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_, . . :. . =-- -..-�- _ _ <br /> :.,, , r :. . . . . 93� ��� � - <br /> . . , <br /> 'fi��6fopqrry.peolakeq'hrdemn ad,LenderqMnhpvpNeoGUo n,IrilN�aeand'biotqaGlwnt�on�to�Dpty�IHuntl�tooNOl, <br /> •�e�aeduotl�p�R�reUOm diboe�ende�tAeneel�ncutred py Illn aanrieotlop x�N'�uoh P�oowCb upon�nylnC�pf�Wn+�eNQurqa <br /> heriplrqhd In dpary brdw oo LenCer mey aeterMna ar 10 eppfy dI�uoh Prooadds,�fier wbh Eeduotlan6la Na r4sWrttlon GtG9 ___ - <br /> P(opi"iy,VPOnaudh000dltloneaeLende�maydafarmina.MyeDD���popolPrqeeOp�tolndobtoOneHehtllnotextentloepol <br />- ih�du.a Qato�f fny pspmenW undli Nd Note,a oUra any tleteull NereunOer a henunder.My wupplb0 NnAS Ntll6o E W ` ___ <br /> T/ueta. <br /> & P�r(am�nc�by lv�br.Upon Ne 000unanco of an Eveni ol DNaultneraundar,or u eny aolla laken or 100e�O�xoeClnp <br /> oommenbOdwlilohmslqtlelIy�Haotelend6lelnlere�tlntheProDerty,l.epderm�y Inlbowndlwrstlon,DulwllhoulobllWUOnWdo — <br /> aa end wllhoN nodc9lo o�demantl upon Truelor end wlNoul releaeinp Truslor from any obllyatlon,do any ect wAkh7ructor Me <br /> epreeUbuttelktotlaentlmayetaodoanyoMereotitdeemaneceueryloD�olactlhaeeourltyhereof.TruitOrahW6lmnCdlGtE °-�--°�----�-------�--��--�- - - <br /> upondemanOtheretc�byLender,peyalanaeranooetoandexponeaelnourredantleumaexpendeQbyNnderineonnaOGOn — <br /> NOBxeralaBbyLandefofihefotopoing rlgAls,tapetherwllhintorebtlhereonetthadelaultrateprovidedlnlheNOlqwAlch�Mllhe <br /> 64detl lo IAa InEebtedneaa eeourad hera6y. Landar ehail not inour any IleEliiry beoawa ol enyNing it mey do or omlt to do <br /> h0teulWer. —.:.-_ <br /> 6.HO�rdou�MaNA�U.Trustor Mall keap Ne Propary In compIlenee with etl epplloeble lawe,or0lnencea en0 repulaNOn� ____ <br /> reletlng to Industtlal hygiane or anvlronmanfel profaoUOn(eoltaetivety relorre0 ro hereln ae"EnWranmontel Lawa'}huttor ehdl ----- <br /> kaepNeProperylreetromalleubatanceadeamedtobohazertlouso�toxkundaranyEnvironmantelLaws(eollectivolyrel6rrtfAlo !�!��='—.-_::_.-- <br /> hereln 08"Hazflrdous Ma�edala'�.Tm6tOr hereby wertenU e0d repraoanta lo Lentla�thetNBra ar9 n0 HaxerEOUe MatOfltlls 00 Or — <br /> un0erf�eProperly.Trvs�orharebyagreeatoindamnNyendholdharmlesalender,lletllrectore,otlicortiamployeeaandegenle,end `� <br /> eny eucceesora to Landb/s imereat 6om and egeinal any aM ell clalm0.damagee,loseea and IleWlitlas adeing in conne6tlon wNh ����':��,--. <br /> Ne preeonoe,uee,dl8poaal or traneport ot any Hexerdove Maledele o0.untler,lrom or ebout I�e Property.THE FOHEQOINO :�.._;_-� <br /> WAflRIWTIEBANDR8PflE8ENTAT10N8,ANDTRU8TOR'808LIOATIONSPURBWWTTOTHEFORE�OINOINDEMNITV,BHALL ����`.'-'-°' <br /> BURVNH RECONVEYANCE OF TH19 OEED OF TRU8L ��"n'f�'�. <br /> 10.Asdpnm�nt o1 Rent�.Trwlor hereby aaeigna to Lender Ihe rente,laeuei end profite ol the Properly,provldad Net Tru6tor �:�' <br /> ehBll,untllthBOOOUrtenceotanEvontotUelaulthereunAm,hnvalherightlocollectantlretaineua�rente,iawesandD�ofiUaeNOY ,.•�r <br /> _„--___.. <br /> irv/1 <br /> bacome dua end payabla Upon t�e ocewrence ot en Event of Deteult LanAar may.eiNer In peroon or by ngenR wIN or without �:. ,:.. <br /> Cdnging am eoUOn or proceeding,or by a receNer epPOlnled by e courl enA withoul re9ard to the edaqueey of Ile eeoutlry,enler ���`'�r•'�"�- <br /> uponandtekepoaaeenlonofNeProperty,orenypeNlher6o1,in11sownnemeorinlhanameollheTmntee,anAEOanyeClewhiehR riSE'-="----- <br /> deemeneCeaaaryordeairaDleWpresenefh0value,m0rkalsblll onenleblll o1NePro ora rtlhereoforinl8reatlhBrei4 `��'�;:'�r.3r=� <br /> �r a v�m. maa -z_ .r.. , <br /> Inoreate the Income tharefrom or Orolect t�e seeurly horoof end,wlll�or without Iaking poseeeelon ot Ihe ProDerry,wa for or t'��.