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.11t_4 _ FS � '3q�. � . . . . _ __ . .. �� � .... 3 4-- � n ... <br /> tr '.^F'°Ja � �'�� ' � V ._a.. } it�'�y"�'�� _ -- � _ -} Fi..,_ _ <br /> ._.�:�_�..�.:::::.."u_.`»_'t�lt,.. -"��"�^-• �p _ <br /> L_:.'.:fu1 :.__._ +n>.... <br /> yp • G.-� FT! . .v_,. <br />�rf !{Y*KS�'i' 6� L -_ -.. <br /> ��i r �,:�. 93���YU��7 •+ !"�ii yn :_. <br /> ` � > <br /> ' / �;�� {� ��.�1fi� ' liK� <br /> ��T�t � <br /> 5 J � .L ',� �; <br /> , -��-ty��" UNffOAM COVENANT&Borrowar aM Lantler eovenem anE apree ea IWOws: r�� -.-�- <br /> i� y J 1 VI� 1. Paymfnl ol Vdnelp�l�nd IntuNl. BorrowBr enell promptty pay wlien AuB�ha pnncipel ol and mloreet on th0 u �1,, �r� � � �� <br />�� �, F mOa6te�aaeeovider�oedt'yNeNote.pr6pey��rantanG19tecnarpateaD�av�dadin�haNOfa.anEthspnne�palMnnAlnteresron - � <br /> , - _ eny FWUre ACvanCSa e9euretl by Ilia OeaO ol Trust ,' `'�t,f+ �_�i ,• <br /> �� - -�. 4. RundsfaT�xM�ndlnwnnu.BuDeottoaCpl1ca01elawonoe�vri1tanviaNarbylondar.8prrowa�ahatlpeylol6nGer ", �� z _ .ti, <br /> �{ "�� ! ont�aGaymonl�tyln4felimenleolpdnolpe�nntlmferesterepeyableunderlheNOte.unl�IlMNOlela0al01ntu1Le�um(herein �.ttzs + �.�t <br /> �, �_ �;; FunAe"18qval lo onB-txelflh OI iha yeatly texee and a6eea�meMe wMe�mey uttain DMOriN over Ihie DeeC o Truat end tf R 4" �+ y Y <br /> �� yti' groundrantson�haProparty,ileny.D�uaona-lwalMOl�ontlypromlumina�aYmonWtortwzarClnsuronce.plusona•M1reHthol �v - � . <br /> yearly premlum N0tellmente for matga9a Innurance. 1 eny,ell ro roanoneblv eahme�ed inidelly enE Irom tlms�o Iime Dy �i � �lr„+f n <br /> ` �- �" Lentler on iha 6eNe of eeaeatmenla an0 bllte end reeaoneWe e�tlmat9a NereOL �fi h�7r ' t5��� � <br />- . ,> ;�} '�:. TheFunAaehallbBhaldlnenlnetllutlont�aUepoalUOreccounlsotwMCheromnure0orgu0eraynMad.EyaFeEerelor6tnte :,._... . .S�rr,.ys.; _; <br /> `�°�'"°:>iY's`' 8wrence�remiumaenCB�roundrentalsnAOrmeY�ii�otcna��eloioholtlleq antl DGtyu�nplliaFUBdaenalXime6elAaacmCOUnt ;`?��-'�}YS,�iK'f:i�;5i��. <br /> �4 - f.��- oryariyinganAwmpilirp6eideeaa+smenUenAb711 unIO60LenAerpe�e0rrowarinlereatontllOFundOendeppllceElel9w i�+'�tt y�j S/4j>�F +� <br /> , ' , _��- aimilelanAerlomakeeuohec0arpe.8ortowe�end�andermayeprae nwtltlngalthatlmeolaxecutiono100e�eadolTruat �,5 S :r <br /> Phat intereat on Ihe Funde ehall ba peid to Borrower.end unlee�nuch egraement ie made or apW icelbe lew reCuirea eueh =` �z� '?{ <br /> � ' �t.`;' Intere�ttobepeId.LBnAeiehellnotberBCWreOtopeyBOrrowerenylnterestorearMngaonl�eFunde.LanAereTall gWato ,� S e's -- "� <br /> • � Barower,withoutcherGe.enennuelaccountlngoTthaFundeahowln9cra0ibenade61ls1oNOiunEeenANaourpoaalor ';ti„��, r.�"�Jt,wc .- <br /> �,- - ° whlchaachdebRloUeFUndewenmatlo.TheFunCaerepledgedaseddNiona�eacuritylorthasumsaecuredbyNlsOeotlol ,-, „F t - .`�t 3 , <br /> . �' truat .t �4 J,.