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�����1��W -_i.� .._ - ..,e � _. -� .,' � �i.� 'F/fr-s�/�� 'S � ' -��v Cl'�I_ r.,D _` . ._ ___._ _ _ <br /> � _ _ " ear . 'nxs�`wywcri ir;a�r�+►�+n4�n Gra� e,pL�n°5 rdY.a+�M�tf�f� yfapi�er�o f�6� ` � ' -i- - <br /> ,��YAm, nm�u�.o�n�x�a�+�SSvoQd�naef�.bnayd�torh�ryypE��oir�'+nt�+n'�t�nar+�cvMbvr , . �� — <br /> torh r , <br /> • otAk,rt�l�M1�10 :Jh�f.1�tM�h by W�:.¢waRy fn�Y�l q ls�idM'1'.A�wtlyr IttkN4�8onaxK�M1 Wo � , <br /> Yi MfaAt B BwSawM��. �thi kin iDN?Q�a�h dq�1:hW, kNR a#+ifux#4111�M!b+l a HNxnM1f14 L�i �� � <br /> . T_ ,- - . '"(Or h��0 D�nv(Qe�L�nda WNh�ny•ihtitW NkttMAW�'N'f,tlfJ�1�WAh ffi�'}9�XA44�o1d OY'_N�H9ih NdI�A Is���_- 4: -- <br /> -- - no�-trMea to,- reqe?�.1°vons conxm4i7'ScrtoWi�'��?cw➢+�q•of iF'e Pia�y�M�p�nob�iiddl�9k !!G�ii 8iw[�'at �:_ � . --- - -.. <br /> _ .. Imlryi7,int It on a Iw��hoid� qarawY oAV oomDb N1�01 jh�ProvUtona ot N�la��, 1�BErt .q�oqulr�t tk 1Po� io Shq <br /> - FYc�t�ma k�x�c�tl�a ta Ey:s��qt srap.u�ss!�rce!to 0e mxp!r 4��- - - "--_ . ..- . ... _.. <br /> :M:� �.�totfnHon ot I.rnd�Po R►plits Ie thi►Prop�►y. .H�Md,Vq f�i� lo pMIO}m ih OovMUnN�nd igNm�nU ". <br /> � <br /> oonLNeO 61'1NI� &WtIU'NrNrtna4 a fMn p�kON Wou�9!�!9 tMl nKY�yiNoyatlY�GOt LHiO✓� Aphl�h 1h�Nvgsry ; , <br /> y�� (ouch aa�prooee6ip 4 wnlvuplc%�qaE�ta ta condwmNbn ata(Mw�a�to�ntaa Ywa a r�0uktloml, thrn lUnQr mry ��_-� <br /> :_ do enA p�ry 1or vAuteve�b ntce�ury to protcd tl�e vWe o11he Propeily�ne�edN�ApM�H N�Ropxly. Gndp4 adbnx- - ., �_......:.. . .... ... . .. <br />.._-=—� mq Ndud�PUMO�Y�umb erwro4 Dy a tSn wNO�M� Aodry ova INa BawrAY IneWmenL'�AMuh9 „Qw� D�Yh��,'. <br /> w p AM <br />.'.F, ,,�J raaaxWa�ttomry►'tee�uid mtatng on Ne Propmry to mrke rep�k�.Nrthouy�Landn mry Gic�toflcn undN 16N Dwg+Dh - - ' . <br /> y {(`' 7,la�da don nol Mve to do ea • � <br /> 'y�� My unounte AsDmed by landa undx pua�iph 7 shel beoom0 ad6VOnU daG ol BOrtowa Naxed by W� <br /> BawrNy IneWmenl.Unless Borrawe+ �ntl Lender s�ee to olAa tmn�01 prymen6 Uae unaAU sh�!bau hterett Gpm <br /> _�;>l•,,,k�� tha d�te of msbunanant et the Note rate uW eheA 6e pey+blo,wAh Nlerast. upon noVea Mom Lmda to Bortowa reQueMi�q <br /> � i_-r� ��&Mortyag�Inaurano�.n unaa reqwed mona�Qe m�wmoe �e s candNkn ol mtldnq Ne loen aewrad Cy WY. `-T�--�-�-- . .. <br /> :�:�;,r,f4- Bewdy Inawment Bortaver shd peY tha premlums raPhad to m�hWn Ne malqaga Na�mnee N aMeq.N,fo�ur/raaon,the <br />�-w;;�'y,-;,p�c{= matgeqa Nemanoe eovtaqa mquked by Londtt l�psea a ceeaes to be N artac� Bortowa shal pay the D�me 2puYed lo <br /> �:��`t:�?�j�t, obleN owenpe eu6stantleP�equM�mt to the mortg�ge haumnce D�ay 1n rAect, �t�eosl�ubsWtleb equNiienl ta tha <br />.