�;�-__. <br /> oNarwise colleot Ne renta,Ieauea an0 profite thereof,inelutlln Ihoae at due end unpaitl,enA eppl the eame,leae wate and "�n� '`°�� <br /> 9 Pe Y ls:.R;�.,,,.._. <br /> ex n8ee ol o aretlon antl collection Includin eUOme a'leea,upon an intlebtedneae eeemed hereb ,ell ln euch orCerea LenCer L:.`�n`•'�=� <br /> Pe P 8 Y Y Y .�,.,,�.,.:, <br /> t,`.r_,.. . <br /> may detarmina The enleflng upon and teking poaeeaslon ol the Property,the colleclion ol euch ren�e,leauae end prollle and Ne ,,;�.,�.r_,;;. <br /> aDP��cetion Nereof ee eloreae�0,ehali not Cure or weive any de�eult or notiCe of delault hereunGer or invelidate Bny eot done in "'rf�y:..s.�%�r <br /> reaDOneebeuchdelaultorpurwanttoevehnoticeoldeleuttand,nohviihslandingNeconlinueneelnpoaseaelonolNaPrope'lyor it^�,x�i?_�s�?='e—'-� <br /> 0 OvlAetl lot In 0n eof th6 Loen InsWmente or b�lew uponPOCCUaenc of en OEven of De1au41ncWAiniuwllho t I/mitae�he d�ht %'Y$��;�i}��:�}.��=.� <br /> y Y Y 9 Y .� (f:t ..:-%-: <br /> toe:erGaelhepowerolaale.FUMer.LendeYedyhteantlremedleaunAarihiaDeregrephehetlDecumulelivewith,andinnowaye -,.;,=;�%�rr.?;����.- <br /> Ilmlfelionon,Lendefed9MeandremeAleaunderenyeasignmentolleaseeerMrenUrecorEetlagematmaProperry.tentle�.Trua�ea �'+=}4 �--___- <br /> entl thB reC91VBr 6h9i1 be II86I0�0 6CCOUnt Onty lor Noee rente BcNelly r6e8ivetl. -` ,�i-,��„_;.,;;' <br />�� 71. EwnU of Ueleull.The following shall eonntltute en Event of Delaal�under thle Dood ol Trust ;;}�,„7��j�S.;<{r;c,�;:y;=�:,, <br />• (e) F61Wte to pey 9ny inelallment of princlpel or inlereat of any oNer sum eecuretl hereby when Ove; 't���:�.;SS�YtjI S?7F <br /> b Abreecholordelaultunderan rovisionconlainedlnt�eNole,IhiaDeedofTrueLanyoltheLOenlnaWment0.oteiry ?;�� �i'�=�-,'v'•� `�R�� <br /> ( ) YP i,fi {;:.:��y:;,?;� <br /> oN9t Ilen or encumbience upon Ih9 Property. � E� � ` _ <br /> (0)AwtltofexeeutionOra�leehmentorenyNmilerproeea9ahellbeenfere0a9einetTrustorwhic�ehalibeeomealienon �.�1�+ � G � -�;- <br /> NB ProDerty or e ponion thereot or IMerest Iherein; �-�" n_;7° � . <br /> m .. v,�;e��a. <br /> (tl)There s�ail be flleC by or egeinat huelor or Borrower en eellon under any preaeM or tuNre IeOerel,alete or oNe� •.;.1':�1;t tj,,���c _ <br /> slelule,lnw or repulatlon relatlng lo bankmpiq.ineolrency or olher renel for deDtoro;or ihere thell be appOinletl eny wslee, c.�;,;q:.�;�jiz��. <br />- recelverorli ulCalorolTmstororBorrowarorolalloren etlollhePro e t�'""" � g � �µ�� <br /> q YO 0 nN.a��herenU,issuesorpro111ethereol.orTrunWr .. �_ �,7�1,ti�£3?rr_. <br /> or Borrower shall make e�y generel aeaignment lor Ne benelit ol creditora: ^��yt.�(.:�,,?ti?�'�F;'..p;,, <br />_ (8)The 801e,trart9ter.leaee.aeai nmenL conv ance o�IuMer eneumbrence ol all or an part ot or en inte�oat In the K is�;��:��:=��'t.�+fr�r� <br />= PropeM•Oilher voluntedty or involuniarily,withou�he expreea wrillen eonsunt of Lentler,provide0 thet TruMO�ehall 66 "�_;%, i'�q����s--- <br />- pgrmBlBdtoexecut9aleese oftheProOeryNalCOeenotconteinanoD��onlopurehe6eanAthefermolwhlchAOeanotezceotl �;.,1;��4 ��ki�<> �� ,�- <br /> ��j t <br /> Y - r�-� f�I� ^� : <br />• ono�n a�ndonment of Ne Prope'fy.or r �{ <br />- (q),eeeignmenCCOnveyanceorencumbmnceotmorethanatolal �' ` ��4�1 R�y{ ;. <br /> ': ,�1� �7 . } ' <br />-= of 0 percent ol(il a corpomtion)ifs ieaued e�A oWetending elock or(If a pa�Nem�ip)a total ol 0 percem o1 �, y c�y, � -�, <br />�- <br />