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„ . ;r_ _ _ <br /> �, :� 93� �o�a�.s - , ; <br /> _ perfoda tAat landu rcqutrca 71ro Inauruwe canier pmvlding�ho tnsurenca�6e11 Ee chosen Ay 8orrowar eublat to Lenderl ” - <br /> ----°-- approval whioh slpll not be unrcasonsbly wUhhcld. if Bortowu fmb to meintain coven e deacribed pbova�.ender mey,et -� :_. �-�:.. .. <br /> _. <br /> — Lender6 optlon,o6Wn cove�ego w protat I.ender§dgh��in�he Rropeny In wcoidance� th pvegreph 7. <br /> - —� AII in:uronapoUetn ertd renewala shaU 6e acapub!e ro Lender end shsll include n standud mortgage cleua. Lerteer — <br />-__-....,�� �hetl have the right lo hold�he polides aiM renewale. ItLendu requtra,Bortower ihall promptly give to Ltnder ell�aelpte <br /> ot paid prcmiume Nd rcnewel noilxs. In�he ovont o/loas,Bortower shell give prompt no�Ice to�he Insnrmoa cartler and <br /> ���_._� Lender. Lender m�y make proototlosa itnot medo promptly by Bortower. <br /> _ Unlw Londuand Barewer othenvlse aarce In writing,insuranee proceeAs ahall be applkd to ratorallon or rep�lr ot °_-�-�� �--�� ��� � � <br /> ___ �he Pro�y dnm ,if ihe reuomtlon or rcpalr i�eoonomieally fusibte and Lendorl �eeudty I�not IcuenW. If�he <br /> ==.°r.�'� rcatore�on or r Is nm uonomicaily kaalblo or Lendorl�ecurity wouid bo Ics:encd,ttw Insurenco prooxd��hell bo <br />-�•�-+'�x;i.»� ^ nppllcd�o�he sum�saurcd by ih� 9ccudty lmuumem, wheih¢r or not�hen due.with eny oxwu pa�d�o Bortower. If <br /> ��''�'u'- � Bortowcr eben6om�ho or daea not m�wer within 30 da a naico from Lender�hat�he Ineurenoo carrler hm <br /> y' ,,�'i_: ProVcrtY� ri <br />�>,;,,_�,,,>•:, oRcrcd ro sealo a clalm,then I.ender miy collat tha inwranca proceed�. Lendcr may use the proceeda to rcpe!r or resrora <br /> '�.;;.��'.� iha Pro�ny or ta p�y auma acurcd by thli 9ecudry Insuumem,whether or rot�hen due. The 30•day pedod will bogin when <br /> '' . tire not tt ie given. — <br /> s, ;�l�r� t U�n�l�Len�d�1e�M B e mw�'�henvieo�grca In wriqng,any appliceibn ot proceed�ro princlpal sh�ll not exrcnd or � � _____ <br /> pos po y paymenro roforted w in pazagrnph� 1 Nd 2 or change tlw emount of�Ia pnymenn. It <br /> ,}%t„�,: u�er paregreph 21 ihe Property I�acquired by I.ender,Bortowerl right io eny insurence policfea and proceeda rcsulqng - �_ _ <br /> ti t±� hom dunago ro iM Property prlor ro tha acqulsiNon shdl pese io Lender to�he ezmnt of�he�umf rccurcd by�hla Sceudry -- <br /> r,r ^',;. 4 Insuumcnt immedi�tely prior to ihe xqulaitloa �� . a <br /> �-:��;��?'`Y 6. Occupancr, Praervation, Meintenence und Prolatton of the PropeHy; BorrowePe Loan Appltcation� �-- <br /> `� ��;t;=�_ Leaseholda. Bortoxer shall occupy,es�eblfeh,�nd use the Property m Borrowerb pdncipal ra(denee with(n sixry dayi eRer � r:`- . <br /> �t ';-y� �he execution of N0 Saudry Inswment end�hell condnue to occupy the Propeny ee Bortower§pdncipal rcaide�rce for at �yw4 �_-;. --�--- <br /> �n `%k�!: Ieast one year nfier tAe d+ta of occupancy, unlem Lender othenvix agees in wridng, which consent ahell not be � — . <br /> r ' unrwaonebly wlthheid,or unlese atmmting circumswces exist which erc beyond Borrowerk eomrol. Borrower Fhall not , k�3 <br /> ` ' ,�� t}ti deatroy,d�mege or Impair the Propeny,ellow�he Propercy ro deterioratc,orcommit waste on the Property. Borrower shall `��i'�-�nR`` °�u <br /> ?s� � ho in defeutt if any fode(mrc enfon or procceding,wheiher dvil or criminai,is begun�h�t in Lenderh good fahh judgment !; •'rc <br />.