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«i.fyf .fi:� - ';<) . � -. ° .t_- .� _ -.- ..�r.7 �" ✓ °°i� s <br /> � -- il.. t t - - ..� --� G �. �.� a �.�,t . �F� fin � C -� f Ot 1 - .tc l�r , <br /> _�_...,. L . i�Y -Sf-: �i . �[ s 4'"� r'i A �s K��a�- k,�t iy1�) rP �trvt � Rf,+#f�A F -.'.... <br /> ,. ! , _ .-c . - . ��a _ ,���',�;�,` f� 1�-r ,f i <br /> f S:mM�Autu1` oe811ertipcinaofmy�utottheP�oporty�id?rfatf��eJ�etRlle�tbEf�Q,&t�N4�a�phd��`1nd�,;° h n� <br /> � -6fi011��0�flQC6 _", .. � r l . . �i �a . .5� � . � t i - `,, , _1�: tf f���, t . <br /> — �e_ e tn g�h tmd taklr�ot ihe proD�Yr p.� �v�1i_stiktt bn■ppLfl-�.eo+Kt i� s«��s4 ar�r�W j = <br /> " " __� . U{:�t�en w�ie�t o►not tAep due�.y�lch�dy oxpeps p�ta Uoljtiwbt i��l{psveqt qt���?aktng of.Aq��� <br /> WAkfilho�aUla�tkftvut�rietShaPro?eMyUilmeA19te1y6oforeihetikingito<�v?,►f�orpsents�t q�enmouhto �, � � � - <br /> }tdpioq 0y tiile Suwiry Tniw�b�ne jqunMlatefy beforo�heaekUia,unta�B=,sYnror�ndLCndpc o�henvlsa e�iea in �fA ; , � <br /> � - Ut0 4wlu&Nttd-by ITlls�Stp4iit�r Gl4wment anAl D�o reduad 6y iha amoYnt,pf tho rifulEl fleA 6y iqe foliny1�� �-. <br /> ' fidedom (u)tAetotalamoant�turosum��uynA7minWietely.qo(oroth6lpking;divi 4Q6y(p)�he�tmarq4t'vqTdaqFthe ; ,�. <br /> -.. . PrOjKity Immediaely bnto�e e leking. My 6elanee shill6ep�ta w 6oirower. n�he even�ot e panlei�eweg of ihe <br /> �Pcoyert fn xfifeh�hp fatr metket valua of Ute Ptopeety immedf4te�ty�bofp�ro die(eldng b lat,i ilian tlie uijouqt o!tfie am$ �' `_ <br /> Immedtatdy baioro�io uklng, unlosa Bortdworend i.enAor oihnwla0 dgree ta wrldng Ct wilaqs eDPll�`ablp„IAV1,• . = <br /> oAwnvke provldes.the praade�h�tl be epplied to tho numi Kcured 6y th�8ecudty Luwment wtiethuor not thp�ums a�e • '��� <br /> then dua. <br /> It the Propeny u abendaned by Bonowu,or I/,eRa notipa by Lender to Bomower that the copdeinnor p(feri rp inalce '. <br /> an award or seula e cletm[ardamegea,Hortowu tptle to«spond to Lenduw(thln 30 dayr aRer Iho daro the noqcp fa givert, . <br /> -� - - Lenda 1e eu�hoflral to collat and eppi9�iw pmaed�,o�lu opNon,aithu ro rcswreNon or rcpalr ot ihe Property or to thb _ <br /> sums aaurcd 6y thb Secwlry Inttewnenf,whetheror not tAon duo. - <br /> Unlesi Lender md Bortowa yothenvise agrce In writing,eny epplluHon of procads m pdncipal eball�ot�Oxtend or - <br /> ��Il. Horrower Not RdeasW; P�br6eeranw By�Lendper NoTha�Nel er.i Fi�c�tero�n ot�the timacfor�pny�m�oot ot <br /> modiflc�don of amortizadon of tlw wma cecured by this Security Insaumen[grented by I.ender�o eny�uccessor in interest <br /> ot Borrowa�halt na operue to rsleese the Itabllity ot the odgtn�BoROwer or BorrowerY auocaawn In intereat.I.endu <br /> shall not berequtrcd to wmmena procuding�egatns[eny suxasor In interest or ttPose ro extend tlme tor pnyment or <br />�_____-__--_ o�hnw(ae modlty emo[tSza�lon of Ne sum�cecured by thla Seeurlty inawment by«ason ot eny demend made by tlre orl8�nu - <br /> ..