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.�. � ,� �. <br /> 1 . . <br /> `�',F;x� • �- -___ . . <br /> ', .,� � 93- �o���,s �. .. <br /> , <br /> r,� <br /> .���'�.` 9.ConA�mnalion.The proceetla ol eny ewar0 a oiaim lor demflqee.diiact o�conaepuenlla4 In conn8ctlon w10 erry <br /> ��,9` , conCamnallonorothertekingollhaProperry,orpahlAereot,o�lo�convayanceinlleuolcon0emnatlOn,�roherobya6eipnptl <br /> -p 0�d dheR be pefd fo L6ndoc -,� -� --- <br /> �� �-r.y InNeBVentolet0tlltatingoll�eProperly.NeprOCaeOashallDaeppIIBAtOthOiumlt6CUratlbyfhilDEBOOITNl6wIN - <br /> � Rie axfqSB,II any,oald to BOrrower.In Ih9 ev9nt of e peNal tekinp ol Iha Propefly unlef!BOnOwer entl LOnOer oNa�Wlee <br /> ,ti -y� egreelnwr111np.innresnail0eepp1ledtol�eeumaeearetlbyNleDaedolTru»nuchpropoNOnolNeprocaetl�e�heQUdltO � _ � - ���- <br /> �+. < _ �� �hetproDOnlOnwhicht�eemountoHhetumeeacureAbytNe�aeGOlTruatimme0iatelypMO�tothedateollaking CeerotoNe .. <br /> t ti ���. lelr market VeluB Of ih9 p�Opa�1y IrtimetllBtBly OrlO��0 NO tletB 01 t9k10p.wIN I�B bB181�CE 01�h0 OI�BeEB p814 W BOtfpWOl. <br /> � s }rt'� IINeProparlylsebailtlonBdbyBOrrowor,or11.a110/no11C0bylondartoBOrrowerlhatlheCOntlemnoroHePotomakean <br /> -,� ewarOorsaflleaUaimfmOemapeaBOrrowerlaila�oreapontltolonGOrwnhin30dayeeRarlhadatanue�notleaismailed �. . _-_ <br /> - -,y' LendenaeuthontetltocolioctentlepptytheprxaeCaaLLenOeYeoO��on,enharloresto�atlOnorr8palrolNeProp8rty0�ta c `�� "`� ���� <br /> � ,� ���� tha aums securaC Cy thla Deetl of Trua� � - <br /> ' �is}� Unloa�LenCeienCBOr�owe�ofherwiaeapreainwriting,am auehepP���etlonofprceeeAStoO„no1p01ehellno�extenGOr �:`` <br /> �� ,s sv; poatpone the Aue Aate of t�e monthly ine�allmenta rolarretl W in paragraD���anC 2 haraol or cnenfle t�e emount ol euc� �,��� � <br /> 11 J� in3tellmenU. � ':� <br /> /. ,�so-�. <br /> r�, � 70. BonowerNOlANSwd.ExtenaionoNnetlmalorpaymentormodificauonotamoNxetionofthaeumteecuretl6ythla "� <br /> , i,, ;�. � DeeO of iruat gwnteA by Lender to eny auceessor in intaresl of Borrower t�all not operela to relBaae,in any mennOR the [„i�__���-- <br /> � °4 '`'S� IfeblliHott�eodginalBo�rowe�enaBOrrower'seuocesaoroinlereaLLandersnallnotberaqulredtocommanCaproceeGln a <br /> � � -:" againat auch euaesaor or refuae to ex�en0 nme for peymam or ol�erwiee motlly amorozaGOn ol Ne aume aewretl by th�a �--��'-- �� --�-' <br /> � s , Daetl of Tmst by reaaon ol eny demana mada Dy the otlymal Bonower anC BonowaYe succaeaoro In