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H� <br /> "� ` _ __. <br /> S <br /> ACKNOWL@DOHMENT OP DBED OP TR!!8T g3_ aa�oa <br /> -- T�UBTQ�i�i�dTH188EFOBB810NIN0: — <br /> -' � TrusWf�OGe�1�q9�tlletNeA00umentfhelTiustarl�s6opttooxaoNpb4Dee0olTru�t�nOnotamortp�ye�ndNatN�power ------ <br /> .� o1a�19p�ovld00tortntlieD4e0o1TruetDroWOae�uDStentlaltydl8erentrlyMeenOOEllpitlon�tairuatorthanemo�OepelnNeevent <br /> ofeA6fauIlA�Dro60DotOb11 lNOnUnCa�IheOeedofT�utt,InoludmQ,butnotNmltadl0.NeLander'edpAtlohtvaiheP�ap6Ry6oid -� � - � <br /> 'r`�:� 0�yI�a Tiuetee r�NUN eny�utllolel prxee0lnp.Trustor rapraeant�anC wartanu tnet tnlo aoknowledpement wae oxeoutad by � _ <br /> -- 11U►�Or�ltOre tl10 eX00WOn ol N!OEOtl ol TfulL . -- <br />.,;i5,� _� _ <br /> � RDA P T� QBHIPLUator --W _ <br /> r-' {� � � <br /> Truator �-��y� <br /> `�,;, . �`,�',x,�"'" :�m:. <br /> x- 0@ED OF TRUBT WITH FUTURE ADVANCE6 �� hkj��'� ' <br /> r—� . :���- <br /> ',j - <br /> � - � TH18 DBED OF THUBT,le made ee ol Ne�_day ol MeY .18 93 by and nmong ��b - y s-. <br /> �-`' NeTruebr, RDA PARTNBRSHIP sf�l;sG3,y, • <br /> 15��� 422 S dUNBARABL ROAD GRAND I9LAN 68801 � iiu� - - <br /> ->�-° whoae meiling atlardae Ie (Rer��•Truator,"wna�her one or more� ,�+a1r�,� - - <br /> -�n�: FIVB POINTS BANK ��i?fn k�'�r'_. <br /> `�.� thB TNb�BB, ' " __. <br /> Y. <br /> :_},,�4 whosa meilinp adOreas le p O BOX 1507 6RAND ISLAND NB 68802-1507 merein"Truatee'�,enA t�����-5�f� ° <br /> N1N .�l;.y.t,�'hs _ <br /> ��,: t�eBunellolary, �'I�E POINT9 BANR , '� � z � „ <br /> r, ' P O BOX 1507 aRAND ISGAND NB 68802-1507 °�F''�t� <br /> n�� erein"lenaer' f��.,12 r� : <br /> . whose meiling adOresa la m � '� _.�� <br /> �F �'c�` <br /> '��� FOR VAlUABLE CONSIDEflATION,Including LenCer!exlenalon ol cretlit Iden6fled herein to �'s''j j, �tsi T,�i <br />:_��iti;* RDR PARTN6R9HIP 'F:'+�`'{�'�c'''"`_'�� <br /> \T (herein"BOrrower",whalher one or more)end Il�a Iruet hereln aoateE. ��{t'��� ���,� ; <br /> y�:� Ne receipt ol whi¢h la�ereDy ecknowledged.Tmetor hereby Ircevocabty 9ranta.Lenalere.wnveye end asalgne to Truatee, IN �4+ � .� _ <br /> fr;� TRV9T,WITHPOWENOFBALEtOrNeb8ne11tantleecudryolLeMer,unOermCaub�eeltothetermaendcondilionahereineNer6et 7rv`r+`-,`s - <br /> � �r" IoM,tha real property,daeerroed ae ronowe: ��"yR�t��s ' <br /> E.� <br /> �n�: <br /> .?ri•' LOT 3IX (6) IN JAM80N SUBDIVI9ION TO THB CITY OF GRAND I3LAND� }! ��`--'Ei°a'`'� <br /> '�r+. HALL COUNTY� NBBRASKA. ����#11�,j�4;.= <br /> _tf. <br /> ;;{� ,h.�,�.°.:,r.ft�a7' <br /> ,�•�`��;; Togelher wilh all builtlinge,improvemente,l�xwres,atree�e,alieys,paasegewaya,easemenW,tlghle,pdviiepe�antl eppurte- :���:s-�;•-.,�i;;•„: <br /> .. f_.+ naneea loefll8d Nereon or in emnvise perteining therelo.end 1he renta,isnuea end D�ofi1s.reverelona and remaindere 1�e�eo1,enA �.