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�� ::��, . <br /> , , <br /> � <br /> ___.._�._.�. ,:'- <br /> L" �, pe�A'!kh"EE�e�. 7TO Insurufco cnrticr providing�h�inswrnoe ihdl be chosei Dy Bortower sob ec�to Lsn&r6 <br /> -- --• opproral whish�A�II not ho unrc�wn�01y wlthAeM. If 8ortoWer fal��o malntain wreraga dexd6ed e6ovo,�nder may,at <br /> -�_-- landctt t�ytion.o�tafn rnvtr�a ro protat ihadert daNta in Ifap�p��Y m�+dmue�vUh puegraplt 7. - <br /> _- .--=__ All inmronco poticlef nn0 rcnawoh�holl be accoCtoDla ro Lender end enoil Includa o tlan0ard mortgeSo clausa Lender <br /> _ �� ihotl�avo�M1a dgM to hold�ho pollcic�and mncwaif, lf LenQsr rcquirc�,Uortower eheil promppy glve to I.ender ell Rcolqa <br />,_{-sw�-�.��: oY paid prcmluma ond rcnawpl nolicc�. In Iha ovcnt of lon,Oottower�hall glve promp�norioa to the Inaurenca eartter md <br /> Lender. LcnGermaymukoproafoflas�ItnolmaAoprom ilyDy Oorrower. <br /> _ Unim+Lcnder anA Uortower ahervrl�o o�reo In wriPing,ln�urance proaM��ho11 be opplied to rcatontion or rcpair ot <br /> � ?`� �he HopOny dam��cd, It iho rcitom�lon o�ropaIr b economlwlty teadbio md LendcrY ceadty t�not lasened. It�he , <br /> roetaation or rcpa r I�no1 cconomlcally ftulElo or Londe►ti�eourl�y woutd be Icucned,tho Insuranco proaeW ehalt bo <br />_-___ ,:��, uppllM ro tho sum��ecurc0 Ay IhU Btcudty InslNmem,whaher or not then duo,with eny oxce:�paid to Borto�ver. 1P <br /> ` t�r 9orrowcr ebandom tho Nrupsny,or da� noi an�wer whhln�0 day��nodw from Len�er Ne��he Insuruice carrier Ass <br /> �4r�++l� offcred to w�tlo e clalm,�hcn I.cndci meq mllccl tAo tn�oronm proaM�. LeMcr mey use tho prooeeda to�r or msto�e <br /> ' ihe Pmxnr or ta pay�um�eccurcd by ihli 8ecurl�y In�trumcm,whaher or not�hsn due. 7LO 3adoy podad w 11 begin when <br /> }�,=�n'.:t�! �ho nodcc+b glvoa. <br /> U n l o u L e n d e r o n d 6 o t ro w e r o i h e r w l s a a g rc a I n w r l i i n g,m y n pp I l c a t i o n o f p ro c s c d e t o p r l n c i p a l e h�l l n o t e a t e n d o r . . <br /> ��rr�{ pas�pono �he duo dato of�he momhly peymem�roRrrcd�o In pamgroph�1 and 4 or change tho amount of iho pnymente. Jf <br /> under pnragroph 21 �ha Noperty I�acqulrcd by I.cndcr.Oormwcrti dght�o eny In�uranco pollclea and piaaeda resuUing <br /> -�;c:�;a'f' hom duneQe to 1ho Propeny prlor�o tho acyuldilan�holl pon�o I.cnaer to ihe extmt ot�ho�um�«eurcd by thU 8ecudty - . <br /> _,Y,�,�e„1 Inatmmentimmcdialol pdorlolAoaW ul�lllon. <br /> ..,.;' tr.