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^^L _�'t � iu * t. � E. S _ � � -�� 1 .� :.c i�.i��� t Lrc vW e <br /> . . . - ... -- . ---. -) i+ t � �s .- <br /> - - . . ' . _ . , n��� '�Q�r d t t �. <br /> ' •,`+ condemn�tanordtBeMlakingutu�y�ot�aPtoy41ry�0�iQi0DlIyC�411CDIi��2UO�tOh�i.'�1IDItJ011ru011CRAft}s9��lOd�M1Q,' r ; ` <br /> enaiba grol�e�eq : . � r. ,, , <br /> �tt_tt�n'trn bi a iaA►.t�TcJqB oL�?iDr�!W.t� �oc�aC4±.��be apppedsa thtr.ewu seam�eJ�id sc�wd�4�i�r:� <br /> - insuumoc).whbthee or na Qkn 4uo;WttA eny exce5e��t4 flo�nyi�r !q ih6 oY;nj oteparlfat fakbi��fiic «r- <br /> _ wh(cSihetalfmnrkeFvelue6tQtePrope�lYlnM�d_(arofyp�iq}��hetakinguei�uilroor8ceatulhanlfieamal+ntu�lf}►: � , <br /> seeureQ 6"y O�b Saudry 7nswmcn��miqe4ia�aty.betoro the caking-,un-'teu 8prtowarand T.coda otfi ��wmu,�;� <br /> �he ame eeaued by thia Qaud�y in�tsument ahal{bo r�EuceQDy Ihe emoU t 6f Aio praaed�muiclp sd tiq I�e,foUowtag . <br /> fnetion: (aJAw total emoont ot t�e sume seeyrcd Immedletblg bq(orb tho u1c�t�g,d�vidW by(b)�hb ta�r nwtcet v�q�ua btthd� ^ <br /> ., Ptopnty Immedletsiy 6eforo�he teking� MY Dalance�hell bo pa14 4o Boqnwet. fn tha ovept of q pivtinl mkLfB"4f th� <br /> ` Piopeny id rA�l�h tho fatr medce�vatue ot�he Propeny lmmedieroty pefore tha�aking ie leas�han�he eqiojme ot�iip�ums <br /> �aurcd i�finedtstely Daforo the tek�,wtes�Bortower and I.ender othe�wise egree In wr(�InB or tinlea�aDPiisabte igw <br /> othervAso provldW,lAe prooced�shelt6a epplied to the cums eieured by�hl.i Sauflty Wwmeot whetEer or dot tho t�l�lu ar0 ' <br /> then dua. <br /> U tho Propeny b eDanAoned 6y Hortower,or It,aftu notico by Lender to Bortower that tl�a wndemnor otfe�e to meYe <br /> m 4werd or atflo a clnim for damagee.Bortower fafU ro rcapond ro Lendu wlthin 30 day�nRu tho dUe the Oapte is glvGp, <br /> I.endcr ia eu�horiud to collect end apply�ho praaed�,et tu opFlon,et�her to rcstomtlon or repalt ot the Pmpe[ry ot to t1w <br /> mme eecuredby Ihla Seauriry insnumenr,whether or not then dua <br /> Uniesa Lendu and Bortower otherwisa egrce N wdNng,ony app1lceUon ot prooade to priucipal shall not extend or <br />. .._ posepono theduo data ot tho monthiy paymenu rofernd to in pamgraptu 1 and 2 or chenge tha emouptat euch paymenu. <br /> ll. Bortowcr Kot Reieasedi Forbeannce Br I.ender Not e H41rer. Bxcendon ot ihe eime for payment or <br /> modi8ca8on ot emonlxation of�e wms cecured by�hb Securiry lnavument grented by Lendu eo eny�ucassor In Interest <br /> ot Hortower�Aall not opente lo rolease�he Ilnbllity of�ha odgina]Hortower or Bortuwerb mcaaon in Interea[,Lender <br />— �hall aot berequircd ro wmmence proceeding�ageinat eny auecessor in Mtercat or rctuae to extend Hme tor payment or <br />_=° aherwise mNify unonizallon ottfie sum�aecurcd by�Ais Secudty Tfutrummt by rcason of eny demand made by tNe origfn�l <br /> -- Borrower or[iortowerY nuwesaors�n Imerost. Any torharnna 6y Lender in exereidng my dght or rcmedy�hail no[be a <br /> _ watvu of or prcclude�he wcercise of eny dght or rcmedy. <br /> '' 12. Suaeason end Asslgnv Dound{3olnt end 8everal IAaDiltty;Ca•slgnero. 