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��� ' r .:_, ..�: __.` . _;. .;:t.. i � { lr F _ ti�-` 7n�� ��Ltit . � x i � �iJ. ' <br /> , '_Cr - ._ _ _.___ <br /> ..__.. .�. . -. .. . . . `."� /� 9 . tyll-� Jf i2�1 —`. _ _._.. <br /> - _ . . `I . ` ^.. � '/`, �Y� .r�tY y , . <br /> ' -• � � - � 1 � �' __ ��. . -,- Yq . � ,S ! It -_ <br /> .� .. . . r .. ( . � -. <br /> pypllcabie lew may 6qx1ty for rglqsta�emcm), t6to 6�1e n!Q�el Qt6jiLny ku,�wm't t6 apy�owa-0t salp ca`nti�t�in�ts � r% <br /> � SlC11[ItyI64b1N1E��iOP(b)Cnny OtB�lldgm!71l�oroltlgthlf$ecu�tyLu�filent 'nu+aw nAitlnnfAr6th3tS tr_(�l `�r. .. _ _. ._. . <br /> � P�Y��t aU 6unY tvnlch u�tt ivau(d b�Qua qrder thid S�cw{, �nthu�itent Pnd t�e'Natr ea�s rro wtauauv�l n�at ' <br /> oEcarrcd;�b)curoeenydetauUotanypQ��cov,enMbVragcurtieptsi�)pips4llexpp�sp�Ineu�Wlnenfaie�dqtNSBxudqr , <br /> - Insirumen�,inctudfng.but nos II'miteQ�0.repsonabte nµomay►'fas�pnd(d) te�ei euch aeilpn pa Le+tdermey t�asonabty ,, r , — <br /> teqWrd to esluro�liot ihe lien ottfiW Batir(ry(nsttument;LeodErb dghta ln tqo Vropc7�ty w1d IIo:' We15 obll�bUOO tdpay Oy + ''u <br /> 1umr�uu�ued b9 thla SecuNty instmment�A�I hantinuo wcnang2d, IJpqn rei�ttacom�t�y.9orrowcf, SNe•8eew1� _, <br /> fnswma�i and R�a obligatlona acUttd fiueDy►Aati re+neffl fWly efRctive N If no aceeierAdon�ad oocudeA: Hawbv6lq. � �• . <br /> �` ' dght tominata�e e6e11 no[epply in tho caso of nxelaadOn undupnrograDh 17: <br /> 19. Sole of Note;CBmga of I.o�1n S}YVker. 'Rio Noro ot�pardd lnterat in�he Note(rogethu wlth thla 8ceut(ry . � <br /> Inatrument)m�y 6e sotd one or mote:tlmed}y�hout prior notice to,8omewar. A rele may rpaul�!n e chaaga irt fhe"endry <br /> (Imown es Ne Loan Servia�'7 thet ebAataSlnon�hly paymenu due undu�hp Npe app Mio Seiwiry Tnsppment '1Uero a1w . <br /> may be one or moro changea ot the Caan§tifrlder unrelated ro a aale otthe Noro. !t�hero Is a change of,tiw Loan$ecvlaR <br /> Bortowu wUl bo glven wrftten notico of�ha�hange in aaordanca wlth puagraph l4 above and�pplicable law. 71�e notke <br /> wtp e�am No name and addreaz oF tha new Wen 9erWocr and tAO eddros�to whlch paymenu should bo meda 7tie notlm wlll <br /> ----� eiso conteln any other intormetlon requfred by epplke6le�aw. - - -- <br /> _ 2A. Nazardoue Bubstancea Bortower�hell not cause or pertn(t the presence.uu,disposal,stomge,or nteaao of eny <br /> ______ Hezardow Substeaces on or in the Pcope{ry. Bortower ahail not do,nw ellow myona else ro do,anrihing efkGing�Ae � <br /> Propeny tM1�[la In vlolaqon of any flmtronmen�el Lew. 1Te preceding two eentexea�hull not apply to t7a prosence,usa,ot <br />._— etorege on the Propeny ot sm81 quanNdu of Hazardoua SuWtanma that ue genaally recogdzed�o be appropdaro ro nmmd <br />- -- - «sldentlel usea end ro m�menance of[AO Property. <br /> -- Bortower ahell prompGy give Lender wAiten notice of eny(nvesHgaBon,cidm,demand,lawiult or ollar aedon by eny <br /> -- govemmentol or rcgularory agency or private parry(nvoiving tha Pnpeny end�ny Hvardoua Substance or BnvlronmenW _ <br />-��;� Law of whkh Bortower hm ectual knowledga If Bortowu Itama,or ia naified by eny govtmmtntd or regulatay <br />-..�3�� authodty,�Aat eny rcmoval or other remedietlon of eny Hezardou�Subsunce atttcttng tM Propnry ta naousary,Borrov+er <br /> r.�,�'�,`� sAall prompqy take all ncceuuy remediel icUom in aaordanee with Environmuu�l Law. <br />:,; :,g Ae uxd in thia paregreph 20,"Hezardom Substenas"erc those substance�deflaed as tox(c or I�azardous substances by <br />-•_;!:� Environmmtel Law end the[ollowing substancca: gasoline,kerouno,oiher 1lunmeble ar[oxic petrolwm pmduct�,toxic <br />-�''ir�i peatkides end herbicida, voletile solvrnis,matedals containing esbestos or fofmaldehyde,end radioadive m�iedalt. M <br /> '� used in thia paragraph 20,"Envlronmentel Laxr meena tederel levn and Iewa of ihe Jurisdictlon wberc the Property Ia located <br />.