+- t`.�� 'e� <br /> t llto �..-,. <br /> �� .•� such peroonel pwperry Ihat U etlachetl to the Improvemente ao ae to constilule a Nxlure.IncluEing,but not Iimiled to,heating en0 .} ,1f,��,�,,t � , <br /> ....,�.rr <br /> ..--ds coolln9BqWpmentantllogeNerwithNehomealeatlormadleliMereat&��eny.whichinteree4areherebyrelealedflndweWeO:ell -- .,����t�:�� '= <br /> _;,� ofwMC41nc1utlingrepleCemenUanCadAitlonathereto.leherebytlecleredtobeepertoftherealeateteeeeuredbythelienolihia _ i _��� A�i <br /> �:.��;� Deed ol huat end all ot ihe Ioregoing being re�erre0 to herein ee Ihe"Property". :�5._,;��,-'t'yftY~" <br />.:ry:iy.. ;��: _,M1��; m_{y,... <br /> - Thie Daed of huel eha118ecure(a)Ne payment of ine prinUpel aum and interesl eviCenceE by e promiesory note or credit c ,� � � �: <br /> " MAY 11� 1993 NOVEMBE[t 11, 1993 ,`�� s�+ <br /> v -- flgreement dated .having a maW�iry dele ol . <br /> �r <br /> ��'��: 35,000.00 r ' <br /> r ; in Ne o�iginal principel emomt o15 ,an0 eny entl all moCi�eationa.e�nenelons enC renowela -. �� <br /> _.`,? t�eteol or therelo end eny enO e11 lulure aAvaneea entl reativances lo Borrower(or any ol tnem 11 more t�en ona)hereunder � .?,.;wt.�._- <br /> pureuent to one or more promlasory nolos or credit agreemenW(herein caned'NOte k@)me payment ol oNer eumn eCVeneed by •-cw ', - ?� <br /> LendertoproleetlheeeeudryoilheNOle:(c)IhepetlormanceolancovenantaendeyreemenlsofTruseoroetlon�hereln;anA(�all �I `'Ay� = <br /> `` pra6ant end fuNre IndebleAneaa and obligallona of Borrower(or any ollhem il more then one)to LenOer whelher direct IntlirecL � �y�- s�v k�'�. <br /> �- abaoiule or contlngent end w�elher eriainp by note.gueranry,werdratt or olnerwise.The Nole.thia Deed ol Truet and am end all ,tzti:_?l. : <br /> ;: <br /> olherCauenlsNetaeeurelheNOteorolhe�w�seexecWedinconneetionlherewith,induEmgwilhouUimila�ionguerenteea.seeutlry f � fi '�- <br /> --_.i? egreomenl6 end easipnments of leasoe entl renb.sneil be re�e�reA to nere�n as�ne'loen inetruments". ,��'!�r �r� <br /> � Trualor eovenanW antl egreea with Lender as lollowe: -• '�t. � <br /> � +' 1. PaymeM of InUebtednoe�.All inOebtedneas aecureA heruey ahail De peftl wnen due. ,•:��� <br /> 2.TIUO.huslor le the owner ol Ue Property,hea Ihe npht entl eu��onry to convey fhe ProDerty.anA warrenls�hat Ne Ilen � <br /> erealeE hereby le a firat end pdor lien on Ihe Propery excapt lor liens and encumDrencea aot lonh by Truslor in wr"Ring anU . <br /> '.