7Tw covenenu md egreemenu ot th6 <br />� �� Secudry InWUment shall bind and benafit�he auccesson end assigna of Lenda end Bortowu,aubJat to�ha proviaions of <br /> -°��� paragraph 17.Bortou'er1 covenam�and egrcementa iAill 6e Joint and uvcrai. Any Bortower who co-iigm this Sceurity <br />'_',q L�sltument 6ut daa not execute the Note: (a)ia casigning this Seeurity Inawmen[only to mortgega gant end convry that <br />_.,;� Borrowub Nlcrcat In the Propeny under�he tem�a of�h0 Securiry tnstrumem: (b)i�not person�lly obligeted a pay�he sum� <br /> aecurtA by Nb Savdty Insaument:end(c)agrae th�t Lender and any other Bortower may agree to ex�end,modity,forbear <br />'..s'�' or meke any accommodatlons wttA rcgard to �he eemu of�his Secudty Instmment or the Note without that Bortowerb <br />�[:^i�i consent. <br />',�.;E�� 13. Loon Cha�ges. It the loan aecured by �hfn Security Instrument is iu6ject ro a law which uia meximum loan <br />. ,.:_, eherges,and�he[law�l�flnelly inte�ated m�he[�he intereat or other loan charges eollecled or to 6e collec�ed in connatlon <br /> .;:.i wll�Ne ioen oxaed fie pe(mirted Lm�i.,�hen: iai any aucii lona chaige eh:ll tz r�uc��ty°tt�,amcunt m^...:..•'�r'�to sedua <br />��.�ct£.�il the chvge ro the pertnined Iimtr,end @)my sums already collaeW from Borrower which ezcaded pertnitted Iimita will be <br /> rcPonded to Oortower. Lender may choote to make thia rcPond by«ducing the principal owed under ihe Note or by making a <br />` i dircet payment to Bortower. If a rcPond rcduces pdncipal,the reduction will 6e[rcated as a portinl prcpayment without eny <br /> :�� I prcpayment eherge under�he Nore. <br /> ;�; 14. Notices. Any no�ice to Borrower provided for in this Securrty Tnsuummt shall Ix given by dalivedng It or by <br /> - meiling it 6y Orst clua mail uniw eppliceblc law mquirts use oi another method.7Le naitt ahall be dirccted to the Propeny -- <br /> ,;'���� Address or my other eddress Bortower designotea by no�ice to Lendcr. Any noiice to Lsnder shell he given by firat cles+ _ <br />-��: •.5 � mail lo l.enderb addres.s atetcd hercin or any oihcr eddrcss Lender dcsignmu by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provlded tor = <br /> "-ra! in Ihf� Securiry Inxuument shall be deemed to hnve hcen given eo Barrowcr or Lender when given as provided In this _ <br />�::=r:� PanBraph. ; <br /> �:-_;:.q, IS. Gorerning Lew;Sererebllity. Thia Securny In,trumcne shall be govemed by kderal law and ihe lew ot�he _ <br /> ;-=�; jurisdictbn in which the Propeny is located. In�he erem�hm eny pmvision or clnuse of�his Sewri�y Instrumem or�he Note _. <br />-��-°j eonflicta wi�h applieable la�v,such conflict shall na affmt other pmvisians of�his Security Insvument or the Nott which can -� <br />-�.