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�'�`I . __. ___ _ <br /> .. __. =-°- - - <br />_ • . 93- �,o43aa - . <br /> ——. 7@.k7ka's9:n:auo Pm:kknx _ <br /> --- (e)CovrorerNNRNxeH.BMenslonolthatlmelorDaymentarmo0leoadonofamortlratlonofthawmeaeouredbyt�fa <br /> Oob oliFuatQrantaA by Lenderto any�uacensw In Intare�lol8orrower eNell notoperete�o releaee.ln�ny meener,ths II�011iry <br /> - otNeorlpinelBOnoweranOBOnoxrereeucceawraininteras4Lenderefi61lna16orequurAtoeommartapract8dirtpela�l0:! � � -°� - � - <br /> ����� euch6ucooneaorreNaeNOxienGtlmetorpeymentmofharxrlaemodlryemoN=ellonoflhesum�eeCUredDythle0eadofTruU <br /> Dy reefon ot rny dem�n0e mede by Ne orymel 8onowar end Barowore aucceaeore In Intarea[ <br /> .a,�. (D)L�ndd�Paw�w.VYllhout eHeotinp t�e Iiablliry of any Wwr pereon ilabla for�he Dayment ol eny obllpatlon hareln <br /> = manlioned,sndwithoutetteotlnpflwtlonorcharpaolthlaDOadMTmetuponnnyporNOnolNepropenynotthenmthere�olore ._...., _._.. <br /> �— rNaneedea�eouriryfortheNtlemountolellunpebobligeUOns,lsn0ermoy,lromtlmatotlmaenAwiNOUtnOtloe�relea6eeny _ .� . <br /> "" peraonoollade,(I1)exteMthemalurlryorelle�enyofthetermeolenyeuchobllgotlona,fnqprantolherinAulgenoa�,Ovlrelenea <br />-.,��j or raoonv0y,a aeuae to bo rel8aaed or reconvayad 8t eny tlme et Lentlar'e oD��on any percal,poNon or ell of Ne proparty, _ <br /> =:±�`�1 M�ke or ra�eaee eny oAer or eaditlonel eaoudry tor eny obngaeon harem mantlonaa,or(v�make wmposldone a othar _ _ <br />';^.�Y� nrtangemenU wNh deDton In relatlon Narelo. �=°� _� <br /> -._;a (o)Forburtnol Cy l�nd�r Not�Wdrn.Any forbeeranca tr/Lender In exarcleing eny dght or remady heraundo�,o� ..�. � <br /> :. oNOrwlae ntlaCad by epD���ae kw,sha�l not 6e a wehrer ol a preoluda Na ezerolse ol eny euoh tlghl or ramedy.Tha R - ___ <br /> prCOUramentof Inau�8nC9 orNe paymantol tBxai or othar Ilena orcherpae by LanAe�shall not 60 e weive�of lendere Apht to <br /> ,K�� accalerate the maNdry ol Na IndeblaAnesa eewrad Dy NU Daed of Trust. — <br /> _� (�Buaanon end Aqlpn�Bound;Jolnt end 8evaral LlebAlyi Gpllon�.The covenente and agraamante haraln wn• �,t� _ _ <br /> �afr�� telnad e�ali dnA,entl tha dgh4 hereunEer ehell Inure to.Ne refpectNe succeesore nnA esalgna ol LenEer end Truelor.All - ___. <br /> _;;z,. coveneMe an0 eg�eamenu ol huawr ehell ba�olnt end eaverel.TAe oaptlona enE neading�ot Na peregrapha ol thla DeeA ol ��r+ . - <br /> Trust ere lor cohveNenca onty end are not to ba weA to interprel or AeMa Ne proNalone hereol. ° <br /> ,L�� (e) RequeetlarNOAU�.ThepiNeahereDyreQUastlhetecopyofenynoticeoldefaultnereunderendocoDYota�rynotice �;,�ta�'rt _— <br /> s�_;A of eele hereund8r ba malled b eaeh party b�hia Deed ol Truat tl the eddreea eet toM abova 1n tha menner preacdEeC by �,�fi __ _ <br /> � t ,� appliceble lew.Except tor any other notice requiro0 under appliuble lew to be OWen In ano�her manner,eny notice providad zy��r5 " <br /> torinNlsDeetlofTruetshellDeBlvenUymallin8suohnodcebyuNfleAmeileEAreeeedtoNeolherpaNa&atthentl0reaaset , S ._ <br /> �s �� IoM eCOVe.My notice prwided lor in�hia Deetl ol Tmat ahell be eHectiva�pon mailin8 In tha manner Aeaignale0 �T,�r - " <br /> ,�+"s� TNlbr le maB fhen On6 pBfwn,noOCe 68nt to the edtlreee 88I forlh ebovB Bheli be no11cB to ell BUCh p8re0ne. �t r f� '��y�_,t,.�. <br /> -1 (Q In�patlon.Landar mey make a ceuae to ba maAe reeaonable entdea upon antl Inapeclions ot the Properry,prorldeA ,Fy.�}rr? <br /> {�ti� that Lendar eAall gNe Truator notiee pdor lo any euch Inepeetlon epeeiying reaeoneble eause therebr relate0 to LenOer'a s 7i c_. — <br /> -_ rx Inlereat in the Property. r �1,i�-� "' � <br /> (qJR�oonv�yanca.Uponpaymentotellauma�eeuredbyNleDeotlolTmetLendarehallrequeatTrusleetoreconreythe �c ���},Y�'� <br /> ��t� TN6��ehe�Beomey Ne Proe e�w�oul war en�I�and without cher ae o�t�e peraonuortl Breon6�a11'enUtl A N8�0t0. �y'��f'�t� f> �°: <br /> P MY b e P 09 Y ��GSC�1t,�r <br />��:;�r� Truaw�eean pey en oosu ot reoomanon.u eny. ti',.�j�>,.. <br /> i�: (h) P�rson�l Ploperly;S�audry Ayreem�nt Ae edditlonel�ecuNy tor�he payment ot the No1a Tru+tor hereqr grenla f''9�j`:•�},�"° "_ <br /> - F�� LenaerunderlheNabfaekeUnllormCOmmerelelCadeaeecuHyinlereatlnallnxlure9.eqv�pm6ntanaolheroarBOnalpropBAy ' {cy-�;�n,� - <br /> `� ueedlnconnecllonwithmorealea�eteorfm0�ovementelocatetlHereon.enOnotomerwiaeaeueredordeemadiobeaynYul , �,-=- -- <br /> f -,� the reel eatete eeCUretl hBre6y.Thb in6lrument 6he11 be Wnetrue0 as 8 Securiry Apreement untler aelA Code.end Iha Lentler y b �`:� '*" <br /> �-.�;{ BnAaaordedih9l nderpu6uanllotlhleDeetlrotTruaYprovlUe0lhetLentlere'aalyhla,a dremediesunCerthl per988p�sheil r'!.�'`r,���?'s�lS!�- <br /> t be cumulathro with,entl in no way e Ilmilalion on.4endefa rigNe end remeAiea unAer any other tocurlry epreomeM 819ned by ���q�1��n <br /> z.� BOrtowBrOrhUetOr. <br /> �iq+- LIfMlnd EOOUmbfinNf.TrUelOf here6y werrenl9 entl repiesenle Ihet Nere ie nodefBWt undBrthe provialone of eny � �i�'•� x+�t �{µ� <br /> : � (� <br /> mortgage,doeC of Wet,leaae or parc�ese canhuet desenbing eY or any pen ol me Property,or oth8t ContreCt,inetrument ot '� � t A��'r ' +'e-t�- <br /> ?