interost � <br /> � >��- r4 •� 11.Forbeanna by Lendv Nm�Walra.Any fo�bearanw by LenEer m exerci�inq em/right or remeCy�ereuntler.a '� <br /> ��}§t r{+;i�, olhervriea eiforOaC by epplleaW9 lew.ahell not be e weiver ot or preclude t1�e exe�GSe ot eny wch ripht or romeAv.Thg � t, "-�-� <br /> proeurement ol ina ranee ol th e peymenl of taxea or oNe r Ilona o�c0argea by Lender ehell not be e we Iverof LanEaf e rigM to <br /> 7} "} eccelerete the maNdry of Ihe indebtntlneaa secureA Ey thb Daud of Truat. � �` � <br /> r5.,��4� " 1�.RemetlUt Cumulalive AII iemeAlea proWded in tnia DeeA of Trust ere Aistinct anC cumulaUve lo eny oNar rigM�or '(-% <br /> i �tk<,,- remedyundert�UDaedolTruatoralfwdedbyleworeQuRy,entlmaybeexerdsoACOncurtently,indapendentlyorwcoas�rve�y. ri-,�' <br /> 19.8uecenorsentlAeflpn�0ound;JolnlandRexeralLlaWiry;Ceplbna.TnecovenenlsandagreamenbhereNcontahcetl �- ---------- <br /> , t$� �, ahallbind,andthedghuhereunaersha111nureto.the�espedWeauccessonendasaignaolLenderendBonower.eubjaclto �4', c;2^, <br /> � � thepronsionsolparegiaphl7hereol.NlcovenanteentlegreemenlsotBortowera�allbB�Ointentl�eve�aLThetepNOne9n4 � <br /> r y i k heaCinge of the Daregrepha of Ihis Deed ol Truat a�e br eonrenience only and ere not to be useC to intorptet or deflne ihe kiS3 n <br /> rr.� provisions herBOL � )��,r --�- <br /> �i ' > g'; iC.NO11e0.E:eeptlo�enynolieereqmredundereppticeble�awtobegrvenmanolhermanner.(a)anynoLCetoBOrrower �- ;� <br /> � �. proviJadionnthiaDa90ofTmats�ellhegivanbyma�lingsucnnoueebycebheCmeiladCreasetltoBOnoweralNOPropeny ?�``0� N -- <br /> a �}.; AUdreaa or et aut�oNer e00rees ae Botrower may tleaiqnate by noGee to LenAer ae prorideC herein,anC�b)eny nolice lo ��>�;!' {g�s� �- <br /> _ ,!�, ,� -, �endarohallbeghenbycerliOeOmefl.relumreteiptrequefled.tolenEeraaAA�eusteteO�erBinortobuthotberaddreaaBa ,...,1,�� f q.���yj_ <br /> tJ=:� LendermayEefignatebynoficelo0orroweraaproviAetlherem.AirynoUCeO��detltorinlhiaDeetlo}Trutte�ellbedeemetl y ` <br /> ..f. ;� to have Deen hren to Borrower or Lnntler whan iven in Ne manner Aeei netetl�erein ���"N�:�•� rt'�;••�=_� <br /> t. pnr � 9 9 9 t';, � 31� _ .n: <br /> � �tr_, .} ll.t "RequeattorNOtice.Truslorend6ene0eiaryrequeslthalaeo0yolenynoticeolCetauitentlnoueeo�aaiemadeor -- , ��,^;��__ <br /> s, :. i exeCUle0bylneTruateepurauenttotheprmieionahereolDeeenitat�eTruslorantl88nelicieryetlheirreapeedvemailing - -:�l,�y� �� <br /> �gr ;�y-�+�:. edA'essUNtorm D18d of TrusL•Oovaming Lew;RareraWlity.The lorm ol deeA ol Vusl combinea unilorm covenen181or �'t�':5?