��t�. be given effect wilhout the con0ining provision. 7b�his end Ihc pmvicions of this Securiry Instmment and Ihc Note ere <br /> ":�:�• declered to be severxble. _ <br />-,�-:�t�' 16. Borro�rer'a Copy. �urrower ahall he gircn one con(omwd cop�•of the No�c md of this Security Insimment. _ <br /> yr�. 17. 7Yenakr of the Property or u Oenellclul lnferext In Ilorron�er. If all or any pan of the Prapcny or any imercst in - <br />" .r� ; it is mld or tmnsfernd (or if a beneficial interes�in 6ortnwer is suld or�mmkrrcd md Do�m�ver is not a nemrnl person) <br /> �'�?� wiihout LenderF prior�vrinen cunsent.Lender may,al iu op�inn,rcyuirc immediaee payment in full a(ail sums securcJ by <br />-j;;�'� thia Securiry Instmment. However,this option shull na 6c excrcixd by Lendcr if exercisc is pmhibimd by kACral law as of <br />:'-�:r ; �he dete of�his Sccurity Insuument. <br /> If Lender exercises this op�ian,Lender sh¢II give[iorrawer nmi�r o(acccleratiun. The�niice shail pmvide o perioJ of - <br /> - not less Ihen 30 days from the date the no�ice f.delivercd or mailed within which 8nrto�rer mu t pay all,ums securcd hy this <br /> Security Instmment If Dortax�cr tailx�o pay �he.e sum. prior�o the ezpira�ion of ihis perial. Lender may inroke nny _ <br /> rcmedies pefmitttd by Ihix Security In,wmem wnham funlur nmice ordemanJ on Rortmrer. <br /> IB. Borto�rer'a Rlght to Relatfnle. If Borro��cr meeu certain condi�inns, I3ortao�cr.hall have ihc rigM �0 6arc <br />���-'}-1 mforcemem of�his Secnriq•In<imment di.cnmim�ed a�any�ime prior�o�he mrlirr uL• u� 5 days�nr.uch othet periad as _ <br /> ,q <br /> = SmpkFamd>-F�en1eN�NFredekN�cCYIFnRV1��7N1'NF.�T-l'nilmmGncnuu 9AMItryF�l.�jnry¢ni <br /> ,7 <br />:� a <br />-•�� . <br />`;'A <br /> a --�-- ,T . -r-• . - - -. � -- <br /> - ' - ...�.. - .. - - ... � . ,- � ..ti�e - <br /> z� �er' .�.. . .��. _ . .,.. .>> . . . . .__ `+� - -� . __ .: . . . <br /> z p _ • <br /> �t ' . -��.. �.-7. . �._... _ <br /> _,s_ '..S" - . . _ . _ .. _ . <br /> f'�l .�' Sl� . . - . . — - _ .-: <br /> - Pk J ` . _ .f . . '. ' . _ ._ _ . ' <br /> .-1 - ? •`} I _ . . ' . . . <br /> t-. 4} +i J., 4 _ -. .. _ . . - . . _ � . <br /> f �r - s � -;,- _ - . . - '- , . <br /> C - f �t "' . .. - - . ' - . - . <br /> r t . <br /> .' .: --. - /: <br /> 9t � . ' � � � � � � ".� r ._ ' .. . . <br /> ! - .i. lF r a_ � <br /> - t j<. `;)i� i�P ...f�l . • ' \t .� . . <br /> t I � i _ f' Y " • - .. . . <br /> t <br /> ' } ' 1+ J ... r � - -.�». <br /> � .�<vV .�' S i �r � � � t _� � 1 . <br /> l <br /> h [ � . r� 1 (t-:` 1 1`.-.! -- �i 1 .'I� . 1 ; "� �' �. <br /> tL # <br />...4�i1 .i_, ,. �J� . : �lli ....- ...-ti �-.. .-'--. -.-" �� +- ' • -' . . - � -E - '•' . ._ . <br /> . ... .. . . .. . .. .,. Yt . _ <br />