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�._ , : _.,� : .: . . ., . ,, , . � <br /> . -- -- . ... . <br /> �, .... . . , ,. , _ . , .:z ; ♦ -�-- <br /> ---- . . " . _: ..,, .- ., . ,: Y, f <br /> = � 10�°. ���` � <br /> , ,� <br /> - TOOB77IBR WffH all ttN Improvemcnta now on c�rcelier srCctct)on the propeny,Md all�o:tmenU,ap�u�4e�gnua, • 4 <br /> --- end pniurei now or derwRu a psrt o!the propatY.-A►1 teptesen1en[��d e4dttloni'thdF afeo bo CoverW",� �'; ;; <br /> - IroiNmem. Ailof�hatoregoing�e�ekrtr4toinWeBeeuiltylnwumantesU»'Propetiy.' _ <br /> - BORROWSlt COVHNAN!'9 tliat Bonowu U Iqwtutiy ssised of tho c3tnte hueDy conveyed and An+Qie Hghf tb grap� "'_ <br /> end convey the Praperty end the��he Propcny i�unencum6ered,oxoept forencumDrenoea ot rccar0. Bortower wa�i�nt4 end <br /> wlll dofend generally tho dtle to�ho Propeny egeinat ell olalmt and demanM,wl�ect to eny eneumbrenoa ottecor0. <br /> TH19 BECURPfY MS7AUMENf combinoa uNfo�m covcnanla tor naHonal uso and non•unitortn covenanta wiN <br /> -.. . • liMtedvarietlonsbyJwisdiqlonwwnstimtcaunffom�accurityfnsWmentcovcringrcalproppty. _- <br />- - UMFOAMCOV8NAN1'S. Oortowerandl.endercovenanlendagrceaatoAows; <br /> 1. Payment o4 Prindpal and Intereat;Prepaymeot ond Lnte CAorgee. Borrowu shall prompclypay when due the <br /> --- pdnclPal of end intercal on the debt ovidenced by the Note md any prepayment end te�e eM1argw due under Ihe Nota <br /> °-°� Y. FUnda Por 7h�cea end Insurance. SubJect ro applicable law or to a written wafver 6y I.ender,Hoaower eheil pay to <br /> u��-��,� 1.ender on the day monNly paymenta ere duo under�he Note.wtil lha Note i�pald in PoII,a sum('TUnde")tor.(a)ytarly <br /> _--.;Y��� uuee end aueumenu which may nttaln priortty over tAb Secudry Instrument m a Ilon on tho Ptopeny;@)yeuly leasehold <br />--�-:-_-- W�y menu or ground renu on �he Ropeny, if eny; (c) yearly hazard or prope�ry inauronce prcmlums; (d) yearly Ilood °`--�- <br /> �—�-"�-�-_° insurance prcmiuma,it eny; (e)yeerl�mongage insurence premiume.It eny;and(fl NY iurtu payabta by Bortower Io <br />���;r_{$��:� Lender,in exordence wi�h the provls oro ot paragraph B,in Iitu ot tha payment of mortgage Insurence premtum�. 'ILese <br /> items ero celled"8scrow Item�' Lender may,et any tlme,wllu[end hold Ivnd�in en emount not to axaed Ne maxlmum <br /> � �� amount a lendu for a federally rclated mortgage loen may Rqufre for IIorrowut eurow aaomt undw the hderal Real <br /> ��n �� Hsute Settlunent Proadurea Ac�ot 1974 es amended from�Ime�o tlmo,12 U.S.C.p 2601 er srq.("RH3PA'�,unleu anothu <br /> _.,; r�$r`5'�l law thet epplies ro tha Amda uta a laser amount. If so.Lender may,at eny tlme,coliec�and IroIA Aunds In an amount not ro <br /> '+'>"`-���,='�'� oxcecd Ne Iascr emaunt. Lender may est(mate we emount ot Punda due un the b.oia of c�.ne� deta :.