�.`'�Y'e'�rt�is4 Nl.:�- <br /> ° nanonei uee ena non-umiorm covenanu wnn um�.aC vanallons Dy�unatlicuon to eonsulute a unitOrm Sewnry Inatrum9M �° y n, �-- <br /> _,� �i,' coveringr0al0�operry.ThieDeetlolTruets�ellbegorernetl6ythelawoftnejurisdielioninw�iehlhgPropertyliloeal8tl.ln '�''T+' ,++r -��i,,,: <br /> , .� , -= , Ih9 OveM Mat any provlSiOn or clevae ol Mie Deetl olTrust or Ihe Nole confi¢Ia wilh epphc9ble lew.such tonfllel6ha�l n01 •;�..�� r�`+�; �'_ <br /> l� - �; afl8etolnerprovuwn8oltM6De0tlolTmstortheNOlewhichcenbegivenelleclwdhoutf�econllieltngprovisioro,antltothla - ; �j e'� <br /> en0 ihe Drovisiona ot Ihe Deatl ol Tmsc anE Ne Note ere Aeclared lo be severeble. i �� t� � �' " �'� <br /> t - . 18. BOnowerY Copy.Borrower ahall be IurmaheC a conlormeE eopy oN�e Note and ol lhie Deed ot Tmst at Ne tim90t ,-���` } �� -��.�,1�i=- <br /> - � �" exeeuti0n o�elter reeorOafion hereol. ' t f,{�,�� <br /> ) )rv � 17.Trantfe�olthsPropeAy;Anumpllon.11a11oranypanolt�eproperryo�aninlBreStt�ereiniseoldortranslBrreOby :' ��.-�!' �! <br /> r _ ' Bonowerwftl�outLentlerepnorwnttenconsent.eaclutlmg(a)IneueauonorohenoreneumbrancesubortlmatebthiaDeeU -- "� .�rr�:� <br /> �- ,: otTrualryJt�eerealwnofe0urchaaemoneysecunry�meresHOrhouse�olAeppliances.(c)etrenalerbydevlsetleseentorby i�: - � - ��y�° <br /> 4 .G operallonollawuponthedeathole�o�mlenentor(tlp�egrantolenylea5ehoiGmtereatolNreeyearDOrleaenotcontainingan �` lfm- <br /> ; _- op11on1opurC�esa.Lentlermay,etLenEer'aoDhon.CeclarealltnesumssecuretlbythiaDeeCOlTruettobefmmeOletelydue ;t� ;.:t�.-.;- <br /> '�� end payable.Lentler ahall have weneE such ophon lo acce�erate d.pnor to iha eale or transler.LenEer Bntl Ihe pereon to . ' - .. �'?�;i� <br /> � _-t whom 1�e Propurry ia lo be ao10 or IranSferreE reacn agreement m wnfing tnat Ihe crotl�t ol aueh per60n�s aeli4factory lo � -� '� <br /> ' n.; Lentlorantlt�etlheinte�eat0ayebleont�esumseecuretlbylmsDeeOOlTmstshallbealeuchreteasL9nCarahelir0queatll -.1I );C <br /> � 7 J ,: LonCerheawafvoAt�eophontoacce�areteprortletlmthisperagraD�»�enOdBo�rower'ssuccessorinmlereatheeexecutfld '� � � � � <br /> � .�1 •{ ew�itlenessamplionaqreemenlaccepiedmwnUngqLendecLentlershnllreleaae8orrowerlrome11ob1igalioneunCerthis � :i -- <br /> i Daed Ot Trusl enE Ihe Nole. ..� � ';- <br /> „ � - 11 LenEe�exerusea suc�ophon to ecceiere�e.LenOer snall mnii 8orrower nohce ol aeceleretion m aeeortlenee wit0 �.