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_ _ . <br /> �3- �1���3. - <br /> eonJcmnaHon or otner taktng of any put otOro Propeny,or tor wnvoyanoo in Ilou ot condemnallon,�e hbreby assignat and • <br /> shaUbepaldtol.ender. • ` <br /> !�t6e evEnt of a totat teking ot tho Propeny,tho pmaedt ehail be appllcd to rho sunu �ea�rtd by Ififd B�uiity ----'-- <br /> Inatrvment,whethcr o�not tAeO duo,wl�h any excea�nalo to Hormwcr, [n tho evrnt of e pant�l taking of�ho Prc�yerry.ln <br /> • whicM1 dio fotr marke�vatue ot tho Pmperty immWiatary Doforo the tekinq b equn!to a greetet�hen IAe xmount otlhe�ums <br /> ecewed by thb 8ecudty(n�wmcm Immcdiitcly boforo tha wking,unicu 0omo�ver anA Lcnder ot�erwiso agw in wrldrtg, <br /> dw wma Kcurcd by�hle Becudty Inawmem�qall 6a reQua4 by�ho unount ot tho praaWe mu111ylicd 6y�ho followleg <br /> . finetlon: (e)ihe lotal amount of dw eum��ccurcd Immcdlaioty botoro tho�akfng,divldM by(b)t�o(elr marke�vatue otlho <br /> Froptrty immedialely 6atoro�ho taking. Any baianco aholl be pold to �onrowcc In[he ovent ot e partiol�¢kinB ot the •- -•�- - <br /> Property In whkh tho talr metkct voluo of�ho Pmpeny Immcdletcly 6atoro tM�nking ia lc�a then tlw nmoum of the�um� ---- — <br /> «curcd tmmediately betoro�ho�dcing. unlea+ Oortower and Lender othernlw agrco In wrlting or uniea+oppllcaDle Isw <br /> othcrnleo provldn,tho pmtteda�hail be applicd to the�ums�ecurc4 by Nla Sccurl�y Insuumem whethcr or nnt tlw sum�aro <br /> �henduo. <br /> I!tAe Propeny i�abandonrA by Borrowcr,or If,a4er noeico by Lcndcr to Borrower tAot�he condemnor oNen�o mWca <br /> en aw�rd or catla e cteim for damega,Bortowcr felb to respond to Lender with(n 30 dnye�fter�he d�te the notlw is given, <br /> Lcnder la euthodzed to witect and opply�he procad�,at 14+option,elther to restoreHan or rcpalr ot the Property or�o the _,_ ,_�__-_ <br /> �um�cecured by thb 3ecuriry InatNment,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Unlw LraMer and Bortower otherniae egrco in wriNng,any applica�lon of proaeda to pdncip�l nhnll not ex�end ot <br /> postpone the due dete of tho monthly paymcnta rcferted�o In pamgmphs I end 2 or changc thc amount of such paymente. — - -- <br /> lL Borroner Not Releesedt Porbearance By Lender Not e Wetver. Extenaton of the �(me for payment or — <br /> modiflcadon of emoniwdon ot�he numa securcd by ihis Saudty Inatmment granted by Lender ro ony�uccasor in inlerest <br /> of Bartowm shall not operete to roleese the Ilablllty af�he orlginal Bortower or Bortowert cuoceamn in Interost[.endet <br /> ehell not bercq uired ro commence proeeeding�egeinst ony�uceeuor N (ntercs�or rcNu ro ezund tlme for payment or _.