-�--i_;r,� Natrelatewheelth,saferyorenvlronmmulprotec�ion. <br />-:d.:ti�.} NONdJNIFORMCOVBNAN'fS. BortowerendLenderfurthercovmantandegrceasPollows: <br /> 31. Acalerefiont Remedlea Lender shall give notice to Borrower pdor to acceleration tolloning Qorro�ver'e <br /> -.z=�:� breach ot any covenant or egreement in tht+3ecurity inslrument(6ut not prior to acceleratton under peregrapA 17 — <br />���.;,=;..yy� unles�eppliceble laN provldea othernise). 7Te notfa shall npecity: (a)ihe defaulti(6)the edion required ro cure ihe <br />-:;�,,,:= def ult;(s)a dat�,riat IFas ihan 34 dapc fram ihe dat¢the na2lce s giren to Borro�:er,b;ahkh tAe detEUlt must be --------- -- ---� <br />_;t:,7:�; curedt end(d)that fallure ta cure the default on or before ihe date apai0ed in the nolice may�esult In accelwatlon of <br /> �.-:.--� the surtu secured by thU Saurity Insimment end aele otfhe Propertr The notice shell Nrther intorm Qorroeer of <br /> _.,;`� 1he right lo relnatate aRer ecceleraflon and fAe rlght to bring a mu�l eei�on to essert the nomexlstentt of a default or <br /> - any other deknse of Qorrover to acceleralion and sele. It Ihe defaulf is not curcd on or 6eforc the date�pecltied In <br /> -�`:' the notice,Lender et Ils optlon may requlre Immedlate peyment In NII of all mma secured by thle Seeudty Instrument -- <br />:..,�� without Nrther demend and may Invoke the po�rer of sele and an7 ot6er remedia permttted by epplicable lax, r,{;M1„r�,-_— <br /> "f I.ender ahall be entilled lo mlleet all expensea ineurred In pursuln;ihe nmedies provtded in thb paregreph 21, �.}F�j•;:.—. <br />�-��r�`. Including,butnotllmttedtarexsonabieatlomeys'kexandcostaof1111eevldrnce. �� � - <br /> �J�F Pro ert h6laceted and ah'eIl me I m� le�of cuch no�ke In tAe ma ner pdrescribed by�a��IlceAle law to Borroi err end b �� ��g-�}n�T+=� <br /> '-:::�, P Y P PP . , .::..:. <br /> `- the other peraonA presedbcd by applkebie Iww. ARer the Iime requircd by�pplieable lew,7Yustee chail give publk '"i��,>=si4i��7'-*.C_� <br /> - �'` nottce otsale ro the persom and In the munner preuribed by appltceble la�r. 7Yuafee,aithout demand on 6orrowe, '�„��"r<<<�' -- <br />„_��_ ehall seil the Property et public nuctlon ro the h(ghe�t bidder at the tfine ond place und under the term�daigneted In {�'ns_y_:'�'} ,;;': <br /> -�� lhe notltt oteale In one or more purteis and tn unq order 7Fuaice determines 7Yustee mey posipone sale otell or eny � cF{�s`{j' ' '� <br /> �� `, parcel of ihe Praperty by public unnauncement at Ihe time nnd ptuce of nnr prevlausly scheduled eale. Lender or Ie+ f�;t 5;�� <br /> - designee mey purchase ihe Property at any sale. ;'�r7 :(s�i;;i` " <br /> ` Upan receipt of payment of the prlce bid,7Yuxtee shall dd(ver lo the purchaser�Yustee's deed conveying ihe °:� f•ez,E::'S'dr�:..-.. <br /> -.J� Property. The recitats In the 7Yastee a deed ahell be prime fecie evldenm ot Ihe trulh at the statemenu mode therein. ja.�'?�s"��� Y,;�- <br /> 7}ustce shnll npply ihe proceeds of ihe sele in Ihe follo�vfng arder. (ul ro ull msis end expenses of exercCsing the po�rer +'1���;���t�- - <br /> - f.� ft�; �'+`' <br /> J j�o5�'si5d'f , �� <br /> 1 �{i F •:. <br /> � �`j�s ;r: <br /> f � +;}J� <br /> s�.�� _ .��fa!� ��. <br /> �1 � � � i� <br /> _;I:.dlb ` t: : <br /> o_. <br />- f`�.,la '::j� - <br /> ".'� .'�A.":��:, <br /> - li��mJ071{ 9A0 pv�r5.,/hp�r�.r ' <br /> i�t� �4' <br /> �.�li�'h{k:'� <br /> _ �. � . <br />�'!":.. ' _ . . <br /> I �.^T - �_. _ -�:.. ._ -. . . � ._ ' . " " " _ ..__ . .'. .qt��-t.r_ _ s , ,.�� •... , _ <br /> r ..{ - <br /> -�.�.u��- �`.1. . . . - . . . . <br /> _ .:'. �_' . 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