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_ - - - . - -°' -- - -.:_,s �; _� � ;:r <br /> , :. ._. . _._ : _,_. _ <br /> ,. . . , . _:_ ,. : ..,. _�_ __ <br /> � �J3� �b9�i3 ; ,. �� : <br /> `7'OfjLlfiBii NI7H at(�o impmvement�now w hercaRef ereNed on�he yropeny;and�11 tasemdnta,'6pWrtfep�ncea.- � <br /> aq4 fl:rores new m nueafter a Qan ot tho propert . Alt repincemenu eed eddWona she11 elso ba coverld by tAta BegVrltl�, � � <br /> fnstnrmenG Ailot�aforegainglarotemed�ototh�Seui�tryirotrur+xntasina"PropMry." <br /> �. gOItAOWHR OOVBNAt�fl'8 tha�Bortowu la IaWtulb so�ce4 of Iha oytaW h4rybY oonreyed end hm Ne Ag6t to grant �_ _ � _ <br /> and convey 0e'Propc�ty and�at the Property ts anencumbered,ozoept for cncumbrancea oJraoM. Bortoiver warrenu end <br /> wi11 Aetend generolly lho titleto the Pmpeny egatnst aIl olelms end danende,eubJeu�o eny encum6renoe�otraorC. <br /> 'I4!]9 BHCURPI'Y INS7RUM8N7'combine� unitoim Covenanta tor nndonel uso end noMUNtorm covcnanu with <br /> Ifmitcd variatlons by Jutisdiqlon to consHtute n unitoim exudty Insuument covedng rcal propeny. �- -, ---- -- __ <br /> tJNlFORM COVSNANfS. Bortower end I.enducovenent and agtee a�Poilowi: <br /> I. Papment of Prindpal and IntereaN Prcye7ment and 49te Cherges, Bortower ehell prom�ry pay when dua�ho <br /> pdnclpal ot uW tntereat on the debt evidenad by tho Noto and any prcpaymene and�ate cherga due under tho Noio. <br /> 2. PUnda Por'Nxes and Imm�nce. SubJat to epPliceble Iaw or to a wrincn welver by 4endcr,Bortowcr�hall p�y to <br /> I.ender on tfie day monthly paymenro aro duo under No Noio,until Ne Noto le pafd In NII,o wm("Huids')for(a)yearly �_ <br /> roxea end astasmenta which may�udn prlodty over this Sceudty Insuument a+n Iicn on the Property;@)ycuAy Icauhotd <br /> pnymem� or gound rente on tho Pmpcny,if pny; (c) ywly huud or propeny inaurence prcmlumr, (d) ycazly flond - ` ----- <br /> Inwrenca pnmlum�, it eny; (e)yearty mongage Insumnco prcmium�, if eny;end(Q ony�um�pnyablo by Dortower to <br /> Lender,in eaordmw wliA tAo�rovisiona ot pamgroph e,in Ileu ot�hopayment of mongoga in+umnco yrcmlum�. 7Leea <br /> Ilem�ero called"Hserow Itcm�. 4ender moy,nt any Iimo,rolicct and hold f1�nd�In an amount nol to exacd tho manimum <br /> amount a Icnder tor o kderclly rclatcd mongnge low may requlro for oortowcrb cwrow oocoum undu Iho fedcral Rcol <br /> Bs�nto 3ctticment Praccdurp Act of I974 a�uncnded Gom Omo to eimo, l2 U.S.C.4���ei+eQ.('R[iBPA"),uniea�anoihcr <br /> Iaw thet epplia to iho[Lnd�ceu e le+sor amoun4 ff w,Lendcr may,nt eny t�me,collxt end hoid W nd�in en amount not to <br /> oxcecd tho lesur emount. Lender may c�Amaio �he emoum ot Wnda duo on the bosie of wrtcn� data and reawnab�a <br /> estlmaiee of expenNWrca ot future Escrow Uema or otherniu in accoMenca with applicablo lew. " � <br /> 7Aa Pund� ihell be held in nn ina�itutlon �vhoso doposlu arc Inwrcd by�[Weral agency,Instmmentelity,or emlty - -� <br /> (Inciuding Lender,if Lender Is such on InsHmtloN or fn any Pederol Homo Loen Bank. I.ender�hall apply Iho Wnde lo psy ;,..._,., <br /> the 8urow Imma. Lender may not cherge Dortower for holding end a plying�he Punda,annudly enalyzing�he¢ecrow r•n�_..