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•ny;i —` ;. _ �. ..: , . . . - . � ' - _ �_-: f f,r. 51 Rc <br /> .i <br /> ri� r, .�.. ..�.��u_.," ' "_ _ �_�, _.._.._ . . . _ , __ .CS4._t.xi - . ���s� <br /> � -'.. - _ . . . �.f� i � � -... <br /> I q �0��. � :•: <br /> ;:7qpg7iiffia WPIH ail tha Imyroyanenn now a hcrca0e�omtW on thp pSro��ny,end etl easementa,e�n�nnce�, �' ' ; <br /> end tialwta now or herwiter s�rri of tho propettSa All topltxmcnta uId cdd111one shall etso be oovgtcd by�ht� ecyrlry <br /> --� ioswmenG Ati otshe tomgoing ��oterted to in tlile 8aWriry Imwment u tho"Propercy.' ' . `"' <br /> --- 80RR01Y[iR OOVIiNANfB thnt Oortowcr le IowNlty ulstd of iha eetaro hercby convoyed ane Aes�ha dghc to yreiit <br /> end comoy eha Propa�y and that�ho YropenY��unenwmbercd�oxapt Por cneumbrancca ot record. Eorrower wazren[�end _ <br /> will defeadgencrelly ihe d�le[o�ho Propeny a8s�n��nll cialm�end domand�,subJect to eny encumbrenas otrccord. <br /> 7ytl8 ggCURITY INS'[AUMONf combines uniform covenanu for natlonol u�a end non•unitortn covenenu wll6 <br /> llmf[ed vedetion�by Judedlction to conatlwto e unifortn Kcudty InatrumeN covering roal property. <br /> .- . Uryp�pAt�!MVP�tAM'S. BortoWtr snd I.cnder covenenl anda�ree aa toilowa: F <br /> -- — <br /> 1. Payment atPAnclpal nnA Inter¢sN PrepaymeM�nd lat Ch�rgee. eortowu shaU prompttypsy wfien due�he <br />__ _ _ princl 1 of end intereat on tAe debt evldenad by cho Nae and my prcpayment and Inte chugea due under eha Nme. <br /> � NYm4�for'Nxea and Innurance. SubJca�a appIlc�ble Iew or�o e written waivu by I.endu,Bortower shall psy to <br /> �� ---- Lender on the day monthly paymmts ero due undcr Ihe Note,untU tha Noto i�Daid in NII,a am('Punda'�[or.(n)ycnrly <br /> --- �exee end eue�smenn which mey eltdn prlo�ity over tM�Secudty Insnument a�s Ilen on the Propeny:(b)Yoe*ly ieasehold <br /> ~� paymenu or ground rcnn on the PropMy. �f mY (�> Y��Y hazard or propeny inaurenee prcmiumr. (d) yearly tload <br /> ���� inmrence premiuma,It any: (e)yoerly mongege insurmca prcmfum�,it an)•; and (q eny wms payeble by Hortowcr ro • -- <br /> -- -- I.ender,ln axordance wlth�heprovisions ot paregrepM1 8, in Ileu of�Ae�ayment ot mongage insurvnce premiums. Theu <br /> � ° item�are celled"8scrow Iteme. Lender eny Hmo.collecl end Iw d P�nds In an omoun[not ro axceed the maaimum � <br /> - - emount a lendu tor a federelly releted mortg�ge loan may rsquira Por 6ortowmb ourow axount under eha tWerel Reel _,, <br /> �' 8sta�e Settlemen�Proadurce Ac�of 1974 aa amended from time ro time,l2 U.S.C.p 2601 rt+sq.("R&9PA").unlw enother .:,; <br /> �'�`-" law thae applla ro�he Rmda uu a lesser emount. It w.Lender mey,at eny dmo,collat and hold Punda In en amount not to i-�;.: <br /> ev..cA exceed the lesser amoun[. Lender mey as�imate �ho wnoum of Ivnds duo on tho bmfa of eumn[ datn and reesoneble �._ <br /> �,T,�i udmata o(expenditures ot fumrc Escrow lceme or ahcre�ae In eccordmce with epyIiuble law. p�. <br /> �P+ � 7Te['unds ahell be held in an inst(mtlon whose deposiu ero Insurcd by a tederal egency, lnswmemallty.or rneity �`-- <br /> >,,�t•'� (Including I.ender is euch m InsHw�loN or In my Pedaral Homo Loan Benk. Lender�hell apply ihe Funda to pay <br /> =�Y:t_;r r.. <br />.':Y:�_�.. �he&ttow I[em�. Lender may not charge Oortower for Frolding and e�plying tho Wnds.annuellyPP�iydng t e�ow <br /> account,or vedfying�ha Hscrow ltem+, unleaa l.ender pay Bortower ntere+t on U�e Wnds end e ticebte lew rtnits G�t.