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� ..' f } r ` v.• - ,�_ ( ) - 'N f � ..t_ + ���'���r'a.. Z` 4`Ft, _ —T'...—,._— ' <br /> � E <br /> . " - ' � }_ ..E ( - <br /> �? �. ._ ,(�dR(byMEHTOFi1fNTS�IIGEB ` ` ' <br /> �- . Try18A86fGNM6NtOPNBN .�IDEplemlitl4aqQegiqut(�Ih15d,�..dayof�9Yi. � 1q � ' �SOIq ���a; <br /> •. iqo�rP4riCpInt9�ndiAel�lK�r4tnMlo4m�Od�Od�UpQ10@16t2t1YMOrtpayeq/DBed.oftru8t,perqlniROrrefdtnCtql�i)h0 �.` <br /> --°6,taudhtlniitum:A1'�of:tpi.e�madita GNan AY tAe,nnd8totpned,heretnattar reiaasQtfl.6a,Na"gollo�efi:C_s,.r,.�� " •--- <br /> .BbrrowePelnAeDledqpae,nOrpmafle►reterredto�etne°NOtN',toHOM2F8D8RA68AVINQBANULOANAQS00lAnA►iQi' 'r" � <br /> - (}ps►yD18L!lttd,Irc4lMtle►relerrWto9elM°lbnGeN�,oltheeemetlateendcoverinQlhepropdrryaa�4rlbedlntheSeduAt�l � 4'•.__ _ <br />-=m� Inatmmeni and Ioonte0�h .. . . . :.;4 t. <br /> - � 901k N TI i TN(ITO RRA!!Il TRt ANB� NRpRARRA fiH.�O� - — �%� <br /> ..., . .. <br />-�= (ProperryAAd�ees) - � ... .,._ ,-_ _.-_..,.-� <br /> --- WITNE88HTH� -- _ `° ._.-.. <br />- - WHFR2A8,Barowar and Lender have eqree0 that any renta enA profita sttributable to the property e�ould aonatilute � - <br /> .�s aCdidonet eaoutlty to the LenOer tor the payment ol the Note; - <br />�>;�; NOW,THERBFORE,Itleaqreedthatthe8eourltylnatmmsnte�allbeameMetl�ere6yenACOamadtolnoludathefollowlnp <br />�:jz�� Provinlone: � `��_��---. . <br /> :::�• — <br />:;;m,,� 1. Ase�anment M Rente and�enAer Rentel C�Ileotlon R�ahte.Borrower hereby abaolutely end unoontllHOnelly e8slgn8 ell �.� ^1 <br /> ,xo rent0. �esuee anC proflte of tha property to Benoflolary. Lender ehall have the AgM, powar nnd aut�orlry durinp tho "'' �-`""�"` <br /> oontinuanae o}the Seoutlly Inetrument to¢olleot lha rente,leeuea and profife of the property and ot eny porsonal property `p ___ <br /> r" Iooat80 thereon with ot wlthout takinp poaaeaelon ol the Droperly afleoteE neraby.Lende�, however, Bareby oonaente to Fa� � <br />�:�:�,. � Oqrtmvora oollaollon end retentlon of evoh rente,Issuea and Drofite ae t�ey acorue enA becoma peyable,eo lonp ea Bonower •- <br /> " 16 e0q 61 suoh ttme,In dotault vilt�reapeot!o OBYment of eny Indebtednese eeoured hereby,w In the pedormanca of any <°�`y ._.__,__-_. <br /> fpp)11 apreement nereunder. "��k <br /> ,.� 2. A000intment of Reoehec If any event of detault In reapeot to the Becuriry Inetrument ehall have 000urred and be t +'� ' <br /> aontlnulnp, LenAer, as a matter of riqht and without notloe to Borro�r�ar or enyona clalming undar Boirower,and wlt�out r ' r <br /> fBpltd t0 ihe value o}th9 tNat 88tale or the int0teet of ihe BOrrOwer�hBreln,eh91I h8ra thB rlght to epply to 8ny o0urt having .��.'}_ _ _. <br /> „i; �urletllotlon to aDPa��t 8 reoelvar ot t�e proparty. 's�"T`�,; . -- <br /> 3. Blaht to Poeaeealon. In oase of deteult in the p8yment o(the eald prinolDal NOte or intereat,or any Dart thereo},ae li ��R 4 } <br /> ehallmeturB,orintheoebeotfeiluretokeaporpBrtormenyotihacovananteoragreemenleCOntainedintha8eoudtylnatrw �� 3 p- <br /> �,y� ment,then the lsnder,He euooeasora or asalgna,ehell be en0 le�ereby eutho�ixed and empowered to teke Immediate 'ip bA }?