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i 1 a L•� . .�.-'T .: . . ` ! _ r �? . -- - . . <br /> �1d �d�� . '. , = . , ' ��'. '�' rr t • � ? '" "'C�y f �trif -t:;c ati.-: <br /> � t: <br /> � : <br /> .. . .� .. - __. . �_" _ <br /> � _ - � a"�`pl�t�pOlal�w maY,DG��!'.fot ntnatotement)6ofom a►1�of Wb PropetU'Wrsnam to any p6wet qf tda�S���U ' ` ��—-- <br /> . s�cytity(risqumenttor(6)rn(�y ofaJuO ententorcing�laSxuNty uh�men�. Tpoap conQition�arotAuBortowea U �, <br /> _ � , @sy�.t�Mr�!1 sume wtit then w�b�du0 unEe�itAs&ariry�runumbqE�d �M Noce u tf ao acccWalion� .� - <br /> — oaurt-�Qj�p)cu�tiu�ydafAUi`btnnyahercdvenenuor�monU;(a3 Qilexp�navslncu�rtAfne�Jo,vtngt�a�u,ity� ,�• <br /> fniWinenf.inciudln8 Dul not II�r11lW 10.�easuna0le�ltomoye'f�si�d�)wkea sucA actlon u Gendet may rea}an�DT� <br /> _ .L <br /> J rcqutfotdissurolhaFiMitenott�ta8ecarlrytnsuummt,4cnaerbA�huMUw�op�y anddormiveriiobNgxiConlo�A�ytfi� <br /> �um� saurcd by thls BecUdry tnstNmcni ehv]I conunue unchengW. Vpon rela3tatlmant Ay Borrovro�, thl� ecCUrlty�� <br /> tnauumenl nn0 tde obllgacion�eecurcd hereby�h�tl rtmofn Nlly eftaUve as Ifno acttiemaon had accurtM. Bowoverr�lh.f� <br /> __„_ dghrtorclnstaro�heUnot-ayplyint�ocuoo(ecalcretionunQerparegrepht7. <br /> l9. 8ole oi Notet Cpio�e ot�R 8ervf�e, 71ro Nnte or�pani�fntemst In tna NoN OogGhcr wlt(�tNa Sewtity . - <br /> - Inswmenq mex ba soid ona onmOrt dlne!w�{ho�C�rtfot nodce ro Bpreawea A ule may rcnWt In e e�ango In�ho cntiry <br /> (known a+fho Loen Servla�that coitictsptohllililyppymcmt due under the Nota md•tAb Bxwiry Inswment. 'Riero alao <br /> may bo one or moro ctungc�of No Wm 8ervicer iu¢eleted to e aalo of�he Nota If�he�o U e chen8o ot�he Lom 8crvieer, <br /> Bortower will be given written notice ot the chango in naordence wph ng ph 14 above mdappllabla Isw. 7Lo irottoe <br /> - witl state the nemo and�ddreu ot the new Loen Serviar end tho addrcsa tPo whldi paymeaus�houtd 6o mado. 'Ihe notica wili <br /> -- — also comein nny aher in[ormetlon aquired by eppliwble law. <br /> ° --' 20. Hozardous Bubsfnncea. Bortower ahell no[cauao or pemuc�ho presence,uie,disposel,storago,or releue ot any ��—•�-- _ <br /> -..�.s <br /> Hezardow Subs�enca on or in �ho Properry. Hortower edail not do,nor allow anyone elce to do,annhing eftec��ng the <br />.;_-_—� Property the[la in v(olaHon of any Bnvironmmul Lew. 'Iha prceWing tvro centence�ehell not epply ro tAe pmseneo,um,ot <br /> �:'� �tomge on the Pmpeny ot muil quantitla of Hazerdow Substencw�hat uo generally rcoognlzed�o bo�DPropdaro to normel --�"`- — <br /> residendnl use�end to mafnunence ottAe Property. <br /> "�� Borrower�hill prompqy give Lender written noUce of eny invudgatlon,claim,demand,laweutt or o�her action by any <br /> 7u� govemmentel or rcguUrory a;ency or pdvat¢parry inrolving the Propaty md any Hazardoua 3ubstence or Bnvironmental <br /> - Lew of whlch Dorrower he+actual knowledga It Bortower teame, or 1� notl0ed 6y any goremmentel or reguletory ______ . _ <br />-=':ri�t=.�• authoriry,that eny removal or other remWfetton of eny Hezerdoua SuWUnce e(fecting the Property Ie necessery.Bortower <br />:�'''i���"tRi� ahdl prompUy take all necassuy remediel�ctions{n ecwrd�nce with Bnvironmrntal Lew. <br />��������,�; Aa uud in�hia paragraph 20,"Hezerdous Subs�ancei arc�hose substanca de0ned e�ioxlc or hazardow aubstancet by _ _. <br />-_;,;�. L'nvironmental law and the following:ubsienm: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or roxic pecrolwm produc�a,loxio <br />_�.�_;j�A�_F= pesticidea and herbtcides,voletik eolrenw,me�uiela wntafning eabeatm or formaldehydq and mdioaaive meiedaB. Ae <br /> -•c-,.g � uud in this perageph 10,'Enrironmentel Law'meana federel lawa end Iewi ot ihe Judsdlciion whera�he Properry is laeted <br />-�":?�h�� thfl relero ro heeith,sehry or environment�l protectlan. <br />-� ;Y:�, NON-UNIFORM COV8NAN7'S. Borrowcr and Lender PoMer covenam end egrce w followi: --- <br />���=��',� �� 21. AcceleraHoni Remedtea. Lender ehall glre notice to Uorro�rer prlor ro acaleration following Oorroeer'� <br /> 3l F.