-;;•sxr,�.f:.�E eost to Barowa ol tAe mortgaqe Ineurenea prevlousy N efied, trom�n ailmule moitg�9a Neura rpproved by Len6a. 11 -�-- <br />�,,;;`,'i=.T;;'���„ subatmWC�l equNaknt mortgege Yuunnee aren90 Is nol avMaW0. Barowa aM9 pty to 4enda aeh monlh�aum ePW 10 - <br />-�'..�'�SS'�'�''�7� onahveMh ol the mort a h�wenee emlum beN 9 <br /> � „ yeeiry geg pr 9 pWd by 8arava whm the Ne�rtee ooven s bpaed or aaeed to <br /> �x+�? 6e In e�ea. Lendawm�wep4 uae and refahi Nese prymenu ae e bw ra+ma in leu of moHpege Inwrance. Wee rwene - ----- <br /> i Y� ,� psym¢nb mey no IanBer be requtad,H the optbn of Lenda.R malqe9e hsuwnce oorm0a Qn No emount and Iw the peAod r" . .--.. <br /> 3t��j�. thet Lmder raqu4es)praidad by m hwrd �pprored by Lende, egeN bxeomw avW61e end b obNNed. BortaxM ehel p�y <br /> .�r i;.;.5?r� the preMuma requYed to melntein moMgega In:urenca N elfect a to porlde a bsn rosrne, unli the requlrement Iw malgaye �`;��,�-n,,,.;." <br /> -""'�=4�`t1` Nsurance ends N eaoMmee wNh oiry wAl�en a�eement behreen 8ortawer and Lmder w�ppllable lew. _ <br />'-'+-<tP?\y�?!� _ _ __ <br /> �< �f��j;i! 9. IIILPlOSI011. LMder or M ngent mey meke reafaMble enNea upon end hlapactlane ol Ne Ropaly. LCndet ehe7 pMe - _.-.� <br /> ��-_s:t� Bortower no9�e al IDe tlme ot or plor ro en InapeCbn epecyMg reasomde cause for Ne InepeWOn. -,.�,�-. <br /> ,.;}-,�ii� 10. Condemnatton.Th�prooaed: ol eny awmd a Uehn for dunegee, dlrea or consequmtlel,In eonnecUOn vAN e�ry t,,,.;t:;;- <br /> ^ n�+; eondermitlon or oNer taldng of eny pM of Ihe RopeAy. a fa eonveyenoe In!eu ol oandamnetlon, are hereby esslyned and �'r --�.. <br /> �"��r`��" shd be pdE to L¢nder. ��`�=-:—. <br /> �tY � In Ne went W a to�el tel6i ol �he Pro pr WP Y � �- <br /> 1+ - ��, y pe'ly, Ne oeeed+ eMA be Iled to the eums �ewred b Nle BeovAly >;-,�->t�� . — <br /> {;i f�y}'.J Ina4umenL whetherar not then dua, wNh any exeeae p�ld to Bortovrrr. In N� event W a pWtl taldng ol iM Property N t�',y.pi --. <br /> � ._ whleh fha tWr muket value of the Property ImmedleteFi 6elore Ne taking Is eqwl to or geetar then Ihe emount ol iho euma _ ,,t,.;;_ __--- <br /> ��,�F�ji, sewred by Ihb 8ecurlry InaWmmt 4imedletey bebre the teMnq,unlesa Borrower end Lender oNenNee a�ee N w'IW9� Ne -- -_ <br /> wW <br /> eums eeared by IMe &aAry InsWment ahN be reduad by tl�e emount ol qe proaeed� mulUpGed by 1he lollowing treWon: `FZ4`'�r�� - <br /> (a)Ihe totel emount of ihe aume�ocured Mmedletely b�bre ihe IWng,AWdad 6y (b)th� fe4 mmke[raNe o11ho Ptope�ty tre �r t q �:. <br /> (Y� � me ie�r m�arse�c��vewe oi u�ie9vr pary Immetlktely bo oire'Ihe 