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-. .�. ___�__. <br /> .. . . — ,: .____ .__ . .'1 �-'.: <br /> ACIfHOWLEDQHML�tiT OP DBED OP T6iUST 93" ���� <br /> tRUBfORPE!�YFIf88�i0A6810NRdfk' . . , _ <br /> - Yiub{Ot'uti �}1u�iddQ��1(h0QOC�ff�aM1t1�l}I�NNO�Iqo0ou1t0exeputeb4P�01�ruq6nOnot�fnOtfp{y��tl d11Np0iY <br />- "v1i�I�GiGViQvi�iklN6�1"wiELiTNitplbYldYii�:t0i!!ldllyQlThfMItIQMOQ110QWlQlU4MMTNl2Wtlw1�M0�InN��a4x�� . .. <br /> 016d}f/u11.qrCreaCAOfobll 6tloqun¢e�NeDnedotTrunl,Inotudlny,bNnMllmNad weLendet�dynnolxve oP�OpHy W . <br /> Dy Ifi�Truat}�iYlUlout eny�4�Ickl GroeatElny hueta repreaenk entl warten n tnia ecwrovAC4pem�nt wu exoouts0� <br /> ?ruNa bftore me exwuuon olme t)eed ot Truet <br /> liUA AATNRRAHIP Tmttoi 1� \ / ./ — — – <br /> " ,w,�,�9�� .r- <br /> D&ED OR TRU8T HfTb 6UTURE ADYAHC@@ -_��—.--_-_ <br /> THIB�EEO OF THU8L Is made as ol iho 11 day of MAY 10_93 by anA amap = <br /> �heTrueto�, RDR PARTNBRBHIP , E-"-'•'�- <br /> 422 8 6UNBARRBL ROAD GRAND IBLAND 68801 �:�.r�;�_ <br /> whoae mdllirp 9dAr8s71a Q}�rein"Tm61or;'wlieNer ona or more� e� -_ <br /> theTivalea, FIYE POINTS BANK , �r - - -- <br /> P 0 BOX 1507 (iRAND I9LAND NS 68802-1507 yf��''s''i`� <br /> whoae mailing nadreaa Ie (�eraln'Truale9').end >�>.'%'.�••:_:. <br /> ;;r�'7":�: <br /> the Benallclery, RTyR P02NTA AANR , �,>,q�r�sy;+'_ <br /> P 0 BOX 1507 6RAND IeLAND N& 68802-1507 ���"C�+.a=7.:_-- <br /> wnoeamam�eaaressie merem•isnaen� Y:-...,.,,,,,�__: <br /> �n,.��;:i•g�— <br /> FOfl VALUABLE CONBIDEMTION,moludinp LenAets ax�enalon ot ereAlt�Oenu�ed herein to {C y4�;iYti;'d,'.:^_ <br /> ADA PARTNRR98IP i��+`'s�s} ��._- <br /> (herein"BorroweY',wheNer one or mora)anA the Wtt herein crealetl, ,�� 1 Y� <br /> TRUBT,WITHPOWEflOFBALE.10 ihabBn�end8ecurlry0lLe'ndetunAerenO ub�eCtetorNeterrtWnnACOnEflloneherelnflftet601 �'rt+`e�����F+.}f;__�� <br /> �onn;me.nai pwpany,ea.�mad as eonowa .,y;f. 'r f, v-:.—-. <br /> LOT SBVEN (7) JAM80N SUBDIVI3ION TO THB CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, '�F-t'r�r�r�c�� ,�;-- <br /> NALL COUNTY� NBBRASKA. •f: ';-•ti��� �``"'�.-� <br /> �.n2;,. Sd�i:iY.�'Nt.� <br /> �sF�;�f+rwria��;,St��.'A[!,_-. <br /> Topether wNh ell builAinga,Improvemanro,fiaurea,nlreete,elleye,pes�agewaya easemanl0.dOhls,prWllegee end appurte• � � + Q`x�i�i-: <br /> nances loceled thereon or In enywlae pertalning Ihereto,end ihe ren18,isauea and profile,revaralone entl remein0era Ihereot,end �n ' r`��� �-=- <br /> euch peroonel properry that ia allacheC b tha ImOrovementa so as lo conatiW�e e 8xlure,Ineluding.Wt not Ilmilo0 to,heetlng anU .,y,�',�s;a.�:[�:?s. <br /> eoWingeqWqnentandtoyel�erwR�thehomeateaEOrmadlalinte�eaU,ilany.whlehinteroatsareharebyreiee6adandwaNed:ell :,:_,2;R�„_�,,,�;f.