� <br /> ;:i�?f'r;'� Lender to make�uch a cherge. However, Lender may rcquirc 6ortowa m pay o one-timo cherge for an independme rexl �__ <br /> :`'';?+�,'� eatem tex rcporting servlca used by Lender in connectlon wi�h�hle loan,unleu eppIica6le lew providm othe�wise. Unless an _ <br /> �;`"- ° agrcement Ia mede or appUeable law rcquires intcrcct to bo paid,Lcnder shall not b¢requircd w pay Bortower any imercat or `' <br /> ,;a4�};: eeminga on the Punds. Bortower and Lender may egree in wri�ing,howevor.�het intercct chall be paid on the Punds. Lender �;-- <br />--=Y�!c�'r. shalt give to Bortower,without ennuel eccanting of�he FLnde,showing crcAiu und deblle to�he Punds end[he t.r:. <br />.:,z'wa;Y�: ';;: <br />>_,; ::�?. purpose tor which each debit[o the Rmds wu mede. 7Le Ponda aro pledged es addidonal�ecudry for all:ums securc y _ <br />,.�;:•�, this Securiry Inauument. F'`,. <br />�;`D° M°.}, u:.. <br /> rs��F:-r,_ If tAe Punds held by Lender excced the amoumn pemileted ro 6e held by epplicoblo law, Lender shall �ccount to <br /> '��,�+{:; Bo�rower for�e ezcas hunds in acco�dan�e with thz r�uir.r,cnt:c!sppltcabk!sw. If thn em��n�ot ihe Pund�held by <br /> .i_>.��ir Lender et ony[ime in not su0lciem ro pay the Escrow hom�when due,l.ender may eo notiry Oortower in writlng,end,in .:�� <br /> r-x:up�(�t..:. . --- <br />-„3;.y.,r.:;,:; such eau Hortower ahall pay to Lender the amount necossery �o make up the deticicncy. Bonower shell meke up �he ;}.;'� <br /> •t�� ��� deficiency in no moro�han twelve momhly paymems,ai Lenduh sole dixre�lon. <br /> '�p1,���., i Upon payment in tull of dl wme secured by tbis Secudiy Instrumcnt,Under aheil pmmplly rcfund to Bortower any � �.- <br /> ;4 �r��, Punds held by Lender. IL under paregmph 21,Lendcr shall acquirc or ccil thc Propcny.Lcndcr,pAor lo�he acquisitlon or , : <br /> < :,�:.�I aale of the Property,ahell appiy eny Pmds held by Lender n Ihe dme of ecquisition or�ale m a credit ageinst�he suma F�; <br /> t jr <br /> � T � - aecured by this Security Insuument. � .; <br /> t,�(�� 3. Appllcetlon ot Paymenta. Unless epplicable lew provides othenvise, ull paymenu rcceived by Lender under <br /> ,,.��'�11r i perogrephs I end 2 shall be eppiied:firs�,to eny prcpayment chergee due under thc Notc:sccond,lo amoun�s payeble under ,_::. <br />-� ���^x�'.. psregraph 2;third,ro intercst due,founh,ta principal due:end lazt,to my Inte chuges duc undcr the Nota �.__.: <br /> t�i��n`` j 4. Chergea: Llena. BoROwer ahall pay ail texea auesamenu,chorges. 6nc� end Imposltions endbutable �o �he r.,� <br /> {'"` .;J propeny which may ettain pdority over�his Security Insuummt,end leaschold paymenu or ground rcnts,ft any. Bortower f :- <br />_ � V�'."