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_ _ _ _-�.- __._ _ _ _ _ _._.. <br /> : ,., <br /> . <br /> .:_ �:� :: . :. . . � . . 93- �043�5 <br /> ,a R!�e:ewnrrovkrone� - --'- <br /> (y lprtprnt Npl RWN�W.F�nse��on ol the tlm�tor p�yrmm or modlecetlon ot tmoNr�tlon ol Ne�um�ileouraODy b!f <br /> O�dathultgnntWhyl.�ntl�nn�y ouoau�lnui_w�atolBonowaehe9rnloparetetorekaM,�n�nym�nnx,tnHlablGty <br /> ollheorlpin�IBonowtlranOBOnowefswaaaaorolnlntemttlendanhYllnotberepulredt000mmencsp�ac!ldlny��0S4�N <br /> eaohWecoafororr�NUto�xlentltlmeforpaymentorotherwl�emoElyemo�tlullonolNeeum��enuredDyNlsOCedofTruN <br /> by rerfon of any MmmO�m�de Dy be onpmai eonower e�eorrowev��ueoeswn m murue <br /> @) LendW�Vowm.WYd�out eHeoting tho IlebilMy of eny oNer pereon IleDle lor Ne Deymenl ol eny oblip�lion hEroln . __ _ _ ,._ _ <br /> mentlOneO,lndwNhouleH0o11npt11ellOnOroharpe0lWSDeaE0lTruttuponanypoNOnOft�eProporrynotNenaNeratofore - - � <br /> relaual ea eecurlylorNeNll emountof all unpald od�gatlon�,Lend�rmaY,from tlmotaameand wlfhoutnoUee @ rele�Mmy <br /> pereonaolia61e.p4eMendMematuAyoretteranyolUeterm�ofeny luohobllpatlon0.N00renloNerin9ulpOnceL(1v)ielee�e <br /> o�reconvey,or oaute to be releaee0 or raconveyed et any uma et LanOefe opllon eny pa�eel,ppNOn or eV o10e Prope�y, <br /> (h teka a releasa a�l oNer o�additlonal secu�iry la any obligauon�ereln menllonad,o�(vi)make aomDOalllone a other _ <br /> artanpemanb wIN aebton In relaUOn thoreW. - <br /> (o) Rorbenne�by NnAV Hol�WaN�r.nny lorbeeranco by LanEer in ezarolning any dgnt or remady�ereunEar,or =__ <br /> otherwlea aflordetl by apD�loeble kw,-ahell nol ba e watvar ol or preCludo Ihe ezetc7sa ol eny e�ch rlpht or tomedy.7he --__.- --.----� <br /> proour0mantollnavranCeortOepaym8ntoltexaeatot�erlleneorcharpeabyLenAarehallnotbeawalverofLentler'�dghtW _ <br /> accelerele Ihe meludry o�Ne Indabla0neas seaured 6y thie Uaed of Yruac - - <br /> (d1 8ueaaon and Anlyn�Boundi JotM md 8�wn1 Ll�blllry:GpLon�.Tha covenente and egreernante hereln oon- �+�:„ -- <br /> 181ned shall bind,end Iha riphte herounAer eha�l Inure to,fha raspeotiva e�eceeaore anA eealgne of Lender and huilor.NI �� ; -- _. .. <br /> wvenente end egreemenls ol Truslor ehall be Iointand eeverel.The oaptlone and headings ol the paragraD�o1Nle OaeA of ,ttt--.�-- <br /> Truet Bra for COnvenlan06 ony anA Br0 not to De ufB7 to InlBrpret or d6flne iha DrovlElone nereol. SS'� <br /> (e) R�quadaNOtleH.ThapeNOahereEyrequestthatewpyofenynoticeoldefaulthereunde�anAewpyolerry^otlee r-.y i <br /> of eala her8untler be mailed lo eaeh perty io Ihie Deed of Truet at fhe adAreas set foM aCOVa in Na manner p8sodbeA Dy -: ,_ ---�-- <br /> applieebla lew.Ezcapt for eny olhar nmice requiretl under eppllcaCle law to be gWen In enoNe�menner,eiry notlCe DtOVIAed ,��;,;�y.