�°�_ <br /> .s, poasesaton of the ealtl premlaea thereln Aeacrlbed and lo¢olleot the rente theretrom,en0 to applY the proceeAn thoreo!to tha f��}r,rc#��� . <br /> v] peymant of the Note. �rny r�i, �r. <br /> .^�1 4. Ao011Oetlon of Hsnta.leeuea end ProtRe.All rente colleoletl by Lander or the recelvar ahell be eDP��eU�Irot to payment T t'i��64.� _ ` <br /> -��� reaeiver'etbonde enA easone6le eltorney e toea,a'nd then to t�e aume securetltby the$BWl/y IfClbtfufflBnteL nCe end the �M1'�t 1 t ��Y��L�� <br />'.-,�,�j reoeiver ehall be Ilebla to account only tor thoae�onte actuelly reoelred. ��;;1����,i},`�;wi. <br /> _-;;;�� 6. Conetmatlon of Provislona.Each of the provlelone conta�natl In1Me Aneignment of Rente RIOer end the Sacudty Instru- �7 `�y- ' ���i +� -�- <br /> �,-`� mant ahell. umeas oinerwiae epeemcany reamrea,ne conawea m eccordance wicn Neereake iaw,ana in ma event any ��lnkt�r-i�')�nz1's_�, <br /> . ;,fi� provlalon haraln or therein ContalneE s�ell be determinaA by acourt of compelant�uriedlction to be unenforcea6le,t�e eeme {a„ � zjfy,}�5 _ <br /> -- �� ehall be Conslmetl ae lhou h nuoh unanforceable rovlelon we�e not a art hereof or thereof. � ' - §�i�`{`� : <br /> : 9 P P , i 5z s MFt�e}Y"in.- <br /> .,"3- 8. Efleot ot Hider.E:capt as apeoltically motlitied by or inwna�etent witn mia Aeelgnment of Hante RlEeror by eny other p;,��,,.�}rir[,:, - <br /> ;`i epptlouble�Ide�,ell of the terma and O�ovleiona containeC in Ihe Seeurlty Inetmment shall contlnua In full force end ettect. , , �� �. <br /> --3;, � ` �.}.E� '��-. <br /> - - IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, Borrower hae exewted this Aaeipnment ot Henla Rider on tha d/qte ftr t noted ebove. � , �1,f s cri <br /> 7t�' �y /�/�) A/ a » jri 75 <br /> fst,�• � �iGAV-i'yrf�.i✓/ � _ } � P.lISJTFlii�4 �: <br /> t . BOrtOwet�— `' ,Si�j � :. <br /> ARLIS)2EX CANFIELD } <br /> r5 �::: <br /> t � x +�..�.�sL.L c��.�c �. � F , <br /> eorcawe� '��f� rc; t,U • <br /> j ,r_ IILAHCHE CANPIELD �F r .,jyj�G +vj. <br /> p f�- <br /> �,�x.• BTATE OF NEBHASKA) pt ��;,�� t v,,. <br /> 'V�� (88: F�.:. ( �{ C .- <br />��'�,.;. COUNN OF HALL I �•"�1.13:;...;�--. <br /> ,�, i <br /> On 1h18�L Cey of �Y ,19 93 ,before me,the underaipneA,a Notary Publie Auly comml6sion8C and f <br /> `"�( puelilledtoreeldcouniy,Dersonalryeame AR1IS RFX CANFrFiD AND RL.ANCHE CANFIF,LD S _ . <br /> `4 (HUSBAND AND WIFE) k . - <br /> _ be ine Itlenticai pereoMa)whose name(s)lelare auDacdDetl <br /> "�!;rt to thB foregOin0lnsimment,and halahelthey fleknowleAge the e[eeullon thereof to be Ms/herlthelr volunlary ect antl deed. � � <br />��'"•:'`1 CRAND ISLAND, NF.ARASKA � <br /> z`� Witnese my hentl entl Notatlel Seal at <br /> i',p}� _ ___ in, itl coun�y,t/he' da e f esei <br />:.�i i`� � �.l _1r_11���`J,"�Y�'-ad�'� <br /> +'. Notary PuOec /, <br /> � ;� i�8111 PNAV3'�CI H�ryta _ \l _. <br /> i My Commieaion expir : <br /> `'�i3 xreo»n� �bOS$ k0�Y8,1995 <br /> (:� <br />_':s�: <br /> �.��il <br />..:�V.S`. <br /> 'r.ti._ <br /> i a <br /> i_i_,' <br /> ._ ., <br />-.:, : <br />_f� t.. <br />,:,y.:. <br /> 1: L. <br />