� <br /> '. <br /> ti.,,. <br /> euount,or verifyfng the Eumw Iteme. unleaa l.ender paya Borrower nreres�on �he Pund+and applicable lew pertntta — , <br /> Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may requtrc Bortower�o pay a onatime chv�e for en independent rcal E�?i;��r.'.-_ <br /> epete tax reporting urvice used by Lender In connation with thta loan,unlw appliubla law provides o�herniae. Unlw en - � .r <br /> agreement la mede or epplicable lew require�intercs�to be pafd,Lendtt ehall not 6e requ(rcd to pey Bortower eny Interat or .:�.�)i�;;;-.. <br /> wm(ngs on the Phnda. Bortowcr end I.ender may agra in writing,however,�het interest aheil be paid on the Punds. Lender .%':,Sr�y;„ <br /> ahell give lo Bortower,without eharge,an annuel eccounting of�h¢Pund�,showing credita end de6ita ro�he fimda end Ihe ..N.��=�;:[, � <br /> purpose for which eech debi[to the Wnda wu made. The Wnda ere pleAged a�addiGonal ucuriry for all sums securcd by �Y?�, F?�'„ <br /> thia Securiry Instn�menc 1�i�h�+t" — <br /> !f!hE A:.".L�'.bC�d bp LfRdet extetd!4! e!nonnl p!Im�11rA tn he heid Ay anpllcahle law,Lender�hell tccount [o y�•- - -�__—�� <br /> Borrower for�he execss FLnds in acmrdencs wi�h the rcquiremrn�a oi eppllcable lew. If�he emount of the FLndt held by '��_ - - <br /> I.ender et any 6me is not au(fieient to pay the fixrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bortower in wdting,end,In °�� �'� —° <br /> sueh cue Bortower ahall pay to Lender �he atnount necessary ro make up Ihe deficieney. Bortowa ehall make up the ���� � � —. <br /> deficien In no morc than twcive monthi rnis,et Lendcrk sole dixrnion. '�=�5�1�r`t�}��'^` � <br /> Upon p�ymen[in full of ell mms srY.cwiW�by this Security Instrumen6 Lender ahall promptly refund to Bortower eny `''a';�'��t$��'�,?�'{�'- <br /> `f"���t�"'y�'�'��y='. <br /> sale of the pm�ndeaha I a�dl r a�Ponds hel bnde�der mihercime of ae uPsition or setecu encredit ecein�x(theisuma ;i�',�k�.y�:%�'�`-�:�':L;�.. <br /> PertY• PPY Y Y 9 8 ,f ����;{��..'�:. <br /> securcdbylhisSecuritylnswmene t�'tl�' �`�)`�-Vn-?_ <br /> 3. Applicerton ot Pnymente. Unlcu nppliuble lew providcs o�herwise, all paymenu received by Lender under 3i;y„��Gy , ��x'_�___,_. <br /> paragrepha 1 end 2 ahall be npplied:firs6 to any prcpryment charges due under�he Note:sernnd,to amounts payablt under �;�4�} 2+t�V`��Ra�c:. <br /> paegraph 2:third,�o imerest due;founh,ta principal due:and lut,to any le�e charges duc under�he Nate. ;.���i��� k t- r ....:. <br /> 4. Chergea; Liem. Oofro�rer shull pay ull uces,assessmentt. charges, fines end imposition:euribmnble to the k-$.g�:''' ;Cpyr;^-a, <br /> ;, ....