—^•—•°�� Borrowtt or portowerb auaesaon in Intereat. Any Porboennce by Lender In exercWing eny right or rcmedy�6all natba a <br /> — w�lveroforprccludethaese2lseofenydghrorrcmedy. - <br /> -=�sE"'�%�;,:7_1 12. Suueuon end Acsigna Bound;dolnt ead Sevtral LIe611tty�Co-signen. 'Ifie covenams and agcemenw ot thle <br />----�— Saudry In�mment chall 61nd ond beneffi the sueoesson ond esalana ot Lender end Hortower,subJect�o�he provitbns ot <br /> �:•;_�;;?L�:,7 peragreph 17.Bortowerb corenenu and�greemenu ahall be Joint and aeverel.My Bortower who co-signa thia Saurity <br /> �'"`%� Inatmment but doas not exavte the Noto: (e)ia caaigning thii Saurfty inurument only to mortgage,grent and convey�fiat <br /> x3���;%'� Bortowerb inteceat(n the[4openy under the terma of�hb Security Imwment: @)ia not personally oblig�ied�o pey�ho suma <br /> ���ry� cecurcd by�hB Secudty Ins�mment:md(c)agrca�hat Lender end eny o�her Bortower may ag2e ro¢xtend,modify,fo�bear <br /> �'�p or meke eny aaommodatiom wf�h rogerd to the�erma of thie Securiry Inswment or ihe Note wi�hout that BortowerS <br /> ��r3 > r t consent. <br /> ,'�.y' 13. Loan Charges. If tho loan eeeurcd by�his Security tmtrument le �ubJect to e lew which a1a maximum loan <br /> 44�'G'?:_ charges,end�Aet lew la ftnally tnlerproted m�het�he interest or other loan charge�rnllected or ro be rnllected in connectlon __ <br /> with the loen exaed Ihe pem�itted Ilmi[n,�hen: (a)eny�uch loan chnrge shall b¢rcAUCed by the emount nettuary to rcduce <br /> z�.i{ay� the cherge Io the permitteA limit;end @)anY sunu elrcady rnllecled from Borto�ver which exceeded pe�mitted Ilmiu wlll ba <br />�-,;:i;t!Y3�;�� refunded Io Bortowec Lender may choose ro meke�hfa reNnd by rcdueing�ha principal owed under Ne Note or by making a <br /> , }T�,,yFt�. dircct payment ro Borrower. If a rcPond reducea principe�,the rc:duction wf1l be Ircated a+e paniel prcpayment without any <br />.-�:-;;'�[L j.'a�� PrcPaYment cherge under the Note. <br /> •:°�� �d"•� 14. Noticea. Any nmice to Qofrower provided for In�his Sauri�y Instrunxnt shell be given by delivedng it or by <br /> -��'"```r' meilin It b (Irst alsss mail unless e liceble Iuw wrcs use of another me�hod.The no�fce sAall be direcieA�o the Pro rt °_=- <br /> ,'•:�t�l:tv: 8 Y PP �l � P� Y _..- <br /> +r,.�1�4� a Addrcss or any other eddrcss Bortower daignate■by mtice to Lender. Any nmice to Lender ahall be given by 8rst close �,_. <br /> .��E-�:� meil to LenderY addras a�a�ed hercin or any o�her eddrcss Lender designata by noiice to 6orrowec Any notitt provtded for <br /> �,.�;�1: in Ihla Stturity Instmmenl shall be deemed to h¢ve Men given to Bortower or Lender when given af providW in �hfe � ' - <br /> ,'i�5 S P�Braph. <br /> ,i ' � 13. Governing La�v;Severebllfty. This Sewri�y Inswment shnll M govemed by federel law end �he law of�he °� -. <br /> a� �c� S ` Jurisdic�ion in whieh�he Propeny is loceted. In the cvent thet any provislon or clnuu of this Securiry Insuument or�he Note ' ' - <br /> c� n • <br /> � i��,� � conflicn with epplicable law.such canflict chnll not aBec�other pmvi+ionsaf this Security Inswmrnt orthe Note which cen '� <br /> ��"-!