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$,4?'1��'A��` �_ . .` . �' �:� _ � . <br /> •. , _. <br /> _ n e� _'. . 't. � .' _J '.: :.�.� "-- <br /> .. T_� - . _ .. '. -. : :. � . _ . ..._. <br /> • .� .. . ' . ' \ .` }t�� <br /> :.1 <br /> - . : . .. .__ _.,' " - ' . - . r; �A <br /> . _ _ . . . • - -.,. <br /> , . ti��`��� ����� . <br /> , padoda t�at Lendcr rcquG6q. 76S Insurenco certlerproviNng�hp Iniu[aneeshalt�p chosc y or v r a <br /> -___, epprbval whish ahall not ke unrwmn�lY wllqhbk.If Soirowertefil[A meinicGl coVe�egb descdtk8 ebo�u, ndet hiay,� <br /> -- � I.tndatbapH6n�obtalnc64_ atcpmteetl.a�dsrtidgl�[�in�fioPmpenyinkcocdenceaTthpnfl��67 - <br /> Atl Inaurenca policlqp��e web�ha�l De�ccoyta6ie a L<ndersnd�hell Inciudo a e�andaN mottgage sW�sa. tRnder <br /> - ihaUhavotiwrightrokoltlt�epoliclaaf�dru+ewalf. I/tendtrrtqatrda,Dotrowcr�hallproinpitygivetoLeaderaltces�tpfa - <br /> -- ot pald prunfuma end rcnonal notica. In tho event of lav,Barower�haU give proMpt notico lo tha Ineurance canier md <br /> Lenden Lendermaymakoproototlos�ifnatnmdepmmyUyby Bortowu. <br /> Unleu Lender and Hortower othenviae agee In wridng,insurancoproaeda�hall 6e applied to tantoretlon or rtpait ot <br /> " ' �ho Proyeny dam ed,tf tAa rcatorat(on a re�e�r la emnomkatly fea+ille snd LenduY cecudty k not Itssened. It tho ., <br /> - -- rosrorctlon or rc�r b not aono�ulcatty[eaat6le or LenderY Kcu�ity woutd bo lea+ened,the insuranca pmaed��haU bo <br /> ____— epplied ro tha�ume cecurcd by thtn Secudry Inswment,whether or na then due,�vl�h eny axaaa pald l0 8ortower� U <br /> Bortowu nbandons�he Proputy,or dora not wwer wiihin 30 daye e noNae from I.ender�het the Insumnoe cartler Am <br /> ---- offered to wttle a cleim,then Lender may collat�ha Wurence proaed�. Lendu may uw�e prooceda�o r or cestoro <br /> _ ___ �ha Pro�or to pay�uma wcured by�hte Secudry Insuument,whaher anot then dua 1Te 30�day pedad 11 begin when <br /> � �he not ce ia given. <br /> -'�-�_ _"- Unlas Leader uid Bortower ahe�wisa eg�w in wriung,my eppllwtlon of ptotteds�o principal�hall not extend oc ---_ <br /> ��- -- postpone tha due daro ot�he monWy peyments rckrtrA ro in puagrnphs 1 md 2 or chmge�M1e amoun[ot�he psyme W. It <br />�-���.-°�L undu parageph 21 �he Propmty Ia ecqu3ad by Lendu.Bortowerb rt�t to eny Insurence polklca and proaede reauiting <br /> -"``" from damage�o the Prop¢ny pdor to the acqutsicmn shall pes��o Len er to tNe ex�cnt o[�he�vmt acured by�hL Suudry —� <br /> +„ -� Inawment Immedietely pdorro�M10 acquiattlon. <br /> � - 6. Oaupency, Preservetlon, Meintenenca and ProtecHon ot Ihe Prope►tyi Borrower'e Loan Applicallon� <br /> „�y�}- I.easehold+. Bortower ehall oceupy,utabllah,end use�he Propeny e�Homowerh pdncipn1 rcsfdenca wlthin dxty dnya eRer <br /> tha execu�ion of�hie Security Tntm�mrnt and ahatl mntlnua to xeupy the Property m Oortowerb pdnclpd rcaldence for at = ____. <br /> �"�, t� Icast one ycar efter the daze of oocupancy, unlesa Lender otherniae �grera (n writing, which conunt ehell not ba <br />-.;+•�-•LIS:v� unreesonabty withheld or miw extenuadng eircumstmaa exiat whfeh ue beyond Bo�rower4 wntrol. Bortower shall not <br /> :-(;». ., <br /> ,�7�s;v��'i deavoy,damege or impair�he Propeny,allo�v�Ae Propeny to duedorate,or comm(t wazte on Ihe Propeny. Borrower efiall __ <br />-�'t''°t%�:.