of each wch dder shall ba incorpowied Inro ood shall emend and �upplement ttw <br /> ._ -- covenanta and�greemenu ot thie Sceurity Imwment u itthe rider(s)werc(n a pan of ihie 3ecuriry instrument. <br />__.v� [Checkappllublabox(w)]• <br />-%�� �Condominium Rider �amduated Payment Rlder �Orowing P.quity Ridu _ <br />=--'y^ _ <br /> �+;`�.Y �plannedllnitDevelopmentRider ❑X O�her[Specify� ACKNOUILEDGhIENT � � � � <br />�`�"T*-4:3. <br /> c�r OY SIONINO BBIAW.Bortowcr acap�a and�grees ro the terms wmoincd in pagw 1 through 4 of thia Saud�y — <br />- �""Y� Inawment and in any ddeRe)executed 6y Barower end recorded wfth h. — <br /> �9���y - --_ <br /> ' .,�' Wimeasea: ��,r , -: <br /> �r�. �f /� ( ti�i �n_- _ <br /> {�t /'lc..0 [- (SeaU ,,..�,,,`d.,.__--` <br /> �' MI1RK E. DREHER ��� �� ;-�a?�A; <br /> *- �°` ll` � f.._rsL. � <br /> 4:�:r:,. . - <br /> n-'y� �SCLI) ` -xr�y� y? ' _. <br /> h <br /> t" �OIIOMYf t:J1b.)tl�i,:l: <br /> +:� iY yF_`( ` . _ <br /> aYt � <br /> ,M13:.`.Y` � .�; f _ <br /> `{ (Seal t�< {,�l`�,: <br /> BOf10Wtf �I l V •i - <br /> S,P f. ��� �r tJ _ <br /> 4 <br /> " �Senb tu(.t/4� � �.1�'_ <br /> Bo`mwxt r a -�i <br /> a:� `°^. <br /> ti�;.'•,x4r_.._�. <br /> w��$_�'� STATEOFNGBRASKA. HRLL Counly�s: ��n+V;�q+ <br /> c � r ,, , , . <br /> � _� On�his Z7TH day of MQY �993 .leforc mc.�hc undcrsigned,a Notary t i ��i :� <br /> -.:_r,'l{ Publicdutycommissionedundyunlilicdformidcoumy.pcnnnallyeamempRK E. OREHER, N SINGLE PERSON �.r }��� 1„ _. <br /> ,':S� B_ <br /> ±x�i ,to mc kno�m�o bc thc F -: <br /> 1ht+, ` ` ` <br /> x identicol Pcrson(.)�vhou name(s1 arc.ubscribeJ to�he famgamg in�wmem:mJ achnnu Icdged ihe execution thercof ta bc <br /> f; `_ <br /> H7S voluntnryac�anddeed. _ <br /> �+�. Wimcss my hand and nu�arial scal a� GRpND ISLAND. NEBRIISKA in .uid coumy. thc ti .� - <br />-�vs'= date etorcsaid. - <br /> u t.,�, <br /> °j1 My Commis.fon expi : �ulL1iAY��1i 0:'1iS{i �I�L� �(��l��� I L��.' t' ` -. <br />. -+:.'::� dfW�tILO'Crd!l�NY '"�— i�u�wni�� - <br /> 14R+� 6t9t�L1➢A7 r <br /> -;�� RCQUFSTFORRtCONVGYANCE { . <br /> ��: TOTRUSTFE: � <br /> �1� ;' The undeaigned ii�hc holder of�hc note ur no�e+u�ured by�hia D�N of Tru.l. Said notc m nolca.loECther wilh all t <br /> other indebiednas secured hy Ihis Dttd of Trusl. have Mrn paid in(uil. You arc hcrchy dirctled lo canml�aiJ nule or I __ <br />_=;;i`t:�- notes and this Decd of Ttust.�vhich arc dclivercd herchy,and�o rccnnvcy,withoul wamamy,all Ihe c>Wle nm��hcid by yau -. . <br />��'�`�r'� undtt this Dccd of 7}ust to the person or personx legally emilled thcrc�n. . � <br /> „i:,'r:fc <br /> �5 <br /> �-�:' Datc: � � . <br /> :~y-,... � �rvn�.q��wx.,i � <br /> � �+'�F <br /> . >;,,:� <br /> ;t•� • <br /> s. <br /> ^.�:. • <br /> �''.ni1 ''"i-- . <br />:.e: :.. ..--'- <br />- .�:._ _ _ ._—_ 't:'::::_,-.�E.-. <br />