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i . - <br /> . <br /> , <br /> U�Lj�xrt" �, .. , . , ._. . . . ,.. .,. . _. .... ^ _ _ <br /> ; ,, <br /> ... -r_ ' . ' ' . VX �V���,} _ �_ <br /> ,�r-.. ._ .. . . . _. • . . .., . � . . _ . -� <br /> .� . . . v. .� e �- . -.... , � ..[L It � .� i <br /> pi p�-p��1 l.wµR�nQrauni�ed,'�.nay.n�nn�v�e, o non,iri��iwie�na.pib��t�ai�r.aoh�os ,ir �`��` Pr� <br /> — a�iiedi�4unqih+�Nrom�ij,�o�Ufnd�xgi��mau`rr:a�ji�ttnaaan:anonwltA�uaRRw..aac�onu,y _ _ <br /> �Kdbyendln(JOhOrQQidf ndermaydetarminaorlo�ppty�OiuoAPraaetl�,�tlaauondfduc�oni,to0eiabratlonolMe <br /> _= .PIC+pd�u92q.l�qllt�onAlqonfMl.sOdnmayd�I�rmin�.MyappllaallonolProceM�tolntlehl�MWIh�I1�o1�xNe70tpbN�1! .._ . <br /> ___�_ ili0du�daN0lpnyp�ymenuunQerNeNOk,oroureeir/0etaultNereunde�orheraunCer.MyunaDD��adNnE�aMilaD�b <br /> Trpst6n , y <br /> commenov 'e�i hmelerq�lryaefeouiee�de�elnteree InineVroDeAy.lendarmayNl�i�own0lwreUOn6utw11hout�o6Apitloht�q�tl�o <br /> -�--� e eo,inE witlwut notlee to v Gementl upon 7tuetor anG wlmaut releealny Truetor from any ooupauan,0o enyec[which Tnntor hee " <br /> - <br /> ___ �prwtlOulhll�taAO�ndmayspodo�nyolhm�otltdamenece�aryloDretecitM�eeuAiyMrapLTruitorsh�0.lmmidbqN <br />- —.�v•= upondemaMNerelorEyl.ende�,pey WLentlerallwateendexpaneealnourreOenA�umeexpeMeO6y LeMerinoonneollonwll� <br /> °°---���—�-- Nesxerolupy LenCerolNalorepolnprlyMatopeNarwnhlnlerestNereonetthedelaunreteCrovldedlntheNOte,xt�lch�hNI6e <br /> -=-�:�r._f addltl to Ne 1ndeDtedneae e9aured �ereby.Lender ehNl not Inour eny Ileblllry 6eoeuae ol anylhlny R may do or omlt b Co <br /> � �+.;� Mrounder. <br /> ,, _ -iy 8.H�x�rdou�M�IxI�U.Tru6�or eh8ll kee�Ne Property In com�lienee wlth n11 eDD��oebla 1aw�,orElnencao an0-royuletlona <br /> ,._- � -�' rolaqr�y lo Induatdel hyylgne m enWronmonla proleotlon(oollaciNe y relerred to�erefn ae'Envlramontal Lewa1T�8�or shall �=- --�- <br />-�'="-�,�'�;�- keepNeProperryfree1romelleu6etanceddeemedlobahezarUOUeortoxiounde�anyEnWronmentellewe(oolleotFroyretartfldto <br /> ��;'='�r-*S>a� hereln ae"Heurdoue MateNele'�.Truaror hareby warranu anA repraeenu to LanEar Ihat Nera ere no HezerAOUe Metetlale on or <br /> . .;i,.v�;..,: <br />;:-.,.�,rc,-,._;�_ undarID9Properiy.TruttorhereDyegr60ntoindomnHyaMholAhermlea9L9nCer.Ibdirector0.oPoCer6employaosendaganls,8nd _ <br />-��-,:�?:{'�_.,.,�t! eny eucceseor�to Lendere Intoreat from and egalnet flnyand ell clalma,damegea,losaee and Ilablllllai arlslnp N connaotlon wIN _ __. <br /> -.��}'�;����;• the pre�enca,uae,diapoeel or tranaport of eny He�rdoua Maledale on,unEer,Gom or aboul l�e PropaM•THE FOBEQOINO =- <br /> ,li��".,i »J .. WARMNTIEBANDREPflEBENTATI0N8,ANDTRV8TOH'808LIOATION8PUR8UANTTOTHOFOflE001N41NOF1.INITY,BHALL ���� <br /> t ��r�!