-� v in��yt; Lendorhttcudt f inte'reat. Oorrowermancurciuch adePoul[tend'Ki supa ai rovidedrin� by thia Sauri�y Inswment or `"`i%F a = - <br /> �v/ - i Y Y p parng�aph I8,by causing the ac�ion � r 1.�v 'v "' <br /> `+';;t�f� a proceeding[o bedismissed with e rultng Ihaq tn Lender§good faiih dete�mina�fon,precluda fodeiture ofthe Bortowerk `�,�-x�x �df,. _ <br />,;,,.t��1?,.�� intereat in�he Propeny or other matedel impilrment of the lien creetW by this Secudry Incwmm�or LendeA security _��,>.�:�r'��i_.�... <br /> j;,u q ;� Intercst. Bortower ahell also be In defeult if Borrower, during ihe loan applicetion procesi, gave makAelly fultt or -��rq ri 3 — <br /> �1'� � §� ineccurate informa�ion or sutements to Lender(or faited to provide Lender with eny meterial intormalion)in connec�ion with -�v ,�'� --` <br /> ,,1 {,-` �he loan evidenud by the Note,including, 6ut not limited Io, rcprcsentuion� conaming 6orrowerk occupanry of the �'�e<��3� ��c�--- <br /> sr Y.�� ! propcf[V 118l111I1CIWI RRIElIICC. I�IFIIf ClNfI1V IIISINIM[Ii iiOII A I{J,I;Chl1IA�ES(lrtllWlf�F?II SORI�IY WIIII EII Ille F[�vl:ierts Y .�kS�� --. <br /> li� of�he lease. If Boriower ecquircs fa title ro the Propeny,the Iwehold and�he fee tltle shill not merge urlece Lender agrces '�* - T a + - <br /> �S.? .-3K� to�he mergerin wrninS• F��- �i +� �fr <br /> �,a 7. Protection ot Lender'�Righ�s In Ihe Property. If Bofrowcr fails ro peffofm ihe covenenta and egrcements a� ;�� Sr�S � '= <br /> �y�f,g<� conteined in �hia Security tn5tmment, or�herc ia a legel proreeding �hm may significantly affect Lenderl dgh�s in �he r��,av � }3� ,� t <br /> �, ; -� ;; Pmpetty(such as t praceeding in bvikrvptcy,probate,for condemnaiion or foReiturc or m en(orce laws or rcgulatlons),�hen T y �.l,� 4�„�i'��;;� <br /> ✓ r >,: Lender may do wid puy for whaiever ia necessery to protect�he velue of�k Propeny end Lenderl rights in the Property. - �� o-t '�-+". <br /> •',•. ��f' lxnder�actions ma include x in en sums secured b a lien which has riorit over this Securit Insuument,a nn ��'`��"�'�':°."1���ii;,_�- <br /> �. -Y Y P Y 8 Y Y P Y Y PP�+� 8 <br /> �a.� .� in coun,paying rcssonable attomrya'fas end enrering on the Propeny to moke rcpairs.Although Lender may take actton �t`�.t-i `���f���.--� <br /> . +B �'�j? under thie paragrnpF 7.Lender das not have to do so. < < .�: � ��: -'�;='�. <br /> 1� it�' t Any emounu dis6ursed by Lender under ihis pamgmph 7 sholl 6ecome ndditionel deM of Borrower secured by�his `�- �� r�`'�f�`� <br /> � . Security Instrvmen� Unless Uornower nnd Lender ngree to ather terms of puymen4�heu amoums shall bear imercst from the �� ���'��/c-+ ' <br /> ���{;.�%;r1 date ot dis6ursemem at the Note mie and shull be a able,wi�h intercst,u n notitt fmm Lender�o Borrower rc ucetin i'"t;'-'-�'c�E;,;��'�;V�. <br /> P Y P� 9 S (' n: � <br /> jt�( 'r payment. _ \ .