-:, 6. Oaupuncy,YPnxrvatlon, Melnlenonca ond Proeatton ot th� Propertyt Borrower's I.oen Appilcallon� <br /> "i=:{s•� 1.ensehoids 9ortowcr�M1�II accupy,aroblBh,and u�o the Prapeny d�ortowcrl princlpel roaidence wlthin dxty deye ettu <br /> �;a�' R",'�s� �ho cxceutlm of thle Sccurlty InstNmem and�hell conqnua to occupy�ho Propeny ne Dorrowerti principal msidence for et <br /> � ,,,- leaat one year efter �he dote ot occuponcy, uNess Lender othcrwlw egrce� In wdNng, whieh mnum ehall not 6e <br />:_�:t},;;;G;�;!,, unrcasonably wlihhcid,or unlou exlcnuotlng clreumnona�oxU�which oro beyond Bortowerb control. Hortower shell not -- <br /> �''s a<<'>t'+`+ dca[ro dam�go or im alr�ho Pro n allow�ha Pmpony to deterloraie,or commit weste on the Property. Bortower shell <br /> d;�t'.-r,l�- Y. P V� Y. <br />-?-_��f����n .+ be tn default if any fodohuro nctlon or prucceding,whe�hcr cirll or cdminnl,b begun�hat in Lenderb good fetth judgment <br /> -� �'�"•���,<`+' could resuie in toRMwro of the Propcny or oihorwieo mateddly Impalr �he Ilen crcated by Ihit 9uudty incwment or <br />'�'���.�r.?��y; LendcrY saud�y inttrcst. Oomo�vcr may curo�uch e dofnult ond rclmwo,ns providcd in peregreph IB,by wusing�he ection <br />-`�j. .tr:..�;,t or proceeding to 6e dlimlRSCd whh n ruling thm,In Lenderti gaod Pollh detortnin�Non,prccludes forfeituro ot the BorrowuY <br />� ,�,n;�•_.�:;�� imercst In�ho Propeny a ahcr maicrial Impulmicnt of iho Ilm crcaicd by�hl� 3aurity Im�mmcnt or I.enderY seeudry <br /> `>-�-`-?`2�,v - intercst. Bomower shall dRa be in detaul� If Narcower, dudng tho lonn �ppllowlon pracw, gavo ma�edeliy fetae or <br /> ` ';' ,r,; ineceumte information or aatcmente�o Lcnder(or falled�o provido Lcndcr wlth eny metcrlal Into�mellon)In connectlon with <br /> �}�"' �1 the loan evidenad by the Noie, Including, but na� Ilmlied �o, rcprosen�ation�concrming Do�rowerY oaupency of tAe <br /> ._ ,. �;��?,.k'{� Propeay m�pdncipAl rc■idcncc. If thh�3ecud�y Instnimcm I�on u leauhotd,6orrowcr�hall compiy wi�h all Ne provlslom <br />��,'��;;,;;cs;,,r•;_ of ihe leaxe. If Bofmwer acquirce ka�i�lo�o tho Propeny,�ho lemehald end tho fw 4do�hall no�mergo unlw Lender agreea <br /> �ff F :,�:- tolhemergerin�v�iqng. -- <br /> "{ � F ,� 7. Protectlon of I.ender'� Rights In �h� Property. 1!Dortower fall� ro pcdortn �he covenente end e eemenu <br /> � f t�,��,�,� mnmined in thla Securiry Instrumem.or thero b a Iegel proceeding ihat muy dgniflcently eRut Lenderl d�e In tAe <br /> -_,�n,_.,y.,., Property(xuch s.e procccdtng in bnnkmp�cy,probma for mndemrmNon or fodchuro or ro cnforce Inwe or rcguletlonn),then <br /> _ ��.>';�j;;di Lender may do nnd pey for whaiever i�neceasary io Pm�ect ihe vnlue of tho Propeny ond Lenderl dghro In the PropeRy. <br /> �`�;''r:ii�:.,,�.,r. Y P Y 8 Y d Y P Y PP��B <br /> ,__`,r_,` 4cnder6 uciianx m� includc a in an wms cccurc b n ticn which has dodt uvcr�his Secudty Instrument,e <br /> in caun.paytng rcuonable ettomcye'kea ond entering on�ha Propeny tu mtko rcpairo. Al�hough Lende�may teko aotlon <br /> a,"y°.• under ihia p�flgraph 7,Lender daca not havc todo.o. <br /> t= _;.