�.._, <br /> forinthlaDaedolTruatsheilbeglvenbymeilingauchnoticebycanllleAmailadtlreasedroNeotherpaNeaattheaddreaneat .,v;fr;_^- -- <br /> toM abova.My notlee providetl for in thia Deetl ol Tmat ehell be atleoUVe upon melling in Ne manner deslgnated hereln II - �`�a�i:.___ <br /> husto�p more Ihen one peraon,noECe sant to Ma a0dreas tet foM abova e�all be nolica W ell euch pemona j F';;;�;�;.:-- <br /> (q InfPrellon.Lender may meke or eeuse to be mado roaaoneble enWee upon anA Inspectlone of the Properly,povided t-,;� s* <br /> t�at Lender e�nll gWe Tmetor notice Drbr to eny eueh inapecllon apaciying reasonable ceuee Iherofm releted fo Lendere '�"��t't��r,�- <br /> intereat in t�a ProPerty f��: .^s�a�,.- <br /> (g) R�conwyana.UponDaymentofelleumsaeeureabyWaDaedof7ruaR�anderehellraqueathuelaetorewnreythe ,_4f,:4�i�„��r. <br /> P�o08rtyand6he116urrenderihleDeedotTruatenUellnoteaeviAenGnpintlebtedneeaeecvredbylhieD6edofTru6ttoTruelBB. _�.h��y�':�t;� .. � <br /> Tru61B0 ehell rOCOnvey the PrODerry without warrenry 9nd wlNOUt C�arge to the pe�eon Or pereona 18g9i1y enCtled Iha�6i0. i�t'�j'� �`;.�=�--- <br /> ' =' <br /> t�,�,�. .�,.,. <br />� TN610f 8�811 pey BII COEtB Ot fOCOfOBtl011,II Bfly. �.:�5''`�7i<i''�i'i~" <br /> (�) Carwntl Pcop�rry;8�eurlry Aprpment.M eddi�onal aecurlry br Ne peyment ol Ihe Note.Trusior haieEy grante �}���,(� _...: <br /> LendermldariTinN'nuwfifiAeVNW�rC"vrtirt�b�C10�C�sseeeurltylnter�uee!!H_�ture�.equiRmentsndnmwoa.eona�poperiy ,-7 t �-._•. <br /> uaeAlnconnael�onwlththerealealeleorim rovemenlsloceledNereon.endnotolherwleedeclaraEOrdeemadtubeeparlol L t+�t�7} 9'+ <br /> P <br /> Ihe real eatnte aecureA hereby.Thb inatrument aheli be conntruetl ee e 8ecuriry ABreement under seltl CoAe,eM the Londer `�5�?F v�F�.' ---� <br /> ahell have all No dghb anA remediea ot e eecureA perly under eaitl Code in eOAition ro Ne dghls entl remedlea ereated under yt;�� l�j�,;. <br /> antl aewrAed It�e LenOer purauentbthle Deetl ot T�mt proWAed Ihet LenOer'e righte antl remedies unOe�Nla pereg�aph ahell .s._•<';�rk.:.�.�:���- <br /> b0 cumulative wilh,antl in no way a Ilmitalion on.LBnAer'e dghte and remedl68 under en ofhet aeeutl e reBment e netl *;(`'"t�.�'��+'{�-"� <br /> Y b 9 �9 bY /2°>>.'c4;�:;.; <br /> BOrtower ot Trusloc !�'�i��"�z�`<U-'-"-- <br />�� p) Ll�nt�nd Eneumbr+nu�.,jryalor hBreby waRente end reDrosenU tnat�here la no Aeleul�under ihe provieiona of eny ��s`s,��,;t�t��t�F�_--: <br /> motlya9e.OeBd of Wet,IOaeo or pur6haea oonvacl desctlbing a11 or eny petl o1 t�e Properry•or other conuact.InGVUment or . ,t.