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(he�ein'PrOpBrtyAdd�9SS"C �* ..i ts • <br /> i-, auuwtauan - <br /> "';� TO�ETHER wilh all tho im rovemenls now or hereafler e�ected on the ro e ���������?``'+�'�"��`" <br /> - p p p rry,and ell easementa righte. e <br /> .��.' appurtenancea.rents�subjecthoweverlothenghlsanCauthonlie8givenhereintoLentlertocolleClanOapply ' � ��`: <br /> such renls),royaltiea,minerel,oil end gae nghta end prof�ls.watar,watar righte.antl water etock,and aI111xturea � . , � <br /> ,4;�i now or herealter attechetl to the propefty.ell ol which,including replacemema an0 atlditlons thereto,ehall be � - <br /> "�'`;"; deemed to be end rem&in a pan ot the properrywvered by this Deed of Truel and ell of the foregoing,togeWer �-.�;;�;!'-��`� ' . <br /> "?:�?;� with seid property(or ihe leaseholtl eatete i1 ihia Deetl ol Truat is on a Ieas�Oltl)are hereln reterred t0 0S th9 k;.. � - � - <br /> °'i"st'! ••Property: - � . <br /> !:iJ; � <br />'.�.%.'. ', _ _. <br /> %_-- TO SECURE to LENDER(a)tha repayment ol lhe indebtednees evidencad by Borrower s note dated _ <br />:r - <br />-"•+'�-�j May 24, 1993 Five thoueand and no/100 i' - <br />_-,-�;,, (herein "NOIe" Ihe pr(ncipal sum of <br /> -. ..�d •__ ___ _ . <br /> '_'___.»..,......;' ' .. . _ L.___ <br /> _ - - ��----------- uo��a.s,vmnmtereat[naraon,proviaingtormonmiyinata��mama r:�. <br /> of principal anE intureal wnh the balence of the inOebtednesa i�not soone�paid.due and peyable on _ ��- - <br /> Mav 24. 1996 ;Ihe payment ot all other aum&with interbslth8r8on.advanceA f" <br /> in eccordanca herewit�to protact the securityofNla Daed of Trust antl Iha peAOrmance of the crnenanta end i� <br /> `-•�*%`� ag�eementa o1 Borrowar herein conleined;a'Ma11 rene�vals,exlonslons and modifiCations therook an0(b)the -- <br />--,�':r: repeymentofenytuturefldvances.wifhinterestinthereon,madetoBorrowerbyLenderpursuenttopa�agreph2l - <br />--�-'-`:1� �ereul(�ereln"FUtura Advances"). • <br />:-.,��:;' BORROWBR covenanta that Borrower ia lewlully saized ot the estete hereby conveyed and ha�the dght to �� <br /> "--?>; grent end Convey lhe Properry,that the Propt�ny ia unencumDeretl,and that Borrower will wanantend detend <br /> ��' "`� enerall the title to the Pro e a ainst all claima and demanAa sub ect to an d8CI8rflNOn& easomont�or � ' <br />�.'.�{�,,, 9 Y P hY 9 I Y <br /> � resVictlonaUSteAlnascheduleofezcepllonstocoverageinenytitleinaurencepolicyinauringLender'sinlereat � .- <br /> '���j in t�e Property �F. .- <br /> r �... ! <br />. .,�15` . . _ ___- . ,_ _._. .. .. ..... <br />