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v�;:it"'"-'��!aT£�.'_'.�...,.e ...--.'�—....' ..----•—• .. .. .. i :..._'. ".:t. ... .. _ .r.i....n9n _ct . . ' <br /> � <br /> �_ . � , <br /> � 1� . _ . . . : , <br /> k � ' " , _a_. ._ -_--.. _ _ _' � ._ ""__ " ' _' • .:_. ., ."... - __ - <br /> _ g3� 104��3; , �. ,, � <br /> , npplica6lo law m�y�poelry tor rcinstetemaiq befpm eala o!tho�oyerty phieuMt to eny jww�r o1 eUo�oonialned!n thla ;; ;: ' <br /> Sceurt�y Inst�umrnk or(b)entry of e}udgment cnfordng Mi Bwyr ry�In��rumen►, Yi�ow conGit ona ue t�at AarowSr'(a), • <br /> o�op�utr�cQ'�N)eareae yd teuio�tanyothor�mrc�iwnt�orTepJceNOntfi�co)pn�ynalioxp.n�o��Inen�ri�Inenficl gihuN8o�pc�� �,. _ <br /> _ tnwum�n61ito1odlnS�6ut not IlmteM to,rcasnnpbto nttomey�'feu; end`o)[uke�euch aeNon of Ixnder mqy r o a a hnaUty <br /> - rcQuiro tb esauro thot tha nen ottNa eecudty[natNment,Lendcrb dghte in Iho Froyeity end ttvrtowerl ubltge�tua�0 6eY'i1ro <br /> Nrtl9 6CCYfCAby thb 8c�utity lnatnmwnt �hall contlnue unchangcd. Upon rciosietemont by Oorro�ver, thle SecuH�y <br /> In:wment end the'obltgatlon�ucurcd hcreby shdi nmaln Nily efkctlra a�It no aecolcrotlon had xcurtW. Nowovu,thts <br />..... - „ ' �gq�to rcinstaro shell not appty in tho caso of eccelero�on under paragtapA 17. -. . <br /> — -- 19. 8ale ot Note Clfenge of Loan 8erv1�eM1 7Ua Noto or a panlot Inwrcse in tha Noro lw�o�hu�o n tha en ity <br /> tnstrument)me�y be ao�d ono or mo[e ttmes without prtor notica�o Bortower. A Kle mey muit n a ch y <br /> (Imovm m�he l.oan 3ervlcef)thet collau mon�hly peyments 6ua undu Ne Note and thla 8ceudty Inswment 'Riero elso <br /> may bo ane or moro chmgea ot�he Loan Servlcer unrcieted to a etlo ot Iha Note. lt thcre ia e ehmga of tho Lwn 3ervlar, <br /> Bortowa wUt be glvcn wilaen nodce ot the chaaga In aaordena with paragraph 14 ebova end•ppllcable Iew._71�e notice <br />- wlll etata the name nnd eddreas otehe now Loan Servicer md ihe addrese to which paymcros should ba mado. The nodce will <br /> ---- elso contein any other infortnation requircd by epplicablo I�w. ___. <br /> —"' 20. Hezordow Sobstancea. Bortower ihall na ceuse or pem�it�ho praena,uso,dbposel,ceorege,or release of eny <br /> ---- H�zerdow Su6stences on or in Ne Property. Borrower�hell na do,nor dlow enyone etae ro do,any�h�ng atfecdng the <br /> ==� Properry�hai ia in violatlon of my Environmental Lew. 7Le prcecding rno antenees ahall not opply to Iho pmsence,usa,or <br />-=,�°; c�omge on ehe Propeny of unall quanHNea o[Hezudous Subatence+�het are genenlly recognized lo ba eppropriero ro nortnal <br />--��E «aidendal uue end ro matntenance of�Fo Property <br /> --" Bortower ttull prompily gire I.endu writcen notice of any Invesdgation,cleim,demend.Inwsult or other acdon by eny <br />-�,":,�; govemmentel or reguletory egency or pdvate party (nvolvNg the Property md eny Hazerdoua SubstaKe or Enrironmemel <br /> .='.:svi Lew of which Horto�ver hea ecmel Imowlcd8c. If Hortower leame. or u nalRed by eny govemmentel or regulatory __ <br /> y authodty,that eny removal or o�her remedtetion of eny Huardou�Substence affadng�he Ptopeny la nceessary.Bortower <br /> ��� rhalt promptly teke all neassery rcmWial actionn in accordance whh Environmrnul Law. <br /> / <br /> As wed in Nia paregreph 20,"Hazardoun Subsuncu are those substencea defined w toxlc or haurdou�substances by —_ <br /> i1 Pnvironmrntel Law and 1he following fubsunces: gasol'me,kerosene,other tlammeble or toxic petroleum producle.mxic <br /> �u;�sy;i pesAcides and herbicidec,volatile solvents,mntedals conu(ning ubestos or formaldehyde, end�edioac�ive m�tedala. As — <br />;.,;�;,- used in thi�paregreph 30,"Environmrnial Law"means foderal lexs and laws of lhejudsdiqion where thc Prcryeny is located _ <br /> �r:.