�,;.F.- i•t�5:� <br />' agreement conatimtlnq e Ilen o�enwmbrence egelntt all or eny part oi the Properry(eollectivety."Liena7.exlatlng ee o}Ne �- �nc:3!:�iF-=;. <br /> date of Nle Deed ol huet.end Ihel any enA ell existlng Lien6 remeln unmoCifietl 6xeoD�ee AlaCloseO to LendBr in Trustore ?'.Aes;�rii:'� ;:S.:'", <br /> wrttlen Ciscloaure ol Iiene enA eneumbrencea proMOed lor�ereln.Tmi�or ehall llmoly peAOrm all ol Truetoi�oblqetlon& ��,':�ys�;.;t�k��;;'-'� <br /> cov8nente,repr8s6n1ationaenAwa�entieeunderanyendellexialtlngendNNreLienashallpromptlylornerGlolendereopiea =-; �i��+����4� <br /> .�'r•-�:t'o• :a,_.. <br /> of ell nodcea ol defeult eent in connection wilh eny and ell e�isting or fuNre Liene,and ahall nol withOUt LendBre prior wtltten 't,��5,;.-�Y`_; :_ <br /> coneent in airy manner motllly the Drovielone of or allow eny lulure a0v0neen unAe�eny exiaYng or fulure Lienf. �•,}�.;,..,:„�l.;-. <br />- Q) AppllCatlonolPaymsnp.UnleaaolhefwiseroQUiretlbylaw.sumapeidtoLentlerhereund0r.includingwii�outllmitetlon ?�; ,�}�` �'�?�� <br />�- paymente 01 Drinclpel end Inlereat inaurence proeeeOS,con0emna1lon D�oceeGe end renle and profile,ehell be eDD��ed by �;L'+�;i � S <br />- LendertoNeem0unladoeenOOwinyfrom7mnbrandBOrrowerinnuc�orderasLendeNniteeole0lsc�eXOnCeemadBeirada �{ic;.:.-•r�� '-- <br /> -.�...e: .r..Y'r�:� <br />_ (k) Beverabliily.11 any provielon ol tnia Deed o1 Truet conlnets wiN appl�eeble law or ia declaretl �malltl or oNarwlae ..i-s;:��«y�.E?,a:, <br />_ unenlorcBeble,eueh conilict or Inr8llCiry ahall nol atlect the olher provla0ne oi Nie Deed of huat or Ihe Nole whicn c8n be ��;r_.f'.•,��b �,� <br /> Iven0118ctwilhoNlheconfllelin provision,enAtoNlsenEt�e rovielonaoflhiaDeedofTrustandiheNOteer9Aeclaredtobe '°�''•'�"Q�fy- . <br />-_ 9 9 P : n�� �X 'C t `. <br /> aeverable. - �-� <br /> @ Termf.The terme'Trustor"an0"BOrrower'ehall IneluCe both ainpular antl pWrel.end when the Trunbr entl 8orrower ;�'�i� �'iQi � <br /> ere Ne eeme peraon(a),thoae terma ea ueed in Ihla Deed ol Tmat s�all be interc�engeabte. ..�-'.°`�;'..rL'-'�. <br /> ":�:`{ :.;;�4>t.�:.,: <br />._ (m) Uoveming Lew.Thia DeBE ol Truet ehall ba qovemed by the 18w!of U8 Stale Of Nebraske. '::�._!r.4,�!•��'-P <br /> �' x : <br />.- TN91or hee BxOGUteA Nia D88E of TruM ea ol the Cate wrilten ebov / F l'r'�7 `��1'-• <br />� r(����i .(�tn„ � - ;�;�,r <br />- RDR �A ERSHIP Truslor � .�� ,�'.E/ � '` } <br /> 1+y� \ lf <br />._ I�Tm,��.-� �:::�:_: , . -. <br />_ "' `. <br /> 4.:. .._ , ._ <br />