`?;�; be in defeult it any fodeimrc ec�ion or proceedin;,whe�her civil or cdminai,ia 6egun thet In Lenderk gaad fehh Judgment — <br />�'°°r1'r'•;1'i°i:3. could rcmlt in fodNwm of Ihe Property or otMrnise metedelly impeir Ihe Ilen emated by �hin Secudly Inswmen[ or <br />�"`�%��"3�=�� LenderS securiry intemst. Bartower mey curo sueh a defeult end rc(ns�ate,m pmvideA in paregreph 18,by eausing ttro acdon -- <br />-�'``=y�;�j��1:, or proceeding ro be dismissed with a Nltng that,in Lenderk good fetth de�erminadon,prccludes fortelturo of�he Bortowerl _--_ <br /> �r� °ti' intercst in�he Propeay or oiher meteriel impahment of the Ifen ercated by �hia Secudry Instrument or Lenderb ucurity --- <br /> :.,-;..c.j;�� intercst. Bomower shdl alw be in default If Bortower, dudng the Iwn epplieetion process, gave muerielly felse or ��.�v,,�_. <br /> � '�tf�L'c� inaccurale intormation or stetements ro Lender(or feileA lo provide Lendawith any mercdel infortnatlon)in connection w(ih - <br /> the laan evidenced by the Nate, inciuding, bm not Iimited to,�eprexmeiiom eonceming Bortowerh aaupaney of the ��>nr- <br /> '� '�f,j�_ Propeny a�a pdncipal midena. If�hia Securiry Imtrument ia on a leesehold,Bortower ehell comply with ell the provlatorm �r ,F�� �: <br /> }h?f��, af th�I:ax. It Borroaror a..,^^uirc:fa tiq:ro the Prc�rt;.the les::hold ar.3 ihe fee titic shs!!na mcrge unY_�•ie�er egrer` ,- .-_ <br /> �,�y� � . lo the merger in writiny °�""' _ <br /> .:���;,5+..,,� 7. Protectlon of[.ender4 Rtghta In the Property. If Bortower faila ro pedo�m the covenants md agreement� ,,�F�;,�'�,,: <br />'-•.�li�,�;,4y3-� contnined in �his Saurity Inswment.or iherc u n legal proceeding �het may algnificently ef[at LenderL righu in the �:,'.:.!�+..- <br />_,f:.•. .,pr;` Pro n su ��YZ•�s `,^: <br /> �y,r� ,,, pe y( ch es n praeeeding in bankmptcy,probate,for condemnation or fodeiturc or w entorce lawa or rcguletionf),then ;.,;r.r,��..__. <br /> , '°��- Lendcr may do end pry for whatever is necesaary to pm[at�ht value o(�he Property and LenderY dghis in the Propeny. �iW��,*.yr;.�.., <br /> y� ? Lenderh aeflons may include p�ying any sums se�vred by e lien which hu prioriry ovw thia Security tn:tNment,eppearing <br /> '',}`�-Y in coun,paying rcuwnablc�tromeya'kca end emerina on the Pmpeny�o make rcpaira.Although Lender mty leke adion �X`�j;!:; <br /> Y;`$ yi . underihispamgraphl,t.enderdcesnuthevetodom. iY - <br /> l - � Any amaunts d'ubursed by Lender under thu paragmph 7 shell 6arome addi�iond debt of Borrmver secured by tMa 31�5'�y��,-: <br /> �;,}S;E Security Instmment. Unless Bovower end Lendcr agree to other�ams of paymenL�hex emounts shell bcar intercst from the � - . <br /> .:.r.:.. �s=` r�1�`;.... <br /> � dnte of disbursement at the No�c raie and shall 6c peyeble,wi�h intercs6 upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcquesqng -� - ��-�- <br /> -•i:.y.t.: �%'4:i.1".