}� �hat mlete to heal�M1,�atety or emtronmental protallon. �., <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENAM'S. Bortowu and Lender further covenant and agree u followa: ,�.. <br /> t k 21. Acceleretlon;Remediea. I.ender shail glve notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower•e , <br /> �Y�; breacb of any wvenant or egreement(n thla SecuAty Instrument(6ut not prlor to acceleretlon under paragraph 17 q�. <br />'�`."�.'. unless eppliceble lam provtdea othenrLse). The nolice chell epalry: (e)the defeuit;@)the ectton rcqu�red ro wre tAe = <br />-�'�`�3__ detaulli(c)e date,Mot les�than 30 deys hom Ihe dete lhe no�ice Is given to Oorro�rtr,by�vhtch Ihe defeult muat he __ <br /> y -;�I cu�edi end(d)Ihet fallure to ture�he Gefeult on or before ihe dete apecified in ihe nuliie 7ey�s�ult la e:c.ierddon oY _� <br /> the sum+secured by Ihls Security Instrument and autt of the Property. The notice ahell Nrther Inform Darrower oP <br /> ''° Ihe r�gM to reinstate atter ecceleretton and the right to 6ring a court ocllon to assert�he nomezistence ot u defovit or <br /> ` - ` eny other detense of Borrower to ecceteretion end salt. If the default h not tured on or befare the date speci0ed In � � <br /> .��'�) the notia,Lender at fU option may reyuirc Immedfate payment In Ntl of stl avms sxured by th�Saurfty[natrument n'�-� <br />-.>3;-re afihout Nrther demand and mey invoke the power of sale end eny other rcmedin permltted by appllcable In�r. . -- <br />��.'.:'.'�a Lender shall be eMftled to mliect all expensn tncurred In pursuing the remediea provided in Ihis paregraph 2l. �'r:.� <br />._:�,:R c:)- <br />.-,;,._; Including,but not Iimfted m,reasoneble atmrneys'feesund cmla of tipe evldence. _ <br /> «��; tt the po�rer ot sele is Invoked,7YuHee ahall remrd a notfce of ddeult In each munly In whlch eny part of the �� <br /> p:r: <br /> - �-'" Properry Is locnted end ahall mail mpfes of auch no11ce in lhe manner prescribed by eppikable le�v to Dorro�rer and lo �a,- <br />,.'<<;i; the other persone prescribed by epptice6le Imr. After Ihe qme requlred by appliceble le�r,7Yustee shnil give public E;�r� <br />--`.';< noNce of aeie to the persons and in the menner pre.scdbed by�pplicuble la�v. 7Yustee,a.�Hhout demand on�orro�rer. -_ <br /> ��� -" aAall sell the Property at publie auctlon to Ihe highest bidder a1 the Iime end place and under the term+daignated In <br /> ':�. tAe notice of sale in one or more pnrce4s and(n any urder 7}uslee determinax 7Yurtee may pactpone sele of ell or any �-- <br /> -�� 1 parcel ot the Properly by public announcemenl at Ihe tlme and place ateny preriously scheduled sele. Lender ar ils F ,:: <br /> i�{ designee mny purchate tAe Property et any.ale. �r.-:_ <br /> ((`�I Upon reeelpt ot payment of the price bid. 7Fusla sM1all deliver m Ihe purchnser 7Yustee's deed conreying Ihe � , <br /> v�` Property. The rceitals In the 7Yusteet dced xhall 6e primu fade evidence of Ihe truth of Ihe statemenV mede theretn. <br />�;"�'i' 7}ustce shell apply the proceeds af the sule in Ihe folla�dnR order: lel la all castc nnd ezpenses of ezerckfng lhe po�rer ��'- <br /> ,,.:,, E-•,` <br />= h�� I �k` <br />� ��'ir: r�. <br /> `�•l?,'� �'i <br /> ;,;s k• <br />- - � <br />-„`:'�t:+- !"wmSO111 V.W .ryma..�n�nrru <br /> i�'.� <br /> �.• . <br /> i. <br /> -r ,..•r.-----�—'_'. ._.._..,.._ _. _ . ..-. _..-•-- " _ _ . . - . "... ._ :, .. � .. .�.. <br /> ';: ':c.� _��: .. ,. _ .... . .- _ . <br />� _ _].:',: .- . <br /> .�F:: _ _. -. . _ . <br /> __ �_'t'''_ __f:,]_:. r_ _.___ " ' - "" _ _ . . <br /> :t <br /> �.��7: 1 K: - <br /> -.9:+r: - . :.p�., <br /> :°.� - <br /> r ;...,_ :.'. . . - � <br /> '�-4�C._ �n�� . _ . <br />".j�' i.1?,- - . <br /> t - � <br /> { i S�_ . ' . . _ . _ <.. . . <br /> i�Rfy� - , � s ' . . : - <br /> � r t. r � ' <br /> e p ( - i5 � Q E, . 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