�f " <br /> �;�g INhaamountolthelunAahelAbyLender,toge0etwithlhetuWremonlhlyinDlalimeMeofFUndapeyableprlortothBdue '�*� �-. - �:T�y � � <br /> Aates of tezea eaaeesmaMe,insurence D�emiume and grounA reM0.eheli exceetl the emount r uiretl ro pay eeid texes. !,,. � �� ��� <br /> � r. op . � , <br /> + ,`i a6Ee68men10.Innurance premium�end 9roun0 rBnte fl9 the9 lell dua,euch 6xcesa nhall 9orrower 6 optlon.elther � ` �, Y ` <br /> � ��� promplty repeId to Borrowar or creOlteO to Borrowar on monl�ty innlallmanla ot Funda 11 the emount of Ihe Funda�elA bY i,�;r`� +. <br /> Lendershellnotbeeu111Gentapeymzea.aaaea�meNe.insureneepromlumeanGg rovnArentaestheylellAue.Bonowe�sf�all '� 3 [j,�}y_� <br /> � - pay lo Lender eny emounl necesanry to meke up Ihe Oeflciency within 30 deye(rom the Oete notica Is mailetl by Lentlet to = - _. <br /> r 3 - � BOrtower requB3ling peyment Ihareot. �� '�"§s <br /> , -. UponpeymentinNllotalleumeeecuretlbythfaDeedofTmat,4enderehellprompllyreNndloBOrrowarenyFuntlaheltlby -- s►x ';Fj �. <br /> � - lenAet.IfunAerpe�egrephl8�ereoltheProperryIaeoldort�eProper_N ieoNerw�seaeQuvedbyLenEer.LenderMellapply �"n � �� ;��'? , <br /> } � k� nolaterlhanimmeAlBtelypriortoNeaeleofll�aPropa,lyoritsfleQUiaNOnby�en0er.enAFUndahelAbyLenderetthetlmeol ' P1,� <br /> applica�on ea a aedR epeinet Ne auma eeeuretl by tMe OeaA ol irun � lc.t Tx .- <br />-�,1..y`��;"�"; 9. ApD��catlonolP�ym�nb.1'nlassaoP��cableiaw provideaolherwise.allpaymenlereceiretlbyLenderun0eriheNOte �.-,°.:�i':?E'°�+?_�. <br /> y -�,� :`+'• endperBpraphat8ntl2hBfeolBhellbBapplledbyLOnCerfire[inpaymentolamountspeyeb181oL8ndorDyBOrroWerunAer , _�_Y1� - <br /> paregreph2hareof,lhantoinlerealpayebleonfheNOle.thantothepnncipaloltheNOle.enAt�enroinlerealanOprinGpalon , ,<<'�� <br /> ' eny FuNra AdvencBa � ,_, ,. <br /> + - ' � b ChlrY1t;LIfM.BO�rowerseheilpaYelllexe5,aasessmenleantlotherchargea,finesandimponi6onaelViDUl9bletot�e � <br /> `�� Propetly whlch mey etlain e Gtlorib over Ihie Oeed ot Truat enA leaeehold peymenq or grounU Ihe menner 1 ,'<y�t�, <br /> . - proddeA unOerperegraph 2 hereot or.if not peid m such Borcower maktnqpgy ment,when Oue.tliroctly 10 the ' -.rl° ;TN-:- <br /> ' pay99the�eof.90rrow6�6he110�omptlyhrnlahbLentlerellnotleeaofemountaGueunCerlM�peragraph,endinth9event � �F ,� - <br /> Borrower ehell make pHymOnt AlreCtly,BOirower ehell prOmptly IurNah to Lentler receipU ewEencing sueh peymema �. �-,: '� <br /> � BcrrCr.6r ihall prom.p9y Aischar�any lien�h:ch has C�+�M���9 Oe�o!7ruet pra:Md,lhst Bottower enes not ne �; � , _. <br /> ' reQUlredtodilehargeenyeuCh1i6n6olonqeeBorrOWere�ellegreeinwritinglothepBymeMMlheobllgetlonEeCUrBdbyeuch ��T.�{,�- <br /> -. Ilenlnem8nn8teCCOO�b�etoLende�,o�Ehellingoodfaitl�wMeatsuchlien6y.orCOlentlenlorcementOfeue�lienin,leqel ��� , _� <br /> , � p�oCeetling8 which opBrate to prevent Ne enbrrAment ot Ihe lien or foAbilure ol th9 Properry or eny part thereot ' :�{�; , �-f��; <br /> � 6. Hi=lydlntumnC�.BOtrow9rehallkeep IheimprovemoNenOwexieUngorhereaiterorecteAOntheProperryinsured �� - �.t;;�?