�� BURVNE RECONVEVANCB OF THIB DEED OF TRUST. _ <br /> k � ,;�F�° 10. Auiynm�nt ot R��W�heraby aesl9ne ro LenOer the reni0.�asuea end DroilW ot Ne Property,provtdaE that TNntor _ <br /> r �,tY���S shetl,untllNeoccurrenceo�anErentofDefaulthereunder,havetharighttocolleolandretalnauchronll,ISauesanAprofli6eeNey � � _. <br /> .����.��ti become Gua antl payable.Upon Ihe occurrence of en Erent ol DafeWL lander may,aiNer In porson or by epent wAh w wlNout '- <br /> , ,. -o. bdn81n9 arry actlon o�prceeeOing,or by a�oceivar appointed by a court enA without reperC to Ihe adaquecy ol He wcurRy,enter 9�. -�. <br /> >f,(', -;"�at uponendtekapoaseaslonofNaProparry.oranypatlNereotlnipownnameorinNanameoltheTmalea.tvWtloanyaclawhlehlt ,��j '..� <br /> r,. .l �N.t deameneeeaseryadealrebletopreaenet�avulue.markemblllywrenmMllyoft�eProperty,OrEnyplrtthere0imintereatl�azeln, -c '_ <br /> � ; i�F�; Increesa the incoma tharetrom or proteot Na secvdry haeof end,wilh or wMOUt teking poeee6slon of t�e P�opwy,bu0 b�ot �f',u4�-:��� <br /> ,''_t�7?�h_{% Olh8rwl80 collect I�a rente,leauea enE proNe ihere0f.InUUAIng Ihoee pa6t OYO enA unDeid,and eppiy ihe�eme,IA�e coett entl „aY:x,, <br /> r -- ft�;y�. axpensasotoparalionandcollealionincludingattomeys'1eeAU0onanylnAe6lednesasecuredhereby.alllnauchordarealsndar '� .• <br /> '� Si, ;�r mfly deta�mina Tha entering upon end uking poseeealon ol Ihe Proparty,tha wllection ol auch reNe,ieavaa end poNe end Ne �„�w;?• <br /> ;�;�..��„xt,:� eppllcellon thareof ea aloreeaid,s�ell not cura or waha eny de�avlt or noUCa of default hereuntler or InvalWele em�ect dona In �°;`y%-i„��'•- <br /> ti , �y}�r` reaponeatosvc�delnultorpureuenttoauchnoticaofdaMultend,nolwilhelendingthoconOnuancelnpoaaeafionolqeProD�YOr `��?;' zz` <br /> /li�'�� - Ff �af-.:- <br /> • ;.�`,{ t�e collectlon,receipt anA applice8on ot renle,leaues or profile.nnA Tmatae end LanAer ehell be enWed lo oxerdse every dgM -,•.. } <br /> _-+�-_ proWdedtainenyoNheLOenlnaWmentaorbylewuponoeeurreneealanyEvenlol0elaulUneWAingwlNOU[limlulionihedpht ' � = <br /> � ��`� toezerciaeNOpowerofeele.FUn�er,LenAere�IghteantlremetllesunAe�t�leperagraphehe11be6umu19tivewlN,andlnnoweya ��#�;n+,:: <br /> ,�Ff 7; F=,. IlmitaYOnon,LendefedghWenCremeOleeuntlerenyeasiynmentolleaseaenOrenle�eeorAedegeinalthePropeny.lendbr,7rualee �+� x _ <br /> �t�°� �:'�tt end Ne recelver ahell be 11861e to eccount only tor Ihose renle eclually recelvetl. - %k <br /> �re�?1�� yi�' 8 ri�'..�,M1 4 ,: <br /> 1 t. EvenG of O�taull.The tollowin eha0 conatltWe an Event ot Deleult untler thit Deed ol Truet <br /> ' - -i .-•, (W FaiWre to pay eny IneWlmant ol principei or hterest ol any oiher eum seared neroDy when due: �,_.;_�..�-"'- <br /> j?t�,:�:,'�; (b)AbreacholorAelaultunCeranyprovielonconteinetlint�eNOIe,NIaDeedofTUaLanyoltl�eLOanlnanumente,orany r;�,�t�.