-�C� ABIlvereE�oLenderb81or8ezeculionollhieDee0olTrual.enOUeexecu4onentlCehveryoflhiaDeet101Tma1tlo83aotvioieteeny [ - <br />� � "" contrflel or olher oblipetlon lo whieh Troaror�e auDJec� �-� � <br /> '`-'3 3. Tan»,AuasemaMa.To pay beiore delinquency au taxea.apecial esseasmems ana en olher cnargec epemet the Proporty � . <br /> � <br /> now or he�eeller I8vIe0. � <br /> 4. Infuraneo.TOkeeplheProperryinsure0ageinstdamagebx��re.haza�demcWdetlwnhmme�erm°ex�entleticorerage".an0 , <br /> ',j ' luch ot�er heznrCa eS LenCer may requlre.In emounls an0 wilh compames ecceptebie lo LenEer,nnmmg LenOOr as an eA0ltional � <br />`- +�j;_ nemM InsutOd.wilh loa!peyeb�0 fo the LenGer.ln case o��on unOer such pohues,lhe LenOer i9 9uthon28tl Io AO/usL colleCt BnE ' <br /> . "' COmD�omi6B,8iICleimalhareundetenOshellhevelhnoD4onolapD�Y��98��orpBrtoll�emeuranteproteeElWloanymtl8bledn863 . <br /> �`"'��; aecur0Eh0�ebyenCineuchortle�eBLentle�mayCeterminepqiolheTruslortobeusetl�ortherepeirorrealoretionoflheProperty <br /> or(iiQ lor eny oiher purpose o�objeCl eatib�ectory to LenGe�withoulaflecLnp ihe hen ol lhie DeeE ol Trusl lor 1�8luil emounl secured <br /> '-'y;�'„ �erBDy 6010re 6uCh peymenl ever IOOk O�ete.Any apphcelion ol prOCe80a 10 mdebl¢OnesS 5hei�not BxlenO or 0o3�OO�8 Ine Eue <br /> - _ dete ol eny DeymenW under Ihe Note.or Cure eny O81BUlI 1�ereun0er Or�e�eunder <br /> 5. EtC�ow.Upon written tlemand Dy LenLer.Tmstor sha�l pay to auch manne�a6 Le�Ger may Aesipnate.sulGaenl <br />�- '��� - m.,nmm�lnlennn.�n�wrn�f�avbaeemaCUOOneo�moraoll�otollowmaf�lall�exa9.AS5ei4menl9anCOlher[tlaraeseae�nsl <br /> .;`f�=:', the ProDarty,(11)�e p�emiums on t�e Droperty ms�rence require0 n8reun0er.en0 pnl ihe premmms on eny mohyege Insurence <br /> reqWreE Dy LenEer. <br /> 8. Malntonanee,flepeln end Compllence with Lewe.Tms�or ehali keep tne ProOerty m gootl con0i�ion entl repa�r,shell <br /> _ ��� prompUy repe�r,or r801aee eny Improvemenl wh¢h may be 09me0eO or 0eatwyeA:sh911 nol cOmmrt or perm�t any weele O� <br /> '-:>;%. dBteHOrellOn ol�110 PropBfly.ahe�l nol temOVe.Oemolie�or suDa�Enlle�ly e�1e�eny o�t�e imprOremenie on 0e Property[6�all noi <br /> �._,.;r commiLnuNerorpermtlanyecllobeAO�einorupont�ePropeftyinvioiauonolenyiew.ordmenco.or�eguiation;enOS�a'�payentl <br /> promp0y Olet�arge el Truator'a cosl enA expe�ae ell liena,encumDrances enA cnergea IeneA,impoaetl or auesse0 agalnst the <br /> _ ;;,;� Properry or eny part Ihereo/. <br /> :-";�;S_ 7. Eminonl Dom�in.Lender ia hereoy aaeignetl e�i compenaeuun,ewards.Oamage!antl olher paymenU or reliel(heremaRer <br /> ��_�� "PrOGBBd!')InCOnnBCOOnwMCOnAemnelionor0111erlekingo11110PrOpY�lyorpprlt110reo1.Or101COnv8y8nC0inli8uoltontlemne- <br />.•:�,L�,�_. tlon.le�der Bhell bo entitleE et ite opGOn b eommence.apDear In and pro68cute in Ite own name eny eetion or procee0mpe.entl <br /> -' '�e�' ahall eleo be entllleE to meke eny eompromlae or eetUemenl in connedlon wilh au[�laking or demnpe.ln I�e event eny portlon ol <br /> " j. '•'.f�`•:{ <br /> � - xacHe>awv.wxo.w�..+o�u ��< <br /> F '. Oi��¢.Maca..wai,..«�•�..�.�w.i..wxa.... <br /> ; <br /> _..(...-. . � . _ <br />