�� - <br /> - � aqainatlosabyfire.harardaincludetlwithinthaterm"exlenAedeoverege".endaue�othe��ezerGSaeLenAetmeyrequfre � �.-.� - •: <br /> � andinauchemountsantlforsuch DeriodaeaLendorma9 reqWro:prwiaedlhatlenOerahailnot� uiremetNeamountol �•� . '� <br /> - auch coverege exceetl Nat amount of eovere90 reyuiretl ro pey Ne suma aecured by tt�le Deotl ol�rusc � � -�i� � <br /> . Thisineurencecerrierprmldin91he1naurenceMellbeehoaenbyBOnoweiaubiecttoapprovelby LenAer,provide0.t�et �� • � � <br />_ suChepprovalehallnotbBUnreeaoneDlywithheld.AllpremmmsOninaureneep0�ieieeehallbepa�tlinNemennerprovitled ;. .,�.;�� t <br /> - . vnderperegrep�2hereotor.ilnotpeidinauchmonner.byBOrrowermakmgpeyment.wnenaue.Airectiytothemaurance � <br /> - - earrier. ' . � ` <br /> . AlllnsurenCOpolicieaandrenewelathereols�allbemlormacceptebletoLentlerendahallineluEeeeteMarOmOrlgege � .{�.: <br /> clav8einlavOrofentlinbrmeeeeO�eble�oLenOecLUnderehel�hevethenghttoholAlhepolicioaanArenewaieNereo(and � - � <br /> � Borrowerohallpromptlylurnis�toLenAerellrenewalnoLeosenOenreceipfeofpaidpremmme.Int�eevenloflosa.8orrower . <br /> shellgiveDromy1no11celotheinsurencecarnerandLOntlecLenUermeymake�roololloasdnotmaGeOromptlyby8orrower. <br /> Unleas Lentler entl 8orroweroNOreiae eqree mwnun9•msurance Droceotla B�BII be eDD��edto resloretionorrepefrol the <br /> _ . Properry Oamaged,pronAed such reataation or repe�r m ewnomically feeaDle anE the secunry ol t�la DeeA of Tmet ii n01 � . <br /> Itlereby impalred.If auell reslo�ehon or rapaR ia�ot economicglly lees�ble or d the secmiry ol ih�e Deetl ol Trual would be . <br /> impairetl.lhe Insurance procOeEe anall0e apD��ea m Ihe eume eeeurutl by Wa Deetl ol Truel w�ih 11�8 exceal.d any,peitl b <br /> Borrower.II the PrOperty fe ebenCOnetl b1 BOffOWel.ot d BO!lOWB!Ip118(0109pOfltl 10 LBPdBf wllhif130 A9y8�f01111118 AB�O <br /> notice�e melletl by Lentler to Borrower the�the maurence eerno�ollere ro aeltle a Uaim lo���su�ance Denefile.lentle��s <br /> eulhori¢edioeollectendepplylhem6urenteproceeOSatLentlersopeoneilherloreslore0onormpa�rotlhePropertymto <br />� the wma cecureA by lhie Deetl ol Trust ' <br /> ' Un1889LenEe�anGBOrrowerotnerw�se9gree��wrnmfl•anyaucnepphtanono�procueUaloprmGpalshallnotexlenOOt _ . <br /> ' postpone the Eue Aale of the mom�ly mala��meMS referwd ro m paregrap�a 7 ana 2 nereo�or change�he emount of sucn <br /> mntellments.11underparagraph78hereoltheProparry�secqmrutlbyLenEm.eilngnt6tiean�mterestolBorrowennendro <br /> any inaurencepohciea end in and lothe procBetlaNereol resutunglrom Aemege lothe ProOeMD��orto Ne ealeoracqwart�on <br /> ' 8�811 pefe f0 LenAer t0 Ne exl0nt ol lhe sums Secure0 by 1h�s Oeetl of 7mst immetliateiy pnor to auch aale or eCOmiiM1On <br /> 8. PreaervallonendMalnlenaneeolPwOerty:Leaooholdr.COndominlumt;DlanmdUnitOevsbpm