`;;s±�?._ <br /> of whic�,Including replecemenle and edAitlone Ueruto,b�ereby declared to be a pertol Ne real ealete sewred by tha Iien of Nie � �� - <br /> D68E ol T�ubt end BII 01 ihb for0g0�ng b0ing relo�red to hereln 88 the'Pro08rty". i� !� '� ,�j�,�p��? <br /> `4y+'-�.,_P�fY=:,iin9t <br /> Th18 D6eA of Tfuat e�911 eewre(a)Ne payment ot Ihe pflncipal aum enA Intereat evidenced by e promieepry nole or crBtllt �y.•,,;:L4�5;iii1+;;�L->e. <br /> `t`/{��; ..r:: <br /> MAY 11, 1993 NOVSMBBR 11, 1993 4t,";�';`:-'far"::5,";,. <br /> egreement tla�ed .�aving e meWtlty de�e of . _ _ r �_ . <br /> . .:l `3 t ri •c�.-;. <br /> In ihe originel principal amouN oi S 35.000.00 ,and eny end eu modificetlone,exienslone antl renewala t�%'"; 1s � 1;- <br /> th6teol o�theret0 0nd eny anE ell futore fldvaneea enE reedvances to Borrower(or eny of Ihem il more Nan One)hBreundar :7�:�:r-: 5+'�,.�v�-.. <br /> :5'•y- .,�..- <br />- punuant to one or more promiesory noles or credil egreemenle(herein celle0"NOte x(b)Ne payment ol other eum6 aOvenceA by �!r,•_:%i�:,�;,'�r;si�-'.-�•`�� <br />�- lendertopro�ectt�eaewdryofUeNOta;(e)thepedormaneeoiencovenamsantlegreementsol7mawrsetloMnerein;and(d)all ;, „ ..��,: :.,,:.,; ,. <br /> resent antl IuWre intlebtedneis and obli etioni ol Borrowar(or an ot t�em il more than one to Lender wheMer direeL Indl�ecC �"'��':t;-�° %�"'� <br /> P 8 Y ) �t .. . �rr„'.t.:�:' <br /> flb60�ut00r Contlnpentan0 whether etl�ing by nole.guaranty.werdrefror oNerwlee.The Noto.Ihia DeeC of hu6t end anyantl ell r��r;+1:�3���4f.�d�` <br /> a:.. i..s_•..,... <br /> otherdoeuenlelhateocureNeNoteoroNerwine�eculeAinconneclionNerewilh.ineludinflwilhoulltmilallonqua�entoes.secutlry :�:7ur�i;; ;'--. - <br /> agreemente and aeaignmenie ol lea6ea enA renU,ahali be referred lo�erein ae Ihe'LOan InstrumenU". -:. : ���«;j;^�+r'� <br /> TNBtor eovenenle end egrBef with Lender 67 f011ows r:-.. L;',_� <br />�• 1. Piymenl ol lntlobtednei�.AII InCeblednose secure0 hereby ahetl be pa�0 w�en duo. ;�'i-.;`:��,:;>�•'=.,-:��` <br /> 2.Titlo.Tuetor It Ihe ownor of the Pro e hes I�e ri ht enG auNOn ro conre Ne Pro ���"�`r���"� '. <br /> P „Y. 8 b Y Derh.entl warrante ihat the Ilen .''.���!':.:f,:-'__ <br />�� created�ereby la a Ilral antl prior lien on the Property,excepl lor liens an0 encumbrences sot IoM by Truf�or in writlng an0 � ��_ . <br />- deliveredtoLenderbetomezecutionolNisDootlolTmsCantlthee:ecutionendtlelburyoHnie�eedolTrua�aoesaotdolateany r_,::.;�_�[7:'.: � . .. <br />-' conVeCt or oNer obllyation lo which Truftor la su0joct 1,;.:" . � <br /> 3.Tezo�,AsaoatmonU.To pay beloie delinquency ei��el aesessmems and all olher chergea egainet the PropeM ��� - � � �_ <br /> now or herearter levle0. �����. .