�. — .--- <br /> -:i;;'.�;f:,p breach otany covenent or agreement fn thts Security Inatrument(but not prtor to ateeteratlon under para�eph 17 - m <br /> unlwa appliceble luc[provides othernke). The natia ehall spxity: (a)�he deteult;(6)the ecfion requtred ro cure the - <br /> �s=��i defeuitt(c)e date, nof less then 30 deys ham the date Ihe notice la given to Dorro�sen by vhich Ihe detault must be ---- <br /> ---f :or�A;and(d)that toiturs ta cure th¢d¢tau�t m:or b.'farc the da2:apttlfled t:t�he notl�msJ result la smleretlon o/ `-' - --� <br /> , °"rn:�� the sum�secured by Ihls Seeurity Autrument nnd wle of the Property. The notice aAall fUrther Intorm Borromr of er� — <br />.?+y�;'!... the r�ght lo reinstete aRer acceleretlon and the rlght to bAng e wurt actlon to asserl lhe non�extstence of e defeult or f s h.=� <br /> Ekt�� any other dehase of Borrower ro acalereUon and sxle. If the dtfault G not cured on or betore Ihe date specifled�n ���� .. <br /> � �"�� the notice,Lender nt f�s op�ion may rcqulre tmmediete payment fn full otall sum+secured by thb Sceudty InMrument - � " <br /> �"�''r alihout Nrther demmd and mey Inroke the pover of sele and any other «medie�permitted by appllteble la�v. �a;�u�;;,,,,._ <br /> ���`; <br /> !`�3�'� Lender ahall be entilled to mlleet ell expenses Ineurrcd In pursuing lhe remedip prov(ded In Ihta peragraph 21, Y -��t' t <br /> !S�ifi;. including,but not I�mited to,reesonable attameys'tee�and cosls of title evidence. +C �?1S��k�� _' <br /> xr�,�ti It�he po�rer oPsale ia�nvaked,7}ustee ahnll reeord a notice ot defeuit fn wch munty fn�vhfeh any part of the `,<�'�i,.fr�YP�`ae = <br /> t r �: Propeiiy Is located ond shall mafi mpies of auch notice In Ihe manner praeribed by epplicabte la�v to Qorro�rer and lo ,' � x t 7. - � <br /> .,,g,i' notice otwle�ton�her ersom and In ihe mnnner rescribed bma r 1(ca�brle la,v A7fust e1ewithout demandeo�ngQorim e'r, '�'�ri�%�} � -- <br /> ��"4%%' ahall seil Ihe Proper y et pu6lic auclion to Ihe hf�hest bidder et lhe time and plaee and under Ihe terms deaignaled in ;fa;�•aZ;�*�i�;��`;?-�`- <br /> _l- -- ,. � c;t , �,+ .-. <br /> �IiOIID�If!Of S0I!III OII!071110�0 P8�C2I5 e11fI IO HIIJ O�A2�T}051lC AOItfilllil�U. �II'OSIM rt19)'PUS«/Of10 SBI!OIflII Of 011r �_ - �.. � r t3 w <br /> t,.�i; <br />-:;%�,,:�y,. parcel ofthe Property by publtc announcement at Ihe Itme end place of¢ny prcviously scheduled sete. Lender or ita �-�-1�;�;.�._,��.','�ty.,�5�e. <br /> dealgnce mey purehnu ihe Property al eny sale. 2 ;, ' 4 �.,f_:!. <br /> �?} :t Upon receipt ot paymmt oi the pdce bid, Trustee vhell delfver m the purchacer 7}ustx's dced eonreying the � �l�}T�yf p �,-, <br /> ��'%� 'IYustee shnil a fel t the'raceed.s of he se eln the follo rfn B ordere (U to all coststend exr enses of exerctsftne Iheher Yln� �KJy.''!'Q r +�';F(l� <br /> �� PP Y P R P B Po r -t 'S; v <br /> --?,+1i,`. ,.l. _���'�1�..`:` <br /> �. - �-. .�t M1 ,{"I4 -i <br /> j ( 4 <br /> �t�- > .� ''F� Ai�lt /� <br /> `rt:ls. 5.,s.,.:i,c,r,�"rA.v'' - <br /> :A�.. �. \ T' <br /> _:�� .�_'�,� t. .� .4.; <br /> -::i.-� �_ .,��,:4.1. _ <br /> .:. .`ti, i.. <br /> _ `, i;± <br /> i',. <br /> ` Fnrm N7N 9911 rryryr�../iyvtrv � <br /> (.F_�• � ' <br /> ;�p�j%y' . • _.. , " <br /> ,t:r_ , <br /> e f.d��..."Tx:'P"" ;.:). ' r'. ..��� . ,. �. ._ ... _ . . t�....z•-•-,a-.; _ . .. . � .-. .. .-.-. <br /> s f • <br /> r l': . ' <br /> :�l":i7�:_.:..� _ _ . <br /> _:..>.:•-�i�::ri : . . <br /> ',`,...{'. _-_5:'' __- -_ _ ' <br /> �'' . <br /> - � L-I�_��.J . . � _ - <br /> �j.. :,i! . _ <br /> (t(.,`3 <br /> .. _. .1 . .- .. _ <br /> � � '-�; � . . . <br /> YA)}n.(.I. .�� _ <br /> :::�K�I.Ty.-::'i' � . - <br /> .�_.•_ }`_`. . _ . <br /> :�li�.i"__.t "' . . <br /> !�J'(r�l��iA {.r'_ . ' . . .. �. � ' . . . � . <br /> � f!) t . . . l -. ' • . <br /> f ` <br /> . � � .� •. � ' . � : <br /> � � <br /> : t }w�. .a . . .,, i �r�_ '. , .. . -.: .__ . <br />