�ti�:, be given ettect�vithout the mn0ic�ing provision. To this end the pmvisianc af�his Security Insuumrn�und the No�e are �ry�`� <br /> �$�L�F 1: dG�BfldlOblSCVGflb�C. <br /> + r��� l6. Dorroo�er'e Copy.Bortoner shall be given one canfomud copy of the Note and of this Security Inswment. �F �-- <br /> p 4�'A�� 17. 'IFanafer of lhe Property or a 6eneflclel Iniereat In Barrower. I(nl I or any pan of�he Propeny ar eny inrercst in ' <br /> ,..,,t„- ., It ix sold or IrnnskrteJ (or i(e beneficinl imcrcs�in Barronrr is wld or�mnskrtcd und Borrower is nat n natuml person) �,`�_, <br /> ` +L� " withow LenderS prior wrinm conxnL LeMer may,a�its option,rcyuire immediam payment in full of all suma xecurcd by - <br /> ,yrr F( this Secumy Insuunxnt. However.�his oqion.hall not be cxcrcised by Lender if exercice is pmhibitcd by tederel Inw as of �, - <br /> v3 �r i the detc of this Security Ins�mment. �f ' <br /> }� _.F._ If Lender exercixs thisoption.LenJenhnil give�orro�rer nwice nt xccl�n�iun. The no�ice zhail provide a period of � ' � <br />,,,n_,d�,,.,, not Iess Ihan 30 days from�hedate the no�ice is dciivercJ nr mailed u�ilhin wAich&+mn�cr muu pay all sums secured by�his ��;.- � <br /> r �- Securily Instrumcnt. If Uoimwer faih to poy �he.c .um.prior ro thc expirutiun u( Ihi.perind. Lendcr may invokc any <br /> ���� - ; rcmediespemiittedby�hisSauritylnatrumcnt�vi�houtfunhermtiunrdcmandnn6om���er. <br /> I8. 6orrower'a Righl to Reinstale. If Barto«rr mmn �en:�in cmdi�ion.. Bortoncr.hail hav. thc right ro havc <br /> ti�s enforcement o(lhis Securily Inztrument d�uanlinucJ:n any lime prinr In Ihe r:nlier ol: lai S Jn�.(or wch nlher peri�d aa � � <br /> r: <br /> ; . Smpe Famiq Fennle V�e6rrddie\IarI11FORV I\t1RI]7F.]T .1'mL�m�Cmemnn 9.70 �rye�f.qnp�eni r� .. <br /> . �-i. ....i� . <br /> � • <br /> � t � �� - - <br /> J� <br /> F.�' <br /> :1�.'.:..i, t� _ _ " _ _ _�_ ' _ "_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> I. �:��7.. �—.�TO'� . . _ . . .. .. Y.�.1..-.�. -lv.-. ..I��:�.r� i <br /> _��. _ . � • , .f" .. . - ' _ <br /> 4� { �,.)�n ` ' • . _ .. _ � . - <br /> � � S �� <br /> � <br /> + ' � -. . .- . . . <br /> : -�.�.:.��'ti(-0i_. _�______.__•_ .. -. .� ' <br /> . . L� _� -? . . . _ _ <br /> _ _.:. _ _ _ -- � �. . <br /> ,e.%R C — . . . . . . . <br /> I ' � <br /> 'r ;_ ` , ' ' - . . <br /> � �-n . q �� �' +_ )'� . _ . � . . . <br /> __' ..i`. J -_ t ' _ _ " . . . _ <br /> i. ��' r ' �} _ . ' .. ' . - . <br /> jr ;t t _�� J 1 . � . . . . - - . • <br /> - . ,q . . _ , . - . . .. <br /> .- .i -. . . . � . , . . - . <br /> �f�{i- .� , i' _ • - . - -- - . - <br /> r ✓,r_;; . _ . - - ' s <br /> � _ .. hi _ �_-. -t -. � . � - . <br /> ���45{ :� Ns y{., . S��! . . .. 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