� _ . <br /> 4. Intwmee.To keep�he Property IneureA agemst Oemage by hre.hazarAa��clude0 wnhin Ine lerm"eatentletl coverage".an0 - - <br /> euth oiher hBUrd!BE LBndOr mBr requi�e.�n emount�an0 wilh Compenies ecCeD�DIB io Lender,neming LenEer 88 en BAORionel � ' � � <br /> named InSUreO.With los9 pByeble lo the lendec N Case ol loss un0et sut�poLt�es.NB LenOet�s euVwnze0lo etl7ust t011ett end ' - <br /> COmprOmiee.l�ICleimefh8reuntletenA6he�IheveNeoD��or.olBppiY�^90ilorpartolt�0�n6u�enceproceede(i)IOBnyinOebledneat � <br /> eeeuretl hereEy enE(n weh order as Le�Eer mayaelerminn,p�)lo Ine Tms�or to De used lor Ne reDeir or realo�aGOn of the Property � <br /> or Qiq br flnyoNer DurDO6B or oD�ect eatl6�ecloryio Lentler wrthoui aflectm8l�e Len o1NB Deotl of Trual for ine lull amount 6ecuretl <br /> �Breby betore fuch peymenl ever took plete-Nry eppliteuon o�proceetl5 Io lntlebleEneeS ehell not Bxtgntl Or po5tpone Ihe Eue <br />- CatO M eny peymenM untler the Note.or cure arry tleleull lhe�euntler or hereunAer. <br /> 5. Escrox.Upon wtlilen Cemand 6y Lentler.Tmetor ahail pay lo Lender,in sucn manner ea LenOer mey Aeal9nele,euflicfent <br /> 6umato8nebleLenEerlopayaslheybecomeCueoneormoreollhelollowing:(i1a111exee.assessmenlsandoNercherBeaegamsl ' <br /> the PropBrty,(I]ihe premiume on ihe property msurance�epuiretl�ereuntlor.anA Gn�the D�emlums on eny mongege�naurence . <br /> �equlrgA by LMder. � � <br /> 8. Malnpn6neo,NQP81f�0nd COf11p118fIC0 wilh L0W6 hu{IOr 8he11 keep Ih9 PrOpBrty In g000 WnCiliOn 9ntl lBpeiY,811t11 . <br /> D�omD�y repeir. or replece eny improrement w�ich mey be damageE or Ceslroyed:aheli not commit or permil any wasta or . <br /> tlelerbretlon ol the Propert):ahali not remove.demolish or 9ubsienlielly 611er eny of Ihe ImprovemenL9 on tha Property,ahall nol <br /> comMt,auROf or permit eny acl to be Eone in or upOn the Pwperly In violution ol any law,ortlmance.or tegulation:anC ahe��pey a�M <br /> prOmptly di8c�erg8 el Tru6lor e coft entl expense eil liena.o�eumbrences entl CherQea levied imposed or aasessed a9ainet Ue - <br /> Property or eiry Part�horeol. � <br /> 7.Eminonl Domaln.Lo�Aer ie he�e0y assipne0 all campenaelion,ewards,tleme8ea enA oNer Daymen4 or reliel(here1na11er <br /> "Procoetla')Inconneellonwithcondemna�lonoroNertekingolNePropnrryorpartthereof,oHOreonveyaneeinlleuoleonEemne• - <br /> Ilon.Lander 6he11 DB en1111Bd al 14 opllon lo commence,appe9r In enE prosecule in IW own neme eny ectlon or OrOGOBOInpa.anA <br /> 6hell BIlO be en1i118A lo mBka eny[omprOml6B or sBttl0mqnl in eOnneetion wit�aueh IBking or damape.ln IIIB BvBM 9ny poNOn ol <br /> 7 � : <br /> MBCiN]MwuoaamnDxOnw�o�N - <br /> O tauM.m�..tewace�...vnrrvn�utu+�p�w�mn.w�i.vnx.m.0 ' _ <br />