1 Idng U IHOelhBn�118 MW,nI IO}ih�0 96UIIN 68Wltd�IlyM1lOI9�Ny %��;',��1+ i&+d+lY <br /> �-� � bolore Ihe teldn . unlese Bortawer md LenAer olhe�rlbe e ree N vrtXN or unlese epp0eada Yrr olhe'rAae roWdee, tha f{}i', •� ^4tr 1J" �- <br /> p 9 9 D . ��x M �•- <br /> �' i�-- p�oceatle eheG be�pplied to the wme auwred by Ihla 8ewrity InaWmen[whetha or not the eume ere then due. -;��r c;-�+� 7f� ��Fy�,_, <br /> ..•r.,�;:�:�� 11 tha Properry b aWndoned by 9onower. or R, ell¢�no11a by Lendn to Barowr ItWt the eondmnor ottws to meka en .;!.;_r.��t,,���i,`_'_`�- <br /> � ` wrard or eeitla a delm for damegea. BoROwer lalls to �wpond m Lmtlm wllhh 90 Gyi after Ne dete ihe noMa U qNen. ��rE;i,r- >i x�� <br /> + - ' Lender b eulhorizeA to oWeU end eDPN iha prouede, el Ila optbn. Nlher fo reataetlm a repelr ol Ne Roperty a to �!,�+;I.� �� <br /> _ �r.�r Ihe numn sewrod 6y thie BewNly IneWment.whethe�or not then Aue. � -st:p`�rt i �..: <br /> ..,.�-�;�;! Unlese LenAtt end Bortorrer othervAee agroe N wMhy. �m/eppCeation ol proeeed� to P�dGd aheG not azlend or zd' �i ti�` ir �. <br /> -+ � poalpone Ne due Wte ol the monlhy peKnmta re(erted to N pu�preplu 1 antl 2 or chenqe the emount ol auch peymente. -q .;�= � '��r� 1-. <br /> i � <br /> 11.Bonower Not Relaesed; Forbaarance B L¢ndet Not e We�ve�.Ez�ennbn ot t�e 9me la peymem or - �+:'S� },' ` r.� <br /> � � � modiAtetlon o�amaEZatlon ol the sume sewred by ihia Seady Inetmmmt grmled 6y Lmdar to eny weeeeaor N Nlerest ----- ��; � r��iti�x i:_: <br /> .' � ol Bortovrcr eheY nol opaate to rtlease�he Oa6 g . . . <br /> dly ol th�ai Nel Bortower Of BOROWM�6 weaessoro N Intereal. LenEer ehe� ' �; Y�i;�7 �+r ` <br /> ��i -�� not be requ4ed to commmu Waee0fn9e �9einat eny wccessor in NlKOSI or�eluae to alend ame lor paymml or othmHSa :f"i`y s .�y�?� Y-: <br />- momy emo�tlz�uon ot Ne eurtu aewred by tnis Secmity Inswment by rea�on M eny demend mede by the oAglnel t�� ;,,'.�?:;,<t�:,;,'-•� <br /> ' Barower or Bortower's nuaeseon N htttosl My foNeuence by Lender N exerdsNy ury riyM or remedy a1W not be n ;::t� ,�Yt�rir.� <br /> "��{ waker ol or preWde ihe uercbe of eny Nghl or remetly. y .- - -_, <br /> � 72. Sucaassore and Asalgne Uound; Joint and Several Llability; Caslgnere.rne wrenams ene ' �k� •= <br /> egwements o/fhla SecuAry Inatmment aheY bind�ntl benefit lhe wcceewm anE�asigna ol Lendu entl Bonowec wbJeU to Ihe ! '� � ����- - -t'� <br /> ':.,. .. . . _,..-, <br /> - -r''� proM+lonn of pereyaph 17. Bortowtt'a emman�e entl preemmte s1uG be johi enE aerael. My Bortower who co-slyns lhia .- , �`�+,'?.�� ' - <br />- b O fl 7 �Y N 9a9 eY �-I',� '.�:;.i...