-..- <br /> ,, ��� ' 8. Mortgegt Insurence. If Lender required mongege insumnce ut a condition of making the la�n ucurcd by this `'� . °� "tiq, � -• <br />_Z�f Securi� Inswment Bortower sholl a ihe rcmiunss rc mred ta maintain�he mort x e insumnce in effeci. IL for an -�-� � '� ' . <br /> ,�.,`�_:` Y P Y P 9 � 8 8 Y . �: ...1;���.e�fFi���~,� <br /> ?v �; rcason, Ihe mong�ge inxumnce coverage rcquimd 6y Lender lapses or cesxs ta 6e in etlec6 Domower shu11 pay �he _ +ji}, a �,t��� <br /> , .! s_ prcmiums rcyuired to ohtain corerege sub.atm�ially eyuivnlem �o �he mongage iammnce pmviously in e(&ct, ut a cost ._'.�;' �t 'G .<i�=� <br /> - �}.,',�'�:� xubs�amielly equivalent�o�he cou�o Borro�ver of�he mortgage insumnce pmviously in effect,from an nitema�e monga6e rz`;:.�";�,.?��="xi;,� <br /> } � _: iasurcr approved by Lendec It subsmmially equivnlem mongage insurance mverage is no�aveilabic,Borrower shall pay to � _ '�� �ftyj` -�'• <br /> i f-���; Lender each momh a sum eyunl to one-Iwelhh of�he yearly mongaae inzur.�nce premium bein¢paid by Borrower when the ,, �! ��i rrtt.,,, <br /> j iasurantt mvemge lopud or ceaxd to be in e(kct. Lender wiil ucep6 uu md rcluin Ihex paymems as a loss reserve in lieu � T �.3 -- �_. <br /> ���'��':, of mongage in.+urm. Lu¢reserve paymems m�y no longer be rcyuired,a1 the option of Lender.if mortgage insu�ance `1 `-.- <br />-.:i"s:;�.!.y; cuvcmge(in ihc amount nnd for�he periai�hat Lcnder rc�uiral mvided b �n in.urcr a rorcd b•Lender a ain bccomes ��''�'�}'�t"'�'"� <br /> - 1 P Y� PP ) 8 � �,v'S':n�..,:- <br /> �_. �-z, avxilabie anJ is obiained.6om�s•er shal I pay�he prcmiumx reyuircd to maintain mongage insur.uuc in cf(ec�,or�o pmvide a � ' <br /> + lacs reserve,until�he rcyuircmenf far mongage insurancr enJs in acmrdamt x�ilh an)•wrillen agreemm�t Mluc¢n Botrower _ (�..' <br />��}'SZr � `�' and Lendcrora licablc la�v. - <br />-- '."i .�'�`�' 9. Inspecf on. LcnJcr or ilt agem may m:�kc rtaxonahle cnlric.uFxm and im�Rion.u(Ihc Pmpeny. Lcnder.6all ' - � � <br /> �-' irc 13onowcr noliee at�hc iimc otor nor�a an in+ uon x ril in ma.omhlc am•c fanhc m• <br /> '``o`-`� �- g P � !� R Y F pec�ion. <br /> '`��j`-- 10. Condemnallan. Thepmcaad��(anyawurJordaimfarJamagecdircctnrcanxyu<n[iai,imm�nectinn�ei�h:mq �� � - <br /> - ti��loFamih.-4innle\hdFrrddleNxcl'YIFOBf11Sti'fRC\1F.]T--InmmiGnemm� 9.9� �N�r?..Inryer�� y- . <br />, _ . n.n�,��ir O � <br /> P�[pyuC IdOSIJAIlI .il�ilRlfl-11]I . <br /> ..1` r <br /> `�`.. <br /> " ..� <br />.. '� eJ f ���';�":.�5:'i""�f'C-.-: . ' . ..._.._..--���_-�......... . . . ... <br /> --`�.�. . �. - _ _ ' _. <br /> '.' :i:;;�'. . . <br /> •�4�. .�.. ? . <br /> � `: . — —_ <br /> �.'��` - _ x'� '_ . <br /> _ ���.-. :. . . <br /> �:��S:::LL"Jf:_:�,�: ' . . <br /> i.�T _ . <br /> ,-r,'� (: _ . . <br /> ,T..:.iy` - ' . <br /> �.}��l'{�'�!(., . , , <br /> -:1''i]•.'{r:-. - " . - _ . <br /> 5n_ ' . <br /> y. '., <br /> � -1. Y -.. _ _ . . . <br /> _ ' <br /> � i -. . . r � .�- , . <br /> r <br /> � <br /> . r); , , ..- .. _.- ._ c , .: _ _ . , _�. <br />