�,_._ <br /> � � �L. other Ilen or ancumbmnce upon Ne Property; ,;;i�� <br />_._yJ _,�:u.:;r�' (cjAwtltotexecutionorett0chmentorenyeimila�proeeass�allbeenteredegain6tTruatorwhich6hallbeWmeallenOn :,;_�,�,,.�; <br /> F �,,.,; Ne Property or eny poNOn ihereol or Intereat iherelrc 1 + _ - <br /> vsy, (d)T�ere ehall be filed by or agelnet Truator or Borrower an acYOn untler eny preaent or lulure lederal.pete or olher � -� ' �: <br /> ,n=[' a18Nt&law or repula0on reklinq to benkruptey.ineolrency or olher reliel lor tlebto(e:or Ihere eMll be epOOInfBL eny imatee, ' �' s -" <br /> i . <br /> t +F ';-,,�`;!' reeeivero�11qu10ebro1TmstororBOrcowerorofellorenypartolthePropertyArNerenla,issueso�pwfile�hereof.orTrvelor -.v.�� ��. }' <br /> ��ix� ?•� or Borrower ahali make any 9enerel aeslgnment lor Ne benefit ol eredito�9: <br />,,, j },- '�;- (e)The aele,Varmfer,lease,es�i8nment conveyance or IurNer encumbrence ol all or any pert ol or eny Inlerest in the ` '• �%� <br /> ° : �:n`- �� PropeM•aither voiuntedly or involuntarlly.without Ne e:preas wrilten consent al Lender, proNded Ihet Trvstor ehall be °aF"�`'��-�` <br /> :`,��!?t�t�-is' pBlmltlOdtOBxeGU1BB18L6BOflhBPrOpBrtyl�dltloeSnottonl9lnenoD��a��oputch866endlhBlermOlwhlchdOBDnOIBxCeStl %�'Pi°.'-�;-_:' <br /> -:f;-, one year, .3'� �4 ``: <br /> �.- �-: '`.� *' (q AbenAOnmenl ot t�e ProPerry:or °:: ,cc:-: <br /> ��-77����ir;':.'�:.�: (g)�e.trensler.aeaignment.rqnvoyanceorencumbraneoolmqethanelotel ����� `�":--:: <br /> �i � ,.. , <br /> �h:�rF` of � poreonl of(it a wr0oration)its�eauoA antl oulatanOinp stock or Uf a pannenh�p)a toWl ol 0 percenl ot ..y �, <br /> �k i . - -,�:; plrtneraMp InlereaW dudng IMe periotl lhia Deetl ot Truat remeine a lien on the Prope�ly. �+�y.;� <br /> ¢� , t2. Remedlea;Aecelere�lonUponDeleulL�nlneevemolanyEremo�DeleWiLenOermay,wiV�oWno�ceexeeptureqWretlby �.. <br /> ,.y! 19w.Oeclere ell intlebtednesa eecuroC hereby to De Aue antl peyaDle anA Ine aeme s�ell Ihereupon become tlue entl peyaDle - <br /> � . r�; wiNOUt any preaentment Aemantl.prolest or noGCe ot any kintl.Thereafler LenCer mar 1:`� - <br /> " %� (a) Oemand Ihat Tmstee ezercise Ihe POWER OF SAIE gwnte0 �erem.antl Troslee shell therea�ter ceuso Truflor'6 t <br />- ` �:-�;" intere�l in the Property to be Soia an0 Ne proceetls b be tlf6tnbu1e0.all m 1ho menngr prowtle0��Ihe Nebraske iruel Deeda . . -_ <br /> f�-G�:: . . Acl: 1� <br /> �-- (b) Exereiae eny enA eli nghu prorinetl lor m any of��e Loan Instmmems or Dy lew uDa�a�urrenee olany Event ol `• � - -- <br /> � 'f` Dolault enU F� - - <br /> -a '. -E�•'+ (e) Commenceenaction�oforeelosetNeDeeAO�Trustaeamongage.appantereeervecorapeoiticallyenface3nyoHhe r - ' <br />- _ �,;�,��i� Co.e�emehereoL f. <br /> �:_ '� No remBtly�oreln rAnlerreE uDOn or reaervetl to T�ustee or Le�tler ie��lentletl to be eacluaive ol airy olher remetlr�erem.m I�e <br /> L08n Initrum9n18 Or Dy 18w providetl or permftletl.Oui BeCi1 5�8�I De Ce m OAC�Iion lo Bvery Olher�BmeOy B�ven <br /> ''" - hereunAer,inl�eLOenln9lrumenleornoworhereB�le�ex6bnga110wonneqmryorbysia�ute.anAmayDeezeraseOCOncurrenny. <br /> �p`' �� R10EpBOA01111y 0f 6UCCB85rv81y. <br />"ti7':'.-"'� •� 13. TNU9a.The Tmnlce mey res8�el Bny ume wn�eul CeuSe.an0 LenOer mey et any t�me entl w�NOUI cauSB BDDOmt a <br /> ���d���'��:_"� succefsororauDa�iWteTm6fee.TmsleeshallnotbehableioanYPa�ry,mctutlmgw�Ihoullimile6onLentlecBorrowecTrustororany <br />- ',`;�j�'," purGt1848toNh8PropBtly.lOteny1o59ortlemegeunlesstlueloreckle5sorwtillulm6contluclen09�e��notbarequnitl1o18keany <br />:_:r�.-:�J„i�;.; actlon in connection wilh Ihe enbrcement ol this DeeO ot Tmsl unlese inEemnf4ed,in wnLnp, fo�ell cosls.comp0�5811on or <br /> ''_ - - exppn6Be which may be essoc�etetl thnrewM In aAEd�on.Trustoe may becom+e purcheser m any aple o1 t�e PropeM UuOic�al or <br /> �-����,;;�-v.+� unaor me power oi sa�e gremeo nerem):postpono me u�e o�au or nny pomon oi tne Properry. a�provioea oy iaw:or se��me <br /> `.Y;yj;;�,'j Propefly ee e whole,or in aepare�e pe�cels or lo�s a�Tmsiee's tliscreuon. <br /> --_�F�j..�:�, 14. Feef end Expanfoe.���he event Tmstee seits tne Proparry by exerase ol powe�ol seie.Trui�ee sne�i be eno�ieA�o apply <br /> , .•;ti,, any aale pmcee0s Ivst to paymentol an cos�s en0 ezpenses ol exerciamg powe�o�sa�e.incWdmg an Tmateea Ieea.an0 Lender's <br />;,�`!�:.'.;�'.;�: enOTmeleBballomeyal888.acluellyinCUrredtoBxle�tpe�m�tletlbyep0���e618iew.Inl�eevenlBOrtowOrorTmstorexercfeeleny <br />_-��"'•=."�-'� dghl provitlBtl Cy law to cure an Event ol Deleull Lender shall be enh�leA ro�ecover Iwm Tro61or ail coeis an0 expenses acNe�ly <br /> "-�"�� incurred e�B relWl ol huBlor g Qe�eWt.inclu0ing w�IhoN limilelion eil Tr�slee e antl altomey a 1eef.�o tho extenl perminetl by <br />..S°:;'?�','.�':;`:; aPPIiCaDl9lew. <br /> r;�-�;.�:;�,:•- 15. FuWre AAreneo�.Upon repueet of Borrower.Lentler may,at ils optlon.meke a0dnlonel an0 lulure advaneef end re- <br /> _ . ., a}c.. <br /> _.: ' ;-y_,� BEvBnc88�OBOrrow6r.SuCheAvant88enOreedvBnte8.xilhlnl8re9ithBreon.6heIIDeSeWretlbyUlaDeetloiTruet.AlnOlimei�ali <br /> r'14�:7-.;?c` Iheprinei0alamountolt�eintleb�etlnesasecuredbythisDee0olTrualno�mcNCmgsumaeErancedlopro�ect�hesecunryolthia <br />-�- �"���`�--'+"'�' D80d 01 TNeI BXCBetl Ne Ori inel tlnCl el emouni 6teled herem,or 5 ?S.nn0-00 whichever ie reatBr. <br /> _., 'F�°,...,._ a v v s <br /> c�,,._:s. , <br />. -''ti.j,:;-`,'�: 'r ; �.� <br /> ?r"� _ '$�� ' �. .. F <br />_.i,`:'` - f <br />