`. <br />.. Sewri IneWment but does not a�acNe the Nole: a b co�si nh thb Secu InaWm¢nl on to moN e,gmnl and unv ���-., <br /> ,. ' ihat Bonower'a InlMesl N ihe Rope�ly unAer ihe temu ol thie 3ewrdy Inawmm4 @)B not personelly ob�geted to pey ihe I,_- - . ^ <br /> aume aeared Cy Nis Sewrlry InsWmmt: end(c)eyeea Ihet Lmda end erry olher Bonower mey agree to m4end,mo61y. _ <br />- � 1ofDeer or make e�ry aecommodatlons wXh regard to ihe Imrts ol t�U Sewriry InsW mmt or fhe Nob wMout ihel Bonower e � � <br /> ` wnaem. ' <br /> - • � 13. L0811 CI19�e08. 11 IM loen securetl by this Sewrity InsWmml b aubjeci fo e law which aeb medmum ben � <br /> chergw.enE Nel I�w is Maly in�tryreled so ihel ihe InlKesl or olher loen cherqes w0edetl or �o be Collette0 N Connecllon <br /> - - ' wilh 1he ben wceetl t�e DermittM Gmlls.Ihen: (e)my such loen cherge shall be reAuced by the emounl neceaury lo reduce • <br />_ ihe therqa to the permllletl Iimtl: end(6) eny sums e4eady collected hom Bwrower which exceeOeA D��� �s wID <br />. - be reNnded to BortowN. Lendtt mey chooae lo mBke Ihis reluntl by redudng the D�^dPal oweO unOM 1he Note or 6y _ <br />- . _ ' mekhlq a dhetl paymeni lo Bortavec II a relund retluces pnnapai. 1he reEuGion xtll 6e treal2d ee e panial prepeyment _ <br /> wilhout eny prepeymenl charqe under ihe Nole. <br />- � 14. NOtICBB.My notice lo Bortowtt pmdded lot in this Searilr InsimmMt shail be given by GelivCring it a by metiog il - <br />- � - by fual dese mail unleaa epplicade Ww requ@es use ol enolher mM�od T�e nolice sha0 be d'vecled lo Ihe Property Addrns ` <br /> � w eny other eddress Bortower tlesignales by notice to Lender My nolice lo lentltt sMll be qhm by fint dass mai �o -� <br /> ttt 1 maa:a neAr.ea .�fwd�arMn u anv olhn�Edress Lendx desionates bv noYrc to Bonower. Anv no0ce nrmiA¢A lor N <br /> - _ - � � ihb Searity InaWment aMA be deemetl to hare been ghxn to Bortowtt or Lender whm grm es proNded in ihis paregreph. <br /> 1b. Ooveming Lew; SBVB�ebll�ty.This Secmily Inswmmi shell be govtmeG by ieaere� �aw ena the Ww of the <br /> JuMGNbn N whkh the Prop�vry�e buleA. In 1he erml Ihat eny D�ovision or dause ot this Securiy Inswmenl or the <br /> Nole conNtl!vrllh flpplceblB I�w.5uc� conOiU shall no� allecl olher prorisiom ot Ihis SecuNry Insbument or ih¢Nole which <br /> _ - �� cen be gMm ei1M wilhout ihe conlliclhg proNSion. To Iho end��e poNsions ol Ihis Sewn'ty Insbument and Ine Nole orc <br />. � � dederetl lo Da nvaable. <br /> - � 18. BOROwO�'8 COP�I.Bortower sheG be girm one conlo�med copy ol Ne Note anE ol lh0 Security InsWmml <br /> � _,[) � i FU�6UA6 OVH]I Pa9^J c�5 ,�_� <br /> ......- <br /> :' � �I 9J�)2LM <br /> � <br />