�d reesonable �. . <br /> ,i�'qF " esdmate�of expenditurca of futuro Bscrow Irem3 or oNemim in accordance wiN eppIicable lew. <br /> ,� �,7,� a 7f�e Ponds shail 6¢ heid in on Ina�(ml(on whose deposita erc InsuttA by a frderol agency, Inswmentelity,or enNry <br /> +�c 'r F�'" (ineluding Lender,if Lender ia sueh en InstimtioN or in my I'ederel Home Loan Benk. Lender ehall apply[he Wnd�to pay <br />.._..�.�_vl� l. <br />-�.,,�,t.;�,�., tAe Hscrow Itertu. Lender may not cherge Bortawer for holding end e�plying Ihe Punde,ennually analyzing�he escrow <br />�-.:,..L.r�o-�_.•,� eccount. or vedfying tha Eserow Iteme,unlw I.ender payi Bortower ntercst on �he Pund� end appliceble law p¢rtniu <br />_:^�j,,��,.�,- Lender to make such a eharge. However.Lender may requirc Bortower ro pay a nno-time cherge for en independent real <br /> ,: S.:�;.f atate�ax rcporting cervia used by Lender(n conneetion with�hi�loan,unless applicable law provid¢s olAerwfu. Unleas an <br /> S,:.. <br />::;.R�-<<°St; agrecment i�made or epplicable lew requires interest�o be paid.Lender ahell not be required ro pay Borrower any imerest or <br />.z;r,?;_�f>s:_ ��nga on the Punds. Borrowcr and Lender mey agrce in writing,ho�vevcr.tha�inlercst ihail be paid on�e Fund�. Lender — <br /> •+.,-��ti,r� —-— <br />..-=,�_�;�,+�Tk` chdl give to Bottower,wi�hout charge,an annual acwunting of ihe Wnds,ahowing credita and debita to the Ahnda and Ihe = <br /> pmpose for whieh eech debit�o the Punds wm mede. 'Ihe Wnd�arc pledged as additional security for eIl mms ucuttd by <br /> �z� '�� thieSecuritylnswment. ----_ <br /> �r st_`: If th:Wad; held b� LcnC:r cxcxd thc amounts �m:ittW to� h:ld by applia6lc lax, Lend:r thal!aaouni ie - <br /> ¢+ ` aa. Hortower for the exeesa FLnds in eccordnnce wi�h the rcquirements of appiiceble law. If the amount of the FLnds held by � - <br /> ��t '' Lender at any 11me is not:ufficien[[o pay ihe Escrow Icems when due,Lender may so notify Bortower tn wricing,and,in � ' r" - <br /> N � auch crose Bortower ahall pay to Lender�he emount necessery�o make up the deficiency. Bortower ahail make up �he ��' -, . <br /> `�y - - deficiency in no morc ihan�wetve momhly paymenu,et Lenderl mte diuretion. � <br /> �r -� qRl`s ':� <br /> as Upon paymem in full of all sums ucured by ihis Securiry Instrument.[.ender shell promptly retund to Bortower eny r, h . <br /> «;� r" Wnda held by Lender. If,under paregreph 2I,Lender shall acquire or sell�he Propeny,Lender,pdor ro�he acquisiuon or h;�X�, ;. <br /> sele of�he Property,shall apply eny I'vnds held by Lender et the time of acquisition or sele aa a credit against the aums -�) ,? --- <br /> s „�.