-„ shell pny these oblige�ior.s in�he manner provided in paregmPh 2,or i(not pafd In that menncr,Bortowcr.hall pey them on �,, <br />--��}���tl'"' Nmc dircc�ly to�he person owed payment. Bortowcr shall promptly tumish to Lcndcr¢II no�iccti of amounta to bc patd undcr .._, <br />���a?`�l``'" � this are re h (f Borrower makes these paymems diratly.Borrower shall promptly fumisl�to Lender receipts evidencing �,_ <br /> - �r � . P B P • k=! <br /> w r_ � ; the paymenta. .-� <br /> 1:' �� � Borrower shell promptly diacharge uny lien which hos priority over�his Securiry Insuument unlcas Bortower.(a)ogrces <br /> i�i`.��rv j, I in wdung ro�he payment of the obligation securcd by the lien in a m¢nner acceptuG�e to Lender.(bI mntesp in good fai�h the `;�. <br /> 5`--3r- lien b or deknds nEeinst enfwcement of the lien in,legul pfoceedings which in the Lenderk opinlon opemie�o prcvent the �„ <br /> �����-�[ enfo ement of the lien:or(c)aecurcs from the holder oF tM1e licn an egrcement sa�isPoctory to Lender aubordinating the lien = � <br /> - i t �o�hia Security Inawment. lf Lender detefmines�hat eny pirt of�he Propeny is subjcc��o a lien which may anain priority ,.:-- <br /> �s ���,<� over this Secunty Inswmen4 Lender may give Bortower a nmicc idcmifying the Iian. Uonower sholl entia(y Ihc Iicn or txke 4 �_ <br /> ���� i one or morc of the ac�ions set(onh a6ove wi�hin 10 deys of�he giving of notice. ��' <br /> i-_ <br /> ..,Y-:.�5�?� S. Harard or Properry Insurance. 6ovower shall kcep ihe improvementa now existing or hercu(�cr crectcd on�he F . <br /> f7•�, <br /> ",'�S.r,_�, i Propeny insurcd agaiatt loss by fire,hazards includeJ wi�hin�he term'extended mveroge"and my o�her hmnrds,including __ <br /> s�v..±;;;5 : (loods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurv�ce. This insurence shall tre mnimnined in �he nmounis und far the �_�-. <br /> �-�P:�.� " � Y: <br /> -:x �:;�_ . <br />..'S:j:A�if I 1wmlOIA 9/10 QvR/:.'/�plf��l " <br /> -".i:..,( . P•. <br /> -S:i'4�:i.f . . <br /> 4 �..,';1 <br /> vp <br /> Y$'� �-' <br /> ��}�t <br /> j�4 f' J i .� ._.4�> . .��"'_c ;'T"f'"Cn 1 �: iJ'tx �.'-.`-:.a5"" —•r--•-- n S�.�•--�- z _' _"_•i.. J, ,' . <br /> , .�`- �r;'r , - . _ - . � .. _ <br /> Y � � ` �t t . - . ' � . . • <br /> �i .F .� f� l u C r.� f[_ . _ . .. � -. .. _ " <br /> ! i. <br />. ! s.- .{?. .;�}3-�.. ....-..: • ' , . . .. -. : . . _ . / " .' .. . <br /> : ._ __. _ ___"_ ' "_ _._— __��—aJ�i --- _ ._�--.—_ <br /> dA--. [ __... .� _ _ . .'_ _ _' _ _ _ —' ' — - _ _" _'- � —_ _ <br /> 5n ��:1 t t T r.�" � f-. n _ . . . . •� ' .. � . . <br /> Jl -J- 1 � _ . - ' _ . _ � - <br /> ./ . ,t /5 2 _ { � J . <br /> S rl Yit.'r I >lf�[ .- r ' - _ '- 1 _ ' , _ <br /> .t;' _ 3 ' ; . .... . _ . . <br /> li < °! t ' _ - � ' . <br /> -� . . �t f_ • z� r� � "y ; <br /> ' 4�. � -�1 7 t `' t , t : - 'n . . <br /> �}. � 4 . t � -i t .. . _ . <br /> t s�}- 7 - - tr -.�x S; . ' � � '�iit � . <br /> ', � t .. <br /> � r ;nf � v�u z _SJ ' Y -_� S � _ �. , � . . e . . r .. ... <br /> t.� ? � i _ _ . � r _. 1 « . 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