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, ._� . . - � . /- _ . - -- :: ) . ` z� r �i. . � .�� � � ��' Cf�-�_.t€J rr� ��.:` <br /> �` 1 - _ - _L1!_ _ - . u L _� ..-._._>,_.. <br /> �� ' � , ��$-; �i0��33��3� ; '� � , <br /> ,r_ .,r, . ; . , : . ,. , ,, . ,.. .. <br /> ` � otdtEe ddetr�te,inMuEle$they�9incqTqfthe7lruetta'eh��etoillytnmtteQ;ncf�oex�..9.0 �� <br /> lhtlpi{n��q ountotlAan6�eatt6etltiwotth�deci�e�tidnotQehuif,�ad t�c.!onMb[e�ftoraiye•feaE- eupKaU�t��' "� <br /> b9 �f(t� (o.���cuttdbylhieBecurtwl�tFUnieatlaa3tc)in�'ae��ott�t�raosp►pusonatt�.)tytsiU td - <br /> :tqlt� , . <br /> -- 2k RtloaYeyeaa,_ Upon peyment ot all nuro ueured by�Securiry Inftn�ent,Lender�hall requeat'Itiistee to ' _ <br />_ �_ r�peronvey tlio Propeay and chWl eurtender thti Savdw InatNmcnt end ell notes evidenctng deb�kcurc4 Dy Ihlf Secu�lry <br /> fnapancnt to 1luatco. 7tustw ehell reaonvey�he Propeny wlthout wnrtanty and withont cl�arge to the peaon or pu'6pna <br /> � iegalIy eMiqedtoit SuchpersonorperaonaehetlpayanyrecoNatloncoste. • <br /> - 43. BubsHtete 7tustex. in opdon.may from Amo to�Ime nmove 7tuetco+uM ap int e eusaeso[w�iee ro �--,-. -„-- <br /> = any 7tuatee eppolnted hereundar by nn inswment raorded in the counry in whlch NI�3uu�Inauument ie rcardM. <br /> Mthout conreyance ot t�o Propnry,�ha�uoassor wstee thail eucaed ro ell the qUe,powu md dutlw confcrred upon <br /> 1tus�ea hercln and by aypIicabla law. <br /> 2Q. Request for Notiees. Bortowu rcquute that copte�otthe naices o(default and�ale ba cent ro Boimwcrb eddross <br /> whicb 1��he Properry Addiesa. <br /> Z!. Ridero to t�tv 8ecurtty LulrumenL If one or moro ddero are exccuted by Hortowu and rcsorded rogetha whd <br /> _.= thla Secudty Insuumenc,tAe covenanis tand agrcemente ot cach such rider fhall be Incorporeted lnto end shall emend and _ __ <br /> wpplement Iha covenante end agreemente otthi�3ecudry Inatrument es it ehe dder(q wero a pan of�hia 9ecudty Insuumen4 "-"---�-" <br /> (Chak applicable boxCea)1 <br /> �AdJuatabie Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1�4 PamUy Rider <br /> - �Omduated Peyment Rider �PlmneA Unit Developmem Rider �Bhvakly Peyment R(der ---� -- - . <br /> ___� <br /> ' _ �Halloon Rlder �Rete lmprovement Rider �Sxond Home Rlder ° <br />>�'' �X O�er(e)[speclryJ ACICNOWLSllCM6t�f AND ASSIGNPffiNi' OF RBATS RIDBR �ti;:"_'.`'.':' <br /> ��� BY SiONINO BHIAW,Bortower accepts and ngreea to�he terms and rnvenents wntained in�his Security Inawment `� ' � - <br /> �,� and In eny ddeKN e:ecutW by Bortower end rccorded with it. ��i� , <br /> ''F� �� 4 <br /> W�Np3G: rka!_.,4. <br /> ,�a �����_s� �;�", <br /> ��� - Ag_C RR :A FiRL_ , .Bertower k 1 C .. <br /> �` Sociel3aurityNumber 506-40-0098 �+rjFKa✓� " <br /> �DG�HC/�C (..�� t��' <br /> ,`4�� � (Seal) �,-a t}+� t. ,:_ <br /> ar: BI.ANCHE CANFIELD •��� �}�,,��uy�� : ' <br /> ,`A Social Security Number 508-44-5043 ��t�ry,y��,w _ <br /> -� r�� ��= _.. <br /> ___�� STATBOPNEBRASKA. }IpLi, Counryas: ��+�I-l+ : -- <br /> ;Sr7 i i����-�" ' <br /> '�-� On�Ai� 215T day of MAY 1993 beforc mc,�he undenigned,a Noi Public � t+r� �z - <br /> I�� S,ff, ?St..t'. <br /> } � duly commiesioneA end qualiflW tor said county,personally ceme ARLIS REX CANFIELD AND BLANCHE <br /> '�',� (HUSBAND AND WIFE) .to me known to be the ` 3 S�` s:.° <br /> �•�� idenrital persons(a) name(a)are subscri6ed ro�he fomgoing inswment end acknowledged the execution thercof to d ? f,;=i'-' <br /> '� be 1NBIR voluniery ect end dad. �� ° <br /> __�� Wimese my hend e ' � N , NEDRASKA in�nid counry,the �i ��:, r_f,.�: <br /> dare aforcsaid. CfIfML 1(OIAAYSItY Ot Xtpn4 Ir � '� <br /> �-� MyCommissionexpires ���aGWAQWW �IA �Q,/� ,Fr° ��"�- <br /> ..'� Y/�dm $/p�,$a NouryPubik }f �,ic <br /> i�'n . <br /> t;� REQUESI'FORRECONVEYANCE � y r�y�� <br /> TO TRUSTEE: � <br /> ' ' The undersigned ia thc holder of the nore or noia accured by�his Deed of TFust. SaiJ no�e or notes,together with all � r� {1 : <br /> ,}v� othu indebteAnesa�curcd by this Deed o('Rus6 heve been paid in full. You are hereby direaed to cancet said nore or nores � �- - <br /> ;n:� . and this Deed otTrust,which erc deiivercd hereby,and to reconvey,wiihom wartanry,alI the este�e now held by you under {' 4ir7 ; <br /> ��, this Deed of 7tust ro the person or persons Iegally mviiled tharto. , i +��{� . <br /> n � 7� ; <br /> ,�� Da�e: , <br /> i <br /> a <br /> 'f t'. Fam70}8 9AD !i�^RtCnl60�Ra1 _.�- .!. ., . <br /> t,9 �%i'�;;; <br /> r�._�.�.—�,.-..,- . - ._ .� .r . � . . - ., . - _ . . . - - - ` �- <br /> � .:�. oq � - � - "u.'�.:J�: . 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