�ti r-� seeumd by�his Securiry Instmment. .!; -�"s:.',.: <br /> - �*�''��- 3. A Ittatlon o1 Pa menta. Unless a Iiceble law rovides otherniu, oll a enis rcceived b Lender under i� _ <br />`:`-�ii'�•.,;?':� PP Y PP� P PYm Y s:$;�,�:'": <br />•�'�:•f_;�•tt,+" p�ragraphs I end 2 shall bc any prcpaymcnt charges due under ihc Note;second,�o amouma payeble under �+:3_j,'-;;.. <br /> �-�'}�""r pangmph 2:�hird,to imeres�due:tounh,to principal due:and last,to any lerc charges due under the Norc. "- 'S�:�� <br /> � ' 4. Chargea; Llena. Borrower shell pey eIl mxes,asxssmemz, chergu. fincs and impositions atiribuuble to the �s �� ' <br /> .,-.'r�" Property which may aimin prioriry over�his Security Instmment,and lensehold payments or ground renes.If eny. Horrower t�_k,;.�:-� <br /> "' - ahall pay�hcae obliga�ions in ihc manner providcd in pamgmph 2,or if not paid in�hat manner,Rortower sh¢II pay them on �`'t`.'�ti^,�: <br />-• %�.�kY�� time dircctly ro�he person o�ved payment. Bortowershuil pmmptly fumish ro Lender all notices o(omounis ro be paid under ti''f:i}`;,;-_ <br /> ` � .;:c this paregnph. If Borrower maku thex paymems directiy,Bo�rower shall promptly fumish�o Lender rcmipts evidencing ��.(:_?;�:;. <br /> ' Qr� :. Ihepayments. ...-- .:. <br /> - -� � Dortower shall pmmptly diuharge nny Iicn which has priority over�his Securi�y Inx�mment unless Bortower.(a)agrces ,�;;.;•;;.�. <br />� �-`E`�>� -� in wri[ing Io thc payment o(Ihc abligation xecured by the licn in a manncr aareplabic to Lender.(b)contes�s in gaod(eith the �;;v�i;:..::�� <br /> -ny: lien by,or defends xgainst cnforcemem o(ihe licn in,Iegal proccedings which in ihe Lendcrt opinion operate ro prcvent the .v�!"-`:' <br /> ���! enPorcemem of Ihe lien:or(c)securcs from the holder of Ihe licn nn agrcemenl sa�is(actory to Lender suhordinating the lien t�'^`��' <br />��"'��"" ' to�his Securit InswmenL I(Lender de�ermines�im an }��°�T��� <br /> y y pan o(ihc Propcny is wbjec��o a licn�vhich mey etuin priority ,:� <br /> :;,i.�''>:. ,..k.:,.. <br /> -y�:�-,•- .. over this Sauriry InslrumenL Lcnder may givc Bovowcr n nolicc idcntifying Ihc licn. BoRO���cr shail sa�isfy�he lien or teke '�-�q=:�. <br /> "�- :�-• one or morc of Ihe aclions sel fonh ahove within 10 days of 1he giving ot no�ice. � -� <br />'.';z`--� � S. Ilezard or Property Insurence. Bortower shall kecp�he improvemenu now exis�ing ur herca(�er erec�ed on the ���'' ' � <br /> �. ... <br /> Property insured agains�loss by fire,hazards included wi�hin the temi'eztend�J mreragc and any other hazardc,inclading -- <br /> - Ooods or(londing. (cr which LenAcr reyuimt imurance. This insurance +hall M maimained in Ihe amnuNa and (or Ihe <br /> _ :n <br /> ' .i':i <br /> :i.^�� fbrmJ02tl 9'70 qx�[r_r.JM1pqrs� ' <br />. . � <br /> _ _ `��'_' ..-.- . .. ". . .. .. , _ . . ' <br /> . _ .: :-. .- ...-�- . . . <br /> . � <br /> - �i.,i-�. -. "_ <br /> __';_ <br /> :3r"_ '_ __ .." _ <br />. �. <br /> '�t`' - . . " . <br />. ',�: ��(:. . <br /> : '�i'_;'f. <br /> .:fn.',`. r ' . <br /> }` ��_ ' � - � _ _ . _ �": - - .. . <br /> .,. :.��� � ,: .. . - .. . �_� . l <br />