enU.Borrowerahall <br /> teep tne Propeny in 9oatl reoart ana sha�l not commn was�e or oermn im0ei�ment o1 ae�enoreUOn ot me Prooery anG ehau <br /> - comDlywil�tt�e0�ovaionaol8nyleasedlnisD88tlofTmsuSOnateaseno�O.i1�NSOeedo1Tm51�sonaumm�aconOOm�mum <br /> or e plennetl untl CevelODment.DorrOwer shell yeAOrm 911 ot Borrower a obligeltona un0er Ihe Cecleralion or cOVenent4 <br /> - creetmg or gore�mng fne con0ommwm or planne0 unn Ceve�opmenL the Uydnws nnn r¢qulauons oHhe condommium or - <br /> i p18nn8E unii AOVeloDment antl Conshtuent Coc�ments.��a cOnEamm�um o�D�anne0 un�t Aevelopment nEer ia ezcul8tl by <br /> Borrower antl reeortled�ogetner wnn fhia Deed ol Trusl me covcrvnls ena agreemants of auc�nAer shail Ce intorporatetl <br /> 1 mto enE shell amen0 anE guDP�ement the covenonls enE agreements o1 f�q Deea o�imat ea d tne nder we�e a pen nereoi <br /> J 7. PrOtECUOnofLOnAOY�Saeutlly.�l8ovowerfadslop8tlormthecovenBnlsanEagreemenlstonlBmeEmlMeDeetlol <br /> 1 imst or d eny achon or proceedmg�s commencee wnn ma�enany allecis Le�aer'e�meres�m Ine Properry.mcWamg but noi <br /> 1 hmrteOto.emment0omam.msowency.ca0eenlorcrma�LOranangementsorOrocee0mg�mvoWmgabankmD�ordecedent. <br /> Ihen LenAe/et Lender's option.uDOn nobce to 8orrowe�-may make such appea�ences.A6butse sucn sums enn teke such <br /> actlon ee�s necesaaryto0rotectLenOer'e mleresL��c���a�ng.bui not hmitedto.d�sbursememolreasonab�e atb��ey s leee antl <br /> ent upo�IheProperrylomahorepairsllLenae<<eumre2mongnqemsu�ancensacontl�honolmakmqtheioansecuretlby <br /> Ih8�86A 01 TNS�.BOIfONB�511811 p0Y�hE O�eT�Ul1�5 tEqUrtCO 10 Taip1At11 SuGh m5urenGe m eHeGf unhl SuCh Lme es Ihe <br /> repwrementlor5uchmsurenceterm�ne�esmacc.o�tlancewnOBouower'sanELC��Eer'Swntiene reementoraDpi�celDeiaw ---- <br /> Borrowet she��pay Ihe emOUni ol all motl98ge msurancc prrm�ums m�ne manner prov�tleA u��er oeregrapn 2 nereol <br /> Any emounls O�sbu�setl Cy Lentler pu�sun�i �u m�s a�ag�anh 7 w�m mteres� thereon. s�an Decome aCOmonai - <br /> ��GeDteOness of Borrower securee oy tNS Deetl o�1 msi U�Pess eorrowe�ana I.e�der agree loother�eims oloayment.sucn <br /> - amOVntltllall De payB01B UpOn noUCe vom lPnaer�o nouower repuesnng Dayme�t nereo�.ana snxn oear m�eresnrom ine <br /> Oate c10isDursemenlBtt�e rete Dayablefrom Lme lo��me on o W summ�g pnnapal UnOEr In0 Nole u��e55 UByme�l01 mlere5t <br /> at euch rBte would be contrary to apohca0le iaw.�� wh�cn evem such amounls s�w�l bear mterest at me��ghesl rate -- <br /> - pCrm63�b1eun0ere0D���ablelawNOlhmgconta�nea�����sparag�ap�7sh�IbeamreLe��Oetb��co�anyespenseottekeany <br /> i actwn nereunOer <br /> � 8. InspecHOn.Lentletmaymekeorwuse�obematicreasunableentnesuuonan4msDecuonsonneProce�y.p�ov�tletl <br /> t118t L2nOBt 6hBligrv2 BO«O Wer nu4te pnur lo dny Sm'h msOrcl�nn spea�ymq ma5unap�i�auSe��PmW�v H•�d1e010 LenOer s <br /> . mteresl m Ihe Prooe�ty <br />