____ <br /> othuwiao mod fi y emortizedon of the�ums ceeurcd by�hia Secudty Imtrument by rason of any demand meds by the odglnel `�-��=° - <br /> Bortower or Bortowerb auccesson in interc:t. Any for6emence hy Lender in eaercising any dght or rcmedy:hall not bo a �`f==� <br /> walver of or preclude�he exerciu of eny dght or rcmedy. `�"" -�- <br /> :,,::_ <br /> 12. Successore nnd Aaslgna 6ound�Jotnt and Several Liabllityt Ca•signen. 71�e wvenants�nd agramenu of Uda ����:-•+:i <br /> Secwiry Inshument shall bind end benefit che auceeasora end as+igns of L.ender and Bortower,subjat ro�he provisiom of —,''�?�==�� . <br /> paza;reph I7. Bortowerh mvenanta md egreemems ahall be joint end several.Any Dorrower who m•aigm thb Security ''=�L'�;'''� <br /> nstrvment 6ut daa not execute�ha Nore: (a)is co•si nin �ia Securit Insuument unl ro moe a e, rent cnd conve thet 'j'`�•°"'•-�� �- <br /> I 8 8 Y Y 6 8 B Y .�..,,>..�- <br /> Borrowerh intemt in the Property under the Icnm of�his Savriry Inswmem; (b)is noc personally ubligeted io pny Ihe sums �,;;;;'ti,�+� <br /> ucurcd b thia Sceudt InstrumenC end(c)a «ea thot Lender and en other Bortower ma e rce to urcnd,modif,forbear �''�%z''�;;� <br /> or make en acmmmodations wiih ro ard �o the termx of ihis Securit Inawmem or �he Nole wi�hout Ihat Bortower4 ?�`rF_;f�-:--- <br /> Y 8 Y c;a,-:...•. <br /> comm�t. 4�-".�>;!`;:;-- --- <br /> 13. Loan Chnrgea. If thc loan securcd by �hia Securiry Inrmment is subject to a Iaw which set■maximum loan 1 r.� xa <br /> cher�._nd th_� finslly in�erFrcted N�hst the intere•t�r ot!!�r la+n shn��x enll��ed nr m Ix mllected in connect[on '' �',� �° 's-_:-. <br /> with the loan exceed�he permitted limits,�hen: (a)any such loan chorge xhall be rcduttd by the aman[necessery to rcduce `,;�,;;�;_s�;,; <br /> �n,,,� <br /> tho charge w tlie permined limir,end(b)eny sums¢Ircady collaced from Borro�ver which exaeded pemiiued Iimits wiil be i'7.r?3�'y'��,�*:;;_- <br /> mfunded ro Hortower. I.ender may choose lo moke this rePond by rcducing�he principel awed under�he Note or by making o t�'s'j;'.yt u. ��L::-- <br /> d(rat payment a Borrowec If a rcPond rcducea principal.�he mAiktion will be trcnted as n p�niul prcpuyment without nny E�.xSj��;.�.�,��.�_ <br /> prcpayment cherge undenhe Nota -t�'�+'I���� <br /> 14. Noticea. Any no�ice to Uovower provided for in thix Securrty Instrument shnll be given by delivering it or 6y •£_�^�E°r„i"w - <br /> meiling It by fint claa mail unlcu applirnble law reyuircs use of nno�her me�had.The notice shnll be directed to the Property c��;`;�f+ � _ :..-. <br /> Addrcss or eny other address Bo�rower dexignmcs 6y no�im�o Lcndcr. Any no�itt to Lender shull 6e givcn by first claxs �;Y'.';��!�;��?i<�"-- <br /> meil�o LenderY addrcss xm�ed hcrcin or an aher nddrcss Lender dexi nnrcs b notice ro Bonowea An notice rovided for `-�=''�t�'�:4�:;-;_�� �- <br /> in �ho Securit Instrumcnt shnll 6e dcemed �a huvc hcen ivcn io Bortowcr or Lendcr when iveo nc ro vded in�his .!?kt,j.s,.