�:-� ,,:;;._., <br /> Propeny which may attein pdority over this Securiry Instrumem,end lexuhold payments or gmund rents,if any. Borrower ��'��f,%�'.:!F��t':i�;;'.4�t <br /> :y- <br /> ahdl pay theu abtigxtians in�he manner provided in p�mgraph 2,or If no�paid in that mxnner,Oovo�ver shall pay them nn Ye.'..i='S�#;`,r,,;;z:;; <br /> time diratly ro�he person owed paymem. 6orrower shall promptly fumish m Lender al l notices of amoums�o be paid under i�t{�" ,� t}�;; �. <br /> thia paragmph. If Bortower make:these paymems dircctly.Borto�vcr shall promptly fumish�o Lender rceeip�s evidencing 4r ;� sh a(iy. r;�� <br /> � }'i �i: _ <br /> �he p Bo eowersheli promptly dischnrge any lien which has priority over this Security Inswmem unless Borrower.(o)agrces '6'�`�.�i;�;;�d'r'!,';r�"• <br /> in writin ro the ent of ihe obli otion xecured b ihc licn in a mnnner acce mble ro Lender.(b)conusis in ood(aith the £�:'i'��ei1`�����`;�'-; <br /> E PaYm 8 Y P 8 ,x.�,.:�.�.��.p..,._.. <br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in.legnl praeedings which in ihe Lenderi apinion opere�e�o prcvent�he ty«,=:;;�,-�;�,z,�-,yx:_.: <br /> enforcemem af the lien;or(d secures trom�he holder of the lien un agrcement s�tisfactory ro Lender subordinating tM1e Iien �-;:, .5':_��;�u'::,°:�: <br /> ro thla Sceurity Instrument. I(Lender detem�ines�Aat any pan of the Prapeny is subject�o a lien which may anain priority "�z' �Z �`"q°-`��-�'-- <br /> ovcr this Security Instrument.Lender may givc Bortowcr e nolicc idemifying Ihe lien. 6orrower shal l satisfy�hc lien onake 1�?'��'+ 'z� �ii�>j��: <br /> one or more of thc actions xt(orth abovc wi�hin 10 days ot Ihc givin@ o(noticc. +'-^�"•`� '�'` b'`-���� <br /> 5. Harard or Pro ert Insurance. Uortouer shall kee the im rovemems now exisiin ar hereafter crccted on the ��� '-`"` �."" "' <br /> P Y P P 8 y'"C�;.. .;'i::r..,'91: <br /> Propeny insurcd against losc by fire,hazards inciuded wi�hin Ihe tertn"ex�ended coverage"and any other hamrds,including :�'�;•:,:�. ::._-'i <br /> floods or Oooding.Por which Lender reyuircs insurance. This insurance shall M1c maimained in�he amnunts and (or�he <br /> :i;: <br /> Farml02N 9.10 rryK-/npte�l ^ - - .. <br /> �.. .r . _,-. :-..-_ y>.__'._.. ."_" ...,:"':'.'" _ ' _" _'_:"_._' '�„_r- - . ^ '. -s- �-- . , � <br /> � --y _,j' _ . . ... _ ,�. . . . . <br /> _._.;... ... . •-.. _ . . . _ <br />_...�. _ .... . . . . ' _ _ <br /> �� :. ,��:,.�'.__`_._ �'__ _" _..__-___' _ . . <br /> . . .__ _ _—_ ' <br />. ...__:,_° . . ._.-_, . _ .. ._ _ . <br /> ,:'.!'- '�;`r:��' ' � . - . <br /> •^`'�. <br /> - '•ic.'• � . . . . <br /> '.i:• • , <br /> _ " _ c?2:' . . . . _. <br /> ' - i.;f- . � - . <br /> � ( ' ' <br /> i • <br /> .,i... -.,�� .-. .. . - ' � . <br /> M :1- _ . . . . . ���.' ' . <br /> • . <br /> .1 . . . . ' _ . . - ' <br /> �(•� . . . � - . <br /> 1 r� <br /> b- i <br /> 5 ' � � �.� . �, <br /> ., <br /> , . . <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . .. . . , � . <br />_ , . � . . . . . . . .._ ... ._._ �. - <br />