}�y;� agreement wne111Wn8 a Ilen or anevmbrence egeinat ail or eny part ol�he Property(eolleetirely."Lienay,exlaWg ea of the + -�4 �a�,��-- <br /> tlete ol thla Deed of Trust end that eny end all ezlaNng Liena remein unmodifietl ezcept es tlWClosetl�o Lentler in Tmetors - '�`}r,�<��$+_ <br /> � �;� wdtten Alsalo7vre o1 Ilena end eneumbrdneea provlded br herein. Tmntor a�a11 tlmely peAprm ell 01 Truetor'e oblipetlona, �'_ � r - <br />' -�- - ,� covenenle,�eptesentellonaanAwenenllesundarenyendellexitltlngandluWreLiens,eha�IprompltylomarO�cLendercOplee �}�_�; :�£4� r : <br /> . . 0/all nOtice!of Celault eent in connecllon with any entl all exisWg or iWUre Llens,enA aha�l not wlth0ut Lentler'D pMa wdttBn �� . t.{ �i�;F' <br /> t�_;� oonaent In airy manner motlly the D��'�siona ot or allow eny luwro aEVancea under any exiatlng or tulure Liena „ , � ,, � <br /> p) AppOeeNOnolPaymenU.Unleeaolherwise�eqWreAbylaw.eumapaitltoLenAerhereun0er.inWudingwilhoutlimiletion * �;�S (; Si '�' <br />` i!Y�.,."? V Oe P � ��y•.` �+':.'.r=.-: <br /> paymenW ol dnel I en0 Intereat Inaurenee roeaed�.eontlemnetion proeeetla end renta and proRls,ehall be epplied by � <br /> -i �� LenAenotheamoumetlueendowingiromhuatorenOBOrrowednauchorCeraeLenEerinNSaolediscrellontleemedeiirable. + - �� yf Yn <br /> - ` (la BevlreClllly.11 eny qovlB�On OI tM9 Oeetl of Tmal coMitlB wit�eppliCable lew or Ie deCie�ed�nvellO or othBtxribB �� -it; � � ��. <br /> �^�•^� unenlorceable,such conlliet or irnalidity shall no1 ellect I�e oNer prrnieonn of this�eed of Vust or Na Nota w�leh ean be ti� ;y.S ,�� ��� ;`. <br />- � r.•y . f(,.,.:..,;.� y � d___ <br /> �n��� glvaneilBCtwlthouqhBton111cUngD�ovision.endlolhl8endtheqOVlabnso11h16D8eAOtTmetenCNeNOteeredeeleretltobe 1� �_;_ „`3.� �,..;._ <br /> �. severahla c 3 ' ..�,..e 1i � <br /> '?� p1Tlmu.Thelerms"TruSloPanG"BOrrower"BhellincluA86othaingulerenApluml.enAwhentheTrualorentlBOrrower E �l, •:;���>>L .__. <br /> 'F ere ihe eBme peteon(e),NOCBIe�mB ee usetl in Ihiy DeeA ot T�u31 ahall�9 intetchenpBeEle. E S " -' '' ` � -. <br /> i -�� (m) QOYeminp LeW.TMS Deed ot Truat ehall be 8orerned Ihe lewa oi N8 Stele ol Nebra9ke. �q'+� -_`'��3, ( <br /> 4untor hef executed fhW Deetl ol7rusl ee ol�ne Oete w�itlen abov ( _; `�f 4r - <br /> � � ,"i `' . r7 � i� <br /> i <br /> RDR P RTN RSHIP IIus�or � ._ <br /> F �' �.� ! ! <br /> ,. ; <br /> -;.-� :: <br /> Ttuslor ie- '..'a :: . - <br /> ^"y;l v . <br /> ',i,� <br /> •'iR��a�' <br /> ��: <br /> i:.,� <br /> 14 <br /> ':�:�.� <br /> :'rt_4=". <br /> :'�'�� <br /> �'s::�, <br />_��-'k�'1. <br /> .::'�'•:�4t F <br />.._" ' _._. ___ _ . I'.`.�_ _ __ � <br />