�=-_t <br /> -. , -r Payment. -,a y,: <br /> - f�: 8. Morigage Insuronce. If Lender reyvircd mongnge insumnce u a condiiion ot mnking the loan s:cured by this - � �i«. � <br /> � ' 'i=f� Securit Inswment, liorrower shull ihe rcmiums uircd�o meinuin ihe mon a e insumnce In effa�. If,for en l�-f+4t�"' <br /> � t , r wr r � a s r i y._',;. <br /> -p? rcnson, the monguge insurence coverage required by Lender lapses or ceaus to 6e in efha. Bovower shxll pay the <br /> _ <- _ l,)�'rt_ --. <br />-.,-,---i;•_'r;�.;;;: prcmiumc rcquircd �a obtain covemge substnmially equivalent m the mongage insunnce previously in efket, et a cost ,,�.;_,��:. <br /> ` substontially eyuivelem to ihe cost to Qonower uf�he martgage insurunce prcvioutly in effecL(rom an ahemace mongege ---"* <br /> �-.;.� insurer nppmved by Lendee If aubs�antially eyuivalent mongage insumntt coverage is no[uvailable.Dortower shell pny to ;x�.J�r>j"' <br /> .``*i��u��; Lender each moNh a sum equal�o one•�wellih o(Ihe yearly mangege incuranee premium being paid by 8orcower when the �,Y;_\+�,;;__ <br /> - `�i;• insumnce cmemge Iapsed or ceased�o M in etfen. Lender will accepl,uze and re�ain�hese paymems ns a loss rcserve in lieu v �;,-;Y,.. <br /> ;�-� - -"� af mottgage insurnnce. Loss`eserve pdymems may no longer be rcyuircd,u[the option af Lender,it mongage insurance U..r„%i;=;-_ <br /> � ' covemge(in�he nmount and for�he perial that Lender rcyuircs)provided by an insurcr appmveJ by Lender again becomes ,1,��._.` <br /> - - �� -�� available anJ ic obmi�red.Borroxar shall ppy the prcminms rcyuircd�n maimain mongnge insurance in cl7ect.or to provide a t <br /> -- `"�''� loxs rcurvc,umil the rcyuiremem for mortgagc inwmMe mds in xcnrclanm�ei�h any u�ritrcn aFrcement I+envicen Bortower !'`:.��""� <br /> ��r;=��,��, andLenderarapplieablelaw. :i�;.:": <br /> �_.� 9. Inspectlan. Lender or it+agem may m�kc rtamnahle emrin upnn anJ impec�ion.of�he Pmpenr. Lendcr.hall : <br /> giYC 8ortno•cr nnlicc al lhc tii0c n(nr prior lo:ul in.�dinn�rccifying naumable<JU�C(nr Ihc iroFRClion. - <br /> 10. l'undemnatlon. The prnce�d.of any axard ar clafm fnr damage•,dirccl ar m�nmion�vilh any - - -. <br /> I - SmpleFannh..Fannie\I�oFmldk\6rCS60NV1�i7H1\IF\T--1'nm.m�G�cmm. 9W �ryxrJ..�n�nero .• .. . <br /> �iet Wn Ruau Famv Iv � <br /> }o�lOrt Gn�IDJS1Cflfl O P.0 qR]VLiI)1 <br /> '�: 1 <br /> ' <br /> Sf-'�:. .�.__._.v_�_�� �.. .. . . , . .. . . ._ - .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . - ' <br /> • -t�Ti'�.l qlii... � .. , , '. . .. • <br /> :� <br /> _ " 'T_ <br /> ,�.�.'�I.: � -_� <br /> ��'^i.._....�:. . � . <br /> � `0..��. - . . <br />. :�:_�_- y:��C_': . . <br /> `':y .' <br /> . s,.+ �. <br /> .;:. .k..';r`�:' . <br /> _`.�-_.. �_ . . <br /> '_ ...._C:i;-;. - _ . <br /> ;_�.t�:.�, � . <br /> i - ' . <br /> ei ; . <br /> i (�. - . ` � . - .' <br /> i <br /> J� > � <br /> .� <br /> e .. <br /> i _ .. ..1. . �.... . .l�..i. .... '✓ ..' . _ _. _ . . .. -. <br />