-,- � - <br /> pafe9tep117�11Bre0t.SuGhnohCeBhe��Oron�e9penoOO1no11us5Nen30dHytlrOmlheAe1B111BnOhCOiemedgCmlhmW��Ch �.-.- --�� , ',� r• <br /> Borrowor mey Oaythe nums OeClered due.118prrower IAds lo Day auch sums pnor to I�e exD��al�on of suc�pen00.Lentler � �-:j^� ' • <br /> � , me .WMOUi IYhh@t nOM1Ce O�AOmenO On BOffOwef.mrOk�0n fEme0iO3 e�mnted b y" '� '"����� <br /> ', Y Y P Y Petagreph 18 hereol i. . ..:�'s..: . _�e <br /> -° =� . NON•UNIF08M COVENANT6.Bo�rower and lender Iutlher eavenant�nd ayree e�lollowc � �- � � ;,;, •;' - <br /> :�,'. '- <br /> 18.Aeeelemllon:qem�dles.Exceot as proritleEm pamg�apn n nereo�.upon Borrower s breac�o�eny covenam or �-:, �.� �- <br /> �����"- ". agreem8nto18prrow8nnlhisD8e0o1Tmst.mclutlmglhecovc�anbtoDaywnenOueanyeumsaecuredDytni9De8dolTmsl - � - �' <br /> :..s.�.-. . lenEerDnOrtoaccelerat�onShallmaAnobcetoBOrrowerpsproviAeAmpnragrephtb�eraolspetdying�(1)t�ebreaeh;(2)the �• <br /> " eCt�OnreQmreCtoCUre3uChbreeCh�3latlete.notIB551han30�ny51rOmtneEetethenohte�smedeCtoBOaower.bywh�ch - - <br /> - suChErCnChmuSlDetureC.anA�4)tOnllaJUrCtowreSUC�bmac�onorbeloretheCat85peCd�eOmlhBnohCBmeyroaulUn - <br /> '- ' 'aCCeIet84orto11�8eumssewre0by1hi5DeetlolTruS�anOSaleoll�eProperyTlfenobCes�elllutl�etmbtmBOnowBroHhB <br /> -. ngM to rems191e alter accele�at�on antl ihe ngnl lo bnng p coun acl�an to assen Ine nomenstenee ol a Oefau�t or eny ottler <br /> . delen5eo18orrowe�tuaCCelerAUOnenE5ule111�ebceacf16nolturedonorbebrat�CdaICSpQphCOlnitl8nohta.lentlerel - <br /> - LenEeisop6onmayAeclarealloltnesumssecureaEylhisDeedolTwsflobe�mmetlialely0ueenOpayabiemNOUt/unher <br /> . . � ACmenO entl mey�nvok2�he poMet o15.�1e 2ntl any ul�er rrme0iP5 permi�IPU by epO��CeDip IHw_lentlOr Shell 6E Enh112E lo <br /> c011ec1e11r8aeonablecoSlsantleapensPSmcunetlmoursmnqmrmmr��esprov�CeCm�neoaraglaDh78.�ncWtlmg Dutnol - <br /> � - - hmded lo.rea40nable 91to�ney s lees , <br /> . 11 Ihe powerol sale rs mroke0.T�us�ee snan rer.o�a a not�ce ol AMaW t�n eacn counry m whicn Ine Aropery or some pan <br /> . I�ereo0slocaletlantl shall mad cop�es ol su[���auce m me manne�pre5cnbeCby apphcaDie law to BorrowBr antl b the oV�e� <br />- . peraonsprescnDeObyappi�cableiawAnermeiapseolsuch��measmeybe�e0w�edbyaDD���eblelaw.Trusteeshallgrve - <br /> " - public�ohceol5aietothe0er5onsandm�hemanne�prescnEetlEyappiicabielaw TruslOE.w�thoutdemanUOnBortower. <br /> ' she11se11lhePropeMatpubl�cauchon�olhenig�es10i0Ae�aunehmeanapiaceantlunCerihetermsEes�qnaletlinthenohte <br /> . of SBIB m one o�more p3qe�5 antl m sucn orUet as iNSlee rnay tlelermme 7mst?e may p0sipone 5819 0�ell or aM/par�¢I o� - <br /> _ - IhePrapBrtybypubl�cannouncemenlallhebmean00�aceolanyDreviously5c11etlWedsale LenderprLentlet'sAea�gnee <br />, - � mey putMe4e Ihe Properry at any saie <br /> . � ' UpOnrece�plol0aymenlO�Ihepnceb�tl.iru5teesnall4eLvertotnepurchaserTm5leebtlOCOCOnveyin�IheProperty5014- <br /> '_'_ ' rn�.�,.n.i....�w�r....�m.wm.....ow...,...__�__.__'."'_'..�_._ .�_...'_"'____"__�__. _ _ . .. <br />. .. . _ _ ...'""._._......_..__•___.._...._._..._........................�....�.......:..o.....�..�ow�o..m�.�a���evon�mmnuua�eeananaGPp' <br /> .. . �heD�aeeCSO11�e5alemt�eloilowingortle��alloanrea5onabiecos�SanAesD��5eso1lhe5ale.mciutlmq.�utnOtl�m�te0to. <br /> . . _ Ttu3128lI8BSO�nOImOr81h8n _ _ . _ °eollhegrO555810pnte.r88SOn26188tlOfnpy'SIeOlOntlG031lO�I�tIBBV�0EnC8. <br /> -. . - IbJ to eli sums 5ecu�eE by t�is DeeE ol TmSL a�d(CI I�e e.ce55.d any,l01�8 pe�son or peraons 18gBlly BnbtleA It�Oleto. <br />.- � � 79. Bonower's RIqM 10 flolnstato.Noiw�tnstana�ng Lenaer s�ccu�erauon ot tne sums secure0 by N�s DeeO ol T�usl <br /> . BorwwarshellhevelnengnttoheveanypmceeOmgsbegunbyLenAertoenlorcet�eDeeCOlTruitGiaconlmueEatenybme <br /> ' pnor1o111ee9rherloottWO1101h8�dlhAaybBloBihe581eo�IheProDetlyput5uen11ott18DOwerol�ElOCOnIBmBCmiheD88tl <br /> ;.' , o1Tms16Uenlryolary0gmenlenforonglnqDeedolTmstd(e)BorwwerpaysLenAerailsumexMChwoulCDet�enCUe <br /> . . untler ihrs Deetl o�Tmsi.Ihe N018 anC no1e8 Secunnq Fu W ce Adven�es.d a�y.�etl no etceieretion otturetl:(b)Borfower <br />_ . .p(�` wre9a��breaehesofanyolnertovanaNSOregreementaolBorrowerconlemeaminppgg�olfruat:(e)BOrrowerpayaall <br /> >r � reaaonabieexpensesmwrretlDyLmeeranaTmsteeer.lorcmgthecovenamsentlngreememsolBOrrowercontamedinWs <br /> �.. -� DeedolTmstanqmenbrcmglen0er'san0Tmslee'eieme0ie0as0�ar�0edmDareqrepOt8h8reo1,meluEmg.DulnOtlimneE <br /> ';t}.7:' b.reemnaDle9tlomeyslees:enO(E)BorrowerlekessucnacbonatLenOermayreasoneOlyrepwretoassuroMatltle0enol <br /> -.H�:-. • Ih�e Deetl OI Trusl LenOer's mleresl m��8 Properry anG 8orrower 3 o6hgat�on to Day Ine sums securetl Dy���s Deetl o�Tmst <br /> shall cOnlmue ummDartetl.UpOn sucb Oayment pntl cu�e by Bo�rower.lh�s DeeO ol Tmst endlh0 obligaUOnssecureA het0by <br /> � 9he11 remein�n lu���Oqe en0 eXeCl LS d no nCCE�ereli0n 1180 OCCU�rgE � <br /> ._ . .. .'! ._. _ ___ ___ - --- __ . - <br />