� Any amounu dishursM by Lender under�hh purngnph 7 ahnll bemme addiUonnl debt of Borrower cecured by thi� <br />-_. "t�• v::.�;;�, Security Iruuunxm. Unlcn Darrowerand Lcnder narcc�ooihenemu of paymcnL�hcac amounu shell beer imercst from the — <br /> " - .'r.�';�: dntc of di�bu�xemrnt m the Notc re�c md tiholl bc payablc,wiih Imcrc�L apan nmico from Lendm ro Bortower rcqueadna -- <br /> ��'�"�;';��'�=_�? payment. _. <br />���=�;`'�';;�.:;'t.s�. 8. Mortgege Insurenee. If Lender rcyuircd mongnge insamnee ua o cunditlon of mnking ihe loan cecurcA by �hi� -� <br />. --.J-.,.'�: Sccuriry Inswmem, 13o�rowcr ahall pay the premimnx rcyuired�o molnmin ihc mongage inaurance in eftect. If,for eny F, <br /> _ �;,c;*!'�; reasan. �hc moRgagc insuronce covcmgc rcyulmd by l.endcr lapsca nr ccaw. �a Irc In effcn, Dorrowcr thell pey �Itc <br />� :�`-�• '�� �' prcmium. rcyuircd to obte6i covcmgc sulnimnfully cyuivnlem �o the mongayc in+urnncc previoualy in eRah,et n cost -- <br /> �°r=t�'.`�•r' subs��mialiy eyuivulem to ihe cast to 8nrro�rer ut ihe mangnge In+nrnnce prcviou+ly In efket,from on nitema�e mortgoge — <br /> -'����� %��"' inxumr n roveJ b Lendcr. It wb�InNinll c wvnlent mon o c in+urmice cavem c ix not uvnileble.Bortower sholl to <br /> �i - PP Y Y 4 � 8 6 8 PBY °. <br /> LenJer ench mumh n wm eyunl ia one•nvelflh of ihe yearty manpnge in.urnnce prcmlam befng paid by Uorrower when the - <br /> ��- inwrmce mremgc lap.kd or�raxvl�o he in efttti. Lender will ucepl,uxe ond remin Ihew paymenlR a+a losa rcaerve In Ifeu ! - <br /> ��` of mnn n e inxurancc. Lw. rcun•c <br /> - ��.,, ._r; & F p�ymems nmy no limgcr Ix nr�uircd, cn ihc npifan of Lcndcr, ff mongage inaumna �r: <br /> .��•tr-. -- cover�ge(in�he muoum unJ for ihe periud ihai Lender myuirc.�pmvideJ hy m�imurcr npprmed M1y Lender agaln becomes �_ <br />,;.,��;;; :�;�`? an�ila6ic m:J i.ohmineJ.Bomnrer xholl pny�he pmmiuma rcyuired to maintnim m�npnge imumnce in eRect,or�o pmvide n Q.: <br /> lu.>rcxrve,until�hc rcyuimmcnt for mangagc in.umnre armnl+mcc xi�h nny ariucn uprcemem bciwecn borrower 'g�- <br /> ��.,� � . anJ LenJCror upplicaMe Imv. <br /> .. 9. Inspcetlon. I.cndcr nr it.agcnt ma��mnAc renumnhle cmnr.u�m nnJ ihc 1'm�ny. Lcndcr Mhnll �:.:"'� <br />..- - givc Borniwer nmicc m Ihc timc ol nr prinr In m�in.pccuon.�xcifyinp ra�wmnMc.nnu lur Ihr�n.pccGnn. <br /> I0. CundenmuNun. 77�e pnxeeJ�n(any aoard ur daim fnr JamaFC..dmil m.nn.cyu.m�al.m cnnnectinn with nny ~ <br /> . i . <br /> - �mplcF�md�-FmnleN�eReAAle\I¢1-\I/IIH\II\VNI\II\t I���bymf.�.rnmn �.90 +.. nryern f'-. <br /> �rvxr. 1 <br /> . . . �n�un knar ter Ir ■ �'.:� <br /> - - - . I..nm�r iaplDRlf]UA1�IN�I.ID1 F` <br /> �: 4 <br /> . �"_-' <br /> r . <br /> � . . .._� ,. .._.._. ._._._..�.qi�....�'7'�':P'R{... <br /> . .._ _ •y •r - . . . ... .. _._ . . <br /> - r �> . <br /> � <br />, � � <br />