�,.r-_(�__;-_ <br /> Y s B P -" �:y ,Sr 4 -� <br /> paraareph. �r � �'. <br /> 1S. Governing Lew:Severabil(ly. ThLs Security Insvumem tilwll be govemed hy kderal law nnd Ihe law o(thc ,�.}�,;�.�r...,o�;,,,,.;;�, <br /> judadiction in which�he Pmpeny is lanted. In ihe event�hm nny pmvicion or clause of this Security Instrument or�he Nore i�i.,; �k ; <br /> eon0icts wi�h opplicnble Imv,such contlict shall nnt utfec�a�her pmvicians of this Secumy Ins�mmr.m or the Note which enn ��hY�, i�'+_.r � ,_�.-_ <br /> be given effect without the mntlicting provi�ian. Ti�thi.end �he pmvixionc o(�his Securny Inarument and�he No�e nrc wf t"'• -•��i�•'.;;_=. <br /> .l•-t3'l��`.,•?;fi�°. <br /> declmed�o be uvernbla ?'%:k;�:r`�4���i�,",r: <br /> 16. IIorrower'a Copy. Dorcower shall be given one con(omnd mpy af tlie Nwe and of�his Security In�uumem. ,tF�y':,.,;', �ns,c: - <br /> 17. 7}ansferofthePro rt orxDeneflcinllnteresllnBorrower. If:dloran artofthePra n oran imcrcstin ;'-;r:;:'o-.";,,�'-'�' "` <br /> P� Y Y P' P� Y Y , i,..,.:- <br /> it is sold or uensfe`red ror if a heneficial imem.t in 6nmac�r i+•oW or imn,ferred nnd �orto�rer is not a nawrol rsoN ?�^��t'+x%'� kt`�`:•� <br /> � - ! st �'t i ... <br /> without Lcndeh prior�vrincn coacem.Lendcr may,nt iu nptiun.rcyuirc immcJiu�e paymene in fuli of all sumc ac�vred by - + v = <br /> lhis Securily Instrument. Ho�rever.�hi�oplion.hall nn�Le hy Lender if exerei.e is prohibi�ed by federnl law ac ot �, ,:-�,,.;_ ys_ - <br /> c t� <br /> . �. __'e rrt`_'. <br /> the date of ihis Security Instrumcnt. -�� -� r��y� <br /> If Lender exercixs thic uption.Lender.hall give Bortnw�er nntice u(accdera�inn. 'll�c nrnice.hall pmvide u periad at -i; <br /> not lus Ihon 30 days from Ihe Jate�he nntice i.JelirercJ or maiied���i�hin�rhieh Anvmrer mu.�ryy ail,unu.ecurcJ 6y�hi. } �� �- <br /> Sccurity Inswmcnt. If Bormwcr faik�o pay thac ,nnu prior m�hc cspimiinn n(Ihis perinJ. Isndcr may invoke any �.. t.� . 'f••+i`!��. <br /> remedies permilted by Ihii Sccurity In.tmnxnt���i�hnul(unhcr na�ice nrJem:md nn Iinrto�.cr. . - . . <br /> 18. Dorro�rer's RIRht [o Relnste�e. If Burtm�cr meeh cenain condi�inm. Rnma��¢r�h:dl h�vr �he right �a have - - <br /> entorcement o(�hi.Securiry•Imwmem dna,minacd ai am �ime pn�,r m�h.cadicr oL �:n 5 dn.�ar w.h.ahrr�+arial m - � . <br /> .:.,� � :.-. <br /> SmFlelmnd�-Fonnie\LNFrcddie\1�cISIFOR\II\STRINF.\T-Ind.�m�Q.rnam. 9'90 �p�r.�.)nperu ,•. -' . . <br /> �' <br /> I' <br />.. _:.,-..,:...,_,.__._�..•-_.... . .. .. ' __ . <br /> �v ,. . .... . . . . . . . _, . , _ . . . . <br /> .i' <br />,.i <br /> _ �--.,1,"'.o.y�`: . � . . . <br />- � . -� . . .� . _ .. �- . . <br /> - ,�: �. . ' . ' <br /> � , � <br /> �. <br /> ) � z ' <br /> . -.. -..Y .. . _ " . <br /> � � <br /> , i } <br /> ' -- ' - -- '..�.:L ._ .... . .. ._ � ._ . _ . . _ _ _. . .. ... , . �13r _.' ...,.._ _ . . . _ _ <br />